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  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    but his hand not being blown off means we don't get the 'crucifixion'
  • Vargas PrimeVargas Prime King of Nothing Just a ShowRegistered User regular
    Please don't tell me Robocop has people hands

    Please let that just be "takin' off my robot hands cuz they're sweaty"
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Balefuego wrote: »
    They've all said the former, but not the latter.

    If he really wanted he could easily have extended the series with a comic book - the Buffy continuation series has been running for 6 years and is still trucking and he's written a number of the issues himself and retains an overseeing role.

    He's done with Firefly, he's said so himself. Enjoy what we have and stop begging him to revisit the past instead of letting him make something new.

    Uh, there was a comic book.
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    Please don't tell me Robocop has people hands

    Please let that just be "takin' off my robot hands cuz they're sweaty"

    unless they CG it out, it appears to be the case
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    I think someone hit the nail on the head when this was announced.

    Robocop is a product of the 80's. Back then robots were invisioned as big, clunky, chunky and slow and Robocop was right in the middle of that.

    Now-a-days we envision robots as inhumanly capable; fast and agile while retaining incredible strength and durability. By all accounts, this new Robocop seems to be a product of this current era of scifi.

    the original robocop was going to have a murphy as flexible as a snake, and he wouldve been able to dance
    the suit was supposed to be aerodynamic and speedy looking

    the suit was too heavy so they changed it
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    Balefuego wrote: »
    They've all said the former, but not the latter.

    If he really wanted he could easily have extended the series with a comic book - the Buffy continuation series has been running for 6 years and is still trucking and he's written a number of the issues himself and retains an overseeing role.

    He's done with Firefly, he's said so himself. Enjoy what we have and stop begging him to revisit the past instead of letting him make something new.

    Uh, there was a comic book.

    There were a few. But no continuation, like what they're doing with Buffy's 8th and 9th seasons.

    But yeah, it's not like he hasn't revisited that setting.
    3DS: 3351-5352-0314
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    I think someone hit the nail on the head when this was announced.

    Robocop is a product of the 80's. Back then robots were invisioned as big, clunky, chunky and slow and Robocop was right in the middle of that.

    Now-a-days we envision robots as inhumanly capable; fast and agile while retaining incredible strength and durability. By all accounts, this new Robocop seems to be a product of this current era of scifi.

    the original robocop was going to have a murphy as flexible as a snake, and he wouldve been able to dance
    the suit was supposed to be aerodynamic and speedy looking

    the suit was too heavy so they changed it

    was... was he going to dance at any point?
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Whedon said very recently if you take everything into account, the show is pretty much gone. He misses it, misses his chance, but Fillion is busy with Castle, the others are scattered in various roles, he's got everything he's working on with Marvel and how his work will tie in with their future projects, and he wants to do Dr. Horrible 2 more than a tv show that ended a decade ago.

    Not to mention when asked about kickstarter with Veronica Mars cited, he mentioned bringing back a grounded television series that focuses on real world situations with the help of crowd sourcing is nowhere near the same scale as tackling the revival of a decade old sci-if show that would still pass by standards these days especially with all of the factors mentioned before.

    It's unrealistic, the show is known more for fans rabidly demanding it come back than what actually happened in it, and it got a second chance already with a pretty okay film. The horse is dead. Let's move on to better and brighter new things.
  • SeriouslySeriously Maarebas Registered User regular
    instead of a space western, a space noir
  • BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    Balefuego wrote: »
    They've all said the former, but not the latter.

    If he really wanted he could easily have extended the series with a comic book - the Buffy continuation series has been running for 6 years and is still trucking and he's written a number of the issues himself and retains an overseeing role.

    He's done with Firefly, he's said so himself. Enjoy what we have and stop begging him to revisit the past instead of letting him make something new.

    Uh, there was a comic book.

    a couple of miniseries, one bridging the show and the movie and one exploring Book's backstory. That's it.

    Buffy had 40 issue "Season 8" series and is a further 23 issues into "Season 9" which also has a spinoff sister book that runs parallel so you could actually call that a further 46 issues.
  • SnowbeatSnowbeat Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.Registered User regular
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    Peter Weller had in the meantime hired Moni Yakim, the head of the Movement Department at Juilliard, to help create an appropriate way for him to move his body while wearing the Robo suit.[15] He and Moni had envisioned Robocop moving like a snake, dancing around and moving very elusively. The suit, however, proved to be too heavy and cumbersome. Instead, at the suggestion of Moni, it was decided that they would slow down RoboCop's movements in order to make them more appealing and plausible.
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Seriously wrote: »
    instead of a space western, a space noir

    Yeah okay let's dance this dance

    Also on the topic of comics, I've been catching up with Waid's Daredevil run

    Holy hell that is one damn fine ongoing
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Hey, look at this from four months ago.
    Cancelled by Fox in 2002 before its first season had even run its course, the sci-fi western Firefly frequently lands on lists of TV shows that fans would love to see resurrected. But more than a decade on, there's obviously no hope Firefly will return. Is there?

    "I'll never really accept it," Whedon said of the end of Firefly, when I spoke to him during his stop in Toronto a while back. "And I always, in the back of my head, think, 'What if I could get the old gang back together?' "

    OK, you've got my attention now. Get the Firefly gang back together? Do go on.

    "Well, you know, it's something I would love to do," Whedon said. He even admits to being a sucker for this sort of punishment: "When I made Serenity (2005's feature film continuation of Firefly's storyline), I said here's one thing I'll never do again -- a movie based on something that some people know about and some people don't, with tons of characters who all know each other and who you have to introduce.

    "And then my second movie was The Avengers."

    Source: http://www.torontosun.com/2013/01/25/joss-whedon-would-love-firefly-to-take-flight

    So, like I said, Joss doesn't seem to be opposed to the idea.

    EDIT: Logistics of ACTUALLY doing it make it unlikely, of course, what with everyone spread to the four winds. But my point was never that it was likely to happen.
    Undead Scottsman on
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Mysst wrote: »
    but his hand not being blown off means we don't get the 'crucifixion'

    one of his hands didn't get blown off in the original either

    one of the techs actually says that they can save it and bob's like nah son cut that shit off
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Snowbeat wrote: »
    can everyone everywhere please stop having this conversation now

    Go find us something shiny to distract us, then. :P

    It's early-mid morning on a Tuesday here in the states, not a whole lot going on.
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    the original robocop design looks like it was designed in the 80s

    do you know why

    because it was a robot designed in the 80s both irl and in the super80s detroit of the movie

    raise your hand if you think a 1980s design would fit with the modern idea of a robot cop
  • SnowbeatSnowbeat Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.Registered User regular
    if a decade of shiny things haven't managed to distract you from this stupid fixation, then I'm not quite sure what I could do
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    kickstarter campaign to relaunch airwolf

    who's with me
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Buttlord wrote: »
    the original robocop design looks like it was designed in the 80s

    do you know why

    because it was a robot designed in the 80s both irl and in the super80s detroit of the movie

    raise your hand if you think a 1980s design would fit with the modern idea of a robot cop

    Well I would but someone was all aboard the "total body prosthesis" train...
  • LTMLTM Registered User regular
    Dex Dynamo wrote: »
    kickstarter campaign to relaunch airwolf

    who's with me

    Man, that theme song.

    And Ernest Borgnine.
  • see317see317 Registered User regular
    Dex Dynamo wrote: »
    kickstarter campaign to relaunch airwolf

    who's with me
    Can we have it cross over with Knight Rider?
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    Snowbeat wrote: »
    can everyone everywhere please stop having this conversation now

    now that that's over, let's talk about the robocop redesign
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Better idea, we've talked heaps about who we'd cast as Murdoch/Daredevil but

    Who would you cast as Foggy Nelson?
  • SnowbeatSnowbeat Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.Registered User regular
    Dichotomy wrote: »
    Snowbeat wrote: »
    can everyone everywhere please stop having this conversation now

    now that that's over, let's talk about the robocop redesign

    he looks like the bottom of a sneaker

  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Gatsby wrote: »
    Better idea, we've talked heaps about who we'd cast as Murdoch/Daredevil but

    Who would you cast as Foggy Nelson?

    the fat kid from sandlot
  • BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    Gatsby wrote: »
    Better idea, we've talked heaps about who we'd cast as Murdoch/Daredevil but

    Who would you cast as Foggy Nelson?

    Jon Favreau was a pretty good Foggy
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    Before Avengers released, I recommended that a friend read Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men, because it seemed similar to how he would treat Avengers: They can save the day, but only if they first learn to work together. That was more or less accurate, and it was a great story, which is a plus.

    But I haven't read any Thor, Cap, Hulk, or Avengers to hype myself for their respective movies. I read a little Extremis, but it didn't grab me, and I didn't dig the art.

    Are there any recent-ish trades and standalone stories based on these characters? I don't have the patience for buying an issue once a month or two months or whatever. Also looking for a good Superman story. Oh, and Spider-Man too.

    For reference, some of my favorites are the above mentioned Astonishing X-Men, House of M, Fray, Kingdom Come, Watchmen, and A Serious House on Serious Earth. Those are all stories I was able to pick up and follow without needing a base of knowledge of what happened in a previous story, and that's really appealing.
    3DS: 3351-5352-0314
  • NaphtaliNaphtali Registered User regular



    if only because of its theme song


    Naphtalí SE++ WoW | Steam | B.net Tag: Naphtali#1830 | LoL: El Naphtali | Wish List
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    Renzo wrote: »
    Before Avengers released, I recommended that a friend read Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men, because it seemed similar to how he would treat Avengers: They can save the day, but only if they first learn to work together. That was more or less accurate, and it was a great story, which is a plus.

    But I haven't read any Thor, Cap, Hulk, or Avengers to hype myself for their respective movies. I read a little Extremis, but it didn't grab me, and I didn't dig the art.

    Are there any recent-ish trades and standalone stories based on these characters? I don't have the patience for buying an issue once a month or two months or whatever. Also looking for a good Superman story. Oh, and Spider-Man too.

    For reference, some of my favorites are the above mentioned Astonishing X-Men, House of M, Fray, Kingdom Come, Watchmen, and A Serious House on Serious Earth. Those are all stories I was able to pick up and follow without needing a base of knowledge of what happened in a previous story, and that's really appealing.

    It's still coming out but you should catch up with the current Thor
  • LTMLTM Registered User regular
    Naphtali wins. Thread over.
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    The story of what happened to Airwolf is one of those things you just can't believe exists. Let me see if I can dig up an article.

    Ah, thank you cracked.
    The Show:

    To explain the premise of what is already a pretty baffling show before it decided to lose all its marbles, let's let Wikipedia sum it up:

    The series' protagonist is Stringfellow Hawke (Jan-Michael Vincent), a loner who lives in a cabin in the mountains, only accompanied by his Bluetick Coonhound, "Tet", and the surrounding wildlife. Hawke is a recluse, spending most of his time alone with his priceless collection of paintings, and serenading eagles with his equally priceless Stradivarius cello. His only real friend and mentor is the older, eternally cheerful Dominic Santini (Ernest Borgnine).

    We're sold! When can we tune in? Nothing says "surefire hit" like creepy backwoods loner who "serenades eagles." Who can't relate to that? Isn't there a little recluse schizophrenic in all of us?

    Fortunately, or unfortunately, the main character is actually a helicopter named Airwolf, and everyone else is just along for the ride. A series of incredibly convoluted plot twists occur involving kidnap, espionage, a volcano and Airwolf, the world's greatest fighting machine unless you have stealth-detecting radar and surface-to-air missiles.

    Together, they start running covert ops for a mysterious branch of the CIA called FIRM, and the rest of the series was spent watching Airwolf's crew spend most of their time trying to not run out of plots entirely centered around a helicopter.

    So, What Happened?

    The show became a zombie.

    Airwolf ran successfully on CBS for three seasons before being canceled. Not content with their 24-hour schedule of awful movies and cleavage, the U.S.A. Network decided to pick up the show and make it themselves.

    However, they had a shoestring budget, which is bad news on a TV show based entirely around futuristic helicopter fight scenes. This led the minor problem of not actually having access to the helicopter at all (they no longer owned it). That's right. They were trying to do an Airwolf series without using any shots of Airwolf.

    Thus each episode was carefully constructed from previously aired footage of Airwolf, walking a fine line between hysterically shitty and just plain sad.

    Having "solved" the budget problem of a show starring a multi-million-dollar machine, U.S.A. just had to eliminate the only other major expense: actor's salaries. U.S.A. certainly couldn't afford the veteran cast of Airwolf, which included the high-profile star Ernest Borgnine.

    There of course was only one solution: HELICOPTER EXPLOSION:

    Borgnine's character, played by Borgnine's stunt double, is conspicuously seen only from behind:

    ...and then dies in the way he knew he always would: in a grainy, poorly-edited stock footage explosion.

    They were able to afford to get a couple of minutes of Jan-Michael Vincent, so he was only injured in the explosion. Still, his Airwolfing days were over.

    Airwolf was canceled at the end of the first season, though they were probably long out of old Airwolf footage anyway and were on the verge of flinging a toy helicopter through the air with a slingshot. In retrospect, the entire U.S.A. Network should probably have been canceled with it.

    Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article/242_6-tv-shows-that-completely-lost-their-shit_p2/#ixzz2THghWn4J
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    The only space cowboy I really have time for is Sparks Nevada, Marshal of Mars.

    He's from Earth.

    What about Spike Speigel?
    Balefuego wrote: »
    i really hate the sense of entitlement people seem to have with television

    just irks me something fierce

    Just out of curiosity, what specifically are you referring to as entitlement?

    Well the inherent assumption that Joss or any of the other people associated with Firefly would have any interest at all in revisiting it after a decade and when they've all gone off to do other far more lucrative things.

    And it's not even like a Veronica Mars type situation, Firefly already had it's movie! It got an ending!

    You realize someone else could take over, right? There are plenty of talented people from Mutant Enemy who could make it work.
    Balefuego wrote: »
    They've all said the former, but not the latter.

    If he really wanted he could easily have extended the series with a comic book - the Buffy continuation series has been running for 6 years and is still trucking and he's written a number of the issues himself and retains an overseeing role.

    He's done with Firefly, he's said so himself. Enjoy what we have and stop begging him to revisit the past instead of letting him make something new.

    Whedon has. He's published a few mini-series.
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Renzo wrote: »
    Before Avengers released, I recommended that a friend read Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men, because it seemed similar to how he would treat Avengers: They can save the day, but only if they first learn to work together. That was more or less accurate, and it was a great story, which is a plus.

    But I haven't read any Thor, Cap, Hulk, or Avengers to hype myself for their respective movies. I read a little Extremis, but it didn't grab me, and I didn't dig the art.

    Are there any recent-ish trades and standalone stories based on these characters? I don't have the patience for buying an issue once a month or two months or whatever. Also looking for a good Superman story. Oh, and Spider-Man too.

    For reference, some of my favorites are the above mentioned Astonishing X-Men, House of M, Fray, Kingdom Come, Watchmen, and A Serious House on Serious Earth. Those are all stories I was able to pick up and follow without needing a base of knowledge of what happened in a previous story, and that's really appealing.



  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    dc put out a catalog of trades to get people to start reading dc (it won't work)


    last night my boss is like hey buttlord you know comics grab a catalog and make a display of some of the books in it

    first thing i grabbed was all-star superman
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Renzo wrote: »
    Before Avengers released, I recommended that a friend read Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men, because it seemed similar to how he would treat Avengers: They can save the day, but only if they first learn to work together. That was more or less accurate, and it was a great story, which is a plus.

    But I haven't read any Thor, Cap, Hulk, or Avengers to hype myself for their respective movies. I read a little Extremis, but it didn't grab me, and I didn't dig the art.

    Are there any recent-ish trades and standalone stories based on these characters? I don't have the patience for buying an issue once a month or two months or whatever. Also looking for a good Superman story. Oh, and Spider-Man too.

    For reference, some of my favorites are the above mentioned Astonishing X-Men, House of M, Fray, Kingdom Come, Watchmen, and A Serious House on Serious Earth. Those are all stories I was able to pick up and follow without needing a base of knowledge of what happened in a previous story, and that's really appealing.

    Read Waid and Brubaker's runs on Cap, JMS Thor, Busiek's Avengers (Hickman's Avengers is supposed to be good, too), All Star Superman, Superman: Birthright, Busiek's Iron Man and Fraction's Invincible Iron Man.
    Harry Dresden on
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    read thor god of thunder
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Hickman's Avengers is still a work in progress, so you'll be waiting awhile to get the whole story. :D
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