Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
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[Dota 2] Yep, still in beta.



  • TehSpectreTehSpectre Wrath Registered User regular
    Wish I knew about that rare item.

    I've learned that valve's economy benefits me greatly.

    I already traded stuff from TF2 for various games and spent the equivalent of $10 for day one Bioshock: Infinite because of a DOTA 2 weapon.

    Those 500 items are already worth more than $10.
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Sparvy wrote: »
    It isn't even nearly as big of an issue as people make it out to be anyway.
    but, the unwashed masses of foreigners!
    P10 on
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    I dunno when you're playing on a US server and 9 people report you for speaking english and you get auto-muted as a result of that there is a problem
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    The auto muting on reports is pretty fucking stupid.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    3clipse wrote: »
    I dunno when you're playing on a US server and 9 people report you for speaking english and you get auto-muted as a result of that there is a problem
    Sicarii wrote: »
    My story is more about playing with idiots than about language settings. I haven't had a huge problem communicating with Spanish only teammates in the past. It was more the fact that I got teamed with 4 toolbags that didn't know how to play and then got the other team to join in on trolling me on the basis of shared camaraderie
    also rofl at bringing up US servers because it's not like those servers service any spanish speakers...
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    My biggest issues when playing the game are lag and communication.

    If I have teammates or opponents lagging, d/cing, etc. it's just not a fun time. That has nothing to do with location though. I've been playing with people in the same geographic area as me and there internet is eating shit. Yeah it's a bummer if people from across the globe are queuing up with their higher pings... but honestly I've never pulled off any TI2 looking plays in my games (and I play in high/very-high) so I doubt that extra 100-150 ms ping is really a big deal.

    As far as communication goes. So many people don't speak at all that who knows how many even speak my language. The ones that obviously have english as not their first language... shit most of those guys/girls speak better english than the jack holes I normally get to listen to on their mics

    Shitty 4-stacks that report people happen. Happened to my friend yesterday and they were speaking english :/

    So my biggest issues of lag and communication don't really matter in most of my MM experiences. I guess I go into games with a different expectation. If I want a higher-caliber game I'll get a 5 stack or do a 10 man in house.
    king awesome on
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    3clipse wrote: »
    I dunno when you're playing on a US server and 9 people report you for speaking english and you get auto-muted as a result of that there is a problem
    Sicarii wrote: »
    My story is more about playing with idiots than about language settings. I haven't had a huge problem communicating with Spanish only teammates in the past. It was more the fact that I got teamed with 4 toolbags that didn't know how to play and then got the other team to join in on trolling me on the basis of shared camaraderie
    also rofl at bringing up US servers because it's not like those servers service any spanish speakers...

    No, I get that, and I give 0 shits if people don't speak english. But reporting people for not speaking the language such that they get auto muted is fucking retarded.
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    The current mute system is problematic. VERY easy for a 3-4 stack to just grief people.
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    re: 3clipse- you are the one assuming the reason they wanted to report him was because he didn't speak spanish
    P10 on
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    No I just mean it's easy for ANYONE to grief for ANY reason. And global mutin people is a bummer. If people are being assholes I can mute them if I want. But even assholes have important things to say sometimes... like "stun this guy" or "mid miss"
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    re: 3clipse- you are the one assuming the reason they wanted to report him was because he didn't speak spanish

    Isn't that precisely the story he told us? That they were making fun of him and griefing him for speaking english?
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    So question to very-high players. I'm trying to improve my play and I play in high and about 20% of the time go up in to very-high. It's ver obvious when I'm in a very-high game as people just play much tighter, more aggressive, more wards, etc..

    I feel totally fine in very-high as offlane, support, or safe lane carry. I can't mid for shit in very-high. In high I do great, but in very-high I just get shut the fuck down. What are some good tips etc... or becoming a better mid player?
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    3clipse wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    re: 3clipse- you are the one assuming the reason they wanted to report him was because he didn't speak spanish

    Isn't that precisely the story he told us? That they were making fun of him and griefing him for speaking english?
    No. They were being douchebags to him and happened to all speak Spanish. If you are assuming the reason they were being douchebags was because he didn't speak Spanish that's your own biases

    /e: be good at last hitting, play good mid heroes. control runes, call out/ping where the rune is if you can't get it. abuse bottlecrowing.
    who wins mid is often determined by the supports though
    P10 on
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    Well, I've been explicitly abused for not speaking spanish before.

    It wouldn't be without precedent.
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    who wins mid is often determined by the supports though

    Really? Seems like it's all about farm in pro games. Well..and obviously playing to your hero's strengths/exploiting the enemy mid's weaknesses.
  • milskimilski Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    So question to very-high players. I'm trying to improve my play and I play in high and about 20% of the time go up in to very-high. It's ver obvious when I'm in a very-high game as people just play much tighter, more aggressive, more wards, etc..

    I feel totally fine in very-high as offlane, support, or safe lane carry. I can't mid for shit in very-high. In high I do great, but in very-high I just get shut the fuck down. What are some good tips etc... or becoming a better mid player?

    FYI figuring out whether you're in high or V. high *shouldn't* be obvious, because it's basically a continuous spectrum. Meaningful difference between the high end of high and the low end of very high is nearly nonexistant, and being able to "tell" what you're in is most likely a placebo effect.

    Regardless, as mid: take good mid heroes, harass appropriately (if you've got more regen, harass aggressively, even for even trades; if you have less, do so only when it's not going to hurt you), control the runes if you can and if you know you can't, shove the lane so hard that they miss a wave to the tower if they want to grab the rune, call missing, and if you have a decent ganker, aggressively gank a sidelane of your choosing. EDIT: Also, knowing the matchup is fairly important, and so is punishing the opponent for drawing creep aggro (ex: you're being autoattacked as Invoker mid. Cold snap them and laugh as they take absurd damage, especially if they don't attack order their creeps to lose aggro).
    milski on
    Steam ID: Milski
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    who wins mid is often determined by the supports though

    Really? Seems like it's all about farm in pro games. Well..and obviously playing to your hero's strengths/exploiting the enemy mid's weaknesses.

    Yeah but with mid, even 1 creep wave can give you a huge advantage. So a support coming in to gank and provide pressure can be huge. Even if no kill is made. Just pressuring them out for 20-40 seconds can be HUGE depending on the skill level.
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    milski wrote: »
    So question to very-high players. I'm trying to improve my play and I play in high and about 20% of the time go up in to very-high. It's ver obvious when I'm in a very-high game as people just play much tighter, more aggressive, more wards, etc..

    I feel totally fine in very-high as offlane, support, or safe lane carry. I can't mid for shit in very-high. In high I do great, but in very-high I just get shut the fuck down. What are some good tips etc... or becoming a better mid player?

    FYI figuring out whether you're in high or V. high *shouldn't* be obvious, because it's basically a continuous spectrum. Meaningful difference between the high end of high and the low end of very high is nearly nonexistant, and being able to "tell" what you're in is most likely a placebo effect.

    Regardless, as mid: take good mid heroes, harass appropriately (if you've got more regen, harass aggressively, even for even trades; if you have less, do so only when it's not going to hurt you), control the runes if you can and if you know you can't, shove the lane so hard that they miss a wave to the tower if they want to grab the rune, call missing, and if you have a decent ganker, aggressively gank a sidelane of your choosing. EDIT: Also, knowing the matchup is fairly important, and so is punishing the opponent for drawing creep aggro (ex: you're being autoattacked as Invoker mid. Cold snap them and laugh as they take absurd damage, especially if they don't attack order their creeps to lose aggro).

    It totally could be placebo, but it's usually related to aggression and punishing mistakes. Games that I feel like are very high and I go and check afterwards, and they indeed are usually have people punishing mistakes hard. Where as when I'm playing high I feel like I can get away with WAY more mistakes and when I try and punish, my team doesn't follow up.

    Example being playing CM (fucking love her) as a lane support. If I see one of them step to far forward and take creep agro, boom cold snap. In VHigh my lane mate will INSTANTLY go on them with me. Where as in High most of the time they just kind of hang back and then like 2 seconds later you can see the light bulb go off and they come up.

    Now sometimes it's better for them to keep farming, but I'm talking specifically situations where the other guy has a stun/slow and should be jumping on them with me.

    Just lots of little things, that after a game I say "that felt like a VHigh" and I check it and it was.
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    As mid I feel like I get paralyzed not knowing what to do at certain times. Should I be farming right now? Pushing? Going for a gank? And it's like, you slip 1 or 2 levels behind as mid and it kinda goes down hill from there.
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • valiancevaliance Registered User regular
    TheGerbil wrote: »
    Peewi wrote: »
    TheGerbil wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    the idea of reporting someone for not speaking english is ridiculous and laughable

    Its more if you pick to play in the english language queue and don't speak it that he has a problem with.

    Unfortunately that completely screws over anyone that doesn't speak English, Russian or Chinese.

    Oh I agree in that regard. I was just referring to what total biscuit and the others are saying, the game would definitely need more language options IF it were to go that route.

    If they're going to do language queues at all, Spanish and Portuguese seem like pretty big omissions. At least in my experience if they added one or both that should take a huge amount of the non-English speakers out of the English-only queue. I also don't think 4 or 5 languages is excessive if they're going to do it at all.

    That said, I think the problem isn't so much inability to communicate, since only a very minimal amount of communication is necessary in pubs. It's more that the kind of person who actively eschews communication by queuing for a language they know they can't understand is more likely to be an asshole. Or maybe people are more likely to be assholes to non-English speakers. Not sure what it is, but games with non-English speakers tend to go bad really, really fast.
  • Corp.ShephardCorp.Shephard Registered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    who wins mid is often determined by the supports though

    Really? Seems like it's all about farm in pro games. Well..and obviously playing to your hero's strengths/exploiting the enemy mid's weaknesses.

    Yeah but with mid, even 1 creep wave can give you a huge advantage. So a support coming in to gank and provide pressure can be huge. Even if no kill is made. Just pressuring them out for 20-40 seconds can be HUGE depending on the skill level.

    Most certainly. The runes play a huge part in who wins mid. Supports who steal or ambush at runes can make a huge difference as well.

    Mid does suck like that. What you need to be doing in any given mintue is so dependent on the heroes and the composition and what role you need to play.

  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    Well specifically if I'm winning or breaking even mid I look at a side lane and if they are losing or need help maybe I go for a gank. Welp the enemy had wards so they just back off. Ok well now the other mid just got 1-2 waves free that I missed out on.

    So I just gave up a huge advantage for nothing, and the side lane should just play safer and let me continue pushing my advantage mid. But then if I stay mid and sidelane keeps getting punished (even if that's maybe their own fault) I feel like as a mid, I should be helping with that and not just sitting mid farming.
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • BlazeFireBlazeFire Registered User regular
    milski wrote: »
    So question to very-high players. I'm trying to improve my play and I play in high and about 20% of the time go up in to very-high. It's ver obvious when I'm in a very-high game as people just play much tighter, more aggressive, more wards, etc..

    I feel totally fine in very-high as offlane, support, or safe lane carry. I can't mid for shit in very-high. In high I do great, but in very-high I just get shut the fuck down. What are some good tips etc... or becoming a better mid player?

    FYI figuring out whether you're in high or V. high *shouldn't* be obvious, because it's basically a continuous spectrum. Meaningful difference between the high end of high and the low end of very high is nearly nonexistant, and being able to "tell" what you're in is most likely a placebo effect.

    Regardless, as mid: take good mid heroes, harass appropriately (if you've got more regen, harass aggressively, even for even trades; if you have less, do so only when it's not going to hurt you), control the runes if you can and if you know you can't, shove the lane so hard that they miss a wave to the tower if they want to grab the rune, call missing, and if you have a decent ganker, aggressively gank a sidelane of your choosing. EDIT: Also, knowing the matchup is fairly important, and so is punishing the opponent for drawing creep aggro (ex: you're being autoattacked as Invoker mid. Cold snap them and laugh as they take absurd damage, especially if they don't attack order their creeps to lose aggro).

    I'm newish... can you explain the bolded statement?
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    BlazeFire wrote: »
    milski wrote: »
    So question to very-high players. I'm trying to improve my play and I play in high and about 20% of the time go up in to very-high. It's ver obvious when I'm in a very-high game as people just play much tighter, more aggressive, more wards, etc..

    I feel totally fine in very-high as offlane, support, or safe lane carry. I can't mid for shit in very-high. In high I do great, but in very-high I just get shut the fuck down. What are some good tips etc... or becoming a better mid player?

    FYI figuring out whether you're in high or V. high *shouldn't* be obvious, because it's basically a continuous spectrum. Meaningful difference between the high end of high and the low end of very high is nearly nonexistant, and being able to "tell" what you're in is most likely a placebo effect.

    Regardless, as mid: take good mid heroes, harass appropriately (if you've got more regen, harass aggressively, even for even trades; if you have less, do so only when it's not going to hurt you), control the runes if you can and if you know you can't, shove the lane so hard that they miss a wave to the tower if they want to grab the rune, call missing, and if you have a decent ganker, aggressively gank a sidelane of your choosing. EDIT: Also, knowing the matchup is fairly important, and so is punishing the opponent for drawing creep aggro (ex: you're being autoattacked as Invoker mid. Cold snap them and laugh as they take absurd damage, especially if they don't attack order their creeps to lose aggro).

    I'm newish... can you explain the bolded statement?

    So lets say you attack the enemy or even just right click the enemy and then stop before the attack. If you are close enough to the enemy creep wave, they will start attacking you. If you issue an attack command (hit a, click a friendly unit) you will shed the agro. Same way you get a tower to stop attacking you.

    EDIT: This is why having an early orb attack (Viper's poison, drow's frost arrows) can be awesome for early harras. If you are manually casing those spells (hit hotkey, click enemy) it will NOT draw creep agro. You can walk right past their creep line and fire on them over and over with that orb and not draw agro.

    But yeah, dropping that agro is really good to learn as a lane support. Like lets say you are CM or Veno. You want to go in for a kill or just harass out. You throw out a spell and start autoing. Oh look, the entire creep wave is hitting you. Guess what, as a low level support, you are now taking a surprisingly large amount of damage JUST from the creeps. Even if the engagement is in your favor, if you don't drop that agro quickly what could have been an easy kill could be a trade because the enemy just decides to turn around and take you out (since you are at like 1/2 hp now) before they die.
    king awesome on
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • milskimilski Registered User regular
    Basically what King said. You don't need to actually attack the creep (you can easily do it on creeps at 500 HP), and if your attacking a creep still leaves you the prime aggro target (nothing else is in range at all, basically), you'll keep aggro, so it sheds aggro easily. However, I'm not actually sure when it drops aggro; I don't know if you have to rotate to the creep or something, since I'm pretty sure you can't do it during the duration of a stun.
    Steam ID: Milski
  • BlazeFireBlazeFire Registered User regular
    Ah, I didn't know you could shed it so easily. I'll have to try that out.

    I also learned about bottle crowing today.
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    milski wrote: »
    Basically what King said. You don't need to actually attack the creep (you can easily do it on creeps at 500 HP), and if your attacking a creep still leaves you the prime aggro target (nothing else is in range at all, basically), you'll keep aggro, so it sheds aggro easily. However, I'm not actually sure when it drops aggro; I don't know if you have to rotate to the creep or something, since I'm pretty sure you can't do it during the duration of a stun.

    I'm pretty sure you just need to do the attack command. As in, if you are quick enough you'll only interrupt what you are doing for like 1/2 a second. Depending on how slow your turn is, you may not even really turn away from the other guy if it's mid fight. I DON'T think you can do it while stunned/incapacitated though. That's why if someone gets creep agro, immediately stunning them can really fuck them up during the early laning phase.

    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    who wins mid is often determined by the supports though

    Really? Seems like it's all about farm in pro games. Well..and obviously playing to your hero's strengths/exploiting the enemy mid's weaknesses.
    well, i was talking pub games, not pro games. a successful support gank usually swings the lane (and you start running the risk of smoke ganks and shit like that)
    but even in v.high a support camping the rune for the mid is a huge swing. and then you run into situations where they have wards and you don't, their courier is upped before yours, etc.

    /e: also mid manages to simultaneously be the most/least skill dependent matchup. rune luck is bullshit and can turn a lane you were handily winning into a big loss
    P10 on
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    Yeah, as I swing between VHigh/High or as I play with friends of lower MMR and get pulled down while playing with them the biggest thing is just how much more effective little things are. The higher the skill level the more people will take advantage of and capitalize on the smallest things, and take that inch and turn it into a foot.
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    rune luck is bullshit and can turn a lane you were handily winning into a big loss

    Clearly the solution is for identical runes to spawn at both locations every 2 minutes in a set pattern.
  • milskimilski Registered User regular
    Speaking of runes, why is illusion considered such a good rune? I get that it has scouting effects, but people say it's basically a won lane if you get one, while I feel like DD and haste win the lane a lot better than illusion will (and Regen instantly un-loses a lane).
    Steam ID: Milski
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    I know if I get an illusion I'm not going to be missing any last hits or denies while they are up. If you have all 3 units attack at the same time you. What is it? 35% damage?

    So lets say I'm at like 70 damage. So assuming my attacks are all landing roughly at the same time I'm now doing 115ish damage. I can't miss!

    So now, they lose hits and denies or have to waste time/mana trying to kill my illusions. Which can give them creep agro, and if I'm good at moving around and microing can just fuck them up. Also if they try to do something about it, throw a spell out and have your 3 units attack him at 115ish damage a hit :)
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    milski wrote: »
    Speaking of runes, why is illusion considered such a good rune? I get that it has scouting effects, but people say it's basically a won lane if you get one, while I feel like DD and haste win the lane a lot better than illusion will (and Regen instantly un-loses a lane).
    same reason as DD : you should get all the CS while illusion is up (or the opponent is forced to trade badly to get your illusions down)
    P10 on
  • milskimilski Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Well I mean, that's what I wasn't getting; if you're using it in lane, it's a less powerful DD that can be smacked down, yet I've seen people act as if it's a more guaranteed won lane than a DD. That's what I don't get about it. It's useful, but there are a lot of lanes I can see easily getting rid of it and DD just seems better for pure midlane shenanigans.
    milski on
    Steam ID: Milski
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    Well with illusions, you are getting less damage than a DD, but it's still enough to guarantee the last hits. It's power comes from the fact that it lasts 30 seconds longer than DD, and it gives you a bit of security in creep agro going to them instead of you if you get in a scuffle. The flexibility of using one of them to watch your back/side. And forcing them to waste time/hp/mana cutting down illusions.
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • Disco11Disco11 Registered User regular
    So this was one of the most frustrating games I have played lately


    I was Pugna. Our Nyx never stunned anyone until 35 minutes + into the game and would run from every teamfight even if it we had the numbers advantage. Our alchemist was non stop bitching that I was stealing LH with Neather blast 40+ minutes into the game after he already had Heart & assault Cuirass. I have only been playing for a few months but nothing pisses me off more then people just dithering all the time.

    End bitch post.

    gamertag: Canadianllama
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    You can also use early rune illusions to get some quick jungle farm in the beginning of the lane. Plus they're great for scouting, or baiting out big ticket spells from bad players. If I get one early, I like to send the illusions to other lanes in the most visible way possible, makes for fun ganking opportunities in the lane I'm actually in.

    I've never liked runes. I think they're bad game design, even though I get the idea behind the asymmetric play they add. Bottle kind of fucks that up though, which is the reason I don't really care for bottle either. Though at this point, I don't think you could remove it, as far too many hero's seem balanced around having the item early.

    And before you all dogpile on me, I realize this is an unpopular opinion and I've made my peace with runes and bottles.
    Dark_Side on
  • milskimilski Registered User regular
    Disco11 wrote: »
    So this was one of the most frustrating games I have played lately


    I was Pugna. Our Nyx never stunned anyone until 35 minutes + into the game and would run from every teamfight even if it we had the numbers advantage. Our alchemist was non stop bitching that I was stealing LH with Neather blast 40+ minutes into the game after he already had Heart & assault Cuirass. I have only been playing for a few months but nothing pisses me off more then people just dithering all the time.

    End bitch post.

    You really shouldn't be nether blasting creeps though, since even with two big ticket items, Alch A: gets more gold, B: scales better with items (especially with two big ticket items already), and C: is much worse with less items than Pugna is (since Pugna has good stat growths in Int, which is all that really matters for him, while Alch has bad stat growths in everything as a carry).
    Steam ID: Milski
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    milski wrote: »
    Disco11 wrote: »
    So this was one of the most frustrating games I have played lately


    I was Pugna. Our Nyx never stunned anyone until 35 minutes + into the game and would run from every teamfight even if it we had the numbers advantage. Our alchemist was non stop bitching that I was stealing LH with Neather blast 40+ minutes into the game after he already had Heart & assault Cuirass. I have only been playing for a few months but nothing pisses me off more then people just dithering all the time.

    End bitch post.

    You really shouldn't be nether blasting creeps though, since even with two big ticket items, Alch A: gets more gold, B: scales better with items (especially with two big ticket items already), and C: is much worse with less items than Pugna is (since Pugna has good stat growths in Int, which is all that really matters for him, while Alch has bad stat growths in everything as a carry).

    I dunno, his "stacks paper" stat has a pretty high growth rate.
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    You shouldn't be taking farm from a carry until they have full inventory and gold for buyback.

    Otherwise, go farm somewhere else.
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