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[Dota 2] Yep, still in beta.



  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    milski wrote: »
    Disco11 wrote: »
    So this was one of the most frustrating games I have played lately


    I was Pugna. Our Nyx never stunned anyone until 35 minutes + into the game and would run from every teamfight even if it we had the numbers advantage. Our alchemist was non stop bitching that I was stealing LH with Neather blast 40+ minutes into the game after he already had Heart & assault Cuirass. I have only been playing for a few months but nothing pisses me off more then people just dithering all the time.

    End bitch post.

    You really shouldn't be nether blasting creeps though, since even with two big ticket items, Alch A: gets more gold, B: scales better with items (especially with two big ticket items already), and C: is much worse with less items than Pugna is (since Pugna has good stat growths in Int, which is all that really matters for him, while Alch has bad stat growths in everything as a carry).

    At 40 minutes it probably doesn't matter, as the enemy carries should be online by that point. I mean maybe he's trying to flash farm mjolnir at that point, but bitching at supports blasting creep waves at 40 min. is pretty poor form. Go farm ancients or team push towers if you need more cash.

    Edit: Although if dude politely asks you to leave him waves to farm, you should absolutely do that.
    Dark_Side on
  • PriestPriest Registered User regular
    Is the community here as oppressive as LoL? I played that extensively about 2 years ago, but quit, and can't lower my self-esteem enough in order to reinstall. For some crazy reason, though I don't remember purchasing it, I have this game in my Steam list, but I have a feeling that I'm going to get shat on by four other people all day.
  • Disco11Disco11 Registered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    milski wrote: »
    Disco11 wrote: »
    So this was one of the most frustrating games I have played lately


    I was Pugna. Our Nyx never stunned anyone until 35 minutes + into the game and would run from every teamfight even if it we had the numbers advantage. Our alchemist was non stop bitching that I was stealing LH with Neather blast 40+ minutes into the game after he already had Heart & assault Cuirass. I have only been playing for a few months but nothing pisses me off more then people just dithering all the time.

    End bitch post.

    You really shouldn't be nether blasting creeps though, since even with two big ticket items, Alch A: gets more gold, B: scales better with items (especially with two big ticket items already), and C: is much worse with less items than Pugna is (since Pugna has good stat growths in Int, which is all that really matters for him, while Alch has bad stat growths in everything as a carry).

    At 40 minutes it probably doesn't matter, as the enemy carries should be online by that point. I mean maybe he's trying to flash farm mjolnir at that point, but bitching at supports blasting creep waves at 40 min. is pretty poor form. Go farm ancients or team push towers if you need more cash.

    Edit: Although if dude politely asks you to leave him waves to farm, you should absolutely do that.

    I was trying to push towers. Serious question though, If we are trying to push a T2 tower after a teamfight that took out a few of the other team, should we not being doing it as quick as possible? Neather blast hurts towers. I usually wait until their creep wave rolls up on it and hit them with a blast.

    Is that stealing farm? Sorry if this sounds snarky.

    gamertag: Canadianllama
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    If you're actively pushing a tower after a fight, no, he's just being an anus.

    You shouldn't follow him around while he farms though.

    Although an alch who only has heart and cuirass at 40 minutes is farming really, really poorly.
  • Disco11Disco11 Registered User regular
    3clipse wrote: »
    If you're actively pushing a tower after a fight, no, he's just being an anus.

    You shouldn't follow him around while he farms though.

    Although an alch who only has heart and cuirass at 40 minutes is farming really, really poorly.

    This was my point to him. I have no problem being support to a carry but not take insults for trying to win the game.

    gamertag: Canadianllama
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    Yeah, that's what nether blast is meant for, you were doing it right. A counter example of a shitty move would be top lane is pushed, Alch goes up there to clearly farm it, and you walk in from the jungle and nuke an entire wave or two out from under him.

    Anyway, with so few items finished late game, on a Carry who basically carries by gold-snowballing with his passive, do you really want to invest more farm time into him when the team clearly ain't gonna benefit that much from it? I wouldn't. At that point piss on your farm Alch, we're 5 man pushing towers to either get a rax, or free up a rosh attempt.
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    Priest wrote: »
    Is the community here as oppressive as LoL? I played that extensively about 2 years ago, but quit, and can't lower my self-esteem enough in order to reinstall. For some crazy reason, though I don't remember purchasing it, I have this game in my Steam list, but I have a feeling that I'm going to get shat on by four other people all day.

    Unfortunately, the short answer is yes, it is. Riot is arguably much farther ahead in managing the toxic community these games foster though. Valve is working on it, but it's still very rudimentary.

  • valiancevaliance Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    who wins mid is often determined by the supports though

    Really? Seems like it's all about farm in pro games. Well..and obviously playing to your hero's strengths/exploiting the enemy mid's weaknesses.
    well, i was talking pub games, not pro games. a successful support gank usually swings the lane (and you start running the risk of smoke ganks and shit like that)
    but even in v.high a support camping the rune for the mid is a huge swing. and then you run into situations where they have wards and you don't, their courier is upped before yours, etc.

    /e: also mid manages to simultaneously be the most/least skill dependent matchup. rune luck is bullshit and can turn a lane you were handily winning into a big loss

    :^: wards, flying courier (or having a courier at all), and supports camping runes (or even ganking mid) can absolutely turn mid lane. Unfortunately I get the first two things way less often than I should, and the latter two almost never. Ganking mid from the side instead of mid ganking for you is a mindblowing concept in pubs.
  • BlazeFireBlazeFire Registered User regular
    supports camping runes... the idea here is the support hero would be in a sidelane but going to the nearest rune spawn just before they spawn to guard them until middle can get there? Does mid run to the other one?

    Or is this instead of warding the rune spawns?
  • Thunderous_TThunderous_T Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    This is kind of funny to read. First of all, it's probably important for context that this was not a high skill level game. I was the nyx in that game, and I was stunning, I was just bad at it. It was a single draft, I'm not comfortable with nyx, and I opted for conservative as opposed to constantly feeding the other team. Not good, but the lesser of two evils, at least in my mind. But I get it, it's shitty and frustrating to watch someone be bad, and you did back down with the criticism when I asked you too, so thank you for that.

    It's really not worth watching a bunch of noobs be noobs, but everyone was bitching, not just the carry. It was more of a typical pub game, poor communication, high tension stuff.

    Anyways just funny to see a link to a game I played in on here :D
    Disco11 wrote: »
    3clipse wrote: »
    If you're actively pushing a tower after a fight, no, he's just being an anus.

    You shouldn't follow him around while he farms though.

    Although an alch who only has heart and cuirass at 40 minutes is farming really, really poorly.

    This was my point to him. I have no problem being support to a carry but not take insults for trying to win the game.

    Prime 2013 Status: [✓] Passes, [✓] Hotel, [✓] Friends, [  ] Travel, [✓] Unbearable Excitement

    Attendee: East 2013

  • Disco11Disco11 Registered User regular
    This is kind of funny to read. First of all, it's probably important for context that this was not a high skill level game. I was the nyx in that game, and I was stunning, I was just bad at it. It was a single draft, I'm not comfortable with nyx, and I opted for conservative as opposed to constantly feeding the other team. Not good, but the lesser of two evils, at least in my mind. But I get it, it's shitty and frustrating to watch someone be bad, and you did back down with the criticism when I asked you too, so thank you for that.

    It's really not worth watching a bunch of noobs be noobs, but everyone was bitching, not just the carry. It was more of a typical pub game, poor communication, high tension stuff.

    Anyways just funny to see a link to a game I played in on here :D
    Disco11 wrote: »
    3clipse wrote: »
    If you're actively pushing a tower after a fight, no, he's just being an anus.

    You shouldn't follow him around while he farms though.

    Although an alch who only has heart and cuirass at 40 minutes is farming really, really poorly.

    This was my point to him. I have no problem being support to a carry but not take insults for trying to win the game.

    Wow! Small world!

    I was trying to be constructive with some of the comments but i do apologize if I came off as a dick at any point. I was lucky that I got a hero that I am not bad it in the draw. My buddy was the Zeus in that game and he hates playing him with a passion. I got specter in a random draft a few days ago and did exactly that. I fed all game and probably lost us the game.

    I just did not understand the LH stealing comments when anyone killed a creep when Alchemist was anywhere near them. But' it's done.

    Hit me up on steam and we should try a game again! We have a vent server so it will make the communication a bit better.

    gamertag: Canadianllama
  • BlazeFireBlazeFire Registered User regular
    I play a bit as well, definitely wouldn't categorize myself as an expert. Not sure where I'd fit in the hierarchy actually. I'll have to add you guys (or vice versa).
  • Thunderous_TThunderous_T Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    Small world indeed! I was actually on skype with the other three guys. I don't think you were being a dick it's just that Dota doesn't give a whole lot of time for constructive feedback, because the specifics of what's happening can be important, then sometimes nerves are high, and feedback sounds more like snarky criticism. Given that there's tons of legit snarky criticism also happening it can be hard to tell the difference. I hope I wasn't a dick either, I was frustrated by not playing very well lol.

    I'd love to play with you sometime, and you too @blazefire. I'm at work so I don't have my steam profile on hand, but just PM or something and we can hook up. I'm always in favor of playing with real people, sure beats the pub trash :D

    Disco11 wrote: »
    This is kind of funny to read. First of all, it's probably important for context that this was not a high skill level game. I was the nyx in that game, and I was stunning, I was just bad at it. It was a single draft, I'm not comfortable with nyx, and I opted for conservative as opposed to constantly feeding the other team. Not good, but the lesser of two evils, at least in my mind. But I get it, it's shitty and frustrating to watch someone be bad, and you did back down with the criticism when I asked you too, so thank you for that.

    It's really not worth watching a bunch of noobs be noobs, but everyone was bitching, not just the carry. It was more of a typical pub game, poor communication, high tension stuff.

    Anyways just funny to see a link to a game I played in on here :D
    Disco11 wrote: »
    3clipse wrote: »
    If you're actively pushing a tower after a fight, no, he's just being an anus.

    You shouldn't follow him around while he farms though.

    Although an alch who only has heart and cuirass at 40 minutes is farming really, really poorly.

    This was my point to him. I have no problem being support to a carry but not take insults for trying to win the game.

    Wow! Small world!

    I was trying to be constructive with some of the comments but i do apologize if I came off as a dick at any point. I was lucky that I got a hero that I am not bad it in the draw. My buddy was the Zeus in that game and he hates playing him with a passion. I got specter in a random draft a few days ago and did exactly that. I fed all game and probably lost us the game.

    I just did not understand the LH stealing comments when anyone killed a creep when Alchemist was anywhere near them. But' it's done.

    Hit me up on steam and we should try a game again! We have a vent server so it will make the communication a bit better.

    Prime 2013 Status: [✓] Passes, [✓] Hotel, [✓] Friends, [  ] Travel, [✓] Unbearable Excitement

    Attendee: East 2013

  • valiancevaliance Registered User regular
    BlazeFire wrote: »
    supports camping runes... the idea here is the support hero would be in a sidelane but going to the nearest rune spawn just before they spawn to guard them until middle can get there? Does mid run to the other one?

    Or is this instead of warding the rune spawns?

    Not instead of warding, but in addition to it. Either guard the spawn till mid can get there, or take it if mid doesn't want it so you can deny their mid the rune.
  • AuralynxAuralynx Registered User regular
    valiance wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    who wins mid is often determined by the supports though

    Really? Seems like it's all about farm in pro games. Well..and obviously playing to your hero's strengths/exploiting the enemy mid's weaknesses.
    well, i was talking pub games, not pro games. a successful support gank usually swings the lane (and you start running the risk of smoke ganks and shit like that)
    but even in v.high a support camping the rune for the mid is a huge swing. and then you run into situations where they have wards and you don't, their courier is upped before yours, etc.

    /e: also mid manages to simultaneously be the most/least skill dependent matchup. rune luck is bullshit and can turn a lane you were handily winning into a big loss

    :^: wards, flying courier (or having a courier at all), and supports camping runes (or even ganking mid) can absolutely turn mid lane. Unfortunately I get the first two things way less often than I should, and the latter two almost never. Ganking mid from the side instead of mid ganking for you is a mindblowing concept in pubs.

    I think the "mid ought to gank," thing is LoL's fault.

    Pretty much anything other than magically doing everything they think you ought to be doing, as a support, is a mindblowing concept in pubs. I had a Drow the other day demanding I pull but he didn't want to wait for stacks and would immediately get Slark jumped if I left the lane.
    Playing in:
    World's Largest Dungeon 4E as Torbera
    BSG Exodus Game 17 as Tom Zarek
    Twilight Imperium Game 7 as Muaat
  • milskimilski Registered User regular
    Most people grossly misunderstand pulls as both support and carry, and *in general* in pubs in a 2/1/2 situation, unless you've got a competent carry with an escape against a set that isn't great at diving, pulling will kind of hurt things since people will pounce and your carry could wind up losing more farm. There's also the lanes that are going just fine and the support winds up pulling anyway "because they should," which is just silly; to use a recent game (that went pretty well besides this), if you're in a Lina-Luna lane against Tide and CM, the correct solution isn't to pull for Luna but just to beat them the hell out of lane passively and stun them if they try to go in with spells; pulling in that situation doesn't reset the equilibrium much more favorably and leaves long periods of times where the carry is left against two people who will blow up if they dive 2v2 but can easily dive 2v1.
    Steam ID: Milski
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    When I play support, which is often, I prioritize ganking mid about dead last. (Unless I'm playing someone like Lion) Maybe I should change that, but I often rarely see a need to do it. My team is already giving the mid player a significant portion of game resources. Throwing ganks on top of that feels like the cost is greater than payoff.

    LoL prioritizes mid ganks because mid is such a safe lane compared to the side lanes. And honestly...it's not like Dota2 is much different, in fact it's arguably safer since high ground comes into play, as well as towers punishing dives much harder.
    Dark_Side on
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    My team is already giving the mid player a significant portion of game resources.
  • JakorianJakorian Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    milski wrote: »
    Most people grossly misunderstand pulls as both support and carry, and *in general* in pubs in a 2/1/2 situation, unless you've got a competent carry with an escape against a set that isn't great at diving, pulling will kind of hurt things since people will pounce and your carry could wind up losing more farm. There's also the lanes that are going just fine and the support winds up pulling anyway "because they should," which is just silly; to use a recent game (that went pretty well besides this), if you're in a Lina-Luna lane against Tide and CM, the correct solution isn't to pull for Luna but just to beat them the hell out of lane passively and stun them if they try to go in with spells; pulling in that situation doesn't reset the equilibrium much more favorably and leaves long periods of times where the carry is left against two people who will blow up if they dive 2v2 but can easily dive 2v1.

    A lot of pub supports are under the impression that pulling is objectively a good thing regardless of what's happening in the lane.
    Jakorian on
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    pub support is basically an oxymoron
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    P10 wrote: »
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    My team is already giving the mid player a significant portion of game resources.

    You get solo xp and farm. Significant amounts compared to the side lanes. (In a 2 1 2 comp anyway.) In my opinion of you go mid, you're job is to take that farm and xp and then do something with it. Not be babysat by the support in bot lane.

    Edit: Though I suppose I should amend the original comment to include early game resources.
    Dark_Side on
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    If you expect the mid to just solo and you never help them then you should also not expect them to get any kills in any lane because their hands will be full controlling the runes and dealing with their direct opponent.
  • JakorianJakorian Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    pub support is basically an oxymoron
    I've been seeing more of them in the last few weeks but they're so bad at it that I kind of wish they wouldn't volunteer for it.
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    3clipse wrote: »
    If you expect the mid to just solo and you never help them then you should also not expect them to get any kills in any lane because their hands will be full controlling the runes and dealing with their direct opponent.

    That's ridiculous. Most common mids excel at getting kills or setting them up. Maybe they won't get solo kills on their mid opponent, unless it's like Pudge or QoP. But in my experience, once they go for a roam, it's not hard to use the level and gold advantage to get kills.

    A lot of pub supports are under the impression that pulling is objectively a good thing regardless of what's happening in the lane

    I have hard carries i'm babysitting demand pulls, even when it's clear they don't understand lane control and likely are going to get lit up the minute I do it as the creep wave collapses back to our tower. So after a couple of those, I don't like to do it anymore. Pubs are just too unreliable.

    Stacking is different though, I find that to be super beneficial almost all the time.
    Dark_Side on
  • JutranjoJutranjo Registered User regular
    Priest wrote: »
    Is the community here as oppressive as LoL? I played that extensively about 2 years ago, but quit, and can't lower my self-esteem enough in order to reinstall. For some crazy reason, though I don't remember purchasing it, I have this game in my Steam list, but I have a feeling that I'm going to get shat on by four other people all day.

    The game on your steam list is the actual game but you will only be able to spectate games and tournaments with it. To play you need an invite but you're in luck! Everyone in this thread has literally two dozen invites left over. PM me if you need one. The community in pubs doesn't play the same game as pros, noone cries about metagames and having fixed lanes every single game. Try it out, won't cost you any money, unless your bandwidth is capped :P

    About supports pulling:
    Pulling an unstacked camp when you're playing a support+carry vs anything is a bad idea. Only reason you'd want to do it is if you know the enemy will just keep walking with his creep wave and not figure it out so you can kill him.

    Unstacked camp being pulled: Lane is pushed out, greater chance of being ganked, chased, you're further away from the tower.

    Unstacked camp is pulled, then another camp is chain pulled: You see this in pro games with trilanes, hard to do solo in a pub, you'll probably miss some last hits, can be easily disrupted by the enemy if he knows you're doing it. On radiant you need something to clear trees to do this. This is actually a ton of exp for the support, if your carry won't be missing CS while you do this. If it's alchemist vs dark seer, don't do this, unless alche has like 9 tangos.

    Stacked camp is pulled, 2 stacks will I think almost always kill the whole wave. The support hero doesn't get any exp for this, if you pull it again it's almost the same effect as the unstacked one. If you triple stack it and the carry can live and last hit under tower you can just keep having it eat whole creep waves. Even better if it has a wolf camp in it. I don't know if this is actually that good of an idea but it's easy to do.

    About mid:
    I'm just watching an EG vs Navi game, and EG has a Juggernaut mid vs TA. Both bottle crowing. If you can bottle crow you can just spam spells to get CS and exp.

    Ganking mid is a fucking great idea. Do it everytime if you can. All the time. Shutting down their mid is a fucking great idea, he's often the hero that wants to have a good mid game like nightstalker, templar assassin, storm spirit. Not always but often. Ganking storm before he's lvl 6 is so painful for him. Ganking pudge makes him a non factor. NS can bounce back but your mid will be flexing his muscles as a result of having an advantage in mid.

    If the enemy has wards to prevent you from ganking the side lanes, like you're QOP, then just bring yourself a TP scroll. When you see a sidelane getting dived or your wards/side sees the enemy mid waiting somewhere, your lane can act dumb and you TP in to reverse the gank.

    Also, about high level vs very high. I just checked my last few games, they're all in very high but the skill spectre is all over the place. The higher level it is though, the less people rage or bitch.
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    bottle juggernaut is surprisingly legit because of how broken healing ward is
  • JutranjoJutranjo Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    bottle juggernaut is surprisingly legit because of how broken healing ward is

    What do you think about naix mid? Versus anyone that can't skewer.
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    it's pretty good but you got some weird drafting going on if it happens

    the problem is mid lane is short which hurts open wounds and naix doesn't make good use of bottle
  • SparvySparvy Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Jutranjo wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    bottle juggernaut is surprisingly legit because of how broken healing ward is

    What do you think about naix mid? Versus anyone that can't skewer.

    Shit lane and rune control and there is very few times where another hero will be prioritized over naix for safe lane farm. So personally no, he isn't very good at it and above all: why?
    Sparvy on
  • king awesomeking awesome Registered User regular
    Here's the thing about expecting mid to gank though. *Most* of your common mids are at prime ganking period at like lvls 8-11 (really wide, cause it varies with heroes). Helping them get there faster, and with more gold is key. As a sidelane support you are fucking deadly in the lvl 3-5 range (again depending on the hero). If you come out and help mid secure a kill or just secure his lane in that time period, it makes it even easier for him (and harder for the other mid) to come help out the sidelanes in a few minutes.

    People lose lanes, or sometimes just tie. If your mid is doing meh or not so great, expecting him to come save the day in your sidelane isn't gonna happen. And EVEN with the gold/xp advantage mass TP supports or good ward vision from the enemy can shut down a sidelane gank.
    Listen to our podcast, read our articles, tell us how much you hate it and how to make it better ;)
  • Page-Page- Registered User regular
    learn to block, learn to push the lane, learn which runes will give you the kills, kill junglers for free, and hope to god your offlane isn't losing so badly that they're higher level than you when you show up for a gank. And buy tps as soon as you have space.

    most of all, have fun and talk more shit.
    (Mostly) Competitive Gaming Blog Updated May 3rd. Ramblings!
  • milskimilski Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    With proper angling and active denying, an unstacked wolf camp actually can kill three of the creeps in a wave, maybe all four if you get lucky with crits. An unstacked pull in a lane with a bas ring is also a great way to chunk half the tower early if you're in a lane with a range advantage, which can be nice if that's what you want.

    So an unstacked pull isn't an absolute bad, but it is generally bad in laning situations. If you want to blast their T1 tower very quickly instead of piece by piece without bringing in a lot of people, it can give you a good wave.
    milski on
    Steam ID: Milski
  • Page-Page- Registered User regular
    Unstacked pulls in pubs games against shitty pub solo offlanes with absolutely no way of defending their towers is great, but only if both players in the lane know they're doing it and want to push. Otherwise it's the worst thing ever.
    (Mostly) Competitive Gaming Blog Updated May 3rd. Ramblings!
  • AuralynxAuralynx Registered User regular
    Page- wrote: »
    Unstacked pulls in pubs games against shitty pub solo offlanes with absolutely no way of defending their towers is great, but only if both players in the lane know they're doing it and want to push. Otherwise it's the worst thing ever.

    Yeah. We were actually in a situation when a pull would've helped lane management, the first time, but like I said, he then walked right into Slark as I was setting up the stack.

    I honestly do not suck at support, at least on Shadow Demon now that I've got the hang of him, but man, it's hard to play that worth a damn if people don't expect it.

    Best thing about Shadow Demon pulls is how quickly you can clear the stacks with Shadow Poison, imo.
    Playing in:
    World's Largest Dungeon 4E as Torbera
    BSG Exodus Game 17 as Tom Zarek
    Twilight Imperium Game 7 as Muaat
  • BlazeFireBlazeFire Registered User regular
    Just lots of little things, that after a game I say "that felt like a VHigh" and I check it and it was.

    How do you check afterwards?
  • YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    You can filter recent games in the watch tab by player and skill level. So you put in your name and vhigh and see if the game you just played popped up.
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    BlazeFire wrote: »
    Just lots of little things, that after a game I say "that felt like a VHigh" and I check it and it was.

    How do you check afterwards?

    You go into the game replays menu and search for your game by using your name and "very high" or "high" selected in the search filters.
    Dark_Side on
  • Page-Page- Registered User regular
    It's a bit of an indicator, but as has been said, it's a scale not a set of tiers. Chances are that if you're mostly getting high games but get bumped up to very high when there's a really long search then it just opened up the parameters.
    (Mostly) Competitive Gaming Blog Updated May 3rd. Ramblings!
  • sparklesparkle Registered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    Priest wrote: »
    Is the community here as oppressive as LoL? I played that extensively about 2 years ago, but quit, and can't lower my self-esteem enough in order to reinstall. For some crazy reason, though I don't remember purchasing it, I have this game in my Steam list, but I have a feeling that I'm going to get shat on by four other people all day.

    Unfortunately, the short answer is yes, it is. Riot is arguably much farther ahead in managing the toxic community these games foster though. Valve is working on it, but it's still very rudimentary.

    That wasn't my experience. There were way more smurfs due to first-win-of-the-day bonuses and having to buy heroes. And its really people who are used to playing higher up that flame people who screw up. Not nearly as much of a point with smurfing in Dota. Although it can be used to escape low priority, and low priority/comm bans are generally the type of people that flame.

    Anyways, LoL is definitely worse for just 1 important reason. Pub meta. 1 tanky dps top, ap mid, ad+support bottom. violate the meta, get reported.

    Disco11 wrote: »
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    milski wrote: »
    Disco11 wrote: »
    So this was one of the most frustrating games I have played lately


    I was Pugna. Our Nyx never stunned anyone until 35 minutes + into the game and would run from every teamfight even if it we had the numbers advantage. Our alchemist was non stop bitching that I was stealing LH with Neather blast 40+ minutes into the game after he already had Heart & assault Cuirass. I have only been playing for a few months but nothing pisses me off more then people just dithering all the time.

    End bitch post.

    You really shouldn't be nether blasting creeps though, since even with two big ticket items, Alch A: gets more gold, B: scales better with items (especially with two big ticket items already), and C: is much worse with less items than Pugna is (since Pugna has good stat growths in Int, which is all that really matters for him, while Alch has bad stat growths in everything as a carry).

    At 40 minutes it probably doesn't matter, as the enemy carries should be online by that point. I mean maybe he's trying to flash farm mjolnir at that point, but bitching at supports blasting creep waves at 40 min. is pretty poor form. Go farm ancients or team push towers if you need more cash.

    Edit: Although if dude politely asks you to leave him waves to farm, you should absolutely do that.

    I was trying to push towers. Serious question though, If we are trying to push a T2 tower after a teamfight that took out a few of the other team, should we not being doing it as quick as possible? Neather blast hurts towers. I usually wait until their creep wave rolls up on it and hit them with a blast.

    Is that stealing farm? Sorry if this sounds snarky.
    one thing to keep in mind is Alch's Greevil's Greed. As long as he kills a creep every 25 seconds, he maintains his stacks. If you wiped out a whole wave with nether blast, you might have robbed him of quite a bit of potential lost income.

    Also, I think your item build was pretty questionable.
  • RoyceX7RoyceX7 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Looks like the hype around the TI3 ticket or the interactive compendium isnt in this thread
    RoyceX7 on
    Steam: RoyceX7

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