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[Dota 2] Yep, still in beta.



  • YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    Honestly, I win more solo queuing than I do in stacks. Part of it I feel is that people go "We're a stack, let's do dumb shit like solo offlane Meepo and win anyway" and then it fails horribly.
  • sparklesparkle Registered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    sparkle wrote: »
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    All I've learned watching the qualifiers is that blinks breaking Slark's tether is total bullshit.

    thats bullshit, but dark pact removing ultimate stuns like Roar and Lasso isn't? slark needs some weaknesses.

    I mean, you're still gonna get the stun. DP has a pretty long wind up. And he'd have to see it coming and trigger it beforehand. Which definitely can and will happen with high level players. But pouncing on a QoP and "herp derp, I'll just no skill blink away" is stupid.

    jesus christ. Lets not forget it also does 280 damage and is on an 8 second cooldown at level 4. This is combined with a 3.5 leash. How much stronger do you need slark to be? Do you also think its bullshit that people can use tangos or a quelling blade to escape from natures prophet?
  • valiancevaliance Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    3clipse wrote: »
    It's like 80% I think, isn't it?

    It very well may. It's been a long time since I looked at general player stats for the game.


    yeah its something like 83/13/4 normal/high/v high
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    sparkle wrote: »
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    All I've learned watching the qualifiers is that blinks breaking Slark's tether is total bullshit.

    thats bullshit, but dark pact removing ultimate stuns like Roar and Lasso isn't? slark needs some weaknesses.

    I mean, you're still gonna get the stun. DP has a pretty long wind up. And he'd have to see it coming and trigger it beforehand. Which definitely can and will happen with high level players. But pouncing on a QoP and "herp derp, I'll just no skill blink away" is stupid.

    but thats why I pick QOP...
    valiance on
  • nealcmnealcm Registered User regular
    he's already getting picked and banned, it's not like blink heroes are completely stomping him out of playability

    slark is fine
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    Unless you run stomp stacks, odds are pretty good you're in the bottom tier bracket. Which ain't so bad, it's something like 60-70%+ of Dota 2 players.
    sparkle wrote: »
    How much stronger do you need slark to be?
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    As a huge slark homer and holding a pure hate against QoP. No, it's bullshit.

    Back in reality, yes the blink breaking the tether is fine.
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    I love the current meta shakeup. Folks like Clock and Slark who were "useless and horrible" are in near every game now. It's great.
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    Unless you run stomp stacks, odds are pretty good you're in the bottom tier bracket. Which ain't so bad, it's something like 60-70%+ of Dota 2 players.

    I don't know the "wat" is about, the 80% of players in the bottom bracket, or the huge advantage running pre-mades give you in mm?

  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    the idea that you need to play with "stomp stacks" to not be in normal mm bracket is laughable
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    P10 wrote: »
    the idea that you need to play with "stomp stacks" to not be in normal mm bracket is laughable

    You don't, I never said anyone did. I said that odds are pretty good if you solo that you're in normal mm and hence implied it's pointless to look up your games to check. Now if you run a stack, things get different; mm struggles to find you games and mediocre players can be carried by good ones. So the odds are pretty high that you could get bumped up into high skill games in that scenario. Especially if you go on a good win streak.
    Dark_Side on
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    It can't be that hard to be in high. I just checked, and me and my brother are apparently in high a fair amount of the time when queuing together. I got like... 80ish wins and 65ish losses, and he has twice the games played or so and similar w/l ratio. And while we aren't superbad, neither would I call us good. It would be really weird if this places us among the top 20% of the playerbase :P.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • CorriganXCorriganX Registered User regular
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    It can't be that hard to be in high. I just checked, and me and my brother are apparently in high a fair amount of the time when queuing together. I got like... 80ish wins and 65ish losses, and he has twice the games played or so and similar w/l ratio. And while we aren't superbad, neither would I call us good. It would be really weird if this places us among the top 20% of the playerbase :P.

    Well to be fair a lot of the 80% of people in normal think that the only way to get better is to play as a stomp stack, so it can't be that hard to be in high. :p
    CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
  • Disco11Disco11 Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    the idea that you need to play with "stomp stacks" to not be in normal mm bracket is laughable

    I am at the point that I will never play without at least two other friends on. Losing game after game because someone on my team rage quits or because they did not get one of their favorite heroes in a draft game is killing me. Also the "everyone picks a melee carry" games. I don't need to run "stomp stacks" but having real people on that you can communicate with and that actually want to play as a team is such a huge advantage.

    gamertag: Canadianllama
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    What the hell is a stompstack anyway.

    Most other groups of two we see play do stupid shit like weaver+invoker lanes. I guess we qualify as good because I support and buy wards or something.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    buying wards means you are a tryhard scumbag everyone knows that
    when i duo'd w/ my pal we would always random and then lane together in all pick b/c we are terrible people. alch/skele king lane ogogogo
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    buying wards means you are a tryhard scumbag everyone knows that
    when i duo'd w/ my pal we would always random and then lane together in all pick b/c we are terrible people. alch/skele king lane ogogogo

    This explains everything.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • mtsmts Registered User regular
    are any of the early group b round 1 games worth watching?
  • AuralynxAuralynx Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    buying wards means you are a tryhard scumbag everyone knows that
    when i duo'd w/ my pal we would always random and then lane together in all pick b/c we are terrible people. alch/skele king lane ogogogo

    ... so what does ceasing to buy them because the random you're laning with is a dick make you? Because I find myself doing that a lot if the first few minutes don't go terribly well and someone's a goose about it.
    Playing in:
    World's Largest Dungeon 4E as Torbera
    BSG Exodus Game 17 as Tom Zarek
    Twilight Imperium Game 7 as Muaat
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    thin-skinned,, I suppose?
  • Dyrwen66Dyrwen66 Registered User regular
    mts wrote: »
    are any of the early group b round 1 games worth watching?
    Watch EG for Jeyo playing some masterful goddamn DOTA if you want.

    The spoilers below are basically just his k/d/a and gpm.
    Game 1 - Gyrocopter(11/0/6) vs. QPAD with 660 GPM
    Game 2 - Lifestealer(14/0/13) vs. QPAD with 579 GPM
    Game 3 - Lone Druid(6/0/14) vs. Mouz with 567 GPM
    Game 4 - Weaver(9/1/15) vs. Mouz with 560 GPM
    Overall Play Today - (40/1/48) with avg. 591.5 GPM
    "Famished dogs follow slowly as my own paws drag me to a dock, / to the last plank where I struggle to deny myself the path that every Pisces craves, /
    ... and I cough for every crater that I could see, / on the surface of that coffin we've come to call the moon." Circle Takes the Square
  • milskimilski Registered User regular
    So some friends of mine were trying to figure out ways to modify certain heroes without ruining them. Somehow, the main concerns wound up being Dark Seer, Gyro, and Warlock (for being always relevant competitively, annoying as hell and somewhat prevalent competitively, and ridiculously good "for free" in pubs).

    So I'm wondering what you guys think. Our thoughts wound up being that some of the following changes should be implemented (not all, since that would be absurd):

    Up the cooldown on his E to 25 or 30 seconds, possibly scaling down to 20 later.
    Make his E cleave range scale up with ranks, possibly maxing below 1000.
    Make his E cleave hits affected by damage block (and if they aren't, armor).
    Make his rocket stun either start off lower in duration, or actually scale based on distance.
    Make his rocket easier to kill at lower ranks so you can actually do so in lane.

    Dark Seer:
    5-10 base MS reduction
    Surge duration scaling decreased to max out at 6 seconds.
    Surge now "ramps up" over 1 second to cause max MS constantly, starting at a 20% MS buff and going up to a 120% MS buff before just locking you at max MS.
    Vacuum pulls targets a set distance towards the center which leaves about 75 units on the edge that don't get pulled directly on top of the center.
    Some sort of decrease in the power of triggering wall multiple times, whether it be removal of wall damage or weakening of wall illusions beyond the first for each hero.

    Fatal Bonds damage is nonlethal.
    Shadow Word allows denies.
    Cast range/AoE reduction on Golems epicenter.
    AoE reduction on golem cleave.
    Magic immunity prevents the golem stun.
    Reduction of his strength gain, his attack range, or his attack animation.
    Steam ID: Milski
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    rocket isn't the problem on gyro at all. a lot of people either 1 pt or skip it until the end. mana cost on flak cannon could go up b/c flak spam makes gyro good at 1v1 tho.
    dark seer just needs a mana cost nerf or soul ring to be nerfed. his kit is okay but ion shell spam is way too strong in most matchups
    warlock is fine as well and i think the midas -> aghs + refresher warlock is a comedy build that should be encouraged because its amazing
    what i want to see valve fix:
    lone druid - armlet's active hp drain now applies to spirit bear. spirit bear doesn't need the ridic. cost efficiency of permanent activated armlet
    also disable basher on spirit bear or enable it on bash heroes. complete bullshit that entangle and bash stack 100% but bash heroes can't even buy a basher for diminishing returns
    lower naix's base damage. he has like 60 base damage + feast. really doesn't need it. maybe mana cost tweaks as well but w/e
    P10 on
  • Page-Page- Registered User regular
    nerf rocket during the only times that it's even worth using?

    dark seer is fine

    warlock is fine. Possibly tweak his stat gains a bit now that he's not lane support, but otherwise he's fine.

    I wouldn't mind Naix's mana costs being bumped up a bit. That or an extra couple of seconds cd on rage. Open wounds would be fine if trilane xp was the way it used to be, but if trilane xp was the way it used to be then we'd be back to never seeing trilanes ever, which would be lame.

    Biggest change I'd make to Gyro is make flak cannon shoot cool rockets like in wc3 instead of lame ass little pew pew pellets. Also more tomatoes, less onions, higher quality tzatziki.
    (Mostly) Competitive Gaming Blog Updated May 3rd. Ramblings!
  • nht2007nht2007 Registered User new member
    Its more if you pick to play in the english language queue and don't speak it that he has a problem with.
  • milskimilski Registered User regular
    Eh, the thing with rocket that my friends were annoyed with was that it made 1v1ing him even more absurd early (which I suppose is a strength) and that the tooltip was misleading; it's not a huge deal.

    I still feel like Dark Seer needs some kind of nerf (and my friends were mostly trying to do solutions beyond just changing mana costs or lowering stats), since he seems like a pick/ban in every match, though I suppose that's just a function of his kit.
    Steam ID: Milski
  • Minerva_SCMinerva_SC Registered User regular
    I don't even want to play dota without being in the card game beta. SOMEONE GIVE ME AN INVITE.
    "If a cherry pie filled cape is wrong, I don't want to be right.
    I'm dead serious."
  • Page-Page- Registered User regular
    cus valve needs more ways to make money.

    Also, Dark Seer is already the most consistently nerfed hero in the game, his only rival possibly being broodmother. He is fine. Let him be.
    (Mostly) Competitive Gaming Blog Updated May 3rd. Ramblings!
  • Minerva_SCMinerva_SC Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    ahhh, what? dark seer has had a vacuum nerf and a wall nerf over the passed.....19 years. His ion shell even got buffed. Dude has barely been touched. There's really no way to nerf dark seer without just shaving off numbers on all his abilities. He's kind of like Kotl, were his entire skill set is just amazing from the amount of utility it gives. The only dark seer nerf I'd want to see if having only one ion shell out at a time.
    Minerva_SC on
    "If a cherry pie filled cape is wrong, I don't want to be right.
    I'm dead serious."
  • TheManTrapTheManTrap Registered User regular
    Free diffusal to opposite team of Warlock.

    Seems fair.
  • Page-Page- Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Pretty much every one of his skills has been nerfed in all ways. More mana, longer cooldowns, less damage, less range. Except for surge. I guess that's never been touched. I count about 18 nerfs since ~6.59, with 6 nerfs in the last 3 patches alone (and .77 shouldn't count since he wasn't touched at all, but still got some of his better items nerfed). The only thing left to do is cripple his stats so that he's even more useless when he can't get his levels and it's even harder for him to get those levels at all.

    Don't forget that there was a time when Dark Seer could stack ion shells, vacuum had 800 range and an instant pull (and also went through magic immunity), and aghs wall made replicas of both teams that looked exactly the same as the real heroes. He has come a long way.
    Page- on
    (Mostly) Competitive Gaming Blog Updated May 3rd. Ramblings!
  • TheGerbilTheGerbil Registered User regular
    TheManTrap wrote: »
    Free diffusal to opposite team of Warlock.

    Seems fair.

    Soooooo Shadow demon ult.
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    I'd love to see a soul ring nerf. Regardless the bear is for sure going to lose the ability to buy armlet, or maybe they make its active health loss start working finally.

    I think DS is fine. Also annoying.
  • Arsenic CanaryArsenic Canary Registered User regular
    Oh, is DS on everyone's shit-list again? Is it May already?
  • valiancevaliance Registered User regular
    Page- wrote: »
    Pretty much every one of his skills has been nerfed in all ways. More mana, longer cooldowns, less damage, less range. Except for surge. I guess that's never been touched. I count about 18 nerfs since ~6.59, with 6 nerfs in the last 3 patches alone (and .77 shouldn't count since he wasn't touched at all, but still got some of his better items nerfed). The only thing left to do is cripple his stats so that he's even more useless when he can't get his levels and it's even harder for him to get those levels at all.

    Don't forget that there was a time when Dark Seer could stack ion shells, vacuum had 800 range and an instant pull (and also went through magic immunity), and aghs wall made replicas of both teams that looked exactly the same as the real heroes. He has come a long way.

    on the other hand would anyone really care if DS was nerfed into oblivion? would you really miss him? I know I wouldn't.
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    poor dark seer being nerfed so hard that he's only a top pick instead of first pick/first ban.
    i mean we only had 10 months where he was ban/picked every game. let the poor guy have some time in the sun...
    P10 on
  • AuralynxAuralynx Registered User regular
    valiance wrote: »
    Page- wrote: »
    Pretty much every one of his skills has been nerfed in all ways. More mana, longer cooldowns, less damage, less range. Except for surge. I guess that's never been touched. I count about 18 nerfs since ~6.59, with 6 nerfs in the last 3 patches alone (and .77 shouldn't count since he wasn't touched at all, but still got some of his better items nerfed). The only thing left to do is cripple his stats so that he's even more useless when he can't get his levels and it's even harder for him to get those levels at all.

    Don't forget that there was a time when Dark Seer could stack ion shells, vacuum had 800 range and an instant pull (and also went through magic immunity), and aghs wall made replicas of both teams that looked exactly the same as the real heroes. He has come a long way.

    on the other hand would anyone really care if DS was nerfed into oblivion? would you really miss him? I know I wouldn't.

    I would, if only because nobody else they've implemented is as good at the things he does better than everyone. Honestly, if Seer had some kind of distance-leash on ion shells such that they vanished if you tried to blatantly AFK-farm with them, I think he'd be about fair at this point. If you mess too much with him / Meepo / Batrider, despite the fact that the strangeness of them makes them functionally overpowered, they end up useless and you lose some fairly unique guys.
    Playing in:
    World's Largest Dungeon 4E as Torbera
    BSG Exodus Game 17 as Tom Zarek
    Twilight Imperium Game 7 as Muaat
  • JutranjoJutranjo Registered User regular
    So what happened with naga siren being the cancer of DOTA in TI2 finals? She must have been nerfed hard since then!
    - Rip Tide cooldown rescaled from 10 to 19/16/13/10.
    - Base damage decreased by 12.
    - Cast animation time increased from 0.5 to 0.65.

    What about AM who's not first pick anymore, didn't he used to farm both jungles at the same time and split push while doing so? Why isn't he in every game anymore?
    - Movement speed decreased from 320 to 315.
    - Blink animation time increased from 0.33 to 0.4.
    - Legs decreased from 2/2/2/2 to 1/1.5/1.8/1.9
    Legs buff did not make up for 5 movement points of speed.

    Or undying? The best at trilanes, barring visage:
    - Decay damage reduced from 40/80/120/160 to 20/60/100/140
    - Decay
    - Steal duration increased from 21/24/27/30 to 25/30/35/40.
    - AoE increased from 300 to 325.
    - Tombstone's Death Lust HP requirement also triggers if the target is below 5/10/15/20% HP.
  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    Do people consider Meepo OP? I know he can get real big if you have 1. the micro skill to farm him up and keep him safe, and 2, nobody on the enemy team picks up any burst.
  • sparklesparkle Registered User regular
    armlet needs a nerf or change in general. that item is just ridiculous on certain heroes.

    and armlet on spirit bear just needs to not give him 8 regen/s (and maybe the 10 AS on activation). The 8 regen is supposed to balance the 40 degen, which the bear doesn't have to worry about. The regen is so good because it means you never have to resummon your bear except in teamfights.
  • AuralynxAuralynx Registered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    Do people consider Meepo OP? I know he can get real big if you have 1. the micro skill to farm him up and keep him safe, and 2, nobody on the enemy team picks up any burst.

    I remain not the expert, but he's a pretty solid example of the "this guy is powerful because he is weird," line that Seer and Batrider are currently on the right side of, with him on the wrong, imo.
    Playing in:
    World's Largest Dungeon 4E as Torbera
    BSG Exodus Game 17 as Tom Zarek
    Twilight Imperium Game 7 as Muaat
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