Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

[Diablo 3] Reports of the Economy's death were greatly exaggerated



  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    It's only on the Zombie Dogs.

    Burning Dogs deals 2% Weapon Damage as fire to nearby enemies. Normaly this is ignorable, but with the +25% to Fire Skills damage from the Axe of Sankis, and +20% from Magefist, that's 47% damage to all monsters surrounding the dog... as well as the 9% weapon damage from the dog's bites.

    EDIT: I don't know what the range of the fire aura that Burning Dogs has is though, so I might be overestimating it's reach. I would figure it's about 8-12 yards, similar to Cloud of Bats or Sleet Storm.

    I'm almost a 100% sure those aren't additive
  • Monkey Ball WarriorMonkey Ball Warrior A collection of mediocre hats Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    forty wrote: »

    What is Ubers?

    I ran Inferno Act IV last night with my wizard, to see how I like the changes, and I like it. I also met my first Keywarden, who dropped the plans for the Infernal Machine, which I promptly taught to my blacksmith. Now I need keys...

    Still couldn't beat Diablo, though. :(
    I hate you. Also, what MP level?

    0. Like I said, I have yet to defeat Inferno MP0 Diablo.
    [47 6F 6F 64 20 4A 6F 62 21 0]
  • Garret DoriganGarret Dorigan Registered User regular
    After doing some more looking, you are correct. "____ Skills do +% more damage" is apparently applied after skill % damage. For example:

    WD has 100,000 dps and uses Cloud of Bats with a Sankis. Using CoB his damage is going to be 501,000 per relative hit. Then the bonus from Sankis is applied, meaning he'll do 626,250 per relative hit.

    Or, at least, that's what stuff is saying that I can find. It kills my idea for dogs, but meh.
    "Never Hit"
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »

    What is Ubers?

    I ran Inferno Act IV last night with my wizard, to see how I like the changes, and I like it. I also met my first Keywarden, who dropped the plans for the Infernal Machine, which I promptly taught to my blacksmith. Now I need keys...

    Still couldn't beat Diablo, though. :(
    I hate you. Also, what MP level?

    Then I really hate you. 5% chance and you got it on your first kill.
    Patch 4.3 wrote:
    In patch 4.3 we’re changing the daily battleground (BG) to reward 100 conquest for a win (up from 25). In addition, every non-rated BG that you win will also give you 50 conquest.
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    It's only on the Zombie Dogs.

    Burning Dogs deals 2% Weapon Damage as fire to nearby enemies. Normaly this is ignorable, but with the +25% to Fire Skills damage from the Axe of Sankis, and +20% from Magefist, that's 47% damage to all monsters surrounding the dog... as well as the 9% weapon damage from the dog's bites.

    EDIT: I don't know what the range of the fire aura that Burning Dogs has is though, so I might be overestimating it's reach. I would figure it's about 8-12 yards, similar to Cloud of Bats or Sleet Storm.

    I'm almost a 100% sure those aren't additive
    Yeah, that's why I asked. I'm pretty sure he's turning his dogs' 2% damage aura into approximately a 3% damage aura (about +50% more damage). In other words, don't bother.
    forty on
    Patch 4.3 wrote:
    In patch 4.3 we’re changing the daily battleground (BG) to reward 100 conquest for a win (up from 25). In addition, every non-rated BG that you win will also give you 50 conquest.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    I love my new title/loc
  • No Great NameNo Great Name Registered User regular
    Who wants to do ubersss
    Xbox Live: OGSirToons PSN: NoGreatName Bnet Tag: SirToons#1214 NNID: SirToons
    Steam ID: SirToons 3DS: 3024-5277-3254 Twitch: SirToons check.php?c=sirtoons
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    It's only on the Zombie Dogs.

    Burning Dogs deals 2% Weapon Damage as fire to nearby enemies. Normaly this is ignorable, but with the +25% to Fire Skills damage from the Axe of Sankis, and +20% from Magefist, that's 47% damage to all monsters surrounding the dog... as well as the 9% weapon damage from the dog's bites.

    EDIT: I don't know what the range of the fire aura that Burning Dogs has is though, so I might be overestimating it's reach. I would figure it's about 8-12 yards, similar to Cloud of Bats or Sleet Storm.

    I'm almost a 100% sure those aren't additive
    Yeah, that's why I asked. I'm pretty sure he's turning his dogs' 2% damage aura into approximately a 3% damage aura (about +50% more damage). In other words, don't bother.

    yeah, I'd super fucking love if they were, though

    as it is burning dogs and big stinker have been pretty much worthless since they nerfed the proc rate for pets

  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    Who wants to do ubersss
    cant im playing x tekken hahahahaha
  • No Great NameNo Great Name Registered User regular
    Xbox Live: OGSirToons PSN: NoGreatName Bnet Tag: SirToons#1214 NNID: SirToons
    Steam ID: SirToons 3DS: 3024-5277-3254 Twitch: SirToons check.php?c=sirtoons
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    _J_ I can't tell if you like this game or not, with quotes like this: "It's just gear acquisition, and learning to smash your six buttons in the correct order. If you want a badass character you could just drop $200 over a weekend and be fairly well off for gear. Then it's just a matter of grinding out Paragon Levels for the sake of...having a neat character portrait." That sounds not great to me. But you've always been in the thread, so I assume there must be something there for you. I'm curious what the old-time veterans "get" out of the game these days. I guess I also may have misrepresented my goal of "having" a fun, badass character; the part that I enjoy is the journey to that, and being able to feel the difference as my character gets better. I don't want to OWN a badass character, I want to build one up through hours and hours of monster smashing. I'm not opposed to using the auction house, but what I want to get out of the game is the feeling of progression, so the idea of just buying my way past the whole thing with real money is really off-putting.

    The increased monster density has made the gameplay, itself, more enjoyable than it was previously. The ability to run more than Act 3 is nice. Being able to do higher MPs is enjoyable. The item search, and vague prospect of maybe getting something that will sell for Texa$ is somewhat compelling.

    The quote is what I take to be a honest, objective assessment of the situation. it is not impossible to have fun within that context. Enjoy the game for what it is.

    There is a way to have fun with the AH, as well. Trying to find good deals can be fun, if you like the searching aspect. Get a general idea of what sort of gear you want, and then seek out that gear. It took me quite a while to find a Witching Hour with strong dex, and pickup radius, for a not insane price. Finding optimal gear within a budget can be another dimension to the game.
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Ideally a cloud of bats build:

    Would have life steal and defensive stats boosting, since you're always going to be super up close when casting the spell
    Would have a way of stunning/locking down elites in place, so you can get into position to hit them
    Would have at least one alternate long-distance attack skill for enemies you couldn't reach directly
    Would have support skills that have duration effects, you don't want to stop channeling to use a secondary attack


    Maybe? Probably needs some refining.

    According to reddit:

    XZlayeD 1 point 9 days ago
    actually, no it's based on your attackspeed: If you have 1aps it will take 4.67 sec - whereas if you've got 1.3apm (like i do) it will be 3.47 sec.
    Attackspeed determines the amount of time i takes for it to max out.
    Basically if you've got about 25% attackspeed with a 1h you will have about 1.6apm which will put you at 2.87 sec.
    Rolo on
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Zek wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    shadowane wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    Either way I'm not doing the dance with J; I've seen others do it; try to suggest improvements only to have him shoot them down and never ever suggest anything himself; as if the AH was the paragon of perfection or couldn't be improved. I've said my piece.

    And so goes another dance partner.

    I am not sure what you are trying to "improve" with your proposed change. So far as I can tell, the AH solves many of the trading problems from D2. The only "problem" it creates is some people feel compelled to use it, despite their lack of desire to use it.

    That is not a problem with the AH. That is a problem of people being weak willed and failing to actualize their own desires.

    A person can play the game without using the AH. Nothing actively forces anyone to engage with it. Players who choose to use it do have an advantage, in terms of acquiring specific gear in a more efficient manner, but that is not a universal advantage. Advantage and disadvantage are assessed in terms of the context of desires, ideals, objectives, etc. If a person's goal is to achieve the best gear for MP10, in the most efficient way, then the AH is the best means to that end. If a person's goal is to just kill shit, the AH is not required.

    The issue that I see on the official forums quite often is that people do not want to use the AH, but want the best gear. So their proposed solution is for the RNG to love them, and magically drop exactly the gear they need exactly when they want it. That is a problematic set of desires.

    As to my own reluctance to propose improvements on the AH...the system seems to work. I can farm gear, sell gear, and buy the gear I want. I have not identified a problem that requires change or improvement.

    Except that it would be nice for the search criteria to not be limited to what affixes can appear on only rares for a particular slot. Searching by legendary affix would be handy. Or just enable all affixes for all gear slot searches, and if X cannot appear on a piece of gear then the search results indicate this.

    I am beginning to understand some people's reluctant use of the AH. I've been an Inferno-bound Witch Doctor for many months now and I can not handle anything past MP1 with the gear that I have. It does take an exorbitant amount of patience to wait for something decent to drop, once that patience has run out, it hurts, but I can see how some people feel like they're being forced to play the Diablo 3 Wall Street Simulator. I haven't broken yet, though, I'm still going strong in the few little piddly crap pieces I've picked up off the Auction House (none of my gear cost me more than, say 500,000 gold), and I have a lot of runs that people would consider "fail" because I didn't get any upgrades from them. Still, the DoT Witchdoctor lives strong in my PC :D
    Yeah, but there's an issue here. The people who are stuck in MP1 because they won't use the AH would be stuck there even without the AH existing. There is an automatic assumption that drop rates and various other things would change if the AH didn't exist and I don't believe it for a second.

    You forget that the MP difficulties were conceived in a post-AH world. Even if gear was the same without the AH, the standards of character power would be very different, meaning easier MPs and thus more viable self-found progression.

    Inferno without MP, and MP1, ought to be manageable without AH gear. This was a problem they addressed last summer, when persons complained that Inferno Act 2 could only be completed with Act 2 gear. They significantly lowered the difficulty levels so that more people could access them.

    Your counter-factual claim seems reasonable, that without an AH gear standards would be lower and so MP difficulties would be lower, but why does that matter? Persons can do MP1 without using the AH. Why is an inability to do MP10 without the AH a bad thing, especially given the fact that MP10 is not unique content.

    This is not like WoW where persons could not do particular raids without being in a raiding guild and farming gear. All content is accessible to players without the AH. The difference is that relative power levels will be lower for persons who farm their own gear. That difference is not necessarily problematic, once we get people's desires to stop being contradictory.

    Why do people who use the AH want to reach MP10? Because progressing is fun, and efficiency is fun. Currently AH users have much easier access to that fun than non-AH users. Do you think all these complaints are just imaginary? Amish players are second class citizens and you know that - it doesn't bother you because you're not one of them.

    If you want efficiency, then use the AH. It is right there.

    If you do not want to use the AH, then do not use it. Nothing forces you to.

    If you want to efficiently min/max your character without using the AH, then you have fucked up self-contradictory desires. Fix that shit.
  • Monkey Ball WarriorMonkey Ball Warrior A collection of mediocre hats Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    forty wrote: »

    What is Ubers?

    I ran Inferno Act IV last night with my wizard, to see how I like the changes, and I like it. I also met my first Keywarden, who dropped the plans for the Infernal Machine, which I promptly taught to my blacksmith. Now I need keys...

    Still couldn't beat Diablo, though. :(
    I hate you. Also, what MP level?

    Then I really hate you. 5% chance and you got it on your first kill.

    Well to be fair I might have killed him once or twice before and not known, I didn't know what a keywarden even was until very recently. I think this was the 3rd time I've run Inferno Act IV, trying to get to a point where I could actually kill Diablo and failing.
    [47 6F 6F 64 20 4A 6F 62 21 0]
  • SavantSavant Registered User regular
    Rolo wrote: »
    Ideally a cloud of bats build:

    Would have life steal and defensive stats boosting, since you're always going to be super up close when casting the spell
    Would have a way of stunning/locking down elites in place, so you can get into position to hit them
    Would have at least one alternate long-distance attack skill for enemies you couldn't reach directly
    Would have support skills that have duration effects, you don't want to stop channeling to use a secondary attack


    Maybe? Probably needs some refining.

    According to reddit:

    XZlayeD 1 point 9 days ago
    actually, no it's based on your attackspeed: If you have 1aps it will take 4.67 sec - whereas if you've got 1.3apm (like i do) it will be 3.47 sec.
    Attackspeed determines the amount of time i takes for it to max out.
    Basically if you've got about 25% attackspeed with a 1h you will have about 1.6apm which will put you at 2.87 sec.

    What's that last quote for, the plague bats rune, or what? Because cloud of bats says it increases damage every second.

    Anyways, I think that jaunt is pretty much mandatory for spirit walk. Also, from what I noticed it seemed like you could cast some of the instant cast utility spells without interrupting channeling of the bats, particularly soul harvest. So you'd probably want the utility skills like that or ones that you would just be casting ahead of time anyways (like pets).
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    forty wrote: »

    What is Ubers?

    I ran Inferno Act IV last night with my wizard, to see how I like the changes, and I like it. I also met my first Keywarden, who dropped the plans for the Infernal Machine, which I promptly taught to my blacksmith. Now I need keys...

    Still couldn't beat Diablo, though. :(
    I hate you. Also, what MP level?

    Then I really hate you. 5% chance and you got it on your first kill.

    Well to be fair I might have killed him once or twice before and not known, I didn't know what a keywarden even was until very recently. I think this was the 3rd time I've run Inferno Act IV, trying to get to a point where I could actually kill Diablo and failing.

    What is your gear and class? Inferno D isn't the challenge he used to be - particularly on 0MP. Quite a few of us have smacked him down in Hardcore with whatever budget gear we could scrape together on the way from 0 - 60. I don't mean to belittle your efforts but doing it in SC should be a lot easier.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Savant wrote: »
    Rolo wrote: »
    Ideally a cloud of bats build:

    Would have life steal and defensive stats boosting, since you're always going to be super up close when casting the spell
    Would have a way of stunning/locking down elites in place, so you can get into position to hit them
    Would have at least one alternate long-distance attack skill for enemies you couldn't reach directly
    Would have support skills that have duration effects, you don't want to stop channeling to use a secondary attack


    Maybe? Probably needs some refining.

    According to reddit:

    XZlayeD 1 point 9 days ago
    actually, no it's based on your attackspeed: If you have 1aps it will take 4.67 sec - whereas if you've got 1.3apm (like i do) it will be 3.47 sec.
    Attackspeed determines the amount of time i takes for it to max out.
    Basically if you've got about 25% attackspeed with a 1h you will have about 1.6apm which will put you at 2.87 sec.

    What's that last quote for, the plague bats rune, or what? Because cloud of bats says it increases damage every second.

    Anyways, I think that jaunt is pretty much mandatory for spirit walk. Also, from what I noticed it seemed like you could cast some of the instant cast utility spells without interrupting channeling of the bats, particularly soul harvest. So you'd probably want the utility skills like that or ones that you would just be casting ahead of time anyways (like pets).

    For cloud, as far as I can tell:


    (link says plague, but cloud bats are what's being discussed)

    Also, why Jaunt?
    Rolo on
  • RandomEngyRandomEngy Registered User regular
    Jaunt is great because the best part about Spirit Walk is you are fast and basically invulnerable. 50% more time spent fast and invulnerable is nice to get around the map, give you more time to kill reflect packs, more maneuverability in fights. Mana is decent but it's better to get your mana from GF and Zuni's set and get more of that sweet, sweet spirit walk time.
    Profile -> Signature Settings -> Hide signatures always. Then you don't have to read this worthless text anymore.
  • Monkey Ball WarriorMonkey Ball Warrior A collection of mediocre hats Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Matz wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    forty wrote: »

    What is Ubers?

    I ran Inferno Act IV last night with my wizard, to see how I like the changes, and I like it. I also met my first Keywarden, who dropped the plans for the Infernal Machine, which I promptly taught to my blacksmith. Now I need keys...

    Still couldn't beat Diablo, though. :(
    I hate you. Also, what MP level?

    Then I really hate you. 5% chance and you got it on your first kill.

    Well to be fair I might have killed him once or twice before and not known, I didn't know what a keywarden even was until very recently. I think this was the 3rd time I've run Inferno Act IV, trying to get to a point where I could actually kill Diablo and failing.

    What is your gear and class? Inferno D isn't the challenge he used to be - particularly on 0MP. Quite a few of us have smacked him down in Hardcore with whatever budget gear we could scrape together on the way from 0 - 60. I don't mean to belittle your efforts but doing it in SC should be a lot easier.

    Here she is.
    I normally run with the crit rune on my armor buff, but out of desperation I switched it to resist, and it helped a bit, but not enough to bring me over the hump.

    I am aware that may not be the ideal skill build, but I like it well enough for everything else in Inferno. Now that I'm looking at it, I also switched out my standard Mana-From-Healthorbs passive for that Unstable Anomaly, again just for Diablo.
    Monkey Ball Warrior on
    [47 6F 6F 64 20 4A 6F 62 21 0]
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    RandomEngy wrote: »
    Jaunt is great because the best part about Spirit Walk is you are fast and basically invulnerable. 50% more time spent fast and invulnerable is nice to get around the map, give you more time to kill reflect packs, more maneuverability in fights. Mana is decent but it's better to get your mana from GF and Zuni's set and get more of that sweet, sweet spirit walk time.

    I find the stutter step nature of fighting with cloud of bats is way more in favor of quick mana regen as a boost than getting an extra second with jaunt, but I suppose it all comes down to playstyles.

  • Garret DoriganGarret Dorigan Registered User regular
    Matz wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    forty wrote: »

    What is Ubers?

    I ran Inferno Act IV last night with my wizard, to see how I like the changes, and I like it. I also met my first Keywarden, who dropped the plans for the Infernal Machine, which I promptly taught to my blacksmith. Now I need keys...

    Still couldn't beat Diablo, though. :(
    I hate you. Also, what MP level?

    Then I really hate you. 5% chance and you got it on your first kill.

    Well to be fair I might have killed him once or twice before and not known, I didn't know what a keywarden even was until very recently. I think this was the 3rd time I've run Inferno Act IV, trying to get to a point where I could actually kill Diablo and failing.

    What is your gear and class? Inferno D isn't the challenge he used to be - particularly on 0MP. Quite a few of us have smacked him down in Hardcore with whatever budget gear we could scrape together on the way from 0 - 60. I don't mean to belittle your efforts but doing it in SC should be a lot easier.

    Here she is.
    I normally run with the crit rune on my armor buff, but out of desperation I switched it to resist, and it helped a bit, but not enough to bring me over the hump.

    I am aware that may not be the ideal skill build, but I like it well enough for everything else in Inferno. Now that I'm looking at it, I also switched out my standard Mana-From-Healthorbs passive for that Unstable Anomaly, again just for Diablo.

    Anyone else having the problem that a lot of hover pop ups aren't working on the bnet site?

    Anyway, I've got a Chant's wand I don't use any more that you can have that should really up your DPS (the opening line also means that I can't see the roll over windows on your gear). The only thing that I'd change on your build if you like it would be Astral Presence for Critical Mass.

    Yeah, yeah, CM is king, but if you're playing an Archon build it will help mitigate the cooldown of it. You've got a pretty decent crit rate and Electrocute attacks quick so your Archon uptime should noticeably improve.
    "Never Hit"
  • Monkey Ball WarriorMonkey Ball Warrior A collection of mediocre hats Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    That's an archon build? I mean sure, I use Archon, but I wasn't exactly centering my build around it. It's more of a button to nuke elites with, and sometimes it is wildly ineffective, depending on what set of modifiers they happen to have.

    I was using CM but I think I switched it out for Cold Blooded, because I never could tell much of a difference in my cooldowns with it.

    And I hardly ever use Electrocute except in combination with blizzard to kill very large groups. It does very little damage to single targets... all the primary free attacks are super weak, it seems. Which I guess is the idea, they're free.
    Monkey Ball Warrior on
    [47 6F 6F 64 20 4A 6F 62 21 0]
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Today I learned that Act 2 Arcane Orbs fucking hurt on MP9.
  • Kid PresentableKid Presentable Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Couple more noob questions.

    Is crafting viable / worth it? This is from the perspective of a paragon level 1 Barbarian at monster level 0. I like crafting and I have a ton of mats, so if there's something to be had for it that's not a waste of time or money I'd be interested.

    Sort of tied in with that question, is there an easy way to know what is safe to salvage and what warrants a bit of a closer look? Can I go ahead and safely salvage anything with an item level under 63? I know that something like 99-100% of the stuff I'm getting is junk, but I don't want to accidentally burn something that was actually worth money on this theoretical AH that doesn't currently exist. Is there anything stopping a $250 Legendary from dropping in MP0? Aside from more chances from more drops, is there anything making a $250 legendary more likely to drop in MP10? I guess my question is if MP affects the quality of loot or just the quantity.
    Kid Presentable on
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    shadowane wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    Either way I'm not doing the dance with J; I've seen others do it; try to suggest improvements only to have him shoot them down and never ever suggest anything himself; as if the AH was the paragon of perfection or couldn't be improved. I've said my piece.

    And so goes another dance partner.

    I am not sure what you are trying to "improve" with your proposed change. So far as I can tell, the AH solves many of the trading problems from D2. The only "problem" it creates is some people feel compelled to use it, despite their lack of desire to use it.

    That is not a problem with the AH. That is a problem of people being weak willed and failing to actualize their own desires.

    A person can play the game without using the AH. Nothing actively forces anyone to engage with it. Players who choose to use it do have an advantage, in terms of acquiring specific gear in a more efficient manner, but that is not a universal advantage. Advantage and disadvantage are assessed in terms of the context of desires, ideals, objectives, etc. If a person's goal is to achieve the best gear for MP10, in the most efficient way, then the AH is the best means to that end. If a person's goal is to just kill shit, the AH is not required.

    The issue that I see on the official forums quite often is that people do not want to use the AH, but want the best gear. So their proposed solution is for the RNG to love them, and magically drop exactly the gear they need exactly when they want it. That is a problematic set of desires.

    As to my own reluctance to propose improvements on the AH...the system seems to work. I can farm gear, sell gear, and buy the gear I want. I have not identified a problem that requires change or improvement.

    Except that it would be nice for the search criteria to not be limited to what affixes can appear on only rares for a particular slot. Searching by legendary affix would be handy. Or just enable all affixes for all gear slot searches, and if X cannot appear on a piece of gear then the search results indicate this.

    I am beginning to understand some people's reluctant use of the AH. I've been an Inferno-bound Witch Doctor for many months now and I can not handle anything past MP1 with the gear that I have. It does take an exorbitant amount of patience to wait for something decent to drop, once that patience has run out, it hurts, but I can see how some people feel like they're being forced to play the Diablo 3 Wall Street Simulator. I haven't broken yet, though, I'm still going strong in the few little piddly crap pieces I've picked up off the Auction House (none of my gear cost me more than, say 500,000 gold), and I have a lot of runs that people would consider "fail" because I didn't get any upgrades from them. Still, the DoT Witchdoctor lives strong in my PC :D
    Yeah, but there's an issue here. The people who are stuck in MP1 because they won't use the AH would be stuck there even without the AH existing. There is an automatic assumption that drop rates and various other things would change if the AH didn't exist and I don't believe it for a second.

    You forget that the MP difficulties were conceived in a post-AH world. Even if gear was the same without the AH, the standards of character power would be very different, meaning easier MPs and thus more viable self-found progression.

    Inferno without MP, and MP1, ought to be manageable without AH gear. This was a problem they addressed last summer, when persons complained that Inferno Act 2 could only be completed with Act 2 gear. They significantly lowered the difficulty levels so that more people could access them.

    Your counter-factual claim seems reasonable, that without an AH gear standards would be lower and so MP difficulties would be lower, but why does that matter? Persons can do MP1 without using the AH. Why is an inability to do MP10 without the AH a bad thing, especially given the fact that MP10 is not unique content.

    This is not like WoW where persons could not do particular raids without being in a raiding guild and farming gear. All content is accessible to players without the AH. The difference is that relative power levels will be lower for persons who farm their own gear. That difference is not necessarily problematic, once we get people's desires to stop being contradictory.

    Why do people who use the AH want to reach MP10? Because progressing is fun, and efficiency is fun. Currently AH users have much easier access to that fun than non-AH users. Do you think all these complaints are just imaginary? Amish players are second class citizens and you know that - it doesn't bother you because you're not one of them.

    If you want efficiency, then use the AH. It is right there.

    If you do not want to use the AH, then do not use it. Nothing forces you to.

    If you want to efficiently min/max your character without using the AH, then you have fucked up self-contradictory desires. Fix that shit.

    The AH is efficient but unsatisfying. Finding loot in-game is satisfying but inefficient. I want to pursue efficiency in a way that is also fun and satisfying - there's nothing contradictory about it except that the game doesn't work that way right now, which can and should be fixed. The reason this is difficult for you to understand is because you are in the unusual position of considering the AH to be more fun than the game - I hope you're at least self-aware enough to realize that you are in the minority on this. There will always be a hardcore minority that likes things exactly the way they are - if you always listen to them, you'll never make any progress.
  • StingeStinge Registered User regular
    I have to ask, after reading the interview on the official site with one of the few p500 people, am I one of the rare people that do full act clears for farming? I can't stand losing NV buff, so I try to draw it out as long as possible. I'm not too concerned about plvl, since it will come in time(and is super fast now anyways), but I'm curious of playing in groups now, and wondering if I'm going to have a hard time finding people that like to do full act clears.
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    Stinge wrote: »
    I have to ask, after reading the interview on the official site with one of the few p500 people, am I one of the rare people that do full act clears for farming? I can't stand losing NV buff, so I try to draw it out as long as possible. I'm not too concerned about plvl, since it will come in time(and is super fast now anyways), but I'm curious of playing in groups now, and wondering if I'm going to have a hard time finding people that like to do full act clears.

    Full act clears have a lot of lulls in them and annoying story bits you have to skip past. It doesn't take long at all to get 5 stacks. Probably more efficient to just do a high elite area, and then the high density areas once you have full NV.

  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Is crafting viable / worth it? This is from the perspective of a paragon level 1 Barbarian at monster level 0. I like crafting and I have a ton of mats, so if there's something to be had for it that's not a waste of time or money I'd be interested.

    The only crafted items that are viable / a good use of resources are the Account-Bound Archon items. this page goes into the nuances of each item, and whether it is worth your resources. The article is a bit dated, but it still provides some useful information. The main qualifier is the shoulder section. Back when this was written, Vile Wards were quite pricey. Since their prices have dropped, you can get a very good Vile Ward for reasonable prices, and so the Archon is slightly less ideal.

    Overall, though, it is cheaper / more efficient / better / something to buy exactly what you want off the AH than to try to randomly generate it.

    And, really, that is a rule that applies to most things in life, not just D3.

    Sort of tied in with that question, is there an easy way to know what is safe to salvage and what warrants a bit of a closer look? Can I go ahead and safely salvage anything with an item level under 63? I know that something like 99-100% of the stuff I'm getting is junk, but I don't want to accidentally burn something that was actually worth money on this theoretical AH that doesn't currently exist.

    Does My Rare Have Value?

    That document will give you a good idea of what stats have value on what items.

    Rare / Legendary Item Usage Statistics

    That page will give you a good idea of the slots within which persons use rares.

    The general rules for "Is this a rare I should pick up?":
    - Rings, Amulets
    - 61- 63 Bracers, Gloves, 1H weapons. 63 definitely. 61 - 62 depending on how much you like carrying shit.

    Every other socket will likely be filled with a legendary.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Stinge wrote: »
    I have to ask, after reading the interview on the official site with one of the few p500 people, am I one of the rare people that do full act clears for farming?

    Yes. It is more efficient to hit the most densely populated areas, and then make a new game. If you do it correctly, gaining 5 stacks oughtn't take very long.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    Today I learned that Act 2 Arcane Orbs fucking hurt on MP9.

    No shit.

    Today I learned than when fighting a pack that has Arcane (and some other bullshit ground effects, IIRC), make sure that if you die you spawn in on the Demon Hunter.

    Not the Barbarian.

    Nothing good is happening around the Barbarian.

    Oh, and why the fuck was I dying more on MP8 than MP9?
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Zek wrote: »
    The AH is efficient but unsatisfying. Finding loot in-game is satisfying but inefficient. I want to pursue efficiency in a way that is also fun and satisfying - there's nothing contradictory about it except that the game doesn't work that way right now, which can and should be fixed.

    It is contradictory, or at least problematic, insofar as your fun method involves random number generation. Randomly generating gear will never be as efficient as directly obtaining the exact item you want off an Auction House or trading system.

    That's just how "random" works.

    The only way to make self-generated gear methods more efficient than the AH is to minimize, or remove, the random aspects. Once that happens, I am not sure what the game becomes.

    So, that's the issue: You want a random means to be as efficient as a non-random means. The only way to do that is to make the means less random...which is what the AH provides. So, I'm not sure what your ideal world looks like.

    And my assumption is that you are not one of the chucklefucks from the official forums who wants an exact ideal item upgrade to drop for them ever 45 minutes. My confusion is over how to get what you want without either magic or chucklefuckery.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Oh, and why the fuck was I dying more on MP8 than MP9?

    My guess, and this is just speculation, is that it is because you touch yourself at night.
  • Garret DoriganGarret Dorigan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Rolo wrote: »
    RandomEngy wrote: »
    Jaunt is great because the best part about Spirit Walk is you are fast and basically invulnerable. 50% more time spent fast and invulnerable is nice to get around the map, give you more time to kill reflect packs, more maneuverability in fights. Mana is decent but it's better to get your mana from GF and Zuni's set and get more of that sweet, sweet spirit walk time.

    I find the stutter step nature of fighting with cloud of bats is way more in favor of quick mana regen as a boost than getting an extra second with jaunt, but I suppose it all comes down to playstyles.

    In my experience with Sleet Storm you stutter step a lot, and I figured since the initial cost of Bats is about 1/5th of a 60WD mana globe that this wouldn't be sustainable.

    But from everything I'm reading here, you could basically play a more careful version of Snow Globe.

    SS= CoB
    Blizzard= Acid Rain
    Explosive Blast/Magic Weapon= Soul Harvest~Vengeful Spirit (Assuming you can cast it with no cast animation)
    Teleport= Spirit Walk
    Slow Time= Grasp of the Dead (Does this have a cast animation?)

    That gives you one extra skill slot to play with (Two, really, as I don't think Grasp would actually be viable for the CoB WD). Mass Hysteria to lock down seems a good choice, but Pyrogeist, Locusts, and Spirit Barrage would be something to think about for long range/off cast Life Steal. If you use a Sankis like I'm planning to you get a ton of EHP due to the Ignore Pain-like effect it has on it (20% global damage reduction that's up about 80% of the time when in melee, as the story goes).

    Life Steal seems a near requirement overall though.
    Garret Dorigan on
    "Never Hit"
  • Garret DoriganGarret Dorigan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    That's an archon build? I mean sure, I use Archon, but I wasn't exactly centering my build around it. It's more of a button to nuke elites with, and sometimes it is wildly ineffective, depending on what set of modifiers they happen to have.

    I was using CM but I think I switched it out for Cold Blooded, because I never could tell much of a difference in my cooldowns with it.

    And I hardly ever use Electrocute except in combination with blizzard to kill very large groups. It does very little damage to single targets... all the primary free attacks are super weak, it seems. Which I guess is the idea, they're free.

    I just assumed... I saw Archon, figured Archon build. Archon is really effective for surviving due to the 40% defense buffs. Especially if you're trying to down D, I'd look into focusing on it for the fight... and if that's the case, I'd recommend switching Electrocute for Living Lightning*, Presence with CM, and take this Chants Will off of me.

    EDIT: *Or Blades, but me repping SB seems antiproductive at this point.
    Garret Dorigan on
    "Never Hit"
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    The AH is efficient but unsatisfying. Finding loot in-game is satisfying but inefficient. I want to pursue efficiency in a way that is also fun and satisfying - there's nothing contradictory about it except that the game doesn't work that way right now, which can and should be fixed.

    It is contradictory, or at least problematic, insofar as your fun method involves random number generation. Randomly generating gear will never be as efficient as directly obtaining the exact item you want off an Auction House or trading system.

    That's just how "random" works.

    The only way to make self-generated gear methods more efficient than the AH is to minimize, or remove, the random aspects. Once that happens, I am not sure what the game becomes.

    So, that's the issue: You want a random means to be as efficient as a non-random means. The only way to do that is to make the means less random...which is what the AH provides. So, I'm not sure what your ideal world looks like.

    And my assumption is that you are not one of the chucklefucks from the official forums who wants an exact ideal item upgrade to drop for them ever 45 minutes. My confusion is over how to get what you want without either magic or chucklefuckery.

    I'd say you might be able to do it through some means of re-enchanting and account binding. Fed through copious amounts of drops. Like, given enough dust and demonic essence you get to alter a roll/reroll an affix, but the item becomes account bound. Or...something.

    I don't think this is an impossible thing, but I do agree that the fundamental issue is finding some other means of bypassing the RNG that does not also break the AH for those of us that do like it.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Oh, and why the fuck was I dying more on MP8 than MP9?

    My guess, and this is just speculation, is that it is because you touch yourself at night.

    What's that? I can't hear you, because you're back in town, because some pissant white monster killed you again.

  • Monkey Ball WarriorMonkey Ball Warrior A collection of mediocre hats Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    Living Lightning seemed incredibly weird and non-useful when I tried it. I'll try it again, though :) But what does it have to do with archon?
    [47 6F 6F 64 20 4A 6F 62 21 0]
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    _J_ wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    The AH is efficient but unsatisfying. Finding loot in-game is satisfying but inefficient. I want to pursue efficiency in a way that is also fun and satisfying - there's nothing contradictory about it except that the game doesn't work that way right now, which can and should be fixed.

    It is contradictory, or at least problematic, insofar as your fun method involves random number generation. Randomly generating gear will never be as efficient as directly obtaining the exact item you want off an Auction House or trading system.

    That's just how "random" works.

    The only way to make self-generated gear methods more efficient than the AH is to minimize, or remove, the random aspects. Once that happens, I am not sure what the game becomes.

    So, that's the issue: You want a random means to be as efficient as a non-random means. The only way to do that is to make the means less random...which is what the AH provides. So, I'm not sure what your ideal world looks like.

    And my assumption is that you are not one of the chucklefucks from the official forums who wants an exact ideal item upgrade to drop for them ever 45 minutes. My confusion is over how to get what you want without either magic or chucklefuckery.

    Randomness is and always has been part of Diablo. If you think that's problematic then I have no idea why you're playing the game in the first place. The AH is random too - either you're farming for random drops to sell, or you're searching for pseudo-random cheap postings to flip. The unsatisfying nature of playing for a while and getting nothing is one of the reasons they came up with Paragon Levels.

    I've previously given a lot of ideas about how to make the randomness feel more fun:

    - Make drops more targeted to your character: make your primary stat far more likely to roll than the primary start of another class. This makes it more likely you'll find a self-upgrade while having virtually no impact on the economy.
    - Implement more and better goldsinks that allow for more controlled randomness, like the crafting recipes, and other ideas they've mentioned like the ability to augment/re-roll your gear affixes.
    - Rework itemization to favor affixes that are more unique to a build/playstyle rather than just max DPS stats in every slot. This way they don't have to make top-tier gear impossible to find, because the real challenge is finding a top-tier roll of exactly what you want - or you could switch your build around to accommodate the loot you found.

    I'm fine with the AH being a non-random alternative to all this, but right now it's far, far too cheap. You should pay a significant expense to get exactly what you want from the AH - enough that there's an incentive for you roll the dice instead, and not feel bad about passing up free gear.
    Zek on
  • Garret DoriganGarret Dorigan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Living Lightning seemed incredibly weird and non-useful when I tried it. I'll try it again, though :) But what does it have to do with archon?

    Tons of little hits->Tons of possible crits->Tons of chances to proc CM->Tons of chances to lower CD of Archon

    In actuality, Energy Twister-Wicked Wind would be your best bet for that, but you've got Orb as your AP spender already. You just shoot LL when you can't shoot an Orb.
    Garret Dorigan on
    "Never Hit"
  • Monkey Ball WarriorMonkey Ball Warrior A collection of mediocre hats Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    I see. I guess I was assuming that CM normalized against large quantities of tiny hits, so it was more of a flat proportion of your crit chance.
    [47 6F 6F 64 20 4A 6F 62 21 0]
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