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[Diablo 3] Reports of the Economy's death were greatly exaggerated



  • StingeStinge Registered User regular
    Rolo wrote: »
    Stinge wrote: »
    I have to ask, after reading the interview on the official site with one of the few p500 people, am I one of the rare people that do full act clears for farming? I can't stand losing NV buff, so I try to draw it out as long as possible. I'm not too concerned about plvl, since it will come in time(and is super fast now anyways), but I'm curious of playing in groups now, and wondering if I'm going to have a hard time finding people that like to do full act clears.

    Full act clears have a lot of lulls in them and annoying story bits you have to skip past. It doesn't take long at all to get 5 stacks. Probably more efficient to just do a high elite area, and then the high density areas once you have full NV.

    I don't really mind being somewhat inefficient, given how fast XP comes now. I guess I'm just wondering more than anything if I'll have a hard time finding like minded people. So far the answer is "yes" :rotate:
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    I see. I guess I was assuming that CM normalized against large quantities of tiny hits, so it was more of a flat proportion of your crit chance.

    It is normalized, but some skills are nonetheless much better for procs than others.
  • Garret DoriganGarret Dorigan Registered User regular
    I see. I guess I was assuming that CM normalized against large quantities of tiny hits, so it was more of a flat proportion of your crit chance.

    Kind of, but it's actually a lot more complicated.

    List of proc coefficients.

    If you look at LL, you can see that it has a 20% chance to proc effects. So, for every hit you make with LL with your Crit rate, you've got about a 40% chance to crit with your current gear. Out of those crits, 20% of them will proc CM, lowering the cooldown of Archon by one second. LL is only good at this due to it doing a ton of hits very quickly with it's decent proc rate.

    Energy Twister is 12.5% chance to proc, but you can have six of them out doing about as many hits as LL per twister... that's why it's better at doing it.
    "Never Hit"
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    Today I learned that Act 2 Arcane Orbs fucking hurt on MP9.

    No shit.

    Today I learned than when fighting a pack that has Arcane (and some other bullshit ground effects, IIRC), make sure that if you die you spawn in on the Demon Hunter.

    Not the Barbarian.

    Nothing good is happening around the Barbarian.

    Oh, and why the fuck was I dying more on MP8 than MP9?

    Yeah - I wouldn't recommend spawning back on me with Plagued/Desc packs. Most of the time I ignore those effects.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Oh, and why the fuck was I dying more on MP8 than MP9?

    My guess, and this is just speculation, is that it is because you touch yourself at night.

    What's that? I can't hear you, because you're back in town, because some pissant white monster killed you again.

    Maybe it is during the day too...


    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Zek wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    The AH is efficient but unsatisfying. Finding loot in-game is satisfying but inefficient. I want to pursue efficiency in a way that is also fun and satisfying - there's nothing contradictory about it except that the game doesn't work that way right now, which can and should be fixed.

    It is contradictory, or at least problematic, insofar as your fun method involves random number generation. Randomly generating gear will never be as efficient as directly obtaining the exact item you want off an Auction House or trading system.

    That's just how "random" works.

    The only way to make self-generated gear methods more efficient than the AH is to minimize, or remove, the random aspects. Once that happens, I am not sure what the game becomes.

    So, that's the issue: You want a random means to be as efficient as a non-random means. The only way to do that is to make the means less random...which is what the AH provides. So, I'm not sure what your ideal world looks like.

    And my assumption is that you are not one of the chucklefucks from the official forums who wants an exact ideal item upgrade to drop for them ever 45 minutes. My confusion is over how to get what you want without either magic or chucklefuckery.

    Randomness is and always has been part of Diablo. If you think that's problematic then I have no idea why you're playing the game in the first place. The AH is random too - either you're farming for random drops to sell, or you're searching for pseudo-random cheap postings to flip. The unsatisfying nature of playing for a while and getting nothing is one of the reasons they came up with Paragon Levels.

    I've previously given a lot of ideas about how to make the randomness feel more fun:

    - Make drops more targeted to your character: make your primary stat far more likely to roll than the primary start of another class. This makes it more likely you'll find a self-upgrade while having virtually no impact on the economy.
    - Implement more and better goldsinks that allow for more controlled randomness, like the crafting recipes, and other ideas they've mentioned like the ability to augment/re-roll your gear affixes.
    - Rework itemization to favor affixes that are more unique to a build/playstyle rather than just max DPS stats in every slot. This way they don't have to make top-tier gear impossible to find, because the real challenge is finding a top-tier roll of exactly what you want - or you could switch your build around to accommodate the loot you found.

    I'm fine with the AH being a non-random alternative to all this, but right now it's far, far too cheap. You should pay a significant expense to get exactly what you want from the AH - enough that there's an incentive for you roll the dice instead, and not feel bad about passing up free gear.

    Your three suggestions are versions of "make drops less random" and "provide players ways to de-random their gear's affixes". Those are ways to make item farming less inefficient than it is now, but it is a significant change to how itemization works in the game.

    They could have gone with the WoW strategy: Make the BIS items have pre-determined stats, but make them random drops. This requires the developers to release new content regularly, since the decrease in randomness affords more efficient acquisition, and so players cap out fairly quickly. If D3 moved to that model of itemization it would remove randomness, and persons would be able to self-generate gear more efficiently than they can now. The problem would be the speed with which players reach that higher gear cap. At that point they would have less incentive to grind, and so new gear would have to be added. Back when the game was released, Blizzard indicated that they did not want to embrace that model of itemization since it requires more work on their part.

    I agree that if they made self-generated gear less random then self-generating gear would increase in efficiency. The issue is that it would be a significant modification to how D3's itemization system works, and that may have deleterious impacts on the gameplay down the road.

    Edit: As I think about it, though... Suppose they let players specify the affixes they want. You start a game, and select from, say, six pulldown menus your preferred stats. Then as you farm gear those stats are given a higher probability of dropping. It seems like that is just taking what the AH already does (let players specify what they want) and adding that to in-game farming in a very convoluted way. At that point it becomes a bit absurd...since Blizzard would effectively recode the in-game gear drop mechanics to function as a less efficient version of the AH.

    The game already lets you farm gear.
    The game already lets you seek out exactly what you want.

    Both extremes already exist. Asking for a retarded half-cousin middle-road version of that for the sake of "feels more fun!" seems strange.
    _J_ on
  • DrHookensteinDrHookenstein Registered User regular
    Why not just make the "Best" items bind on pick up, and only the second best sellable?
    "He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it." -Moby Dick
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    Because if the best items drop too quickly people will then begin complaining that the game is too easy and why oh why can't I find new items anymore! It's a vicious circle in that once you fix one person's problems, new people crop up to complain. That and the more efficient it is to farm, the quicker people will get best in slot gear and complain it's not fun anymore. Mostly, I'm saying people suck and complain a lot.

    As far as the idea of only dropping gear that applies to your class, oh boy, that idea sounds terrible. I'd really like to only be able to gear up a new character using that character. Sounds awesome!
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    On a completely separate note, has anyone ever thought about just how much money blizzard makes from the AH? They've never posted any stats but don't you think there have to be quite a number of sales on it every day, all of which they make $1 or 15%?
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    Really, I wonder how much sales on the AH are offset by the cost of maintaining it and the D3 servers.
  • sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    I do hear people complain it takes too long to find items and I always wonder how long should it take to get near perfect gear in a Diablo game? It takes at least 2000 hours for the regular person who isn't an amazing middleman or has spent money on items to get near perfect items. That might be too long but I don't think it should be reduced too much. It's nice to almost always have more gear to get, the game would be boring if I had near perfect gear after a few hundred hours on one character.

    One problem, if it is a problem, is that everyone has almost the best gear so the only valuable gear is the best gear so it takes forever to find that gear so it's disheartening to farm for hours and hours and not find it. But that's just how it works when you're looking for the best gear.
  • sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    Without the AH I can't play this game. I've been playing Neverwinter Online and Counter strike Go. I'll be back, just waiting.
  • OtakingOtaking Registered User regular
    The real failure of the loot system is just the sheer amount of unusable garbage. In D2 you might have only been able to use it on a twink alt or off spec build but at least most things you picked up miraculously had SOME value or interesting niche use. In D3 it's just an endless tide of crap that no one wants punctuated by a very short list of BiS. The loot system is so bad it makes people think the AH is a great, necessary, and fun system by comparison. Which sadly it is, by comparison.

    The narrow list of MP6+ viable skills for a lot of classes and one or two effective skill builds per class aggravates this problem.

    Auction House Simulator 2013 is not what Diablo 3 should be about.

    Case in point: the drop rates were overall nerfed in this patch and most people are so totally focused on the loss of the AH that the lowered drop rates haven't even registered.
  • HexDexHexDex Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    The drop rates were overall buffed, actually. You did not account for the mob density increase.

    The only true "nerf" is if you were speed farming the scorpion areas of act 3. And if you are one of those guys, who cares? Eat that nerf.
    HexDex on
    If you are reading this add me.
    D3: Caretta#1196
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    oh man i just recognized where your AV is from
  • HexDexHexDex Registered User regular
    What can I say? You inspired me.
    If you are reading this add me.
    D3: Caretta#1196
  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah Registered User regular
    oh man i just recognized where your AV is from

    I still don't get it.

    Is the AH back up yet?
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Otaking wrote: »
    The real failure of the loot system is just the sheer amount of unusable garbage. In D2 you might have only been able to use it on a twink alt or off spec build but at least most things you picked up miraculously had SOME value or interesting niche use.

    I think you are misremembering D2. The gear curve was usually shitty blues -> ok rares -> legendary -> BiS. Usually around Act 2-3 Nightmare players were only concerned with obtaining legendries for any particular slot.

    There were plenty of shitty blues, and a plethora of shitty rares. There were also shitty legendries. No one used Goreshovel at endgame, or even for very long on a twink. Pretty sure no one wore Heaven's Brethren. People made fun of my Druid for wearing all of Aldur's set. Did anyone wear a belt other than Goldwrap, String of Ears, or maybe a Gloom's Trap on a necromancer? I think one of my Amazons wore a Thundergod's. I'm comfortable saying that only 3 people, ever, wore a Razortail at late game.

    D2 contained plenty of shitty items.

    Edit: The other aspect of the situation is that without an AH, persons had to use shitty gear while farming for the BiS items. This did not make the gear less shitty, in terms of its relation to BiS items. Rather, it meant gear acquisition took longer, and there were more steps of upgrades as one progressed through the game. That might have made it seem like there were better items, since more items were used by any particular character. Without the AH D3 would have had this feature, but it is not necessarily a good thing.
    _J_ on
  • DrHookensteinDrHookenstein Registered User regular
    Does anyone know why there are so few skill-specific items?
    "He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it." -Moby Dick
  • sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    Wow they nerfed a lot of the monster drop rates for certain monsters. I guess act 1 & act 2 isn't as good as I thought it was. Seems like Alkaizer runs are comparable to Weeping Hollows, Fields of Misery, and Storm halls & Shadow Depths in Act 2. I don't think they nerfed too many of the act 3 monsters in terms of item drops. I know they nerfed scorpions and some others but act 1 & 2 item drops have been hit some what hard. I don't care about XP gains, I'm lvl 89 paragon I'll hit 100 one day I'm in no rush.

    I wonder if people will farm even slower since they nerfed item drops. I know they increased monster density but a lot of monsters have had their chance to drop items nerfed so hard.
  • HeraldSHeraldS Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    _J_ wrote: »
    Otaking wrote: »
    The real failure of the loot system is just the sheer amount of unusable garbage. In D2 you might have only been able to use it on a twink alt or off spec build but at least most things you picked up miraculously had SOME value or interesting niche use.

    I think you are misremembering D2. The gear curve was usually shitty blues -> ok rares -> legendary -> BiS. Usually around Act 2-3 Nightmare players were only concerned with obtaining legendries for any particular slot.

    There were plenty of shitty blues, and a plethora of shitty rares. There were also shitty legendries. No one used Goreshovel at endgame, or even for very long on a twink. Pretty sure no one wore Heaven's Brethren. People made fun of my Druid for wearing all of Aldur's set. Did anyone wear a belt other than Goldwrap, String of Ears, or maybe a Gloom's Trap on a necromancer? I think one of my Amazons wore a Thundergod's. I'm comfortable saying that only 3 people, ever, wore a Razortail at late game.

    D2 contained plenty of shitty items.

    Edit: The other aspect of the situation is that without an AH, persons had to use shitty gear while farming for the BiS items. This did not make the gear less shitty, in terms of its relation to BiS items. Rather, it meant gear acquisition took longer, and there were more steps of upgrades as one progressed through the game. That might have made it seem like there were better items, since more items were used by any particular character. Without the AH D3 would have had this feature, but it is not necessarily a good thing.

    Which version of D2 were you playing? String of Ears was only useful in 1.09, no one but goldfind characters (i.e. not necs) used Goldwrap, and the predominant belt for necs & other casters from 1.10 on was either Arachnid's or a nice caster craft, depending on the BPs you needed. TGods was also useful on any barb or pally that wanted to tank plus every javazon ever, of which there were plenty. I'm not sure you're remembering the game beyond Meph runs with a sorc accurately.

    edit: Razortail was also a good choice for any zon looking to save points or get extra pierce for non-physical pub PVP matchups. I know you like to pretend that PVP didn't matter but it is what has kept the game going all this time, and was even more popular during 1.09 when zons where the dominant class.
    HeraldS on
  • DrHookensteinDrHookenstein Registered User regular
    HeraldS wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    Otaking wrote: »
    The real failure of the loot system is just the sheer amount of unusable garbage. In D2 you might have only been able to use it on a twink alt or off spec build but at least most things you picked up miraculously had SOME value or interesting niche use.

    I think you are misremembering D2. The gear curve was usually shitty blues -> ok rares -> legendary -> BiS. Usually around Act 2-3 Nightmare players were only concerned with obtaining legendries for any particular slot.

    There were plenty of shitty blues, and a plethora of shitty rares. There were also shitty legendries. No one used Goreshovel at endgame, or even for very long on a twink. Pretty sure no one wore Heaven's Brethren. People made fun of my Druid for wearing all of Aldur's set. Did anyone wear a belt other than Goldwrap, String of Ears, or maybe a Gloom's Trap on a necromancer? I think one of my Amazons wore a Thundergod's. I'm comfortable saying that only 3 people, ever, wore a Razortail at late game.

    D2 contained plenty of shitty items.

    Edit: The other aspect of the situation is that without an AH, persons had to use shitty gear while farming for the BiS items. This did not make the gear less shitty, in terms of its relation to BiS items. Rather, it meant gear acquisition took longer, and there were more steps of upgrades as one progressed through the game. That might have made it seem like there were better items, since more items were used by any particular character. Without the AH D3 would have had this feature, but it is not necessarily a good thing.

    Which version of D2 were you playing? String of Ears was only useful in 1.09, no one but goldfind characters (i.e. not necs) used Goldwrap, and the predominant belt for necs & other casters from 1.10 on was either Arachnid's or a nice caster craft, depending on the BPs you needed. TGods was also useful on any barb or pally that wanted to tank plus every javazon ever, of which there were plenty. I'm not sure you're remembering the game beyond Meph runs with a sorc accurately.

    I'm not sure whether that relates to the point he was making.
    "He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it." -Moby Dick
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Anyone who remembers a version of D2 that wasn't loaded with bad affix bloat is remembering a game that doesn't exist. Rares/crafts were very often shit at end game because there were hundreds of affix rolls possible and maybe 10% were something you actually wanted (this is a way that D3 is actually like D2). The reason you don't remember tons of bad items dropping is because you could only hold a couple items because the inventory was stupidly small and charms were the worst thing ever implemented in any game.
    forty on
    Patch 4.3 wrote:
    In patch 4.3 we’re changing the daily battleground (BG) to reward 100 conquest for a win (up from 25). In addition, every non-rated BG that you win will also give you 50 conquest.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I loaded up my 55 WD and continued my Hell playthrough last night (on Act 2).

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say they hugely nerfed the difficulty of Hell? What else? Because it felt more like normal difficulty than I remember it when I quit. It was frustrating as shit...then again pets didn't work either.

    I'm not complaining. It means I'll actually do it now. And this is gem-less still. I should check out my Wizard too and see if Nightmare changed also.

    EDIT: Mortar Jailers can still eat a dick though.
    The Dude With Herpes on
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    HeraldS wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    Otaking wrote: »
    The real failure of the loot system is just the sheer amount of unusable garbage. In D2 you might have only been able to use it on a twink alt or off spec build but at least most things you picked up miraculously had SOME value or interesting niche use.

    I think you are misremembering D2. The gear curve was usually shitty blues -> ok rares -> legendary -> BiS. Usually around Act 2-3 Nightmare players were only concerned with obtaining legendries for any particular slot.

    There were plenty of shitty blues, and a plethora of shitty rares. There were also shitty legendries. No one used Goreshovel at endgame, or even for very long on a twink. Pretty sure no one wore Heaven's Brethren. People made fun of my Druid for wearing all of Aldur's set. Did anyone wear a belt other than Goldwrap, String of Ears, or maybe a Gloom's Trap on a necromancer? I think one of my Amazons wore a Thundergod's. I'm comfortable saying that only 3 people, ever, wore a Razortail at late game.

    D2 contained plenty of shitty items.

    Edit: The other aspect of the situation is that without an AH, persons had to use shitty gear while farming for the BiS items. This did not make the gear less shitty, in terms of its relation to BiS items. Rather, it meant gear acquisition took longer, and there were more steps of upgrades as one progressed through the game. That might have made it seem like there were better items, since more items were used by any particular character. Without the AH D3 would have had this feature, but it is not necessarily a good thing.

    Which version of D2 were you playing? String of Ears was only useful in 1.09, no one but goldfind characters (i.e. not necs) used Goldwrap, and the predominant belt for necs & other casters from 1.10 on was either Arachnid's or a nice caster craft, depending on the BPs you needed. TGods was also useful on any barb or pally that wanted to tank plus every javazon ever, of which there were plenty. I'm not sure you're remembering the game beyond Meph runs with a sorc accurately.

    I'm not sure whether that relates to the point he was making.

    If anything, it reinforces the point.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    Anyone who remembers a version of D2 that wasn't loaded with bad affix bloat is remembering a game that doesn't exist. Rares/crafts were very often shit at end game because there were hundreds of affix rolls possible and maybe 10% were something you actually wanted (this is a way that D3 is actually like D2). The reason you don't remember tons of bad items dropping is because you could only hold a couple items because the inventory was stupidly small and charms were the worst thing ever implemented in any game.

    I liked the idea of charms: Trinkets one can carry to boost specific stats unrelated to specific gear slots. I also liked that one had to sacrifice inventory space to carry them. It had the potential to afford some interesting cost / benefit considerations such as "Is X% MF worth one item slot?"

    The problem was the severely limited inventory space, as you mention. If D2 characters had 5x the inventory slots, charms may have been slightly more appealing and one could sacrifice the inventory to carry them. Given the lack of inventory, though, charms were mostly failboat.

    Especially when you consider all gear was shared, so the less inventory you have the more trips to town, and less opportunity to yoink that Grandfather.

    ..."yoink that Grandfather" sounds filthy.
  • BigityBigity Registered User regular
    I loaded up my 55 WD and continued my Hell playthrough last night (on Act 2).

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say they hugely nerfed the difficulty of Hell? What else? Because it felt more like normal difficulty than I remember it when I quit. It was frustrating as shit...then again pets didn't work either.

    I'm not complaining. It means I'll actually do it now. And this is gem-less still. I should check out my Wizard too and see if Nightmare changed also.

    EDIT: Mortar Jailers can still eat a dick though.

    I stared a barbarian last night, because it's been so long I can't remember the story from my lvl 20 DH. Oh well, hitting mobs and having them fly up into the 4th wall is hilarious.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Bigity wrote: »
    I loaded up my 55 WD and continued my Hell playthrough last night (on Act 2).

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say they hugely nerfed the difficulty of Hell? What else? Because it felt more like normal difficulty than I remember it when I quit. It was frustrating as shit...then again pets didn't work either.

    I'm not complaining. It means I'll actually do it now. And this is gem-less still. I should check out my Wizard too and see if Nightmare changed also.

    EDIT: Mortar Jailers can still eat a dick though.

    I stared a barbarian last night, because it's been so long I can't remember the story from my lvl 20 DH. Oh well, hitting mobs and having them fly up into the 4th wall is hilarious.

    D3 has a story?

    Oh, you mean those pain-in-the-ass quicktime events that require the pressing of 'Esc' to win.
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    I loaded up my 55 WD and continued my Hell playthrough last night (on Act 2).

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say they hugely nerfed the difficulty of Hell? What else? Because it felt more like normal difficulty than I remember it when I quit. It was frustrating as shit...then again pets didn't work either.

    I'm not complaining. It means I'll actually do it now. And this is gem-less still. I should check out my Wizard too and see if Nightmare changed also.

    EDIT: Mortar Jailers can still eat a dick though.
    I don't think Hell itself was hugely nerfed. I believe one of the patches might have reduced monster damage in general, and there have been some retunings of certain elite affixes and mob abilities (generally in the downward direction for ones that did excessive damage). I think WDs were buffed as much as Hell was nerfed.
    Patch 4.3 wrote:
    In patch 4.3 we’re changing the daily battleground (BG) to reward 100 conquest for a win (up from 25). In addition, every non-rated BG that you win will also give you 50 conquest.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    HeraldS wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    Otaking wrote: »
    The real failure of the loot system is just the sheer amount of unusable garbage. In D2 you might have only been able to use it on a twink alt or off spec build but at least most things you picked up miraculously had SOME value or interesting niche use.

    I think you are misremembering D2. The gear curve was usually shitty blues -> ok rares -> legendary -> BiS. Usually around Act 2-3 Nightmare players were only concerned with obtaining legendries for any particular slot.

    There were plenty of shitty blues, and a plethora of shitty rares. There were also shitty legendries. No one used Goreshovel at endgame, or even for very long on a twink. Pretty sure no one wore Heaven's Brethren. People made fun of my Druid for wearing all of Aldur's set. Did anyone wear a belt other than Goldwrap, String of Ears, or maybe a Gloom's Trap on a necromancer? I think one of my Amazons wore a Thundergod's. I'm comfortable saying that only 3 people, ever, wore a Razortail at late game.

    D2 contained plenty of shitty items.

    Edit: The other aspect of the situation is that without an AH, persons had to use shitty gear while farming for the BiS items. This did not make the gear less shitty, in terms of its relation to BiS items. Rather, it meant gear acquisition took longer, and there were more steps of upgrades as one progressed through the game. That might have made it seem like there were better items, since more items were used by any particular character. Without the AH D3 would have had this feature, but it is not necessarily a good thing.

    Which version of D2 were you playing? String of Ears was only useful in 1.09, no one but goldfind characters (i.e. not necs) used Goldwrap, and the predominant belt for necs & other casters from 1.10 on was either Arachnid's or a nice caster craft, depending on the BPs you needed. TGods was also useful on any barb or pally that wanted to tank plus every javazon ever, of which there were plenty. I'm not sure you're remembering the game beyond Meph runs with a sorc accurately.

    edit: Razortail was also a good choice for any zon looking to save points or get extra pierce for non-physical pub PVP matchups. I know you like to pretend that PVP didn't matter but it is what has kept the game going all this time, and was even more popular during 1.09 when zons where the dominant class.
    hey i used string of ears on my zealadin
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Public games will be more tolerable when an efficient path is established and folks stop wandering off on their own without direction.

    At the moment my Act 1 is: Festering Woods (for stacks) > Weeping Hollow > Fields of Misery (keywarden) > Leoric to Courtyard (easy pack) > Leoric to Butcher

    I don't know if Leoric to Butcher is good xp, compared to other zones, but it is fast and linear with minimal backtracking. I have done a few games where people do Leoric's Hunting Grounds, but that area is a big open mess of dumb that doesn't seem to have the mob density that justifies Weeping Hollow. The games where people go immediately to Leoric to Butcher miss out on the stacks from Festering Woods and the keywarden.

    Anyone have a different path, with reasons for why it is more efficient?
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    I loaded up my 55 WD and continued my Hell playthrough last night (on Act 2).

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say they hugely nerfed the difficulty of Hell? What else? Because it felt more like normal difficulty than I remember it when I quit. It was frustrating as shit...then again pets didn't work either.

    I'm not complaining. It means I'll actually do it now. And this is gem-less still. I should check out my Wizard too and see if Nightmare changed also.

    EDIT: Mortar Jailers can still eat a dick though.
    I don't think Hell itself was hugely nerfed. I believe one of the patches might have reduced monster damage in general, and there have been some retunings of certain elite affixes and mob abilities (generally in the downward direction for ones that did excessive damage). I think WDs were buffed as much as Hell was nerfed.

    Well, one of the more obvious things I noticed on a boss was that reflect damage seemed not be uh...a joke? Before that shit would kill me in a heartbeat.

    But I think it was a lot of the fact that my dogs and gargantuan could survive and actually were useful that kept me from constantly getting hammered.

    I won't knock players who enjoy playing the WD in your face with Bears and Bats and such, but that was never for me. I wanted a pet class from minute one (I actually wanted the Necro and pray that he'll come back in an xpack), and once pets became completely useless part-way through Nightmare it just became an exercise in frustration to keep playing my WD.

    So all and all I'm loving the changes I've seen so far.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    I loaded up my 55 WD and continued my Hell playthrough last night (on Act 2).

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say they hugely nerfed the difficulty of Hell? What else? Because it felt more like normal difficulty than I remember it when I quit. It was frustrating as shit...then again pets didn't work either.

    I'm not complaining. It means I'll actually do it now. And this is gem-less still. I should check out my Wizard too and see if Nightmare changed also.

    EDIT: Mortar Jailers can still eat a dick though.
    I don't think Hell itself was hugely nerfed. I believe one of the patches might have reduced monster damage in general, and there have been some retunings of certain elite affixes and mob abilities (generally in the downward direction for ones that did excessive damage). I think WDs were buffed as much as Hell was nerfed.

    Well, one of the more obvious things I noticed on a boss was that reflect damage seemed not be uh...a joke? Before that shit would kill me in a heartbeat.

    But I think it was a lot of the fact that my dogs and gargantuan could survive and actually were useful that kept me from constantly getting hammered.

    I won't knock players who enjoy playing the WD in your face with Bears and Bats and such, but that was never for me. I wanted a pet class from minute one (I actually wanted the Necro and pray that he'll come back in an xpack), and once pets became completely useless part-way through Nightmare it just became an exercise in frustration to keep playing my WD.

    So all and all I'm loving the changes I've seen so far.

    What patches are you comparing? You're talking about when you quit. Was that a week after release?
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    Public games will be more tolerable when an efficient path is established and folks stop wandering off on their own without direction.

    At the moment my Act 1 is: Festering Woods (for stacks) > Weeping Hollow > Fields of Misery (keywarden) > Leoric to Courtyard (easy pack) > Leoric to Butcher

    I don't know if Leoric to Butcher is good xp, compared to other zones, but it is fast and linear with minimal backtracking. I have done a few games where people do Leoric's Hunting Grounds, but that area is a big open mess of dumb that doesn't seem to have the mob density that justifies Weeping Hollow. The games where people go immediately to Leoric to Butcher miss out on the stacks from Festering Woods and the keywarden.

    Anyone have a different path, with reasons for why it is more efficient?
    I've given up killing the butcher. He takes longer to kill but doesn't drop anything different than a normal elite. Just doesn't seem worth it. Otherwise, I've followed a similar path although I like doing the Graveyards since those three dungeons offer 6 relatively easy to get to elites.
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    I loaded up my 55 WD and continued my Hell playthrough last night (on Act 2).

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say they hugely nerfed the difficulty of Hell? What else? Because it felt more like normal difficulty than I remember it when I quit. It was frustrating as shit...then again pets didn't work either.

    I'm not complaining. It means I'll actually do it now. And this is gem-less still. I should check out my Wizard too and see if Nightmare changed also.

    EDIT: Mortar Jailers can still eat a dick though.
    I don't think Hell itself was hugely nerfed. I believe one of the patches might have reduced monster damage in general, and there have been some retunings of certain elite affixes and mob abilities (generally in the downward direction for ones that did excessive damage). I think WDs were buffed as much as Hell was nerfed.

    Well, one of the more obvious things I noticed on a boss was that reflect damage seemed not be uh...a joke? Before that shit would kill me in a heartbeat.

    But I think it was a lot of the fact that my dogs and gargantuan could survive and actually were useful that kept me from constantly getting hammered.

    I won't knock players who enjoy playing the WD in your face with Bears and Bats and such, but that was never for me. I wanted a pet class from minute one (I actually wanted the Necro and pray that he'll come back in an xpack), and once pets became completely useless part-way through Nightmare it just became an exercise in frustration to keep playing my WD.

    So all and all I'm loving the changes I've seen so far.

    What patches are you comparing? You're talking about when you quit. Was that a week after release?

    Might as well. I stopped playing sometime between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 I think. I think the WD pet patch was 1.0.4? Definitely didn't make it that far.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Hey anyone know if the Pony level was affected by mob density changes?
  • RozRoz Registered User regular
    I'm firing up a brand new barb and leveling him to 60 for some statistics and tracking. I've got some old data from my monk I want to use a as comparison to determine how heavily gear inflation has risen. This is sort of a fun side project.

    Anyone interested in a leveling up some new toons?
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Is the experience boost stuff only for Inferno level multiplayer?
    Incindium on
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    I loaded up my 55 WD and continued my Hell playthrough last night (on Act 2).

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say they hugely nerfed the difficulty of Hell? What else? Because it felt more like normal difficulty than I remember it when I quit. It was frustrating as shit...then again pets didn't work either.

    I'm not complaining. It means I'll actually do it now. And this is gem-less still. I should check out my Wizard too and see if Nightmare changed also.

    EDIT: Mortar Jailers can still eat a dick though.
    I don't think Hell itself was hugely nerfed. I believe one of the patches might have reduced monster damage in general, and there have been some retunings of certain elite affixes and mob abilities (generally in the downward direction for ones that did excessive damage). I think WDs were buffed as much as Hell was nerfed.

    Well, one of the more obvious things I noticed on a boss was that reflect damage seemed not be uh...a joke? Before that shit would kill me in a heartbeat.

    But I think it was a lot of the fact that my dogs and gargantuan could survive and actually were useful that kept me from constantly getting hammered.

    I won't knock players who enjoy playing the WD in your face with Bears and Bats and such, but that was never for me. I wanted a pet class from minute one (I actually wanted the Necro and pray that he'll come back in an xpack), and once pets became completely useless part-way through Nightmare it just became an exercise in frustration to keep playing my WD.

    So all and all I'm loving the changes I've seen so far.

    What patches are you comparing? You're talking about when you quit. Was that a week after release?

    Might as well. I stopped playing sometime between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 I think. I think the WD pet patch was 1.0.4? Definitely didn't make it that far.

    Alright. I was just trying to understand the context of your posts.

    Yeah. Shit has changed over the past year.
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