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[Diablo 3] Reports of the Economy's death were greatly exaggerated



  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    When you guys talking about joining public games at MP10, are you playing with the others in the game or just by yourself? Do you get an NV5 stack by yourself? It seems like it makes sense if I'm playing by myself to just pop into a public game to get an extra 30% of everything.
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • HexDexHexDex Registered User regular
    Hey Diablo people, I'd like to pretend that this duping fiasco didn't just happen for a second.

    My life has a huge gaping hole in it right now and I think mindless monster smashing is just the thing to fill it. I'm interested in getting back into the game, but I haven't really touched it since 1.0 and I feel a bit lost. Can you guys help me out, or point me somewhere that can? I enjoy games most when I have a clear path of progression in front of me, and I love having goals that I can work towards. I love crafting my own stuff, and I heard that might actually be viable now. I'm not averse to using the auction house (gold only, probably) to supplement things though. I don't mind "flavor of the month" builds, as long as they're fun (which often just means powerful, because its fun to be powerful in these games). I've got a barbarian, I heard its good to whirlwind things these days. That pleases me.

    Is there a nice guide for returning players out there? I did try googling around, but most of the stuff I stumbled upon was related to the latest patches only, and was a little over my head.

    Oh, and here's my character: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/OldSandwich-1147/hero/1448664
    I barely managed to scrape through Inferno Act 1 back in the day, with cobbled together auction house gear that is probably pretty laughable these days.

    I guess I'm kind of asking two things here. Question 1) What should I be trying to do? If I'm interested in building up a character to a high level of play, mostly just for the sake of being a badass, what should my short and long term goals be? Question 2) What should I be doing to get to those goals? I might be asking a lot, so really any advice at all, or links to the same, would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Diablo people!

    Honestly, this post is awesome. I remember when I was geared like that back in 1.0 Holy Crap!

    Like others in this thread, friend me, and catch up with me tonight. I have some gear I can throw your way which will be a huge upgrade over what you are currently rocking. Some IK gear, an old Skorn, stuff like that.

    Inferno was nerfed into the ground from when you last played, so you'll find that with the hand me downs you get from us dudes you'll be able to crush inferno with no Monster Power enabled.

    At that point you farm for loot and the game is what you make it.

    If you are reading this add me.
    D3: Caretta#1196
  • Vincent GraysonVincent Grayson Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    sumwar wrote: »
    One thing that is bothering me lately, regardless of this whole event, is inflation is getting kinda crazy. I don't feel like drop rates need to be increased but gold is so cheap these days it almost feels like in order to get good items you have to spend money because it's so damn cheap. You can get the items by playing it's just SO MUCH faster to just spend a little money.

    I mentioned this in the old thread and it didn't seem to take off. Spending $.25 for 10M gold seems far more sensible than spending the amount of time it would take to farm 10M gold through normal means. When item prices increase beyond where they are now, I could understand why "normal" players would feel frustrated by their inability to obtain upgrades through natural farming (either by drops or through gold acquisition).

    They have acknowledged that the item farming game isn't sustainable or satisfactory as end game content. The change to the gold price seems to be another aspect of that.

    So, yeah, this be a problem.

    Pretty much. I finally caved and slapped down $5 on some emeralds before the AH went down and turned them in 600 million gold. I can now buy pretty much anything I need to play the game at high levels of MP and enjoy it, while still looking for shit like the ingredients to make Hellfire rings and such.

    I agree that the AH, and the RMAH fucked up the game's economy in a big way compared to D2.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    d2's "economy" was way more fucked, in so many ways
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    Seriously. The idea that drop rates would be better if not for that dang AH is laughable to me.
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    it's like, do you know the drop rate for a high rune? do you know the currency that was used in every trade?
    Big Red Tie on
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    I remember attempting a few trades in D2.

    Some duping/buying player would come on and throw a Shako, perfect circlet, perfect charms, bugged lances, high level runes, etc. into the trading window.

    I would respond with my best tradable items: SIGON'S GUARD! FROSTBURNS! RARE SPIKED CLUB!

    I eventually had a high-gear player toss me a SoJ out of pity.

  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    Exactly! I'd find a picture of rose colored glasses, but I'm too lazy to use google image search.

    Also, the idea that you have to spend money to compete is laughable. Using the AH, sure, since trying to find usable stuff is impossible but it always was. However, I haven't spent a dime and can do MP5 just fine. Partially that's because Incidnidium gave me a pretty great weapon. Sure I can't do MP10 yet, but, I mean, who cares. And maybe if I tried the rend / whatever build I could seeing as how I have pretty decent gear, but I don't care to try yet.
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    i fell for the act 2 bar drop trade scam

    it was only a BK sword so w/e
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    Oh also on a different note, I think it'll take a couple million to put together the IK set and that's mostly for ones without Vit and with mostly crap side stats. Whether it's still worth it considering the main stats but it's something to think about.
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • ChenChen Registered User regular
    You can say whatever you want about D2's economy, but at least runes, as a currency, was stable. With gold in D3, who knows what the bottom will be?
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Stable until someone duped something or Blizzard upped the drop rate. The only difference is by that point D2 was sold old Blizzard wasn't messing with drop rates like that.

    edit: I mean, what was that, 8 years after D2 launched? If not longer?
    shadowane on
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    Chen wrote: »
    You can say whatever you want about D2's economy, but at least runes, as a currency, was stable. With gold in D3, who knows what the bottom will be?
    what are you defining stable as, exactly
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    Chen wrote: »
    You can say whatever you want about D2's economy, but at least runes, as a currency, was stable. With gold in D3, who knows what the bottom will be?
    what are you defining stable as, exactly
  • NogginNoggin Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Really, even though it's kinda silly, Hellfire Ring crafting is like my favorite thing. Keywarden farming is a bit blah, but fits with normal loot farming (somewhat) and Hellfire Rings are the one thing money/gold can't buy. It's the one thing you have to do yourself.

    I REALLY wish this were true. It sounded like such a fun goal to work towards.

    Instead, trying to farm even just keys on my demon hunter proved frustrating and I knew she'd "never" be capable of soloing ubers at a decent MP, while other classes can completely trivialize them.

    Some people with those classes offer ring farming out as a service for only a few million gold. While, yes, you do have to be standing there for the wardens' deaths, that is the only thing you "have to do".

    Thanks to what I assume is an unintended function of parties and banners, you dont ever have to even see an uber to get a ring. :rotate:
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    because high runes were not expensive to buy from third party sites at all

    they seemed very valuable in game because they were powerful and had ridiculously low drop chances, but in reality they were cheap, and the items used by 99% of the people were also cheap (in dollars)
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    There's a whole bunch of us here that'll run Ubers with ya if you just friend us and ask for uber help for free...
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    There's a whole bunch of us here that'll run Ubers with ya if you just friend us and ask for uber help for free...
    I need to friend more of you. I have 4 machines just sitting there right now since I don't want to waste them.
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    yeah i can freeze ubers 4 you

    i'm pabrt#1613

    not right now though, maybe on the weekend or over summer sometime
    Big Red Tie on
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    Like on any MP? Or just what I can handle?

    Actually, what's the deal with ubers? If I can handle MP5 for the most part, can I handle them at MP5?
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    i think with all this blood-gold-gear i can freeze mp9 for you, though i havent done it in a while

    only certain classes can solo ubers effectively, unfortunately. barbs can do it pretty well but it's gear dependent
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    I'm thinking about trying out the same build as Incindium is using. My gear isn't quite as good as his, but it's close and I wonder if I can handle higher MP levels as a result.
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • ChenChen Registered User regular
    Stable as in the idea of a currency. Leaving dupes aside, a rune's value in-game is transparent (2 pul = um, 2 um = ist etc.). Once you accumulated enough runes by trading upwards, you can start using them to craft runewords; usually the best items and crucial for a lot of builds. When you use them, they get taken out of the economy and you get a powerful item in return. It's simple and elegant (again, leaving aside dupes).

    In D3, there's no true item sink. The new crafting recipes are a step in the right direction, but it's not nearly enough in comparison to the gold that is accumulated every day (also considering they're account-bound meaning it's not an infinite gold sink). The more gold enters the market, the less value the currency will have (inflation). When you're for example saving up for that 6% mempo, and a month ago it was worth 1 billion in gold (as an example), but now it's doubled in price due to the devaluation of gold, your progression bar has been increased. Given the fact that low to mid items will also lose value (supply > demand), it becomes increasingly more difficult to gain wealth (near perfect items will not lose as much, if any, value).
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I dunno about how big a deal the inflation really effects players though... there has always been enough deals on the AH for the inflation to not bother me... Even when I took a month off playing in Dec when I came back I was able to buy gear for cheap and then sell my old stuff for way more than I paid for it and generally for a much as the gear I'd replaced it with it.
    Incindium on
  • ChenChen Registered User regular
    Huh. That not what I experienced. I bought a zuni armor, inna pants, nat boots some time last year for 20+ million each. Now they're worth maybe 5% of that if I'm lucky.
  • NogginNoggin Registered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    There's a whole bunch of us here that'll run Ubers with ya if you just friend us and ask for uber help for free...

    Oh I know, I'm just bitter about the class balance disparity when it comes to certain content. But hey, it worked out in the end because I've been having a lot more fun on wizard, especially now.

    I actually have 3 machines we could use at some point. But really, with the new co-op, I ought to friend more of you anyway.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Big Red Tie on
  • ChenChen Registered User regular
    d2 also had inflation on its "currencies", as there was a ridiculous number of bots

    Do you even know what inflation means?
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    no thanks
    Big Red Tie on
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Chen wrote: »
    Huh. That not what I experienced. I bought a zuni armor, inna pants, nat boots some time last year for 20+ million each. Now they're worth maybe 5% of that if I'm lucky.

    I play the AH game as much or more than I play the actual killing Demons part of the game so I'm always looking for cheap upgrades for gear.

    Basically I'm able to stay ahead of inflation by buying stuff at a fraction of it's market value and using it for a while and then selling it before it's lost all its value.
  • sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    Gold farming bots cause so much inflation. Let's say there were amazing gold sinks. You would still feel tempted to buy gold because the price of gold is so low thanks to a near infinite supply of gold in the hands of the gold farmers willing to sell you large amounts of gold for a low price. Not that I am not begging for more gold sinks I really am, they would make a difference but gold farming bots are a serious problem.
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    Whatever happens to the economy, the core function of the AH remains unchanged - if you find a good piece of gear, you can sell it on the AH and buy a piece of gear of equivalent value for yourself. Whether gold inflates to crazy values or not, that's still the case. The fact that it takes a lot of farming to find something that's valuable to anyone for the later MPs is just a fact of life, that's how rarity works.

    What I would like to see from the itemization update is a shorter curve of raw power in gear, and more affixes that are specialized for particular builds. So it's not that unusual to find a piece of gear that has amazing stats, but it might not be for the build you want - but you can still change your build to take advantage of it. That way even when you're decked out for MP10 you still have the goal of accumulating gear for new builds.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    What if they changed the AH to gems/crafting items only, and gear still had to be personally crafted/obtained?

    But you could just tear down everything and sell materials you didn't need.

    You couldn't scum the AH for 'the best' gear, but still had access to getting good gear if you put in the effort.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    If they remove the AH they'll have to remove all trading. I don't think the AH is evil, it's just too powerful. If I were in charge the first thing I would do is make all gear Bind on Equip. They should have done that from the beginning, but they decided not to back when they still though the AH wouldn't be a big deal.
  • StingeStinge Registered User regular
    IMO they should just limit the AH to items that have dropped since 1.08 launched. Would be interesting, at any rate...
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    5/9/13 9:00 a.m. PDT: We are still in the process of reviewing all of Tuesday's transactions and need to keep the Auction House offline for a while longer to complete our audit. At this time, we will not be able to bring the Auction House online by 10:00 a.m. PDT. We're re-evaluating required downtime, and will provide another update by 12:00 p.m. PDT.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    oh my god I would make so much money if items were BoE.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Zek wrote: »
    If they remove the AH they'll have to remove all trading. I don't think the AH is evil, it's just too powerful

    What does "too powerful" mean? The AH is not batman.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    If they remove the AH they'll have to remove all trading. I don't think the AH is evil, it's just too powerful

    What does "too powerful" mean? The AH is not batman.
    or, is it...!
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    What if they changed the AH to gems/crafting items only, and gear still had to be personally crafted/obtained?

    But you could just tear down everything and sell materials you didn't need.

    You couldn't scum the AH for 'the best' gear, but still had access to getting good gear if you put in the effort.

    Then no one would use the AH, but would use third party sites to trade gear.

    Forcing people to only use gear they self generate us terribad.
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