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[Diablo 3] Reports of the Economy's death were greatly exaggerated



  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    And I just want to buy some fucking Archon gear.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Rolo wrote: »
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Korror wrote: »
    Eh, unless you entirely abstain from the auction house entirely, you're been involved with a whole bunch of people who broke the game economy for personal profit from the very start of d3. If you bought gear in 1.00, it was probably supporting someone who exploited design flaws to get to act 3-4 before everyone was ready. If you've sold an item recently, part of that gold probably came from people exploiting the gold to gems loop. This isn't the first duping incident and it probably won't be the last either. If gold is tainted by it's source, we've already been tainted by now.

    Okay, we need to be crystal clear, the gold/gem loop was perfectly legit. The gold you got from them came out of a chest like any other.

    There's no "taint" there.

    I'm buying gems from people who crafted or bought then.

    I'm selling those gems to people with gold that want them.

    I'm selling that gold to people who don't realize a lower price can be had.

    But all participants in this were willing, all the game mechanics involved were legit.





    You guys got like a website or something I can check out?

    If you just google the name I'm sure something will pop out at you.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    Ha, left myself wide open for that one.

    But it takes a pretty huge asshole to take advantage of it.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Ha, left myself wide open for that one.

    But it takes a pretty huge asshole to take advantage of it.

    I'm sure it's tearing him apart.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    I was also puzzled at the "allow auctions to expire naturally". Why would you want to do that?

    Also after all this duping, inflation, banning, and devaluation, I really have no idea what the state of AH will be like when the market opens tomorrow. I have $37M in gold and not a whole lot to sell. I was thinking about item flipping, but I have no idea how that's been affected by these changes.

    On a more positive note, I really like the monster density changes. I've found Festering Woods and Fields of Misery to be so packed with monsters I have near constant stacks of Gruesome feast going on. Also tried out Desolate Sands and Dhalgur Oasis, the latter of which was crammed with so many snakes that they couldn't all fit on-screen at once.

    A4 is still a bit of a shitshow, the two Silver Spire areas are packed with enemies, but the anti-healing debuff makes it even more chaotic than normal. The Gardens of Hope areas are okay, but I've yet to find an efficient farming route for them.

  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    Waiting for the auctions to expire seems to just coincide with them taking the time to audit accounts and auctions; it sounds like even if they ended all auctions now the AH wouldn't be up anyway because they're still working on audits.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • ChenChen Registered User regular
    Haha, Savage Beasts are an Archon's worst enemy. Can't shoot beamz if I'm stationary. Sometimes I can survive a blow with HP to spare, sometimes I'm straight up dead when it's charging off screen. Weird. This is on MP5 by the way. Other than that, Fields of Misery is so densely packed! Love Act 1 more than Act 2. Act 2 just sucks.
  • EtheaEthea Registered User regular
    Roz wrote: »
    Ethea wrote: »
    If Blizzard finds that the economy has been massively inflated and they can't remove the gold from the economy all they have to do is inflate the amount of gold that is dropped by monsters and the economy will stabilize again. Sure people will have 'more' gold than before, but the purchasing power of the average player will be back to normal.

    I would also like to be smug about predicting the floor moving on gold to combat the gem currency.

    Unless Blizzard also changes the values of the maximum bids on the AH and changes the % cut that Blizzard takes, your solution just moves the AH closer to irrelevancy.

    Only the maximum bid needs to move up relative to how much they want to inflate the currency. The % cut are you talking RMAH?
  • SavantSavant Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I'm not sure if anyone posted it, but someone listed the exact reason why the duping bug existed. It was due to the change from 1 million gold stacks to 10 million gold stacks and not using a large enough integer consistently to store the larger possible stacks while still staying under the RMAH cap of $250 per auction.

    More specifically, the claim was that they were using a signed 32 bit integer to store the size of the gold stacks in one place in the auction house, which means that stacks over the size of 2^31 or 2,147,483,648, would have the higher powers of two cut off when the auction was listed. The max sized auction under the new gold price floor $0.25 per 10 million is a cap of 10 billion gold per auction, so there was room for bugged auctions of stacks of gold. However, the problem made it so it only took the incorrect truncated amount of gold out of the seller's stash when the auction was listed, but it would return the full proper amount when the auction was canceled, increasing their gold by the difference each time. If this is truly what the bug was, then any sale of a stack of gold of at least 2.15 billion would have been bugged, and auctions over 4.3 billion would have been bugged if they had the same issue but used an unsigned 32-bit integer.

    I can see why there may have actually been a relatively limited number of accounts that exploited this bug, even if they duped absurd amounts of gold per account. Only accounts that could scrape up several billion gold to sell at once and learned about the bug within the afternoon it was active would have been in position to dupe. So it should be relatively straightforward for them to isolate all of the accounts that duped and all the transactions they made within that timeframe, even if it may take them a bit of time to do the grunt work of reversing everything if they weren't prepared for something like this beforehand. The markets were screwed up by the price distortions of the dupers, but I can see pretty clearly the logic now for not doing a wider scale rollback.

    Also, for all those young programmers out there, let this be a lesson! Always be careful about your data types and test the limits of your variables!

    Edit: This might also explain why the 2 billion gold cap for the gold AH hasn't been changed at all. It may be limited by them using 32 bit integers in places they probably shouldn't have, presumably to save storage space.
    Savant on
  • sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    God damn they need gold sinks. Optional gold sinks that hit rich people hard. I don't know I'm not a great game designer, 10% more damage for 500m-1b gold? Something, just do something. Blizzard doesn't react quickly. I have never been a Diablo 3 hater but I do look forward to the expansion as a beacon of hope.
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    Wow, this has come a long way from D2's "drop a SoJ on the ground then click a potion on your belt" duping.

  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    sumwar wrote: »
    God damn they need gold sinks. Optional gold sinks that hit rich people hard. I don't know I'm not a great game designer, 10% more damage for 500m-1b gold? Something, just do something. Blizzard doesn't react quickly. I have never been a Diablo 3 hater but I do look forward to the expansion as a beacon of hope.

    I think Marquise Gems were a half-assed attempt at a large optional gold sink. Which is sad, because now that I've been to the other side of the wealth divide I realize just how sad of a gold sink they really are. What, 80M per socket? When a character is unlikely to have more than 5-6 sockets to fill? Gee, that'll make a dent.
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    sumwar wrote: »
    God damn they need gold sinks. Optional gold sinks that hit rich people hard. I don't know I'm not a great game designer, 10% more damage for 500m-1b gold? Something, just do something. Blizzard doesn't react quickly. I have never been a Diablo 3 hater but I do look forward to the expansion as a beacon of hope.

    Escalating auction house taxes based on the amount of gold in your stash. Increase taxes on the 1%! Make those rich bastards pay their fair share, the lower classes (witch doctors, monks) need farming subsidies! I can't even afford radiant star topazes to feed to my kids!


  • ChenChen Registered User regular
    What bothers me is that Marquise gems look like pieces of glowing rock. They definitely could have made a better graphic presentation of the next level radiant star. Instead it looks like it came from outer space. Kryptonite if you will. For that reason I'm not going to touch them, even if I had trillions of gold. Superman would agree.
  • HexDexHexDex Registered User regular
    Chen.. That is EXACTLY why I don't think I will ever combine any. haha
    If you are reading this add me.
    D3: Caretta#1196
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    sumwar wrote: »
    God damn they need gold sinks. Optional gold sinks that hit rich people hard. I don't know I'm not a great game designer, 10% more damage for 500m-1b gold? Something, just do something. Blizzard doesn't react quickly. I have never been a Diablo 3 hater but I do look forward to the expansion as a beacon of hope.

    I think Marquise Gems were a half-assed attempt at a large optional gold sink. Which is sad, because now that I've been to the other side of the wealth divide I realize just how sad of a gold sink they really are. What, 80M per socket? When a character is unlikely to have more than 5-6 sockets to fill? Gee, that'll make a dent.

    It does make a dent, how long do you think it takes for 400 million gold to enter the economy? It's not going to bankrupt any fatcats but it is one counterbalance, and they're working on more.
  • Monkey Ball WarriorMonkey Ball Warrior A collection of mediocre hats Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Savant wrote: »
    I'm not sure if anyone posted it, but someone listed the exact reason why the duping bug existed. It was due to the change from 1 million gold stacks to 10 million gold stacks and not using a large enough integer consistently to store the larger possible stacks while still staying under the RMAH cap of $250 per auction.

    More specifically, the claim was that they were using a signed 32 bit integer to store the size of the gold stacks in one place in the auction house, which means that stacks over the size of 2^31 or 2,147,483,648, would have the higher powers of two cut off when the auction was listed. The max sized auction under the new gold price floor $0.25 per 10 million is a cap of 10 billion gold per auction, so there was room for bugged auctions of stacks of gold. However, the problem made it so it only took the incorrect truncated amount of gold out of the seller's stash when the auction was listed, but it would return the full proper amount when the auction was canceled, increasing their gold by the difference each time. If this is truly what the bug was, then any sale of a stack of gold of at least 2.15 billion would have been bugged, and auctions over 4.3 billion would have been bugged if they had the same issue but used an unsigned 32-bit integer.

    I can see why there may have actually been a relatively limited number of accounts that exploited this bug, even if they duped absurd amounts of gold per account. Only accounts that could scrape up several billion gold to sell at once and learned about the bug within the afternoon it was active would have been in position to dupe. So it should be relatively straightforward for them to isolate all of the accounts that duped and all the transactions they made within that timeframe, even if it may take them a bit of time to do the grunt work of reversing everything if they weren't prepared for something like this beforehand. The markets were screwed up by the price distortions of the dupers, but I can see pretty clearly the logic now for not doing a wider scale rollback.

    Also, for all those young programmers out there, let this be a lesson! Always be careful about your data types and test the limits of your variables!

    Edit: This might also explain why the 2 billion gold cap for the gold AH hasn't been changed at all. It may be limited by them using 32 bit integers in places they probably shouldn't have, presumably to save storage space.

    This is why you turn on all the warnings when compiling. This is actually a really common mistake, and one that's hard to catch unless you have warnings set to catch it, because 99.9% of the time storing an int64 in an int32 works as expected, because your number isn't too big for the int32.
    Monkey Ball Warrior on
    [47 6F 6F 64 20 4A 6F 62 21 0]
  • SavantSavant Registered User regular
    Rolo wrote: »
    Wow, this has come a long way from D2's "drop a SoJ on the ground then click a potion on your belt" duping.

    What I saw claimed that the AH would display the bugged number of gold when you looked up your auctions in the UI. So if the person looked at their large auction afterwards, there's a good chance they'd go "WTF?" and then cancel the auction, and then when they returned the money in the finished auctions tab, suddenly they'd have a lot more money that was duped. The example listed was the dupers putting up 6 billion gold auction, which would then display as 1,705,032,704 gold in the AH (which is congruent to 6 billion modulo 2^31), and that 1.7 billion which what was actually deducted when the auction was put up, but the 6 billion was returned when canceled.

    If this display issue was actually there, that would make it rather easy to unintentionally find the bug and dupe a whole lot of gold if you put up a big enough auction. Because wouldn't you likely cancel the auction if you looked at it and it displayed a rather wrong amount of gold? Folks wouldn't even have to poke around too much trying to screw the system to stumble upon the bug. That would probably also explain why it only took a matter of hours after the patch for the duping to get out of control and necessitate shutting the markets down.
  • sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    Well good night, I hope the auction house is up tomorrow. I wonder what items will cost, what will the market be like. How much did the gold supply exactly increase by? I don't know, we will only find out.

    One thing that is bothering me lately, regardless of this whole event, is inflation is getting kinda crazy. I don't feel like drop rates need to be increased but gold is so cheap these days it almost feels like in order to get good items you have to spend money because it's so damn cheap. You can get the items by playing it's just SO MUCH faster to just spend a little money.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    The AH is still gonna be a clusterfuck after it goes back live as people try to sort out things after yesterdays fiasco and the chance that the gold in the RMAH was apparently going to make.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    It will be interesting to see how the AH responds. Could easily be more money to be made in some way as the market potentially fluctuates wildly.

    I had already (largely) decked my barb out with some decent gear including a mid-range crit mempo. The sky is the limit to what you can spend of course.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • Kid PresentableKid Presentable Registered User regular
    Hey Diablo people, I'd like to pretend that this duping fiasco didn't just happen for a second.

    My life has a huge gaping hole in it right now and I think mindless monster smashing is just the thing to fill it. I'm interested in getting back into the game, but I haven't really touched it since 1.0 and I feel a bit lost. Can you guys help me out, or point me somewhere that can? I enjoy games most when I have a clear path of progression in front of me, and I love having goals that I can work towards. I love crafting my own stuff, and I heard that might actually be viable now. I'm not averse to using the auction house (gold only, probably) to supplement things though. I don't mind "flavor of the month" builds, as long as they're fun (which often just means powerful, because its fun to be powerful in these games). I've got a barbarian, I heard its good to whirlwind things these days. That pleases me.

    Is there a nice guide for returning players out there? I did try googling around, but most of the stuff I stumbled upon was related to the latest patches only, and was a little over my head.

    Oh, and here's my character: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/OldSandwich-1147/hero/1448664
    I barely managed to scrape through Inferno Act 1 back in the day, with cobbled together auction house gear that is probably pretty laughable these days.

    I guess I'm kind of asking two things here. Question 1) What should I be trying to do? If I'm interested in building up a character to a high level of play, mostly just for the sake of being a badass, what should my short and long term goals be? Question 2) What should I be doing to get to those goals? I might be asking a lot, so really any advice at all, or links to the same, would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Diablo people!

  • RandomEngyRandomEngy Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Some goals in Diablo 3 you might like:

    1) Beat Inferno
    2) Increase your DPS to handle higher monster power
    3) Creating some Infernal Machines and fighting the uber bosses to craft a Hellfire Ring
    4) Crafting some nice gloves/shoulders/amulet with the new crafting plans
    5) Beating inferno on Hardcore if that's your thing

    The AH is your ticket here. People have been playing for a while so there's a lot of good stuff on there that will let you breeze through Inferno for next to nothing. Look for crit chance, crit damage, attack speed, strength, vitality and all resists. To get gold you can sell flawless square gems or some PA person can get you started. If you catch me online I'll give you 1 million if you want it (RandomEngy#1829).

    Someone else can help you with barb builds, I'm more of a Witch Doctor here.
    RandomEngy on
    Profile -> Signature Settings -> Hide signatures always. Then you don't have to read this worthless text anymore.
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    Hell, you can probably do a full IK set for less than a mil these days.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular

    Has anyone around here gotten a suspension?

    I keep seeing people posting on the official forums with "all I did was sell some gems on the Gold AH" which usually translates to "I'm going to claim this is all I did and hope I get people on my side" (I'm not cynical or anything...).

    And I know there's several of us here that got in on the gem buying/selling. I haven't heard a peep myself (I think I bought and sold a grand total of 12 gems that I bought, plus a bunch more that came from my own gear), and just wonder if anyone has.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    Hey Diablo people, I'd like to pretend that this duping fiasco didn't just happen for a second.

    My life has a huge gaping hole in it right now and I think mindless monster smashing is just the thing to fill it. I'm interested in getting back into the game, but I haven't really touched it since 1.0 and I feel a bit lost. Can you guys help me out, or point me somewhere that can? I enjoy games most when I have a clear path of progression in front of me, and I love having goals that I can work towards. I love crafting my own stuff, and I heard that might actually be viable now. I'm not averse to using the auction house (gold only, probably) to supplement things though. I don't mind "flavor of the month" builds, as long as they're fun (which often just means powerful, because its fun to be powerful in these games). I've got a barbarian, I heard its good to whirlwind things these days. That pleases me.

    Is there a nice guide for returning players out there? I did try googling around, but most of the stuff I stumbled upon was related to the latest patches only, and was a little over my head.

    Oh, and here's my character: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/OldSandwich-1147/hero/1448664
    I barely managed to scrape through Inferno Act 1 back in the day, with cobbled together auction house gear that is probably pretty laughable these days.

    I guess I'm kind of asking two things here. Question 1) What should I be trying to do? If I'm interested in building up a character to a high level of play, mostly just for the sake of being a badass, what should my short and long term goals be? Question 2) What should I be doing to get to those goals? I might be asking a lot, so really any advice at all, or links to the same, would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Diablo people!

    Don't shy away from the RMAH. You aren't forced to put money in, but if you get a good drop it's often better to sell it on that side, even if you just buy back into gold.

    Aside from that, I'd say definitely work on beating Inferno, then building up a bit until you can beat like MP5 Inferno, then see about crafting yourself a Hellfire Ring. That ring will greatly increase your leveling, which will get you better gear (Paragon levels), etc.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    Really, even though it's kinda silly, Hellfire Ring crafting is like my favorite thing. Keywarden farming is a bit blah, but fits with normal loot farming (somewhat) and Hellfire Rings are the one thing money/gold can't buy. It's the one thing you have to do yourself.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    sumwar wrote: »
    One thing that is bothering me lately, regardless of this whole event, is inflation is getting kinda crazy. I don't feel like drop rates need to be increased but gold is so cheap these days it almost feels like in order to get good items you have to spend money because it's so damn cheap. You can get the items by playing it's just SO MUCH faster to just spend a little money.

    I mentioned this in the old thread and it didn't seem to take off. Spending $.25 for 10M gold seems far more sensible than spending the amount of time it would take to farm 10M gold through normal means. When item prices increase beyond where they are now, I could understand why "normal" players would feel frustrated by their inability to obtain upgrades through natural farming (either by drops or through gold acquisition).

    They have acknowledged that the item farming game isn't sustainable or satisfactory as end game content. The change to the gold price seems to be another aspect of that.

    So, yeah, this be a problem.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Hey Diablo people, I'd like to pretend that this duping fiasco didn't just happen for a second.

    My life has a huge gaping hole in it right now and I think mindless monster smashing is just the thing to fill it. I'm interested in getting back into the game, but I haven't really touched it since 1.0 and I feel a bit lost. Can you guys help me out, or point me somewhere that can? I enjoy games most when I have a clear path of progression in front of me, and I love having goals that I can work towards. I love crafting my own stuff, and I heard that might actually be viable now. I'm not averse to using the auction house (gold only, probably) to supplement things though. I don't mind "flavor of the month" builds, as long as they're fun (which often just means powerful, because its fun to be powerful in these games). I've got a barbarian, I heard its good to whirlwind things these days. That pleases me.

    Is there a nice guide for returning players out there? I did try googling around, but most of the stuff I stumbled upon was related to the latest patches only, and was a little over my head.

    Oh, and here's my character: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/OldSandwich-1147/hero/1448664
    I barely managed to scrape through Inferno Act 1 back in the day, with cobbled together auction house gear that is probably pretty laughable these days.

    I guess I'm kind of asking two things here. Question 1) What should I be trying to do? If I'm interested in building up a character to a high level of play, mostly just for the sake of being a badass, what should my short and long term goals be? Question 2) What should I be doing to get to those goals? I might be asking a lot, so really any advice at all, or links to the same, would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Diablo people!

    Here are a few pages that may help you get some rudimentary knowledge:

    Popular Barbarian Builds
    Popular Barbarian Items

    Those will tell you where barbarians are in terms of their builds and the items they generally use.

    Your short term and long term goals would be the same: Obtain better gear. In the short term you'll want to get cheap get off the AH that lets you farm lower Monster Power levels. Then as you acquire gold / Blizbucks you will want to start upgrading your items. You can go through a more natural process of farming mobs to get gold to buy gear to bla bla, or you could dump $50 into the RMAH and just buy some higher level items / gold and be set.

    Unlike games like WoW, there really isn't a nuanced progression curve for Diablo 3. It's just gear acquisition, and learning to smash your six buttons in the correct order. If you want a badass character you could just drop $200 over a weekend and be fairly well off for gear. Then it's just a matter of grinding out Paragon Levels for the sake of...having a neat character portrait.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    sumwar wrote: »
    One thing that is bothering me lately, regardless of this whole event, is inflation is getting kinda crazy. I don't feel like drop rates need to be increased but gold is so cheap these days it almost feels like in order to get good items you have to spend money because it's so damn cheap. You can get the items by playing it's just SO MUCH faster to just spend a little money.

    I mentioned this in the old thread and it didn't seem to take off. Spending $.25 for 10M gold seems far more sensible than spending the amount of time it would take to farm 10M gold through normal means. When item prices increase beyond where they are now, I could understand why "normal" players would feel frustrated by their inability to obtain upgrades through natural farming (either by drops or through gold acquisition).

    They have acknowledged that the item farming game isn't sustainable or satisfactory as end game content. The change to the gold price seems to be another aspect of that.

    So, yeah, this be a problem.

    I don't know, there is still a little base thrill that comes from getting a sweet drop yourself.

    But yeah, knowing that I could spend $1 and get the equivalent of twenty nights of play like tonight in progression...that can be disheartening. If I didn't already have a decent bankroll working for me, I'd be fucked....you're never going to progress of what pops out of chests, and even hoping for that one big Auction House sale is a pipe dream.

    It's like the real world. The haves make money by having money, and the poor stay poor. The only difference is that at any point you can just pay a few dollars to become a have in this virtual world. And then you never have to play again, and can just talk about item flipping all day. ;)
  • NWKNWK Registered User regular
    Sweet jesus I love the mob density changes. Fields of Misery is goddamn incredible now. Before the patch I think my killing spree record was under 100, now I regularly get 250+ there. Delicious.
  • HooverFanHooverFan Registered User regular
    I'm telling you all... Weeping Hollow is now the best place in the game for density just because the retched bitches keep restocking the area until you kill them and its right outside town and leads you into cemetery then fields/festering woods... so much XP
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    So anyway guys this patch seems pretty great. You should try playing the video game once in a while if you have the time.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    HooverFan wrote: »
    I'm telling you all... Weeping Hollow is now the best place in the game for density just because the retched bitches keep restocking the area until you kill them and its right outside town and leads you into cemetery then fields/festering woods... so much XP

    Got another Plvl today.

    This seems like too much xp.
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    Hey Diablo people, I'd like to pretend that this duping fiasco didn't just happen for a second.

    My life has a huge gaping hole in it right now and I think mindless monster smashing is just the thing to fill it. I'm interested in getting back into the game, but I haven't really touched it since 1.0 and I feel a bit lost. Can you guys help me out, or point me somewhere that can? I enjoy games most when I have a clear path of progression in front of me, and I love having goals that I can work towards. I love crafting my own stuff, and I heard that might actually be viable now. I'm not averse to using the auction house (gold only, probably) to supplement things though. I don't mind "flavor of the month" builds, as long as they're fun (which often just means powerful, because its fun to be powerful in these games). I've got a barbarian, I heard its good to whirlwind things these days. That pleases me.

    Is there a nice guide for returning players out there? I did try googling around, but most of the stuff I stumbled upon was related to the latest patches only, and was a little over my head.

    Oh, and here's my character: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/OldSandwich-1147/hero/1448664
    I barely managed to scrape through Inferno Act 1 back in the day, with cobbled together auction house gear that is probably pretty laughable these days.

    I guess I'm kind of asking two things here. Question 1) What should I be trying to do? If I'm interested in building up a character to a high level of play, mostly just for the sake of being a badass, what should my short and long term goals be? Question 2) What should I be doing to get to those goals? I might be asking a lot, so really any advice at all, or links to the same, would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Diablo people!

    Add me: Furie#1280. Your gear is very outdated. I will give you some spare gear and some other stuff. That will help. You appear to be running a 2H build which I also run but your skills are outdated. Run rend/bloodlust. You won't need revenge.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013

    Has anyone around here gotten a suspension?

    I keep seeing people posting on the official forums with "all I did was sell some gems on the Gold AH" which usually translates to "I'm going to claim this is all I did and hope I get people on my side" (I'm not cynical or anything...).

    And I know there's several of us here that got in on the gem buying/selling. I haven't heard a peep myself (I think I bought and sold a grand total of 12 gems that I bought, plus a bunch more that came from my own gear), and just wonder if anyone has.
    i didn't get suspended, and i did a bit of gem buying/selling
    i also spent large amounts of money on gear, which i heard was something else they were looking at

    it sounds like those people are dupers that are just lying
    Big Red Tie on
  • Saint JusticeSaint Justice Mercenary Mah-vel Baybee!!!Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Holy crap guys, I just played 4 player Act 1 pub game on mp 10; got 5 stacks then cleared weeping hollow and fields of misery. This has got to be the quickest way to grind xp. sooooooooooooooo much xp (my bonus xp % was over 1200%)
    Saint Justice on
    D3: Saint Justice#1170
    TSW: Trillions
    PSN: Saint__Justice
  • SavantSavant Registered User regular

    Has anyone around here gotten a suspension?

    I keep seeing people posting on the official forums with "all I did was sell some gems on the Gold AH" which usually translates to "I'm going to claim this is all I did and hope I get people on my side" (I'm not cynical or anything...).

    And I know there's several of us here that got in on the gem buying/selling. I haven't heard a peep myself (I think I bought and sold a grand total of 12 gems that I bought, plus a bunch more that came from my own gear), and just wonder if anyone has.

    I got in a little bit on the gem frenzy before I heard about the duping and I saw no indication of a suspension when I checked a little earlier.

    The thing is, the nature of the bug makes it pretty easy for blizzard to determine just who duped and by exactly how much. If you put up an auction of at least 2.15 billion gold at once and then canceled it and returned the gold to your stash, then you duped gold, whether you wanted to or not. So they should just look at the gold transactions of the accounts after they had one of those auctions, and reverse them and then delete the excess gold.

    I'd imagine they'd bust out the banhammer for the folks like on one of the streams who repeated the duping process over and over and use the proceeds to buy up everything they could in the AH, but were probably more lenient to the folks who showed more restraint. For the folks on the other side of the large transactions of the more heinous dupers I'm not sure what they would do for punishment, if anything, like if it looked like the dupers were potentially laundering the duped gold. Given how they should have logs to be able to trace all the transactions of the dupers, laundering duped gold probably wouldn't work all that well. They might have wanted to lock some of those accounts temporarily not as punishment, but in order to reverse the transactions and not risk any trouble from having the player online while they are doing it.
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    I just did about 3 rounds of Act 1 Festering > Weeping > Fields at MP8 and MP9. Crazy exp. Went from PL52 to Pl 54 (over 80% to 55). Insane.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • ChenChen Registered User regular
    My next goal is to have 400k buffed dps. I'm already in the top 8000 unbuffed dps Wizards in the world according to Diabloprogress. We can rebuild him. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster. We have the technology gem flipping.

    I think my next upgrade will be the weapon. All the other possible upgrades only give a small dps boost (mempo with crit, 80+ int inna, 150+ int witching hour, 250+ avg dmg 250+ int triumvirate) according to the tooltip. I could find a trifecta zuni ring, but that's worth billions.
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