Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

The Brad Muir Thread: Also Starring Giant Bomb



  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    Stilts wrote: »
    do you feel that the feasibility of suggestions like "host another convention" or "set up an 'indie scholarship' fund" or "make the entry fee to the GDC a game programmed by yourself" is unaffected by race

    Are you going to give your own suggestions that you feel would help put minority groups on an equal playing field (which, just to be clear, I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread agrees that white people generally have an inherent advantage across all industries) or are you going to keep sarcastically sniping at the only guy who is actually thinking of possible solutions?

    I think you're reading that sarcasm into it
  • augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    okay I cannot deal with three people having lutece avatars

    It's all a matter of perspective.
    Pac Man's character is difficult to explain even to the Japanese -- he is an innocent character. He hasn't been educated to discern between good and evil. He acts more like a small child than a grown-up person. Think of him as a child learning in the course of his daily activities. If someone tells him guns are evil, he would be the type to rush out and eat guns. But he would most probably eat any gun, even the pistols of policemen who need them.
    face | zune | last.fm | steam
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    do you feel that the feasibility of suggestions like "host another convention" or "set up an 'indie scholarship' fund" or "make the entry fee to the GDC a game programmed by yourself" is unaffected by race

    Are you asking me if I'm not aware that minorities have it harder in western culture due to various socioeconomic historical reasons that persist to the common day?

    in a roundabout way, i suppose that i'm asking you if the suggestions you posted were earnest

    The GDC game programming one was being cheeky. Everything else is something that someone could do. None of them are supposed to be something that anyone could do. I am not positing that Joe who works a minimum wage job at day and codes at night and barely has enough money to feed himself can immediately turn around and drop $100k in a scholarship fund. Obviously he can not, as it is not feasible for him and his current situation regardless of what race he is.

    But Joe can talk to people over the internet, and he can try to work towards those things just the same. He could put in a shit-ton of time to try and get a bunch of people interested in organizing that scholarship fund over the course of five years, and maybe it will manifest. And he's not going to do that by sitting around whinging about how there's a problem.
  • PaladinPaladin Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    it is absolutely relevant that the most prominent successful people under the current system are white men

    If that's where you want to start, then there are way, way more relevant things to that issue than the location of conferences and conventions. A better investment would be more basic, like a computer science initiative in elementary and college classes, and mini "developer studios" in underserved communities with the technology and licenses to give alternatively educated people some background experience. Incentivizing white collar CS internships with minimal experience requirements would also be good. There are already ground level initiatives in place for closing what we call the "Digital Divide."

    See here, I picked a broad, nebulous issue, and I narrowed it down to something I could handle, which is the socioeconomic disadvantage that minorities have specifically in exposure to personal computing on a professional level. Too many people often just try to correct huge problems by attacking them in every form wherever they see it based on minimal evidence. Increasing the minority presence in the game developer scene requires you to find where exactly we're at in terms of leveling the playing field, and the solution is often on a lower level than you'd think. If you try to do everything at every level, chances are you'll fail for not giving each problem the attention it deserves.

    One of the things you learn as a professional is that you can't do everything about everything, so you need to decide how deep it is possible for you to go. It is tempting to try to learn everything at the deepest possible level, but that might prevent you from being able to look at the big picture, which really requires discipline in limiting yourself to high yield facts and methods that are not impossible for your brain to tie together. If you specialize, do it on a topic of appropriate breadth you know you can handle, and focus on improving your ability to come up with systematic questions allowing you to define what the next step is.

    In both cases, you have to eliminate the noise that confounds your brain, which can be composed of very thorough and well meaning facts and arguments but is not pertinent to the task at hand and promotes disorganization. Things can be relevant, but not high yield enough to warrant discussion depending on the defined scope of the discussion.
    Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
    Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    i wasn't sniping at him

    i was asking him a sincere question

    trust me, you'd know if i was being a smartass
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    Jars wrote: »
    so if he had said someone like I don't know.. jade raymond instead of chris avellone we wouldn't be on this tangent at all?

    i almost just said "game developers" and i really regret pulling the first three people i had on my mind (due to having steam open, thinking about the torment kickstarter earlier, and being in the brad muir thread)
  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    Like, I understand the frustration.

    Pretty much any possible solution we can give is--at a basic level--probably going to be more available to whites than anyone else, simply because of how society works right now.

    But ending the inequality between races is kind of outside the scope of what the indie game scene can do. Which means it's necessary to find a solution that a) is geared to be equally available regardless of race, class or location and b) either approximates the advantages gained from going to major conferences or makes it possible to attend those conferences.
  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    Well I mean I could trot out a bunch more people like Subset Games (FTL), ACE Team (Zeno Clash, Rock of Ages), Squad (Kerbal Space Program) who have achieved success and acclaim in the indie space and by and large are not white guys, hell ACE Team is in like Chile or something

    And before we even get into this I know that minorities have a myriad of disadvantages in western culture

    But he could have just as easily replaced the names Avellone, Muir, and Newell with other teams and developers that are not white men and the statement would largely remain the same

    So saying "they're white guys so it doesn't count" strikes me as something of a lazy argument
    icon-18x18_zps3f731cae.pngBasilius | Monster Hunter Tri: Red - TBUGW8 | TF2 Backpack | Hero Academy - Laitarne
  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    Dichotomy wrote: »
    Stilts wrote: »
    do you feel that the feasibility of suggestions like "host another convention" or "set up an 'indie scholarship' fund" or "make the entry fee to the GDC a game programmed by yourself" is unaffected by race

    Are you going to give your own suggestions that you feel would help put minority groups on an equal playing field (which, just to be clear, I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread agrees that white people generally have an inherent advantage across all industries) or are you going to keep sarcastically sniping at the only guy who is actually thinking of possible solutions?

    I think you're reading that sarcasm into it
    i wasn't sniping at him

    i was asking him a sincere question

    trust me, you'd know if i was being a smartass

    Okay, my apologies.

    It read like a rhetorical question to me.
  • MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    what if, we build one mega city, capable of holding over 8 billion people and have everyone move there?

    Maybe it's in the middle of the ocean, maybe the moon, i'm still working on details.
  • Death of RatsDeath of Rats Registered User regular
    I hate when people say "trust me, you'd know if I was being BLANK"

    Well obviously someone thought they knew you were, so obviously they wouldn't know.
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    the blog post posits that a major problem with the current indie games scene is that it is insular, and insular in a way that favors white men with money

    My sole argument was on the subject of people who want to go to conventions but can not for whatever reason (primarily metropolitan areas/the possibility of digital networking), as that was the subject at hand when I entered the thread. That is all I was addressing about the indie games scene.
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    do you feel that the feasibility of suggestions like "host another convention" or "set up an 'indie scholarship' fund" or "make the entry fee to the GDC a game programmed by yourself" is unaffected by race

    Are you asking me if I'm not aware that minorities have it harder in western culture due to various socioeconomic historical reasons that persist to the common day?

    in a roundabout way, i suppose that i'm asking you if the suggestions you posted were earnest

    The GDC game programming one was being cheeky. Everything else is something that someone could do. None of them are supposed to be something that anyone could do. I am not positing that Joe who works a minimum wage job at day and codes at night and barely has enough money to feed himself can immediately turn around and drop $100k in a scholarship fund. Obviously he can not, as it is not feasible for him and his current situation regardless of what race he is.

    But Joe can talk to people over the internet, and he can try to work towards those things just the same. He could put in a shit-ton of time to try and get a bunch of people interested in organizing that scholarship fund over the course of five years, and maybe it will manifest. And he's not going to do that by sitting around whinging about how there's a problem.

    ah yes the american dream, everyone should just stop whining because hard work equals success
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    disclaimer: that was definitely me being a smartass
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Dichotomy wrote: »
    do you feel that the feasibility of suggestions like "host another convention" or "set up an 'indie scholarship' fund" or "make the entry fee to the GDC a game programmed by yourself" is unaffected by race

    Are you asking me if I'm not aware that minorities have it harder in western culture due to various socioeconomic historical reasons that persist to the common day?

    in a roundabout way, i suppose that i'm asking you if the suggestions you posted were earnest

    The GDC game programming one was being cheeky. Everything else is something that someone could do. None of them are supposed to be something that anyone could do. I am not positing that Joe who works a minimum wage job at day and codes at night and barely has enough money to feed himself can immediately turn around and drop $100k in a scholarship fund. Obviously he can not, as it is not feasible for him and his current situation regardless of what race he is.

    But Joe can talk to people over the internet, and he can try to work towards those things just the same. He could put in a shit-ton of time to try and get a bunch of people interested in organizing that scholarship fund over the course of five years, and maybe it will manifest. And he's not going to do that by sitting around whinging about how there's a problem.

    ah yes the american dream, everyone should just stop whining because hard work equals success

    "Maybe" it will manifest.

    I am implying that whining instead of action does not equal result. I don't think this is a controversial statement.
    I needed a name to post. on
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    what if, we build one mega city, capable of holding over 8 billion people and have everyone move there?

    Maybe it's in the middle of the ocean, maybe the moon, i'm still working on details.

    The glorious moon empire will never fall.
  • MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Uriel wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    what if, we build one mega city, capable of holding over 8 billion people and have everyone move there?

    Maybe it's in the middle of the ocean, maybe the moon, i'm still working on details.

    The glorious moon empire will never fall.

    Now you've just doomed it.

    You get to stay back on stupid earth!
  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.
    icon-18x18_zps3f731cae.pngBasilius | Monster Hunter Tri: Red - TBUGW8 | TF2 Backpack | Hero Academy - Laitarne
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    The earth rebellion shall be your downfall.
  • MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.

    I agree.

    However I know there isn't a giant moon monster, I'm not so sure about the ocean.
  • augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Melding wrote: »
    Uriel wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    what if, we build one mega city, capable of holding over 8 billion people and have everyone move there?

    Maybe it's in the middle of the ocean, maybe the moon, i'm still working on details.

    The glorious moon empire will never fall.

    Now you've just doomed it.

    You get to stay back on stupid earth!

    the sentence

    is death

    august on
    Pac Man's character is difficult to explain even to the Japanese -- he is an innocent character. He hasn't been educated to discern between good and evil. He acts more like a small child than a grown-up person. Think of him as a child learning in the course of his daily activities. If someone tells him guns are evil, he would be the type to rush out and eat guns. But he would most probably eat any gun, even the pistols of policemen who need them.
    face | zune | last.fm | steam
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    building it on the sun would solve all our problems
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    Cloverfield was so bad.
  • MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Jars wrote: »
    building it on the sun would solve all our problems

    I like the way you think. you're hired.
  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.

    I also would have accepted Godzilla
    icon-18x18_zps3f731cae.pngBasilius | Monster Hunter Tri: Red - TBUGW8 | TF2 Backpack | Hero Academy - Laitarne
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    Dichotomy wrote: »
    do you feel that the feasibility of suggestions like "host another convention" or "set up an 'indie scholarship' fund" or "make the entry fee to the GDC a game programmed by yourself" is unaffected by race

    Are you asking me if I'm not aware that minorities have it harder in western culture due to various socioeconomic historical reasons that persist to the common day?

    in a roundabout way, i suppose that i'm asking you if the suggestions you posted were earnest

    The GDC game programming one was being cheeky. Everything else is something that someone could do. None of them are supposed to be something that anyone could do. I am not positing that Joe who works a minimum wage job at day and codes at night and barely has enough money to feed himself can immediately turn around and drop $100k in a scholarship fund. Obviously he can not, as it is not feasible for him and his current situation regardless of what race he is.

    But Joe can talk to people over the internet, and he can try to work towards those things just the same. He could put in a shit-ton of time to try and get a bunch of people interested in organizing that scholarship fund over the course of five years, and maybe it will manifest. And he's not going to do that by sitting around whinging about how there's a problem.

    ah yes the american dream, everyone should just stop whining because hard work equals success

    "Maybe" it will manifest.

    I am implying that whining instead of action does not equal result. I don't think this is a controversial statement.

    well, it's not so much controversial as it is stupid

    what constitutes "whining"? what constitutes "action"? can reasoned criticism not be considered action?
  • THESPOOKYTHESPOOKY What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Uriel wrote: »
    Cloverfield was so bad.

    The original teaser was pretty good!
    FREEZE. Cool your jets. Ice to meet you. Take a chill pill. Stay frosty.
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.

    I also would have accepted Godzilla

    Accept NO substitutes.

    Cloverfield was no godzilla.
  • THESPOOKYTHESPOOKY What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age.Registered User regular
    Uriel wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.

    I also would have accepted Godzilla

    Accept NO substitutes.

    Cloverfield was no godzilla.

    What constitutes "a godzilla"

    Is it like a Dracula
    FREEZE. Cool your jets. Ice to meet you. Take a chill pill. Stay frosty.
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    building it on the sun would solve all our problems

    I like the way you think. you're hired.

    Do you know how much a city that big would cost on the sun?

    This show is so unrealistic.
  • TurambarTurambar Registered User regular
    don't bring a jumpy vampire to a car fight
    Origin: Turamb | Steam: Turambar | last.fm
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    all our debt would vanish as soon as we completed it and moved in. it's the perfect plan
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    THESPOOKY wrote: »
    Uriel wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.

    I also would have accepted Godzilla

    Accept NO substitutes.

    Cloverfield was no godzilla.

    What constitutes "a godzilla"

    Is it like a Dracula

    Sorry my bad.


    Capital G.
  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    THESPOOKY wrote: »
    Uriel wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.

    I also would have accepted Godzilla

    Accept NO substitutes.

    Cloverfield was no godzilla.

    What constitutes "a godzilla"

    Is it like a Dracula

    Well technically there have been multiple Godzillas

    And that's before we bring Space Godzilla into the equation
    icon-18x18_zps3f731cae.pngBasilius | Monster Hunter Tri: Red - TBUGW8 | TF2 Backpack | Hero Academy - Laitarne
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    Uriel wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.

    I also would have accepted Godzilla

    Accept NO substitutes.

    Cloverfield was no godzilla.

    Thank God
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • THESPOOKYTHESPOOKY What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age.Registered User regular
    Maddoc wrote: »
    THESPOOKY wrote: »
    Uriel wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.

    I also would have accepted Godzilla

    Accept NO substitutes.

    Cloverfield was no godzilla.

    What constitutes "a godzilla"

    Is it like a Dracula

    Well technically there have been multiple Godzillas

    And that's before we bring Space Godzilla into the equation

    Couldn't the son of Godzilla even speak
    FREEZE. Cool your jets. Ice to meet you. Take a chill pill. Stay frosty.
  • Professor SnugglesworthProfessor Snugglesworth Registered User regular
    Hit the local Gamestop today looking for something to spend the 20% off birthday coupon I got in an e-mail.

    Walked out with Hotel Dusk on the DS for $4. Think I made out pretty good.
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    Maddoc wrote: »
    THESPOOKY wrote: »
    Uriel wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Look the ocean is way more interesting than the moon when you get right down to it anyway.

    There's some crazy shit in there.

    I also would have accepted Godzilla

    Accept NO substitutes.

    Cloverfield was no godzilla.

    What constitutes "a godzilla"

    Is it like a Dracula

    Well technically there have been multiple Godzillas

    And that's before we bring Space Godzilla into the equation

    History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man.

    Especially that godawful Mathew Brodric Film.
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    I should watch that, it's on Netflix

    Ferris Bueller vs. a giant lizard is a thing that interests me
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
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