Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

The Brad Muir Thread: Also Starring Giant Bomb



  • PaladinPaladin Registered User regular
    I don't wear blue jeans to interviews
    Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
    Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
  • Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Oh boy...

    Minecraft Atlas...

    Finally they internet combined Minecraft and Libertarian iconography. Now if only it can find a way to make tabby cats and fedoras mate.

    That was made by the Penny Arcade server dude. I don't think any of us had that intention in mind
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    good thing I am not playing golden so I can be a playa
  • ZayZay FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan Please, just call me York.Registered User regular
    No it's racist
  • ZayZay FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan Please, just call me York.Registered User regular
    I'm not sure why I had that as a draft but there you go
  • Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 The Neal Deal Registered User regular
    You probably had a good reason for it whenever that was
  • MrDapperMrDapper Two Sides of A Coin Registered User regular
    Can't people just like Greek and Roman myth? Is that a crime?!
  • masterofmetroidmasterofmetroid Have you ever looked at a world and seen it as a kind of challenge?Registered User regular
    If it's not too late to give an actual reason why someone wouldn't like that article..

    Starting out with the assumption that a game has to be controversial in someway to be relevant in the indie scene and that people think that games are now the best way to express themselves artistically is fine. I would disagree with both those assertions, but other than the way they're worded i can respect them.

    Going on to call the indie scene racist and classist and then calling out Bioshock Infinite as being a vapid and shallow triple A title seems like it comes from exactly the kind of "controversial" place the article seems to condemn, and it harms his point much more than any argument i could make would.
  • AshcroftAshcroft Gimme dem Yens Registered User regular
    Persona 4 Arena is actually here. The game loads and everything.

    Also it turns out all the arts they were giving people in Europe for remembering the game exists were just chucked up on their website. They literally just wrote a link to the zip file on the soundtrack case.

  • DiarmuidDiarmuid Registered User regular
    MrDapper wrote: »
    Can't people just like Greek and Roman myth? Is that a crime?!

    Celtic myths 4 LYFE!!!
  • DiarmuidDiarmuid Registered User regular
    Ashcroft wrote: »
    Persona 4 Arena is actually here. The game loads and everything.

    Also it turns out all the arts they were giving people in Europe for remembering the game exists were just chucked up on their website. They literally just wrote a link to the zip file on the soundtrack case.


    Just put the disc in and I can tell from the main menu that this is gonna go real bad for me.

    It's... it's all coming back.
  • HullisHullis I'm no more a spy than you are- A doctor.Registered User regular
    Ashcroft wrote: »
    Persona 4 Arena is actually here. The game loads and everything.

    Also it turns out all the arts they were giving people in Europe for remembering the game exists were just chucked up on their website. They literally just wrote a link to the zip file on the soundtrack case.


    so you're telling me you got some euro goodies?

  • KilroyKilroy Seer of Heart Registered User regular
    does anyone have the link to that picture of ryan being completely unimpressed with the rollercoaster?
    Steam brotimes Xbox Live: DigitalGravitas
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    Jars wrote: »
    watching a persona concert. guess this is what we call "down the rabbit hole"

    If you were playing Golden, they actually put live Persona concert footage right in the extras menu

    They know what the game is going to do to you, and they came prepared
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »

    can little big planet do grid combat

    Programming all the logic would take a while but yes it absolutely can

    As long as the game you want to make only uses 2 dimensions you can make it in LBP2

    And if you want to make something 3 dimensional

    Well, there are ways to do that too.

  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    Vann Diras wrote: »
    Vann Diras wrote: »
    it's mainly the bit about game events being in ny, la, etc

    like maybe it's because i'm used to art scenes by this point but like, yes. often times to break into a scene you have to be around and actively participate in it? or like i guess i don't see why it's so upsetting that there are hot spots in the indie games culture where a lot of people who participate in that culture live

    it's like the cliche that if you want to be a fine artist, you had better move to new york. sure it might help, but it's not even remotely the only way and the idea that if you're not in new york city you can't succeed as an artist is a buncha crap. this seems similar

    and then the jab at bioshock at the end just made me roll my eyes so

    it's upsetting because not being able to participate in events that take place in large metro areas like LA, NYC, SF et cetera is a huge roadblock that stands in the way of recognition and achievement

    and if you're not lucky enough to live there already, and you don't have the means to move there

    then i guess you're just fucked, aren't you?

    i don't understand the alternative being proposed here, though. have those events everywhere? that'd be great, and i'm sure if you asked anyone they'd love for that to happen. but there just isn't the infrastructure or demand outside of those areas for that to be feasible. otherwise there would be events happening in those places already

    or do you just want those events to not happen? that also seems backward to me

    and like i said, no. no i don't think you're fucked just because you don't live in those places. just like i don't think i'm fucked as an artist because i live in indiana.

    I haven't seen anyone respond to this. Independent game production is a business like any other, and just like any profession, networking and communicating with your peers is invaluable. Professional awards and events are crucial both to your visibility as an entity, and to the continued growth of the industry.

    Unless you are proposing that these events should be held in a virtual world that everyone can hook up to, what do you expect? You do not have to live in LA to make a good game that gets publicly recognized. Industry events are going to happen in major metro areas because yeah, that's how conferences work. I mean, what would the difference be if they were held in Chicago or Tuscaloosa or Indianapolis? It's always going to be far away for someone. And if there's already a deal in place for convention space in a set location every year, where a large portion of the peers already live, why would they move it around the country? That shit is expensive, like, millions of dollars expensive. This part of the article seems to just bemoan the fact that the conferences aren't happening in Second Life.

    well, sure, why not

    video games are a digital medium why not focus more on digital networking to be able to include people who are not able to go to conventions
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    Oh boy...

    Minecraft Atlas...

    Finally they internet combined Minecraft and Libertarian iconography. Now if only it can find a way to make tabby cats and fedoras mate.

    That was made by the Penny Arcade server dude. I don't think any of us had that intention in mind

    although I'm pretty sure obrien was just joking is there any better illustration of artistic expression being interpreted as political statement that the author of the article talked about
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
  • KilroyKilroy Seer of Heart Registered User regular
    holy fuck megaman 2 is hard

    it probably doesn't help that I am Bad at platformers
    Steam brotimes Xbox Live: DigitalGravitas
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    No. Megaman games really are balls hard. Don't feel too bad.
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    3 is even harder. it's the only one of the first four I cannot beat. 2 had some real tough levels though and that dragon boss. have you done quick man's level yet? that one is always good for a WTF
  • GundiGundi Respected Naturalist of Internet Fauna Registered User regular
    I... i don't want to break this to you but Megaman 2 is actually probably the easiest of the eight or so 8-bit Megaman games. (Including 9 and 10.)
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    Have you beaten metal man yet

    Focus on him

    The metal blades do high damage to everything
  • Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 The Neal Deal Registered User regular
    Those games require a mindset different from what modern games use. A lot more jumping back and memorizing spacial patterns.
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    yeah patterns is big. why I can play games like Ys now because I can get boss patterns down from all the megaman games.
  • KilroyKilroy Seer of Heart Registered User regular
    I'm currently stuck at the disappearing blocks over the acid lake part of heatman(?)'s level
    Steam brotimes Xbox Live: DigitalGravitas
  • agoajagoaj Registered User regular
    Finally made it to the last boss of Ninja Gaiden. Scared to start because if he kills me even once I go back 4 stages.
  • KilroyKilroy Seer of Heart Registered User regular
    I've tried and failed airman, bubbleman, quickman, and woodman so far
    Steam brotimes Xbox Live: DigitalGravitas
  • MrDapperMrDapper Two Sides of A Coin Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Kilroy wrote: »
    does anyone have the link to that picture of ryan being completely unimpressed with the rollercoaster?

    On my phone so I don't know if this will work.

    MrDapper on
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    Personally these days I can't stand Megaman games. The sharp angles bright colors and terrible sound effects (the music is good though.) all give me a headache and I can't look at the screen very long.
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    heatman's is the hardest level. start with metal man it's pretty easy and you get the best weapon. then come back to wood man's stage and it should be a lot more manageable.
  • GundiGundi Respected Naturalist of Internet Fauna Registered User regular
    I still love the 8-bit games, but I really love 8-bit graphics in general so the aesthetics don't bother me. The key thing to realize is just that you will die and fail a lot of times. Each stage is totally beatable, they just require a lot of practice and a little cleverness.
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    Is it just me or is mega man 10 SUPER fucking hard
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    Seriously how do people not mute Megaman... I mean if it weren't for the music it would sound like garbage.
  • AshcroftAshcroft Gimme dem Yens Registered User regular
    Press the butt to super burst cancel your Persona directly into a dash-wank crit zoomer. What?

    This tutorial might make more sense in Japanese.
  • Vann DirasVann Diras Registered User regular
    Is it just me or is mega man 10 SUPER fucking hard


    as part of the "retro throwback" in 9 and 10, they made them stupid fuckin' difficult
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    Vann Diras wrote: »
    Is it just me or is mega man 10 SUPER fucking hard


    as part of the "retro throwback" in 9 and 10, they made them stupid fuckin' difficult

    I can bet 9 but 10 I can't even get to some of the robot masters
  • Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 The Neal Deal Registered User regular
    Kilroy wrote: »
    I'm currently stuck at the disappearing blocks over the acid lake part of heatman(?)'s level

    The classic megaman games also have some fresh hot bullshit
  • HullisHullis I'm no more a spy than you are- A doctor.Registered User regular
    Ashcroft wrote: »
    Press the butt to super burst cancel your Persona directly into a dash-wank crit zoomer. What?

    This tutorial might make more sense in Japanese.

    welcome to fight games
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