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The Brad Muir Thread: Also Starring Giant Bomb



  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Vann Diras wrote: »
    Vann Diras wrote: »
    it's mainly the bit about game events being in ny, la, etc

    like maybe it's because i'm used to art scenes by this point but like, yes. often times to break into a scene you have to be around and actively participate in it? or like i guess i don't see why it's so upsetting that there are hot spots in the indie games culture where a lot of people who participate in that culture live

    it's like the cliche that if you want to be a fine artist, you had better move to new york. sure it might help, but it's not even remotely the only way and the idea that if you're not in new york city you can't succeed as an artist is a buncha crap. this seems similar

    and then the jab at bioshock at the end just made me roll my eyes so

    it's upsetting because not being able to participate in events that take place in large metro areas like LA, NYC, SF et cetera is a huge roadblock that stands in the way of recognition and achievement

    and if you're not lucky enough to live there already, and you don't have the means to move there

    then i guess you're just fucked, aren't you?

    i don't understand the alternative being proposed here, though. have those events everywhere? that'd be great, and i'm sure if you asked anyone they'd love for that to happen. but there just isn't the infrastructure or demand outside of those areas for that to be feasible. otherwise there would be events happening in those places already

    or do you just want those events to not happen? that also seems backward to me

    and like i said, no. no i don't think you're fucked just because you don't live in those places. just like i don't think i'm fucked as an artist because i live in indiana.

    I haven't seen anyone respond to this. Independent game production is a business like any other, and just like any profession, networking and communicating with your peers is invaluable. Professional awards and events are crucial both to your visibility as an entity, and to the continued growth of the industry.

    Unless you are proposing that these events should be held in a virtual world that everyone can hook up to, what do you expect? You do not have to live in LA to make a good game that gets publicly recognized. Industry events are going to happen in major metro areas because yeah, that's how conferences work. I mean, what would the difference be if they were held in Chicago or Tuscaloosa or Indianapolis? It's always going to be far away for someone. And if there's already a deal in place for convention space in a set location every year, where a large portion of the peers already live, why would they move it around the country? That shit is expensive, like, millions of dollars expensive. This part of the article seems to just bemoan the fact that the conferences aren't happening in Second Life.

    Langly on
  • timspork's ghosttimspork's ghost Registered User regular
    I was going to read that article but then I noticed the writer used no capitalization. If you're too lazy to hit shift a minimum of once per sentence, I'm too lazy to read that article.
    3DS Friend Code: 5472-6198-4568
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    I was going to read that article but then I noticed the writer used no capitalization. If you're too lazy to hit shift a minimum of once per sentence, I'm too lazy to read that article.

    well have I got a writer for you
  • timspork's ghosttimspork's ghost Registered User regular
    See now at least that is written in character.
    3DS Friend Code: 5472-6198-4568
  • agoajagoaj Registered User regular
    I was going to read that article but then I noticed the writer used no capitalization. If you're too lazy to hit shift a minimum of once per sentence, I'm too lazy to read that article.

    One small step from capital letters to capitalism.
  • Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Man, I don't understand how you guys are able to hate on Minecraft

    It's Internet Legos, what's not to love?
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    Man, I don't understand how you guys are able to hate on Minecraft

    It's Internet Legos, what's not to love?

    It's incredibly tedious and ugly-looking Internet Legos

  • timspork's ghosttimspork's ghost Registered User regular
    So I'm watching these astronauts trying to fix the ammonia leak. The camera is switching to the two guys' cameras in their suits so it looks almost like a first person game. It's kinda terrifying. The only light seems to come from their suits' lamps so the have a very small area they can see, they are in bulky space suits, and there is stuff that keeps floating into their helmets blocking their view.

    One of the guys opened a tool kit and everything just shot out like it was on springs. It was all tethered, but tools were everywhere.
    3DS Friend Code: 5472-6198-4568
  • SCREECH OF THE FARGSCREECH OF THE FARG hence nothing remains except for our regretsRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013

    It's incredibly tedious and ugly-looking
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    Wait, what? What did Golden change?
    the girls figure out that you're cheating on them
    yeah but it's weird and creepy because instead of say, getting mad at you, they talk to you in private and mope about how they're not good enough to keep you monogamous

    They pretty much all imply that you cheating on them is their fault and not yours
  • Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Man, I don't understand how you guys are able to hate on Minecraft

    It's Internet Legos, what's not to love?

    It's incredibly tedious and ugly-looking Internet Legos


  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    See that looks neat and I can appreciate it

    But I lose patience with minecraft after about 30 minutes of playing it
  • Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 The Neal Deal Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    you know what would be an interesting and creative application for minecraft

    if someone could make D&D 4e maps in it

    I've actually seen a video of somebody playing their D&D campaign in Minecraft. This was before the content modding scene appeared so they did something funky with five extra accounts for monsters they could move around, but some neat stuff came out of it like vertical maps that were not a pain in the ass to deal with and individual line of sight requiring members to communicate the situation.
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    Even with the lack of 3d I would rather play with littlebigplanet than minecraft any day
  • SCREECH OF THE FARGSCREECH OF THE FARG hence nothing remains except for our regretsRegistered User regular
  • Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 The Neal Deal Registered User regular
    I can understand where you are coming from there. I can sorta see where Notch wanted to take things with his early efforts on his 'cave game' and the previous prototypes whose art assets are still in the game today. The game never really reached where he wanted it to go, probably due to it being a prototype that exploded into a game played by a ton of people. Most features were added with the concept of 'Hey this would be cool, lets see where it can be taken eventually." and I'm pretty sure there was no design document for it besides Notch thinking of that time he played Ultima Underworld.
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    My thing with Minecraft is that I much prefer watching people make their own fun in the game by tackling the mechanics or going against the grain, especially through mods.

    Otherwise it's a fairly bland building blocks game that has potential but you have to invest a lot of time and effort to really get your money's worth, in my opinion.
  • CenoCeno Chumble spuzz. Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    People like Minecraft because the night is dark and full of terrors.

    I like what people can create in Minecraft, I like watching people play Minecraft (particularly the Yogscast and Achievement Hunter LPs), but I think I would need a dedicated group of people like that to really enjoy it.

    I build a pretty utilitarian base and then never stray very far from it because it is extraordinarily easy to get lost and/or die, so I try to make my base pretty cool looking, then delete my world and start over.
    Ceno on
    GFWL: Genesius Prime / PSN: Genesius_Prime / Origin: genesiusprime / 3DS: 4871-3718-5715
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Realtalk unless the formatting is a complete mess, the fact that a blog post is as eloquently written without capitalisationg actually endeared me more to the whole thing, because it felt more like the opening of an interesting dialogue through opinions on this industry, than someone writing a manifesto and shoving their opinions down others' throats as facts.
  • timspork's ghosttimspork's ghost Registered User regular
    3DS Friend Code: 5472-6198-4568
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Well I'm glad we had this very frank and honest discussion instead of completely shooting down an entire article without reason

    Good work

    Accolades all around
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    well at least it's being dismissed at this stage instead of being dismissed when a statement is misunderstood or when the author takes an entirely reasonable shot at the current popular kid

    saves everyone some time
  • timspork's ghosttimspork's ghost Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I can't help it. Is just feels so lazy to me what with all the things now that auto correct that stuff. It just feels like the person had to go out of their way, which seems 100% pointless and thus takes away from any substantial impact that comes from the content.

    However much it is said, don't judge a book by its cover, people still do that.
    timspork's ghost on
    3DS Friend Code: 5472-6198-4568
  • JintorJintor Registered User regular
    I didn't read the whole thing because I realised I was actually supposed to be writing a manifesto about halfway through, only my manifesto was about boring law stuff
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    I can't help it. Is just feels so lazy to me what with all the things now that auto correct that stuff. It just feels like the person had to go out of their way, which seems 100% pointless and thus takes away from any substantial impact that comes from the content.

    However much it is said, don't judge a book by its cover, people still do that.

    I feel like this is a really lazy argument to make because everything aside from proper capitalisation, that entire post is incredibly well written, formatted properly, and entirely accessible. Just because the author went with their own style which does not actually detract from their point, does not warrant a wholesale dismissal of their motive and intent simply because they don't meet you expectations of grammar.

    It's essentially coming off like you're saying tl;dr to something that actually contains an element of introspection the video games industry as a whole lacks, and frankly it's frustrating because as lazy as you may think it is to not hit shift a handful of times, it's even more lazy that you can't bring yourself to read and contextualise a writing style that is actually very accessible and well-written. It just seems pedantic and petty.
  • PoorochondriacPoorochondriac Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I can't help it. Is just feels so lazy to me what with all the things now that auto correct that stuff. It just feels like the person had to go out of their way, which seems 100% pointless and thus takes away from any substantial impact that comes from the content.

    However much it is said, don't judge a book by its cover, people still do that.

    Bro you are being mega silly about the sizes of some letters

    It ain't like your brain has to fire extra neurons to decode an all lower-case post

    Also you say it seems both lazy AND requiring pointless effort, which is contradictory to the max.

    To the max, bro.
    Poorochondriac on
  • timspork's ghosttimspork's ghost Registered User regular
    I guess I'm just confused by what there is to gain by having your own writing style where you don't use capitalization. Up to this point I assumed my expectations of grammar was the same as every other person who uses English but I guess not.

    I'll go away now. My apologies.
    3DS Friend Code: 5472-6198-4568
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    Crank the gravity up boom no floaty jump physics

    Don't like that then program your own sackbot that plays with its own unique physics rules that you define

    Or make a top-down game that has no jump physics at all

    Lbp gives you a shit-ton of options for making things and wraps it up in an easy and intuitive interface
    Speed Racer on
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    That Cry Fear QL was magical.
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular

    can little big planet do grid combat
  • SimBenSimBen Registered User regular
    Stilts wrote: »
    SimBen wrote: »
    Stilts wrote: »
    I'm now at the point in every Phoenix Wright game where you get penalized for not presenting a contradiction in the exact way they want you to, even though there are multiple ways of doing it that make perfect sense.

    Also, I seriously hate the way punishment works in these games. You're allowed very few mistakes, and fucking up can mean losing an hour or more of gameplay.

    You can save any time you want by pressing start.

    I could have sworn that only creates a temporary save? Like, when you save, you have to quit. And when you reload, the save is deleted. I thought the only "real" saves were the ones between major parts.

    Nope, it's permanent. It kicks you to the title screen, but it stays after a reload.
    sig.gif Aneurythmia, Javen and thatdude_frombaywatch really smell pretty good and this pie is for them: pie
  • rfilyawrfilyaw Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    edit: eh this is a dumb argument.
    rfilyaw on
  • SimBenSimBen Registered User regular
    Wait are we hating BioShock Infinite now

    I just can't keep up with the invisible consensus

    It's an exponential sine function, where there is a period of alternating peaks and troughs of approval for the game (this is the case with every game, ever), and each subsequent peak or trough is higher or deeper than the last.

    We're due for Bioshock Infinite to enter It's Awesome for the second time in about 17 days.
    sig.gif Aneurythmia, Javen and thatdude_frombaywatch really smell pretty good and this pie is for them: pie
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    no it just flat sucks forever
  • PwnanObrienPwnanObrien Registered User regular
    Oh boy...

    Minecraft Atlas...

    Finally they internet combined Minecraft and Libertarian iconography. Now if only it can find a way to make tabby cats and fedoras mate.
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    note: I didn't read the article because it was long and I'm not particularly interested by the subject matter
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    that reads like a fancy tl;dr, huh

    didn't mean it that way
  • SimBenSimBen Registered User regular
    I'm great at timing my posts to right after the relevant discussion has ended.
    sig.gif Aneurythmia, Javen and thatdude_frombaywatch really smell pretty good and this pie is for them: pie
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