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Strip Search - Paint the Line

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited May 2013 in Strip Search

Strip Search - Paint the Line

The Artists must now see if their training has paid off as they face the Penny Arcade crew.

Read the full story here

Dog on


  • HomersanHomersan Registered User new member
    It's finally here! Watch it now!
  • A Concerned CitizenA Concerned Citizen Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Definitely a good episode, Mike and Jerry look quite perplexed by the comics in the next episode though, hopefully it's because of how awesome the strips are from both.
    A Concerned Citizen on
  • RaphDSRaphDS Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I loved the PA TV episodes with table tennis, and it's refreshing to see them to doubles!

    Weren't Lexxy and Monica the two close friends on the remaining cast? (a la Amy and Erika?) Shrewd choice, Katie. Shrewwwd.
    zerzhul on
  • BuchoBucho Women sense my power Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    - Monica was so shy and quiet for the early eps but as the show's gone on it's turned out once she gets to know peeps she's kind of fearlessly fun in an almost Abby way.
    - Surprised it took so long for anyone to pick Khoo even though he said he was the worst doubles player. Clearly that was a smokescreen to try and scupper Katie.
    - I know jack about ping pong but this time distinctly different styles between the 12 became clear and seeing how they meshed as teams and clashed as opponents was intriguing.
    - Speaking of which, even though she didn't win the MVP was Monica for her grasshopper kung fu style of ping pong.
    - Katie broke Khoo. WOOHOO!
    - STOKED to see the Thunderdome match-up everyone was calling and hoping for.
    Bucho on
    "yo are y'all havin a good ol-fashioned MERMAID FIGHT in here" - World as Myth
  • rathwolfrathwolf Registered User regular
    Totally gonna be rooting for Monica on Tuesday! Go Team Adorbs!
  • MKF36EMKF36E Untitled EarthRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Yay Katie!
    Lexxy "Cutthroat" Douglass vs Abby "Rising Finger" Howard.
    Sadsad Vs Sadsad,
    Crouching Erika and Hidden Monica.
    Khoo, Grandmaster, falling from grace, and eating comfort food in the end.

    "Shitting . . . dicknipples!"

    Monica was a given, but Lexxy was not. Each elimination episode is going to suck from now on. :(
    MKF36E on
  • ObiRobKenobiObiRobKenobi Registered User regular
    Oh man. Tuesday is going to be an epic showdown. Monica, although never having gone to elimination, is going to be great at it. She's absolutely hilarious and I don't think the time crunch will be too big of a challenge for her. Lexxy, on the other hand, is a super artist and has already produced one of the best elimination strips we've ever seen. This is gonna be a good one.
  • Angry_SamoanAngry_Samoan Registered User regular
    So, basically someone will be getting eliminated due to lack of ping pong skills. Weak sauce.
  • CooldragoonCooldragoon Registered User new member
    The real question is when will Khoo be unseated by Levine at the top of the ladder. Especially after that performance...
  • Maz-Maz- C'mon Donny! Registered User regular
    Steam | Origin: MazPA | 3DS: 1848-2888-3654
  • Angry_SamoanAngry_Samoan Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    So, basically someone will be getting eliminated due to lack of ping pong skills. Weak sauce.

    No, someone is getting eliminated because they didn't draw a comic as good as the other person

    But they ended up in the elimination phase due to ping pong. So, yes, while drawing the better comic will keep either Lexxy or Monica from going home, they were put there due to not winning at ping pong.

  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    Exactly who I would pick. Those are the only two who haven't won an elimination yet. Monica obviously hasn't gone yet, and Lexxy lost her first time there. I'm going to be rooting for Monica on Tuesday and I think she's got a good chance at returning to the house in triumph. Tavis beat Lexxy fair and square, and as much as I like Tavis, Monica is better than he is.

    The only question remains, are they going to bring back Lexxy again after she's eliminated again? I'm just kidding. Sort of.
    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
  • Angry_SamoanAngry_Samoan Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    -Tal wrote: »
    So, basically someone will be getting eliminated due to lack of ping pong skills. Weak sauce.

    No, someone is getting eliminated because they didn't draw a comic as good as the other person

    But they ended up in the elimination phase due to ping pong. So, yes, while drawing the better comic will keep either Lexxy or Monica from going home, they were put there due to not winning at ping pong.

    Ping Pong was not relevant to Katie's reasoning

    hell Lexxy was the runner up

    Runner up (i.e. "first loser") is still not winning at ping pong.
  • PolecatPolecat Registered User regular
    Levin vs. Erika got intese... you can tell they play a lot
  • rathwolfrathwolf Registered User regular
    msuroo wrote: »
    hotzp wrote: »
    you may be able to infer in the long run that both at them get eliminated at some point due to their individual crowdfunding efforts.

    I don't understand why people keep saying this. Are you seriously telling me you'd turn down 75 grand because you just won a $15k cash prize? Please. I don't have any inside information or anything, and since there can only be one winner, it's quite probable just based on the numbers that both Lexxy and Monica go home at some point. But I don't see how their Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaigns have anything to do with the price of tea in China.

    Either way, looking forward to the elimination episode.

    I mean, I don't understand it for Monica, given her Indiegogo was to fund a print run of a book. As for Lexxy...I dunno. Like, I don't have anything against her, but given that she was the only contestant not to have a webcomic already, if she really needed to win this AND do a crowd-funding campaign just to get started on her webcomic? That'd kind of leave a bad taste in my mouth.
  • Korbei83Korbei83 Registered User regular
    I really liked the pairings for this tourny. I was rooting for Lexxy/Khoo, 'cause ya gotta root for Khoo. Can't believe he was last picked. YOU FOOLS! They did well but I was happy to see Katie/Levin pull it out in the end.

    Also enjoyed the giant Desert Bus cheque in the background. Interesting place to keep it.

    Looking forward to seeing Monica step up for elimination.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Sparkamus Prime Marduk is my co-pilotRegistered User, Super Moderator, Moderator, SolidSaints Zerzhul mod
    Also, good job Katie! :)
  • grygusgrygus Registered User regular
    @Angry_Samoan: based on the data from today's episode, not winning at ping-pong has a 60% chance of not sending you to elimination. Logically, then, they must be there for some other reason. That reason is that Katie chose them; that's her prize for winning, and her reasons need not be clear. However, in this case she did articulate her reasons, and losing at ping-pong was notably not among them. Your stance does not make sense in any way. You're perfectly free to refuse to make sense, of course; just pointing it out.
  • hodumaruhodumaru Registered User new member
    edited May 2013
    Oh, by the way, if you want to know who wins the elimination,
    check out the teaser video around the 50-52 second mark to see Maki + one Lexxy or Monica running up some yet to be seen stairs.
    hodumaru on
  • duddlesduddles Registered User regular
    I still think the elimination episodes are far and away the most compelling to watch - because we get to see actual comics being made. I think the show would be greatly improved if more of the episodes were about making comics.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Sparkamus Prime Marduk is my co-pilotRegistered User, Super Moderator, Moderator, SolidSaints Zerzhul mod
    Korbei83 wrote: »
    I really liked the pairings for this tourny. I was rooting for Lexxy/Khoo, 'cause ya gotta root for Khoo. Can't believe he was last picked. YOU FOOLS! They did well but I was happy to see Katie/Levin pull it out in the end.

    Also enjoyed the giant Desert Bus cheque in the background. Interesting place to keep it.

    Looking forward to seeing Monica step up for elimination.

    This was filmed in December, and probably wasn't all that far off from the Child's Play charity dinner, held on December 6th, where the check was presented :)
  • cgardner42cgardner42 Registered User new member
    I love love love the Ping Pong episodes of PATV and this is awesome too. I sort of hope there's an uncut version of these matches on the Strip Search DVD. I really don't understand people's comments about the editing. I think its well done and honestly I would love it even more if it was twice as long and more full of errata and random thoughts and them hanging out.
  • megascorchermegascorcher Registered User regular
    Nooooo I don't want either of those to go...
  • zerzhulzerzhul Sparkamus Prime Marduk is my co-pilotRegistered User, Super Moderator, Moderator, SolidSaints Zerzhul mod
    I don't begrudge anyone for not liking ping pong. I loved it though.
  • PharylonPharylon Registered User new member
    Holy crap this episode was boring. What I thought was good about last episode was the voice-overs of the contestants talking inter-cut with the ping pong. This time it was just.... ping pong. After ten minutes, I skipped to the end.
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