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Strip Search - Paint the Line



  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    hodumaru wrote: »
    Oh, by the way, if you want to know who wins the elimination, check out the teaser video around the 50-52 second mark to see Maki + one Lexxy or Monica running up some yet to be seen stairs.

    "yet to be seen" doesn't mean it was filmed after this elimination or will even be seen in future episodes, there is far more footage shot than makes it into the final edit
  • DoctorPhananDoctorPhanan Registered User new member
    @duddles by my count we have had 1 merchandising episode, 1 go kart racing episode, 1 telephone/fax machine episode, 1 sculpting episode, 1 social media episode, 1 press episode, 2 convention episodes, 2 ping pong episodes, 1 co-operation episode, 1 tour/quiz episode, 1 graffiti episode, 1 commisions episode, and 6 (soon to be 7) episodes about making comics. The show is plenty about making comics, it is by far the most common challenge.
  • Gnomeland SecurityGnomeland Security Registered User regular
    Didnt Erika do a drawing of the final 4 a few weeks ago in the corners of a bigger picture? Looks like prophecy!
  • fullofgracefullofgrace Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I will admit to finding myself surprised that I really enjoyed this episode. I was skeptical as to how two episodes of ping pong playing in a row could be interesting. But the interaction with the Penny Arcade staff was fun and it was a good taste of how well the strippers can immediately start working with someone they just met. It was also nice to see that even if the strippers had to be a bit serious to try and win their rounds, they also got a chance to relax and be a bit silly in between -- instead of freezing up around the staff, they seemed to let loose and let their personalities come through. All of which I think was the point of the challenge.
    fullofgrace on
    I'm jessageek on Twitter and Tumblr
    PAX East Pics: 2010-2011-2012-2013 & Vids: 2012-2013
  • AzaminoAzamino Registered User new member
    Great job, Katie! Loved the picks, too. With neither of them winning an elimination yet, Monica and Lexxy both have to prove they still belong.
  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    "yet to be seen" doesn't mean it was filmed after this elimination or will even be seen in future episodes, there is far more footage shot than makes it into the final edit

    Yeah, but I bet if you go and check it'll be the two contestants in different clothes than we've seen them wear, AND in a completely different venue than we've seen them in. I didn't go check so I could be wrong, but that was the case with all the other spoilers. It'd not a given but I'd say this one has been spoiled.

    I'm seriously furious that these eliminations have been getting spoiled ALL season long because of that stupid teaser. I've messaged the PA crew about it a dozen times with no response. It really should have been taken down IMMEDIATELY when the show actually started, or never posted at all! AGH!

    @hodumaru Seriously, what is wrong with you? Do you get off on ruining other people's fun?
    Lamp on
  • ArenowArenow Registered User regular
    After 3 seasons of PA The Series, I find ping-pong need chiptune music on the background.
    Can't wait for Tuesday.
  • JohnnyOmahaJohnnyOmaha Registered User new member
    It would have been a really cool fake-out if they played the Paint the Line Card Game for this challenge - what a psych out it would be to see everyone in uniform and they're playing the TCG on the ping pong tables!

    But I digress - Gratz on the win Katie!
  • iHeartNZiHeartNZ Registered User new member
    It's going to be dicks on dicks on dicks

    A dick fractal???
  • lavonialavonia Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Katie chose based on who she felt needed to go up and prove that they could make a good comic. Everyone else has, so it does make sense. Though Lexxy did make a great comic before, it wasn't deemed as good as the other artist, so she's still got something to prove.
    I love Lexxy as an illustrator and editorial comicker, think she easily blows a lot of people out of the water in that respect. However, as a daily strip comicker, I think I'll still have to wait and see.

    Enjoyed the episode. Though now I'm a sad panda that I have to wait until Tuesday to watch the elimination episode.

    lavonia on
  • lavonialavonia Registered User regular
    Also thanks to Monica for teaching me the phrase, "Shitty Dicknipples". It's awful and wonderful at the same time.
  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    HEY! PA and LRR people! Take down the Strip Search teaser so that episodes stop getting spoiled by jerks in the comments! Everyone else, stop reading the comments because the next elimination is spoiled below. Of course if you're reading these comments from the forum (i.e. in chronological order) instead of on the Strip Search site you probably already read the spoiler.

    Edit: someone else tells me they just checked and this may be the very last scene in the teaser that hasn't been shown on the show yet. On one hand, thank goodness. On the other hand, it's sad that nobody involved in the show took any action despite being alerted to the spoilers numerous times. *sigh*
    Lamp on
  • endikuendiku Registered User regular
    I want to enjoy this episode but I just can't.

    Oh, it was fun to see them all playing with the staff. Everyone was having a great time with it. I just don't want to see two of my favorites duke it out in elimination.
  • PrimesghostPrimesghost Registered User regular
    I'm just gonna say it, as of this episode I am officially in love with Lexxy.
  • ImperfectImperfect Registered User regular
    lavonia wrote: »
    Also thanks to Monica for teaching me the phrase, "Shitty Dicknipples". It's awful and wonderful at the same time.

    The source is actually "shitting dicknipples" and as a freebie hint: NEVER GOOGLE THAT.
    Tube wrote: »
    Anyone who thinks this is an appropriate venue to say shitty things about the artists or to comment on their appearance or choice of clothing is 100% shithouse wrong and will be shown the door in short order.

  • DeimirDeimir Registered User regular
    Dang, my two favorites coming together head to head. No matter what the outcome of Tuesday's episode, it's going to be a magnificent journey.
  • wn.mikewn.mike archi PTRegistered User regular
    I love this kind of episodes so much, but ...Monica and Lexxy :( well..had to happen at some point I guess.

    Also, the only reason Robert Khoo is "bad" at doubles is that he can't do the Khoo Woo, or he would probably slap someone into the wall.
  • PiotyrPiotyr Registered User regular
    It is a sad day for #TeamLexica.
    Because I can kill demons and leopards any time, but get them to glorify me? That's a once in a lifetime opportunity. -- Jim Darkmagic, Let's Play: Quest for Glory Series
  • seegruseegru Master of None St. PaulRegistered User regular
    Perfect picks for elim. Monica hasn't been & Lexxy needs to prove she merits the re-insert. Exactly how I would have picked. Aaaaaaand FIGHT!

    By the by,..... Robert has MAD skills (even without the victory)....
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    lavonia wrote: »
    Also thanks to Monica for teaching me the phrase, "Shitty Dicknipples". It's awful and wonderful at the same time.

    She actually managed to get a Penny Arcade staffer to tell her to tone down the language. That's like Hugh Hefner telling you to maybe cut back on the sex a bit.

    Lexxy... obviously I have a bit of a rooting interest here, and I've seen Monica's Hourly Comic Day efforts so I know for a fact she has it in her, but win or lose, you're already set to go for the next year and Cloud Factory is going to kick butt. (And you know whether you've won or lost but that's on embargo until Tuesday morning.)

    EDIT: If anyone happens to be in Toronto this weekend, Monica's going to have a booth at TCAF and is selling Team Monica buttons. And also buttons of her saying 'shit'.
    Gosling on
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • Agent0fN0thingAgent0fN0thing Registered User regular
    Gotta' say: Katie is a class act. Her decisions made sense, and it was clear that she wanted to see both Monica and Lexxy step up and prove themselves. I'm excited to see what Monica and Lexxy do in Thunderdome!
    On an unrelated, but hilarious note: I loved Monica and Tavis cosplaying as one another! That was great! I appreciate the camaraderie that is developing among the artists!
  • enderandrewenderandrew Registered User regular
    Erika and Lexxy have been my personal favorites this whole competition, though honesty I really liked 11 of the 12 contestants. Every single Thunderdome showdown, I'm sad to see someone go.

    I was particularly sad to see Erika go, and I am operation off the assumption Lexxy likely loses at some point since she is doing her Kickstarter. And as much as I have come to appreciate Monica coming out of her shell (she is genuinely funny) I am rooting for Lexxy to pull out a Thunderdome victory for vindication.

    She has already created one of the best elimination comics to date. I think she can do it again.
  • CheeseGod99CheeseGod99 Registered User regular
    As much as I love watching these people interact, I do not tune into Strip Search to watch artists playing Ping Pong (badly). I want to watch artists make amazing art, and be judged based on it. I get that ping pong is a huge part of PA culture, but it has now been 2 days in a row without any sort of art component at all.
  • JermsJerms Registered User regular
    Things I liked:

    Katie winning. Again.
    Kiko's headband.
    Lexxy vs Abby pre-game psych-out.
    Monica's potty mouth. <3
  • enderandrewenderandrew Registered User regular
    Also, I'm firmly convinced that Khoo is a super hero. The fact that he didn't win this particular challenge must have been some clever ruse on his part. It is strategery.
  • MontyRohdeMontyRohde Registered User regular
    If ESPN can't get me excited about ping pong, PA isn't likely going to succeed at it either.
    Just like Pharylon I got in a few minutes and cut to the end. First time it happened.

    I realize this was an attempt to showcase PA and demonstrate the culture of the office, hey its their show and they're trying to promote their company but there are better ways to do it and I'm wagering this is episode was a miscalculation. I'm not sure how big of an audience Strip Search has compared to Penny Arcade TV, and I'm not sure how much of a crossover there is... but my opinion is that this episode is going to be leaving the artist, cartoonist, and non-PA crowd feeling a little cold. Honestly in the end all that matters is what happens in elimination, and while the social challenges can make for the occasional fun episode, anything not related to the business of web comics should not be involved in the elimination process.

    Granted I have no idea what the demographics of the audience are like, but this is going to be one of the shortest comment threads of the series I believe. Partially because I think quite a number of other people aren't going to be too excited about it, mostly because the episode gave nobody anything to talk about... unless you're really endeared to the contestants or you're obsessed with ping pong.

    Reality shows thrive and die on audience discussion.

  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    makitori wrote: »
    "Shitting Dicknipples" was never a phrase I expected to hear in real life. Ever.

    But you're from Brooklyn.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • SirTwitchSirTwitch Registered User regular
    Fun, but two straight episodes of ping pong is a loooooooooooooot of ping pong. It would've been cool to stick with the ping pong theme, but see the artists challenged to come up with their own ping pong team logo or something.

    Still, Strip Search is by far my favorite webshow, and I'm looking forward to next week's episode! At this point, I feel like I've gotten to see and know enough about each of the remaining artists that I'd be happy for any one of them to win. They're all talented and would do well in the PA offices. I can't even pick a single one to root for, they're all great! Way to go, Strip Search!!!
  • JermsJerms Registered User regular
    Gosling wrote: »
    makitori wrote: »
    "Shitting Dicknipples" was never a phrase I expected to hear in real life. Ever.

    But you're from Brooklyn.
    Maki is also a man of SCIENCE.

    Shitting dicknipples confuse him. Conceptually. ;)
  • Anana11Anana11 Registered User regular
    Better episode than I expected. I liked the interaction of the strippers with the PA crew and it really did showcase teamwork, which is important in a business. I kinda wish this had been the second half of the social challenge so we could see more art, but c'est la vie.
    Great job, Katie, on selecting those for elimination. Spot on logic, and I'm looking forward to the showdown. Well, I always look forward to the showdown eps because of the fun with Jerry and Mike, but the sentiment stands.
  • VerticalEventVerticalEvent Registered User regular
    ahdok wrote: »
    I'd have picked Khoo as my doubles partner, because previous experience would tell me that none of the artists are particularly strong ping-pong players. With that in mind, they're all going to be passing quite high balls back across the net nearly every shot. Put such a gift into Khoo's hands, and you're going to win the point with a smash every time. With strong players this won't happen and doubles becomes about positioning and communication. With weaker players, a strong singles player will dominate.

    Based on how this episode was cut, it seemed that Khoo gave up a nice few points (probably due to not being used to having that much momentum in his body before slamming or returning the ball), where as most of the points lost in the other matches were due to the Strip Searchers (and very few points loss due to the verteran PA crew). Again, it could have been cut specifically to show Khoo being knocked down a few pegs, but I have nothing else to go on other then the cutted version.
  • IllieasIllieas Registered User regular
    So.... I assume they all agreed to do only no spin serves. If you are serving to one of the strip search crew you could get yourself two easy points with a quick underspin and/or sidespin serve.

    as a table tennis person, I don't mind watching more of it. even if every volley to me looks like a juicy smash or a easy loop. I liked they all enjoyed it and were having fun and getting to know all the PA crew

    lastly, well we knew it was gonna happen lexxy and monica. man i like both of them, I hope they have an entertaining match.
  • BadaboomBadaboom Registered User new member
    Awesome episode. My favorite so far - I love ping pong!
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    makitori wrote: »
    "Shitting Dicknipples" was never a phrase I expected to hear in real life. Ever.

    ...i thought she said "pig-nipples"
  • WalterJKovacsWalterJKovacs Registered User regular
    Katie did end up going with the choice I thought she would. Putting the one person that hasn't done an elimination against the only person that has done one, but didn't technically win makes sense. The top five will all be champions. After that though, I don't know how easy it would be to pick. This was sort of the last chance to have a simple choice for elimination.
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