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Strip Search - Paint the Line



  • RilsRils Registered User regular
    Illieas wrote: »
    So.... I assume they all agreed to do only no spin serves. If you are serving to one of the strip search crew you could get yourself two easy points with a quick underspin and/or sidespin serve.

    Have watched the PATV episodes on ping-pong, these guys are all really decent players. It was clear that they were "going easy" on the newbies, for the most part.

  • miaAusamiaAusa GOD Gamer Of Daters ValhallaRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I can't imagine Monica up aginst Lexxy, it makes me sad, I love those the most I am really rotting for them mostly, though I'm wondering since katie is so good at ping pong maybe she won :o

    I would of choose Khoo to start with he's one of my favorite PA people, I almost felt bad for him going last, Khoo and Lexxy is the best team ever OTP
    miaAusa on
  • SlothboySlothboy Registered User regular
    Perfect. Katie wins (yay!) and makes the exact right choices for elimination. Monica's never been and Lexxy needs to earn her spot.

    Here's hoping for a return to art challenges next Friday though. :)
  • advancestratadvancestrat Registered User new member
    So glad about who the matchup is. Monica hasn't gone yet, Lexxi hasn't won at it yet. After this, everyone in the final 5 can say they've won at the elimination challenge. And it makes me happy.

    Good luck to Monica, I'm rooting for her at it, and it looks like it'll be a fun one next week!
  • WalterJKovacsWalterJKovacs Registered User regular
    @Angry_Samoan: Monica was going up for elimination this time unless she won the challenge, regardless of what it was. It just happened to be pingpong. And if it wasn't this time, it would be next time, unless she just won every elimination from this point on. Lexxy may or may not have been everyone else's other choice, but the logic is sound. She hasn't won an elimination, everyone else has, so again, she could have avoided elimination by winning the challenge, but that's the case for every artist for every challenge. People got sent up for having sloppy booths or making people feel awkard in front of Scott Kurtz or for having a contradictory sign. This episodes reasons were much more legit, it just happened that their chance at immunity was ping pong.
  • NavyBeanNavyBean Registered User regular
    I'd rather watch marginally talented people eat a ding dong than play ping pong.
  • smedricksmedrick Registered User new member
    Dicks on dicks on dicks, yo! Can't wait!
  • NavyBeanNavyBean Registered User regular
    I meant marginally talented at ping pong. They are very talented people otherwise.
  • OverloadedOverloaded Registered User regular
    I was into it by the end, but man, the editing was pretty loose again. I can look up videos of people playing ping pong on youtube all day - tell me a story, dang it!

    I almost wish Monica had won just so we could draw out the tension of her having no idea what happens in the eliminations for three more episodes. Could she have sent herself?
  • xdeathknightxxdeathknightx Registered User regular
    I was rooting for Team Headband this episode, sadly they didn't do as well as I had hoped. And what has two thumbs and was sure she was going up for elimination? Monica!

    First the creators get told to suck a d*ck and now they are told to get f*cked? The sass is strong with this group.

    I didn't find this episode boring I found myself wanting to see who won and to see some good rallies and I wasn't disappointed.

    Strange that neither Maki nor Tavis could appreciate that exquisite beard that the scorekeeper had and didn't pick him. Maybe they felt beard envy?
  • BaelzarBaelzar Registered User regular
    I'll throw another vote towards more art and artists, less of the other stuff. This isn't just for a cash prize and office space, it's for a web comic featured on PA. The eliminations are by far the best episodes.

    As for not being able to critique a series because I don't happen to produce a series - well, that's about the lamest argument there is against constructive criticism.
    Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
    -P. J. O'Rourke
  • OverloadedOverloaded Registered User regular
    @gprime85 WTF now I just have a big hand print on my monitor and I didn't get any of the $150 I chipped in for the Kickstarter back :(

    I'm not complaining about the editing, just giving a little feedback. It's been going slowly downhill since the first few eps, which is totally understandable considering that it's pretty much just Graham cutting it together. I criticize from a place of love, offering my feedback in hopes for an even more amazing season 2.

    BTW I just went back into the PA: The Series archives to make sure I wasn't crazy for remembering the ping pong eps as very exciting, and everyone should go check out http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/screenlife-part-2 if you haven't seen it, it's quite fun.
  • djc6535djc6535 Registered User regular
    I don't mind the choice of challenge... as stated Ping Pong is an important part of Penny-Arcade's culture (even if it isn't really part of drawing a webcomic).

    That said, this is just not compelling to watch. This is the first strip search where I just scanned through looking for something interesting... interviews with the artists, ANYTHING other than watching a little ball go back and forth in a mostly silent room followed by awkward weak applause upon scoring a point.

    I'm sure this was fun and intense and exciting from the inside but as a television show this was dull as dishwater.
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    By the way, something I realized while out getting lunch?

    This is essentially the Central Division Final. (Abby vs. Maki would be the Eastern final, and Tavis vs. Katie would be the Western final.)
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    The teammate everyone chose were so fitting. It's like the thing about people and their dogs looking alike, but with personalities.
    Lamp on
  • CorysaurusCorysaurus Registered User new member
    Ping pong is great and all, but please do more stuff relating to webcomics if you guys do another season of this... Ya'll are killing me.
  • kekrops_kekrops_ Registered User new member
    I love the ping pong episodes. So tense and exciting, and we got to see the artists and PA staff hang out a little bit!
  • AnatoleAnatole Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2013
    To those who continually express their dissatisfaction with the activities in the show, or how it's being edited, etc., please extend your hand toward your monitor, palm open and facing upward. Close your eyes for a moment and breathe in.

    ...Now close your hand and bring it back towards you.

    There. Now you have a refund. Go forth, my friends, and show us what a real internet reality program should look like! The world is ready and waiting for your contribution to our culture. But beware! Show even a hint of imperfection, and the People will gather together to drag you off your throne. I, for one, will not look forward to that day. With the royal seat empty, who will save us from the monotony of every day life? What champion will rise to create that perfectly edited show with super polite contestants who never show any semblance of individuality or character, events which never deviate from the subject matter of the program? I dare not dwell on it.

    As for myself, I am content with these humble offerings. I've been a reader of Penny Arcade since 1999. I love video games, reading and drawing comics, friendly competition, ping pong and time spent with like-minded people (even remotely, through a screen). I've never met any of the PA staff or Strip Search contestants in person, but I'd consider them my friends anytime. These episodes give me much pleasure, and my only complaint is that I have to wait for the next one to be posted. Other than that I wouldn't change a thing. =)
    This is a pretty oddly defensive response to some mild constructive criticism. "It's free" and "I'd like to see YOU do better" are not terribly compelling since the show was Kickstarted and PA spent many years making fun of video games before trying their own hand at one (and still makes fun of films, etc).

    If I didn't like the show I wouldn't watch it. That doesn't mean it can't be improved.
    Anatole on
  • WangchangbackupWangchangbackup Registered User regular
    Is it really bothering anyone else that Lexxy is the only one not wearing a Wang Fu shirt?
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Corysaurus wrote: »
    Ping pong is great and all, but please do more stuff relating to webcomics if you guys do another season of this... Ya'll are killing me.

    Mike has a note on the main page in which he essentially disagrees. He's asking you to remember that three episodes equals one day, and they were worried about burning the artists out by making them draw and create too much. So there's go-karts and ping pong to let them recharge.
    Gosling on
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • CorysaurusCorysaurus Registered User new member
    @Gosling There must be some way to keep the show entertaining while not burning the contestants out.

  • Anana11Anana11 Registered User regular
    Yep, And I love the way he closes: "Don’t worry, on Tuesday we verbally abuse two of them and then destroy the dreams of one. Yay!"
    I identify more with Jerry, but I love hearing what Mike has to say.

    And for the Defenders of the Show: giving feedback isn't disloyal. I still love the show. If I disagree a little with the pacing of something or wish for more art, I can say that and still think the show is awesome. Chill out.
  • JishianJishian Registered User regular
    I liked the episode, reminded me of the PATV Ping Pong eps. What I don't like is having to wait so long for the elimination. Mon/Wed/Fri would be a better format if you're breaking each day into 3 parts!
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Is it really bothering anyone else that Lexxy is the only one not wearing a Wang Fu shirt?

    Nah, I didn't notice it until I read the youtube comments section.

    "a good leader can make an okay group great..."
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Corysaurus wrote: »
    @Gosling There must be some way to keep the show entertaining while not burning the contestants out.

    This one's really probably a difference in opinion. I thought it was fun, but I wasn't really watching the ping-pong. I was watching the players. I have no concept of grips and such- hell, I didn't even know you were supposed to serve it into your own half as opposed to the other half like in full-size tennis- but when you have Khoo curling up in the fetal position for any reason whatsoever, that helps matters considerably. If you were watching the ping-pong, it probably comes down to whether you like ping-pong.
    Gosling on
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    That was a fun challenge to watch, and Katie made exciting elimination decisions: the two, arguably, least-proven contestants going up for baptism by fire against each other.

    Although judging by Mike and Jerry's faces, it doesn't look like either comic ends up being super funny next time. But who knows!

    Oh, and I really cracked up at that silent *this gal* shot of Monica.
    kedinik on
  • geauxrocketgeauxrocket Registered User new member
    I thought it was a fun episode but around the fifteen-minute mark it felt kinda draggy. Maybe a better balance of ping pong to artist talking heads next time? I dunno. My .02.

    It's ok to give feedback even if it isn't always positive. I'm pretty sure the PA guys are seasoned veterans at figuring out who's being a gibbering fuckwit and who's trying to give valuable input.
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Gosling wrote: »
    Corysaurus wrote: »
    @Gosling There must be some way to keep the show entertaining while not burning the contestants out.

    This one's really probably a difference in opinion. I thought it was fun, but I wasn't really watching the ping-pong. I was watching the players. I have no concept of grips and such- hell, I didn't even know you were supposed to serve it into your own half as opposed to the other half like in full-size tennis- but when you have Khoo curling up in the fetal position for any reason whatsoever, that helps matters considerably. If you were watching the ping-pong, it probably comes down to whether you like ping-pong.

    Yea. I watched the first and last five minutes of this episode. The rest of it I just skimmed through... and I don't think I missed much. Ping Pong is the baseball of indoor sports.
    "a good leader can make an okay group great..."
  • there'saforum?there'saforum? Registered User regular
    Great episode, and quite a cliffhanger. I almost called bullshit at the start when they all choose to avoid picking Khoo (!) based on some mindfuckery about him being bad at doubles, and then he ends up with - oh would you look at that, Lex Specialis herself, and they almost win, who'd of thunk it! - but ultimately, it was *very* fun to watch. Go Monica, you can do it even though your backhand slices are horrible!
  • Brother GlaciusBrother Glacius Registered User regular
    Congrats Katie! Great job all around. What was up with Lexxy bringing out the "boob" action? Not that I mind, but it did seem to stand out considering everyone else was wearing their shirts. Hmmmm was this sweeps week? ;)
  • GamercowGamercow Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Some things:
    1) I found it interesting to see some people get crossed up like they were playing with tennis doubles rules(anyone hits) rather than table tennis rules(alternating). Seemed like Maki was suffering from this the most.

    2) In Table tennis doubles, is it a dick move to hit the ball directly at the non-hitting person? I'm guessing no.

    3) I'm guessing the ceiling meant the ball was out of play, but that would have made things interesting.

    4) I was very interested to see Lexxy and Khoo on the same team, they're both very alpha personalities, or it seems that way to me.

    5) I cracked up every time Lexxy did her fist pump thing with the leg in the air, it just reminded me of a fighting game victory stance so much.

    6) I was impressed by Abby's skills in the round robin section of this episode, she did well, even if they didn't win.

    7) I looked at this episode as a "How they fit in" episode. They all seemed to fit in well, which I wasn't sure was going to be the case.

    8) I think Erika Sadsad is part Gumby, she's all bendy and stretchy. There were a few times I wondered how the heck she contorted to get the ball.

    9) Monica tended to return very high pop ups.

    10) Adhok(?) put it perfectly about the doubles thing: The logistics behind picking doubles partners is VASTLY different if you've got 4 very good players, but if you've got 2 very good, and 2 rookies, then you should always pick the better very good player.

    11) Whoever said they wish it had been them playing "Paint the Line", I completely agree, because it would have put a great twist in there, and it would have given us something different enough that people that didn't like ping pong would have been happy.

    12) Still Team Monica/Team Maki. Because shitty dicknipples. And drinking out of a pineapple. So, I'm rooting for Monica next episode, for sure.

    13) The "Are you sure you're going to finish", plus the VERY short reaction shot towards the strips leads me to think this will be a very lopsided victory for one of the artits.
    Gamercow on
  • Brother GlaciusBrother Glacius Registered User regular
    Also...makes me really wish I had any skills related to Penny Arcade. That just seems like such a fun place to work.
  • DyreDyre Registered User new member
    I am not a huge fan of watching people play any sort of sport. You guys made this super fun to watch.

    Also, totally agree on the idea that the artists needed a break. This likely helped them relax a bit and they'll be ready for more arts later.

    Katie, awesome choices. Fantastic reasoning, I actually saw those coming too. Always so polite too, you are adorable. ^.-

    Can't wait for the elimination, looks exciting.
  • super_aardvarksuper_aardvark Registered User regular
    Ok, who made the final scoreboard graphics? It says Katie beat Monica 2-0, but at 15:43 we clearly see it was 2-1.
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    kedinik wrote: »
    That was a fun challenge to watch, and Katie made exciting elimination decisions: the two, arguably, least-proven contestants going up for baptism by fire against each other.

    Although judging by Mike and Jerry's faces, it doesn't look like either comic ends up being super funny next time. But who knows!

    Oh, and I really cracked up at that silent *this gal* shot of Monica.

    Well, lemme go through the preview clips from previous Thunderdomes and see what they used:

    THUNDERDOME- "This is high concept. Startling amount of execution for the amount of time."
    THUNDERDOME 2: BEYOND THUNDERDOME- "This is a skin of the teeth proposition."
    THUNDERDOME 3: THUNDERDOME AFTER NEXT- (no deliberation clip)
    THUNDERDOME 4: REVENGE OF THUNDERDOME- (no deliberation clip)
    THUNDERDOME 5: DON'T BE A MENACE TO THUNDERDOME WHILE DRINKING YOUR JUICE IN THE HOOD- "This is actually overthought, fairly substantially."
    THUNDERDOME 6: BRIDE OF THUNDERDOME- "Where are you leaning?"
    THUNDERDOME 7: MISSION TO MOSCOW- (staring at the comics)
    Gosling on
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • The Last GentThe Last Gent Registered User regular
    Okay, I haven't finished the episode, or read this thread, but can someone PLEASE make a GIF of Abby giving the fake smile and thumbs up after saying "confidence?" I want to use that all the goddamn time.
  • enderandrewenderandrew Registered User regular
    @BROTHER GLACIUS - The admins/moderators asked earlier in the thread for people not to focus comments on people's appearance. I suppose technically you weren't saying one person's appearance was favorable or otherwise.

    In traditional media, actors are cast to be attractive, so it is almost in their job description to sign off on objectification. For the contestants on this show, they were selected based upon artistic merit. I think several members of the cast are attractive to the point that I understand why people may be compelled to comment on it, but in the end, it does come across as objectification.

    I doubt Lexxy went out of her way to play up sex appeal. She was performing a physical activity where one tends to sweat. Removing clothing was very likely just related to how warm she was.
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