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Strip Search - Paint the Line



  • rmharmanrmharman Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Is it just me, or did they screw up the score display at one point? In the Monica vs Katie segment, Monica's team won a game; at 15:05, you can see they each have a game on the board. But then at 15:48, when they display the Group 1 board, they show Katie over Monica as a 2-0.
    Auros Symtheos
    $ rm harman
    rm: remove harman (yes/no)? y
    harman removed.
  • EdoEdo Registered User new member
    Watching this makes me want to play ping-pong / table tennis.
    "Awesomeness at it's Awesomest."

  • MonkeyBottomBlueMonkeyBottomBlue Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Everytime Robert makes a power move that gets a point he needs someone in the background holding sign reading "KHOO D'ETAT!!!"
  • hodumaruhodumaru Registered User new member
    Lamp wrote: »
    @hodumaru Seriously, what is wrong with you? Do you get off on ruining other people's fun?

    I didn't tell you the result. I told you where you *could* find the result should you wish to do so..

  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    Everytime Robert makes a power move that gets a point he needs someone in the background holding sign reading "KHOO D'ETAT!!!"

    Only if it culminates a come-from-behind victory.

    A Khoo power move that finishes him dominating the game would be a "KHOO DE GRÂCE"
  • CambiataCambiata I'm an alchemist and the beat is my base metal Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    FYI, Lexxy's kickstarter ends in about 20hrs. It's nearly 80k at this point which is impressive as hell.
    Cambiata on
    -Tal wrote:
    If you don't develop Stockholm Syndrome, it's not a real RPG.
    Origin ID: jazzmess
    Amazon Wishlist
  • DexOZDexOZ Registered User regular
    Well done Katie, pretty darn impressive for a girl who wiped-out her right hand on the Go-Kart track just yesterday (or last week our time).

    Liked her reasoning for elimination choices, essentially choosing the only two contestants remaining that haven't won at Thunderdome, and the hugs at the end were spesh.

    Good Luck Lexxy and Monica

  • ZhayneZhayne Registered User regular
    Really, the first reality TV show I like. I'm still checking out the other episodes, but I stumbled upon this episode first.

    Good luck to Lexxy and Monica, it's going to be an awesome showdown.
  • PifmanPifman Registered User regular
    I must admit, after watching their efforts that morning, I was thoroughly impressed by how awesome they all did when playing with a parter. Great episode.

    I would've picked Erika as my partner. Although she was on the bottom of the ladder, she's like the Rocky of table tennis.
  • PifmanPifman Registered User regular
    Oh and not to be nit-picky, but Katie wins two challenges back-to-back, is told that her prize will be revealed later, and then gets nothing? Sort of shitty for Katie.

    I guess if anyone needs an excuse to donate to next year's Kickstarter, giving this show the budget it deserves is a good one!
  • ZhayneZhayne Registered User regular
    I'd have chose Erika as well. She's so intense when playing.
  • hackmohackmo Registered User new member
    Loved Jerry's face at the end where he was viewing one of the elimination comics, can't wait to see what he was reacting to.
  • stebuustebuu Crabs are fucking crazy Registered User regular
    Dear producers: for season 2, STRONGLY suggest that contestants bring sports type undergarments to sports type events.
    My daughter and I know the mayor of boston: http://www.sophiegordon.org/week65/week65_6.jpg
  • ChopsChops Enforcer, line entertainer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    UseHaha! Comments are awesome. Also things.
    a. Maki was jesting. No way in that environment would he REALLY criticize anothers language. He is too smart! Look at that beard!
    b. Did anyone else notice how much Lexi kept getting in Khoo's way? Lexi is uber talented and going places and blah, but I think her ego kept placing her in the way of an obviously superior ping pong players way.
    3. The elim will be interesting I think, due to Lexi's perfectionest style vs. Monicas clear joy with comics. Lexi has truckloads of talent, but monica... I mean, look at that beard! It is clear she is always thinking about humor.

    Also, has anyone else noticed the professional, businesslike attitude Lexi approaches everything? She knows she is a talented artist, and I feel like that has shaded how she sees her place in the house. she's a cocky motherfucker is what I'm saying.
  • HullisHullis I'm no more a spy than you are- A doctor.Registered User regular
    Chops wrote: »
    b. Did anyone else notice how much Lexi kept getting in Khoo's way? Lexi is uber talented and going places and blah, but I think her ego kept placing her in the way of an obviously superior ping pong players way.

    your whole post is reaching but this is probably the reachingest

    some people don't have a great sense of their surroundings and that can really hamper your first doubles tourney ever

  • ZhayneZhayne Registered User regular
    I don't think they thought about that ping-pong challenge that ahead. It probably came up when they realised they had to give the contestant a break. Thought next time, every possibility covered would be a good motto. :D
  • akzelakzel Registered User regular
    I love this show, look forward to each episode, but this was the dullest imo. Ping pong with no commentary was like Chinese water torture. I ended up skipping the matches to see the "talking heads" bits in-between and then the ending.

    And like everyone else, I completely agree with the 2 picks for elimination. I have been predicting Lexxy to be a finalist for a while now, but I actually think Katie might be the other. She's so quiet that it's easy to forget her, but she's also extremely talented.

    Exactly my thoughts!!!
  • EvermournEvermourn Registered User regular
    Disappointed that Katie didn't win anything apart from the pick for elimination. Not even a T-Shirt or a Paint the Line game or something? Weak.
  • tyha02tyha02 Mr. WashingtonRegistered User new member
    I agree with the others in saying that they did this type of show at the right time because everyone already has an idea of how good the contestants are. Any earlier and some of the better artists could have been eliminated before any actual art challenges.
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    Chops wrote: »
    UseHaha! Comments are awesome. Also things.
    a. Maki was jesting. No way in that environment would he REALLY criticize anothers language. He is too smart! Look at that beard!
    b. Did anyone else notice how much Lexi kept getting in Khoo's way? Lexi is uber talented and going places and blah, but I think her ego kept placing her in the way of an obviously superior ping pong players way.
    3. The elim will be interesting I think, due to Lexi's perfectionest style vs. Monicas clear joy with comics. Lexi has truckloads of talent, but monica... I mean, look at that beard! It is clear she is always thinking about humor.

    Also, has anyone else noticed the professional, businesslike attitude Lexi approaches everything? She knows she is a talented artist, and I feel like that has shaded how she sees her place in the house. she's a cocky motherfucker is what I'm saying.

    What I do notice is that there seems to be a kind of pecking order developing in the Thunderdome, with the makers of gag-a-day strips having an edge over the makers of more serious strips. The wackier your strip, the better your odds. Lexxy's the outlier, with her creating a less wacky output than she's capable of, so she performed strongly... but still losing to Tavis, who is gag-a-day by nature. And Mac and Nick are both 'serious narrative' artists.

    And I've got Monica's strip as the wackiest in the field.

    For the record, I've got the spectrum as follows; rearrange at your leisure:

    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Well, PA is largely a gag-a-day strip, although I'd love to see some of these contestants do an Automata story.
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    Hullis wrote: »
    Chops wrote: »
    b. Did anyone else notice how much Lexi kept getting in Khoo's way? Lexi is uber talented and going places and blah, but I think her ego kept placing her in the way of an obviously superior ping pong players way.

    your whole post is reaching but this is probably the reachingest

    some people don't have a great sense of their surroundings and that can really hamper your first doubles tourney ever

    Also is it common ping-pong doubles practice to require alternate-partner ball-hits? I've only played doubles in extremely casual settings.

    Actually I've only played ping-ping in extremely casual settings.
  • ChopsChops Enforcer, line entertainer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    @Hullis I'm posting on my phone, so apparently I can't quote or whatnot, but as to the point you addressed, that was due to two things 1. The cocky nature of Lexi's attitude overall and also specifically in this episode, and B. the fact that Khoo aparently kept having to coach her on where to stand. (I.E. don't fucking move, I got this.) Granted I have two little kids that refuse to remain quiet during episodes, so I may have missed what was ACTUALLY said, but it APPEARED as though Khoo was telling her to remain stationary. Cause she was sucking it up.
    The point wasn't how well they did in their first doubles match, it was how well they worked WITH PA staff. Abd she was CLEARLY underperforming. Khoo carried her until they met their match.
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    Well, PA is largely a gag-a-day strip, although I'd love to see some of these contestants do an Automata story.

    True. Just making that note. I'm not sure if a competition trending towards the serious comics would work as well, though; those are much more dependent on high-quality art and it takes a lot more time to come up with a compelling story than it does to come up with a joke. You really just kind of have to hope the serious artists can be funnier than their regular strips let on or else, as the seasons (hopefully) go on, they're going to be the show's resident back-of-the-pack cannon fodder, which is really an unfair comment on them and the talent they bring into the competition.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • CambiataCambiata I'm an alchemist and the beat is my base metal Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Cambiata on
    -Tal wrote:
    If you don't develop Stockholm Syndrome, it's not a real RPG.
    Origin ID: jazzmess
    Amazon Wishlist
  • TubeTube Administrator, ClubPA, SolidSaints Tube admin
    @cambiata do you imagine you're helping?
    If you'd like an anime thread, please PM me to discuss it. Include pics/video of your favorites.
  • CambiataCambiata I'm an alchemist and the beat is my base metal Registered User regular
    Sorry, sorry, I put him on ignore, you won't hear anything else from me.
    -Tal wrote:
    If you don't develop Stockholm Syndrome, it's not a real RPG.
    Origin ID: jazzmess
    Amazon Wishlist
  • NijhazerNijhazer Sunnyvale, CARegistered User regular
    I'm actually OK with the inclusion of ping-pong in this show. I like these artists; I'd be happy watching them do just about anything as long as they're having a good time.

    One problem I've always had with the ping-pong episodes on PATV is that viewers unfamiliar with table tennis are kind of screwed. In the show, the players are heavily invested, the spectators as well; and I want to be right there with them, with an appreciation of the skill on display from one serve to the next. But in PATV-- and here as well-- table tennis matches are just clips of the match with music playing in the background. If someone makes a great play, I wouldn't recognize that, and the action isn't going to slow down so that the show can highlight anything about the play.

    Normally I'm still OK with this because PATV isn't a table tennis show per se; they're not trying to run a sports network or anything. But now that it's a part of Strip Search as well as PATV, my own lack of experience with table tennis is becoming more frustrating. Time to take some lessons, I guess, and then watch this episode again.
  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    Man, this was great purely for all of Khoo's power shots. He pulls a face every single time he does them.

    Also, Monavis was great.

    I really don't want Monica to go, her comic is pretty great.
  • KazitronKazitron Registered User regular
    Abby is a better ping-pong player than me.
  • jebrexjebrex Registered User regular
    yeah, well, there's a reason I don't watch much sports on TV...But I like these people and persevered. I do understand the reasoning for the episode. Wasn't a highlight of the series, though.

    But do please tell me the PA staff were shanking it on purpose... I kept wanting to coach everyone, including the PA staff, despite their reputation, even including Khoo.
    (Assessment - he and Lexxy lost because he overplayed. (Caveat - Tennis, on a court not a table, is my game, since the tender age of 4, but I've experienced Ping-Pong as a subset in my time.) Tip - If you are the technically superior player (and Khoo clearly was, in that milieu), just be consistent,and let the opponent make the unforced errors. otherwise you are on the wrong side of kinetic energy. Doubles is tough, though, for a singles player. maybe it was unavoidable. and it was clearly stated that it's not his game.)

    Anyway...logical but tough choices for elimination...I hope they both come back. Even though I know they can't.

    I have to strongly agree with @Cambiata, because Mr. silly the goose @Chops disregards the fact that Khoo is actually self-admittedly not good at playing doubles, as was explained before the competition, and that there were many other examples of poor positioning on every team, not just that one. haterz gotta hate, I guess.
  • ThorgarThorgar Registered User new member
    I miss the times were you had to play to 21 points to win a round and as i recall wearing bright shirts was forbidden :/ ...oh and abby should just go see a therapist. And also Robert should consult someone about his rage issues...just saying
  • ahdokahdok Figment of your imagination Registered User regular
    To confirm to those who are unsure, it is a rule of doubles that you swap which person hits the ball each stroke.

    And for those who seem to be arguing otherwise, it is pretty difficult to get out of your partner's way. You get very little time to do it, and you don't know which way your opponent will hit the ball. I strongly doubt ego had anything to do with that.
    http://www.socksandpuppets.com for comics, art and other junk.
  • foofoo Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I too was hoping Monica would win this to keep things guessing.

    Mike & Jerry seem to be really amused by more "juvenile" humor than I am (and others in the threads), but they're also deeply impressed by genuine artistry. This next competition could put those 2 responses in conflict. However, either one of them might simply fail for time, and Monica's spontaneity could play well for her.

    Lexxy has always been my favorite person there, but the reckoning of who's the best contestant has to come. Her shortcomings have always been evident, and she's always addressed them herself, too, so I'm sure that's all building up to the tension to this elimination moreso than the first. She seemed very nervous about reentering the Thunderdome. I enjoy Monica a lot, but I'm still rooting for Lexxy.

    DrDreidel wrote: »
    "Shitting dick-nipples" has crossed my lips twice today already. I'm nominating it for expletive of the year, if only to find out what a dick-nipple actually is.
    No, you do not want to find out. Monica didn't invent that term, it's one of ancient internet lore. I'm pretty sure it predates goatse.

    Chops wrote: »
    Also, has anyone else noticed the professional, businesslike attitude Lexi approaches everything? She knows she is a talented artist, and I feel like that has shaded how she sees her place in the house. she's a cocky motherfucker is what I'm saying.
    I will say that I have gotten quite sick of self-deprecating personalities. It's a mask that too many people wear out of legitimate fear of success and fear of being seen as successful. I find it very sad that that has become many people's expectation of "proper" behavior, and that they feel instantly uncomfortable and threatened when that's not done by others.

    Lexxy simply does not fall into the trap of self-deprecation (nor does she happen to use it for humor) from what we've seen. That's a positive thing. A lack of self-deprecation does not equal cockiness, and her open & honest statements stay pretty firmly with seeking an objective viewpoint.
    foo on
  • Finnish_LineFinnish_Line Registered User regular
    Guy with megaphone: "WHADDA WE WANT?!"


    Guy with megaphone: "WHENDA WE WANT IT?!"

    Protesters: "SOON!"
  • thebeaglebeaglethebeaglebeagle Registered User new member
    Where's the art? Ping pong is fun, but couldn't they have incorporated an artist challenge into the competition?

    The best part of this show is seeing the talent do what they are best at doing.
  • ahdokahdok Figment of your imagination Registered User regular
    foo wrote: »
    I will say that I have gotten quite sick of self-deprecating personalities. It's a mask that too many people wear out of legitimate fear of success and fear of being seen as successful.

    I find it more endearing than going the other way, but as much as I try, I'm really bad at self-depreciation.

    http://www.socksandpuppets.com for comics, art and other junk.
  • BrianRamsayBrianRamsay Registered User new member
    Several people have commented that Lexxy is the only one not wearing the Wang Fu shirt. Maki is also wearing a different shirt. It's pretty easy to see the reasons that everyone is fixated on Lexxy's departure from the attire norm though.
  • Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Edit: Nope this argument is stupid
    Bluedude152 on
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