Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

King of the [Chat]



  • MelksterMelkster Registered User regular
    So, totally not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I feel like I have to express this somewhere to folks who don't know me personally, in real life.
    This past week I read this interesting blog post on depression: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/depression-part-two.html

    I also watched this interesting presentation on mood disorders in my own profession: http://www.confreaks.com/videos/2341-mwrc2013-devs-and-depression

    Some background: Back in 2007 I was diagnosed with a mood disorder, but I didn't really believe it. My negative emotions had grounding in events that actually happened to me (went from hardcore Christian to atheist, plus came out as gay, and lost most of my friends because of both of those facts, and experienced some pretty terrible responses from my parents whom I was close to) and once I moved past those events things got better.

    However, for the past year or so things haven't really been so great. One the one hand, anxiety has started to really make things difficult. On a week to week basis, I can have a week where everything is fine and I don't feel especially anxious at all, or I can have a week where doing anything with other humans causes me physical pain -- trouble breathing, heart pounding, headaches --, and most of the time my anxious feelings are somewhere in the middle. And on the other hand, I feel like my emotional range has been really limited. The best I feel is mildly amused, and the worst I feel is just sort of mildly sad. I tend to have the same emotional reaction to Iron Man 3 as I do to doing work.

    This has caused me to have troubling thoughts about the nature of my own experience as a human being. I look out to the possible experiences that I could have and I find myself knowing that they'll all feel flat to me, and not really that different. And I also find myself feeling sort of exhausted -- the prospect of experiencing life feels like a chore that I just have to get through. It is difficult for me to observe both of these facts (life's events feeling emotionally flat, plus feeling that life's events are a chore) and not drift into thoughts about my own continued consciousness ultimately being of questionable value. Which makes me want to ignore the entire issue altogether, as I have done for some time.

    The weird thing is that I really don't have any reason to feel bad or anxious about things. I have a good career. I don't have money problems. I have lots of time off. I am safe and healthy. I have friends, even though for the past year I haven't really spent much time with them (due to the aforementioned emotional issues). I guess I've just been imagining/hoping that I'll just get better. But it's been a while now, and things haven't been getting better. In the past six months or so, it's been quite the opposite -- things feel like they're getting a fair bit worse

    So I scheduled a doctor's appointment for next week. This is something I'm sort of ashamed of, I guess. Like why should I be complaining, I have so much more than other people do who have legitimate reason to be upset. I haven't talked about this at all to people I know in real life. I'm half imagining that the doctor will think I'm just seeking out drugs for recreational use or something. ANYways.
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I've spent a lot of time on the planetside 2 reddit recently. It's really awesome because the devs (as in, the creative director, the art director, and the president of SOE) actually hang out there themselves and chat with the players with basically no PR filter going on. They've generated a massive amount of good will towards themselves by doing this, and showing a willingness to take suggestions and criticism directly which is really awesome.

    They definitely have to put up with a lot of shit, though. I think the one thing that I will never understand is why nerds get so, incredibly angry about games. It just doesn't make any sense. Like even if you're disappointed with a game or you don't like it or had a bad time why would you be so livid about it? People can just be total douches about the games they play. Sometimes it's just like "Good god man, chill. Video games are like literally the least important thing in your life. Go hug your family or something."

    But, yeah, so I bought the Planetside 2 devs a beer basket and had it shipped to their studio.

    wait, for real

    For real

  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    Tav wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    I'm thinking specifically of that generation of people that were kids with no money or students or whatever about ten years ago when you literally could trivially pirate pretty much anything on a whim at considerably greater convenience than acquiring it legally.

    This is still the case.

    Yeah, but there are at least legal alternatives now, and games tend not to be cracked quite as quickly.
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    @Ludious doesn't your logitech mouse have a gearing button that'll make it sort of click through each step along the wheel?

    My MX Revolution lets me alternate between standard and "free spin".
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Tav wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    I'm thinking specifically of that generation of people that were kids with no money or students or whatever about ten years ago when you literally could trivially pirate pretty much anything on a whim at considerably greater convenience than acquiring it legally.

    This is still the case.

    The "convenience gap" has been narrowed, though, with steam and suchlike.

    But you can still trivially pirate pretty much anything on a whim.

    This was my point. You have to make good content that is readily available at a competitive price. Two outta three won't cut it. Steam is basically the only company here doing that.
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    fuck, Pain and Gain was unexpectedly awesome...

    It was great entertainment, like whoah!
  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    I just watched Archer Season 3 Episode 8. The one with the Italian Prime Minister.

    That may be the funniest thing I ever saw on television.
    Steam ID: DoctorArch Xbox Live: DoctorArch
  • VariableVariable Stroke Me Lady Fame Registered User regular
    fuck, Pain and Gain was unexpectedly awesome...

    It was great entertainment, like whoah!

    I'm glad, I like those dudes
    "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" - Dr. Johnson
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    spool32 wrote: »
    Makin challah from scratch.

    Gonna bake blueberry muffins while the dough rises. Saturday baking is fucking awesome. Why didn't I do this before?!?

    i didn't know you were jewish
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    japan wrote: »
    syndalis wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Walled garden freemium is a bad idea because it segments the community

    Either charge for your game up front and include all the levels/dungeons/shit (excluding expansions) or don't and make your money selling skins and mounts and wearable purple dildos

    And you can say a game's pricing model is stupid or you don't like it without being entitled

    nerds have a really shitty attitude towards ftp games. i think it comes from the culture of piracy that people have gotten used to - they just expect that all media will be free for them pretty much always.

    I think this is kind of a generational thing. There's a particular segment of gamers/nerds who went through their formative years of having no money at the same time as that period of mass piracy being a thing that the media industry generally hadn't woken up to.

    I disagree, only in so much that always-online and free to play server-side gaming's explosion is probably a direct industry counter to the problem.

    Admittedly, there have been some successes and a lot of failures, but don't think that F2P came out of nowhere; they saw the writing on the wall and tried to do something about it.

    Oh, no question. It's just that the piracy thing became a massive problem before any of the media industries began to even think about responding intelligently to it.

    I'm thinking specifically of that generation of people that were kids with no money or students or whatever about ten years ago when you literally could trivially pirate pretty much anything on a whim at considerably greater convenience than acquiring it legally.

    I'd like to hope those people have matured and changed their outlook on the situation

    I did

    That said I don't know what the specific complaints are here and they may or may not have merit
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    the art director of planetside 2 I especially want to interrogate.

    He's a cool guy. Did you notice how the Vanu suddenly got a lot cooler looking recently? They changed up their coloration to make them a lot more dark and machiney and less purple spandexy.
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    This Ramsey guy who helped free those kidnapped girls is amazing.

    He is straight up heroic, but he also falls squarely into like all of the harmless black stereotypes, and the media really doesn't know what to do with him.

    Like, whenever he talked about sharing watermelon and ribs at the BBQ with the suspect not knowing anything was wrong, or how he knew something was wrong when a cute white girl ran into his black arms "cause that just doesn't happen" -- everyone gets nervous and it's hilarious.

    All said, that guy is a champion. He refused any rewards for helping them and said anything they would reward him to give it to the girls instead because they need it more. He is a total class act.

    "There's a stereotype that black people like to shout at movie theatres"
    *Awkward laughter*
    "and there's a stereotype that white people are uptight, and I guess you just proved it with that first thing"
  • TehSpectreTehSpectre Wrath Registered User regular
    P10, don't try and claim you've haven't spent cash money on dotes
  • syndalissyndalis Aballah Can Tah Advancing the Human ConditionRegistered User regular
    Tav wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    I'm thinking specifically of that generation of people that were kids with no money or students or whatever about ten years ago when you literally could trivially pirate pretty much anything on a whim at considerably greater convenience than acquiring it legally.

    This is still the case.
    Not really. Steam (and to a lesser extent origin), along with direct download games on xbl, iTunes, google play and psn have really made the truly convenient route the route where you have your credit card tied to an easy gateway that sells you a copy of the game that just works.

    Piracy, while still easy, is harder than this, and really the only people doing it now for video games are douches.
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Time for Doctor Who!! @Casual


    Neil Gaiman's episode is sure to be a winner. :D


    i am now consumed with guilt that i wasn't here when you @'d me

    i was in a game of monaco because i got it into my head that who was at 6:15 and i'd already missed it



    That'll be tree fiddy.

    tree fiddy?!?

    woman, i ain't givin you no gawd dayum tree fiddy

    dayum loch ness monster be comin back round here askin fo gawd dayum tree fiddy...

    You said it would be worth it for text alerts!!

    and did you text me?


    Canna hav yo numba.

    would you actually make a profit texting me from the states every week for tree fiddy?
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    P10, don't try and claim you've haven't spent cash money on dotes
    i haven't. i got 5 keys for the beta (back when that meant something) for free - i won a playdota forums giveaway, and then got invited by valve nearly simultaneously. i 'bought' HoN for $10 dollars before it went f2p tho.
    if i had spent money on dota2 i would have bought some bitching mirana cosmetics and be strutting that shit all day
    P10 on
  • LeitnerLeitner Registered User regular

    To my knowledge all stab vests worn by police officers in the UK offer some level of protection against firearms.

    Mostly pistols given they've not got ceramic-plates, but when those two GMP police women were killed the vests stopped any of the bullets penetrating it.
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    This Ramsey guy who helped free those kidnapped girls is amazing.

    He is straight up heroic, but he also falls squarely into like all of the harmless black stereotypes, and the media really doesn't know what to do with him.

    Like, whenever he talked about sharing watermelon and ribs at the BBQ with the suspect not knowing anything was wrong, or how he knew something was wrong when a cute white girl ran into his black arms "cause that just doesn't happen" -- everyone gets nervous and it's hilarious.

    All said, that guy is a champion. He refused any rewards for helping them and said anything they would reward him to give it to the girls instead because they need it more. He is a total class act.

    Dude is excellent.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    @Ludious doesn't your logitech mouse have a gearing button that'll make it sort of click through each step along the wheel?

    My MX Revolution lets me alternate between standard and "free spin".

    ...holy shit it does. I was about to tell you that you were a crazy person and that mice do not have transmissions, but I pushed a random button on top if it and it stopped the free spin

    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    piracy is great

    buying stuff is great

    a lot of artists encourage both!

    I bought a DTP t-shirt because he told the crowd to pirate his newest album and he didn't have any t-shirts for sale

    maybe I'm just susceptible to reverse psychology but hey, it worked!
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    So, totally not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I feel like I have to express this somewhere to folks who don't know me personally, in real life.
    This past week I read this interesting blog post on depression: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/depression-part-two.html

    I also watched this interesting presentation on mood disorders in my own profession: http://www.confreaks.com/videos/2341-mwrc2013-devs-and-depression

    Some background: Back in 2007 I was diagnosed with a mood disorder, but I didn't really believe it. My negative emotions had grounding in events that actually happened to me (went from hardcore Christian to atheist, plus came out as gay, and lost most of my friends because of both of those facts, and experienced some pretty terrible responses from my parents whom I was close to) and once I moved past those events things got better.

    However, for the past year or so things haven't really been so great. One the one hand, anxiety has started to really make things difficult. On a week to week basis, I can have a week where everything is fine and I don't feel especially anxious at all, or I can have a week where doing anything with other humans causes me physical pain -- trouble breathing, heart pounding, headaches --, and most of the time my anxious feelings are somewhere in the middle. And on the other hand, I feel like my emotional range has been really limited. The best I feel is mildly amused, and the worst I feel is just sort of mildly sad. I tend to have the same emotional reaction to Iron Man 3 as I do to doing work.

    This has caused me to have troubling thoughts about the nature of my own experience as a human being. I look out to the possible experiences that I could have and I find myself knowing that they'll all feel flat to me, and not really that different. And I also find myself feeling sort of exhausted -- the prospect of experiencing life feels like a chore that I just have to get through. It is difficult for me to observe both of these facts (life's events feeling emotionally flat, plus feeling that life's events are a chore) and not drift into thoughts about my own continued consciousness ultimately being of questionable value. Which makes me want to ignore the entire issue altogether, as I have done for some time.

    The weird thing is that I really don't have any reason to feel bad or anxious about things. I have a good career. I don't have money problems. I have lots of time off. I am safe and healthy. I have friends, even though for the past year I haven't really spent much time with them (due to the aforementioned emotional issues). I guess I've just been imagining/hoping that I'll just get better. But it's been a while now, and things haven't been getting better. In the past six months or so, it's been quite the opposite -- things feel like they're getting a fair bit worse

    So I scheduled a doctor's appointment for next week. This is something I'm sort of ashamed of, I guess. Like why should I be complaining, I have so much more than other people do who have legitimate reason to be upset. I haven't talked about this at all to people I know in real life. I'm half imagining that the doctor will think I'm just seeking out drugs for recreational use or something. ANYways.

    First of all, don't feel like you shouldn't post stuff like this here.

    This is a very good place for it.

    Also, to answer the last paragraph, because you're not sad, you caught a bug, basically. Like bronchitis but for the brain, to quote a thing.

    it's great that you've managed to take steps to fix it before that gets too hard. I hope it goes well.
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    the art director of planetside 2 I especially want to interrogate.

    He's a cool guy. Did you notice how the Vanu suddenly got a lot cooler looking recently? They changed up their coloration to make them a lot more dark and machiney and less purple spandexy.

    I really really wish that PS2 didn't run like crap on my laptop

    Because I enjoy the game and I've invested quite a bit o cheddar
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Time for Doctor Who!! @Casual


    Neil Gaiman's episode is sure to be a winner. :D


    i am now consumed with guilt that i wasn't here when you @'d me

    i was in a game of monaco because i got it into my head that who was at 6:15 and i'd already missed it



    That'll be tree fiddy.

    tree fiddy?!?

    woman, i ain't givin you no gawd dayum tree fiddy

    dayum loch ness monster be comin back round here askin fo gawd dayum tree fiddy...

    You said it would be worth it for text alerts!!

    and did you text me?


    Canna hav yo numba.

    would you actually make a profit texting me from the states every week for tree fiddy?

    Hmm. I'd have to investigate the international texting charges. Who is your service provider.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • TehSpectreTehSpectre Wrath Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    P10, don't try and claim you've haven't spent cash money on dotes
    i haven't. i got 5 keys for the beta (back when that meant something) for free - i won the playdota forums giveaway, and then got invited by valve nearly simultaneously. i 'bought' HoN for $10 dollars before it went f2p tho.
    if i had spent money on dota2 i would buy some bitching mirana cosmetics and strut that shit all day

    I've probably spent $50 on dota 2, easy.

    Valve got its hooks in me nooo

  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I've spent a lot of time on the planetside 2 reddit recently. It's really awesome because the devs (as in, the creative director, the art director, and the president of SOE) actually hang out there themselves and chat with the players with basically no PR filter going on. They've generated a massive amount of good will towards themselves by doing this, and showing a willingness to take suggestions and criticism directly which is really awesome.

    They definitely have to put up with a lot of shit, though. I think the one thing that I will never understand is why nerds get so, incredibly angry about games. It just doesn't make any sense. Like even if you're disappointed with a game or you don't like it or had a bad time why would you be so livid about it? People can just be total douches about the games they play. Sometimes it's just like "Good god man, chill. Video games are like literally the least important thing in your life. Go hug your family or something."

    But, yeah, so I bought the Planetside 2 devs a beer basket and had it shipped to their studio.

    wait, for real

    For real

    also, boo, you're on helios. I'm on ceres.
  • TehSpectreTehSpectre Wrath Registered User regular
    Tav wrote: »
    syndalis wrote: »
    This Ramsey guy who helped free those kidnapped girls is amazing.

    He is straight up heroic, but he also falls squarely into like all of the harmless black stereotypes, and the media really doesn't know what to do with him.

    Like, whenever he talked about sharing watermelon and ribs at the BBQ with the suspect not knowing anything was wrong, or how he knew something was wrong when a cute white girl ran into his black arms "cause that just doesn't happen" -- everyone gets nervous and it's hilarious.

    All said, that guy is a champion. He refused any rewards for helping them and said anything they would reward him to give it to the girls instead because they need it more. He is a total class act.

    "There's a stereotype that black people like to shout at movie theatres"
    *Awkward laughter*
    "and there's a stereotype that white people are uptight, and I guess you just proved it with that first thing"
    Fuck anyone who talks in a theater.

    I will throw popcorn and shit at you until you stop.

  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    So, totally not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I feel like I have to express this somewhere to folks who don't know me personally, in real life.
    This past week I read this interesting blog post on depression: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/depression-part-two.html

    I also watched this interesting presentation on mood disorders in my own profession: http://www.confreaks.com/videos/2341-mwrc2013-devs-and-depression

    Some background: Back in 2007 I was diagnosed with a mood disorder, but I didn't really believe it. My negative emotions had grounding in events that actually happened to me (went from hardcore Christian to atheist, plus came out as gay, and lost most of my friends because of both of those facts, and experienced some pretty terrible responses from my parents whom I was close to) and once I moved past those events things got better.

    However, for the past year or so things haven't really been so great. One the one hand, anxiety has started to really make things difficult. On a week to week basis, I can have a week where everything is fine and I don't feel especially anxious at all, or I can have a week where doing anything with other humans causes me physical pain -- trouble breathing, heart pounding, headaches --, and most of the time my anxious feelings are somewhere in the middle. And on the other hand, I feel like my emotional range has been really limited. The best I feel is mildly amused, and the worst I feel is just sort of mildly sad. I tend to have the same emotional reaction to Iron Man 3 as I do to doing work.

    This has caused me to have troubling thoughts about the nature of my own experience as a human being. I look out to the possible experiences that I could have and I find myself knowing that they'll all feel flat to me, and not really that different. And I also find myself feeling sort of exhausted -- the prospect of experiencing life feels like a chore that I just have to get through. It is difficult for me to observe both of these facts (life's events feeling emotionally flat, plus feeling that life's events are a chore) and not drift into thoughts about my own continued consciousness ultimately being of questionable value. Which makes me want to ignore the entire issue altogether, as I have done for some time.

    The weird thing is that I really don't have any reason to feel bad or anxious about things. I have a good career. I don't have money problems. I have lots of time off. I am safe and healthy. I have friends, even though for the past year I haven't really spent much time with them (due to the aforementioned emotional issues). I guess I've just been imagining/hoping that I'll just get better. But it's been a while now, and things haven't been getting better. In the past six months or so, it's been quite the opposite -- things feel like they're getting a fair bit worse

    So I scheduled a doctor's appointment for next week. This is something I'm sort of ashamed of, I guess. Like why should I be complaining, I have so much more than other people do who have legitimate reason to be upset. I haven't talked about this at all to people I know in real life. I'm half imagining that the doctor will think I'm just seeking out drugs for recreational use or something. ANYways.

    You are doing the right thing, and if the first doctor doesn't listen, find one who will.

    You are absolutely doing the right thing here. If you ever want to talk about anxiety issues, feel free to PM me anytime.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    P10, don't try and claim you've haven't spent cash money on dotes
    i haven't. i got 5 keys for the beta (back when that meant something) for free - i won the playdota forums giveaway, and then got invited by valve nearly simultaneously. i 'bought' HoN for $10 dollars before it went f2p tho.
    if i had spent money on dota2 i would buy some bitching mirana cosmetics and strut that shit all day

    I've probably spent $50 on dota 2, easy.

    Valve got its hooks in me nooo

    I'm worried I might start playing DOTA 2.
    Steam ID: DoctorArch Xbox Live: DoctorArch
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    Tav wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    I'm thinking specifically of that generation of people that were kids with no money or students or whatever about ten years ago when you literally could trivially pirate pretty much anything on a whim at considerably greater convenience than acquiring it legally.

    This is still the case.
    Not really. Steam (and to a lesser extent origin), along with direct download games on xbl, iTunes, google play and psn have really made the truly convenient route the route where you have your credit card tied to an easy gateway that sells you a copy of the game that just works.

    Piracy, while still easy, is harder than this, and really the only people doing it now for video games are douches.

    No, piracy is not harder than that at all.
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    Leitner wrote: »

    To my knowledge all stab vests worn by police officers in the UK offer some level of protection against firearms.

    Mostly pistols given they've not got ceramic-plates, but when those two GMP police women were killed the vests stopped any of the bullets penetrating it.

    Oh cool.

    I just remember it being a thing when they were first introduced to Strathclyde Police. The papers mostly presented it as "ballistic vests won't stop knives, stab vests won't stop bullets".
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    P10, don't try and claim you've haven't spent cash money on dotes
    i haven't. i got 5 keys for the beta (back when that meant something) for free - i won the playdota forums giveaway, and then got invited by valve nearly simultaneously. i 'bought' HoN for $10 dollars before it went f2p tho.
    if i had spent money on dota2 i would buy some bitching mirana cosmetics and strut that shit all day

    I've probably spent $50 on dota 2, easy.

    Valve got its hooks in me nooo
    i wouldn't be opposed to dropping like $30 to let valve know they did a good job but there hasn't been anything i've really cared about buying because cosmetics aren't super appealing (and they lack good cosmetics for the heroes i like a lot)
  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    fennec fennec fennecfennecfennecfennec

    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    the art director of planetside 2 I especially want to interrogate.

    He's a cool guy. Did you notice how the Vanu suddenly got a lot cooler looking recently? They changed up their coloration to make them a lot more dark and machiney and less purple spandexy.

    No. I only notice the hatred and anger the sight of purple inspires in me.

    Live free in the NC.
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    That hyperbole and a half post on depression is amazing. Allie is one of the best writers on the interweb and I am glad to see she is recovering. I've never gone down that dark of a hole with depression, but it's always there, looming like a canyon.

    And I have similar problems with not feeling certain emotions, like being happy. Things can be funny, and exciting, and I can anticipate, but actually being happy is something that has alluded me for years. When I am, it's so temporary, it might as well not even have happened. Every time I get near being happy something in my head says "this just means that the other shoe is about to drop, and you're going to regret it".
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • TehSpectreTehSpectre Wrath Registered User regular
    DoctorArch wrote: »
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    TehSpectre wrote: »
    P10, don't try and claim you've haven't spent cash money on dotes
    i haven't. i got 5 keys for the beta (back when that meant something) for free - i won the playdota forums giveaway, and then got invited by valve nearly simultaneously. i 'bought' HoN for $10 dollars before it went f2p tho.
    if i had spent money on dota2 i would buy some bitching mirana cosmetics and strut that shit all day

    I've probably spent $50 on dota 2, easy.

    Valve got its hooks in me nooo

    I'm worried I might start playing DOTA 2.
    join usss (I could check to see if I have an invite if you want)

  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Tonight was weird and bad and someone stole my leftover pizza while I was out. I'm going to bed now.
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Time for Doctor Who!! @Casual


    Neil Gaiman's episode is sure to be a winner. :D


    i am now consumed with guilt that i wasn't here when you @'d me

    i was in a game of monaco because i got it into my head that who was at 6:15 and i'd already missed it



    That'll be tree fiddy.

    tree fiddy?!?

    woman, i ain't givin you no gawd dayum tree fiddy

    dayum loch ness monster be comin back round here askin fo gawd dayum tree fiddy...

    You said it would be worth it for text alerts!!

    and did you text me?


    Canna hav yo numba.

    would you actually make a profit texting me from the states every week for tree fiddy?

    Hmm. I'd have to investigate the international texting charges. Who is your service provider.

    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Makin challah from scratch.

    Gonna bake blueberry muffins while the dough rises. Saturday baking is fucking awesome. Why didn't I do this before?!?

    i didn't know you were jewish

    I'm not! It's super tasty though, and I know what it's supposed to come out like (as opposed to, say, a brioche). It's my first time making a really egg-heavy dough, so I wanted to try a bread where I would recognize failure.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    i 'pirated' europa universalis 2 (my brother got a copy made by a friend, game never had any copy protection)
    it resulted in me buying like 2 copies of EU2 and all of it's expansions, EU3 and all of its expansions, CK1/2, Victoria, HoI2/3... basically all of the paradox interactive grand strategy i could get my hands on

    piracy still sux tho and i don't engage or condone it
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