Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

King of the [Chat]



  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    I am curious as to what steps I have padded the act of pirating a game. If anything, I feel like I kind of simplified it, because I left out the tedious task of reading forums to find out why X patch didn't work on Y download, and finding out you needed to get the 1.02 version of the executable and swap the dll file from Z folder, and all of that bullshit hell that almost always occurs with choosing not to pay money for your funtimes.
    First, you have to be an adult to realize that it isn't worth your time/notmoney and it is worth your nottime/money.
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    I don't think this particular piracy discussion can really go any further without someone posting something infractable, btw.
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    I am curious as to what steps I have padded the act of pirating a game. If anything, I feel like I kind of simplified it, because I left out the tedious task of reading forums to find out why X patch didn't work on Y download, and finding out you needed to get the 1.02 version of the executable and swap the dll file from Z folder, and all of that bullshit hell that almost always occurs with choosing not to pay money for your funtimes.

    I thought your piracy steps were fine. You've simplified the Steam one though.
  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Syndalis you did not include the steps involved in acquiring the money you spend on Steam!

    In your instance please attach $60 worth of source code.

    Based on the rate of code creation on the old project (praise Yahweh that is over now), $60 worth of source code would be about one third of one line of C.

    so here you go, $60 well spent:
    extern "C" MEDIA_SOURCE_TYPE GetCurrentMediaSource(

    What you think "makes sense" has nothing to do with reality. It just has to do with your life experience. And your life experience may only be a small smidgen of reality. Possibly even a distorted account of reality at that. So what this means is that, beginning in the 20th century as our means of decoding nature became more and more powerful, we started realizing our common sense is no longer a tool to pass judgment on whether or not a scientific theory is correct. - Neil Degrasse Tyson
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    I am curious as to what steps I have padded the act of pirating a game. If anything, I feel like I kind of simplified it, because I left out the tedious task of reading forums to find out why X patch didn't work on Y download, and finding out you needed to get the 1.02 version of the executable and swap the dll file from Z folder, and all of that bullshit hell that almost always occurs with choosing not to pay money for your funtimes.

    Are you from the 90's?
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    I find that I appreciate things a lot more when I buy them and thus only have an option between 3 games vs 300 because I stole them

    it is a good part of beingg grown up
  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    I am so pissed at uplay (Ubisoft) right now. I bought Heroes 6 from them a while back (good game) but someone it got associated with a broken uplay account with no email address (which is impossible for a user, that is a required field) and they are giving me no end of shit about switching it to my real uplay account.
    Yeah I bought some game and it made me use uplay and now I don't play it. AD4040 or something? Who knows and who cares.

    I have AD 2070 (if that's what you mean) as well and at least that one got properly linked to my uplay account

    The crappy thing is that, unlike EA/Origin, Ubisoft makes games that are good enough for me to buy them despite their asshatery. AD 2070 is really good if you like economic / trading / town building games. And they also make The Settlers which is pretty darn good as well. And Heroes 6 (if I could just get in to play it!)
    I was really excited to play it but their uplay thing was super annoying. If I get a new computer, I will totally play it again. Maybe I should get a new computer...
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    Piracy for me goes like this:

    Pirate some game. Never play it.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular

    i was thinking of you while singing in the shower

    on that sunny day, didn't know i'd see
    such a beautiful ass, bouncin' down the street
    that short sweater dress, with cheeks swoopin' down
    i wanna get that brown
    where is it now
    mama listen

    little asshole, i hunger for you
    you deal with fears that you don't have to
    he doesn't love you, i can tell he's too young
    but you can feel this rear love
    if you just sit on my

    got that ass on my mind, girl don't you turn around
    if we carry on this way, i just might eat that brown
    how 'bout you lie on down
    and i'll just go to town

    girl i still want that brown
    where is it now
    mama listen

    little asshole, i hunger for you
    you deal with fears that you don't have to
    he doesn't love you, i can tell he's too young
    but you can feel this rear love
    if you just sit on my



    everything about this pleases me
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    It's unecessary knowledge time

    this time, norwegian medals

    first of, vernedyktighetsmedaljen - medal for serving in the defense of the realm as a conscript. I've got the one with the lion on it. One for each branch.


    This is our version of the purple heart.

    Medalje for edel dåd - medal for noble deed. Given to people who save lives, generally. Not an armed forces medal.

    Den Kongelige norske Sankt Olavs orden - Royal Norwegian order of St Olav. Given to norwegians who have excelled in service to the fatherland and humanity. The most pimp medal of them all.

    and finally, a kind of plain-looking thing, because it doesn't need to be fancy - Krigskorset med sverd, the War Cross with sword, the highest military decoration we have. It can be plain-looking because it's like, godamn that's guy has the war cross.
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Abdhyius wrote: »

    speaking of

    here's captain Petra Drabløs, norwegian nurse, nursing a canadian soldier, vice corporal M. R. Stevens during the korean war.

    you guys have male nurses?
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Maybe I should get a new computer...

    do it

    everyone is doing it
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    speaking of

    here's captain Petra Drabløs, norwegian nurse, nursing a canadian soldier, vice corporal M. R. Stevens during the korean war.

    you guys have male nurses?

    @Dark Raven X
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »

    speaking of

    here's captain Petra Drabløs, norwegian nurse, nursing a canadian soldier, vice corporal M. R. Stevens during the korean war.

    you guys have male nurses?

    you ever see a nurse outside of porn?
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    sigh...been doing chores on and off all day. Enough down time to browse, but not play a game.

    Finally loaded up Neverwinter..got to char select screen, and my wife needed me to do something. Which lead to me emptying out the fridge of old leftovers, and starting up another dishwasher cycle

    aaaaand when I got back the auth servers were down

    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • ThomamelasThomamelas Registered User regular
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Going into the Privacy thread. Learning that people vastly overestimate the capability of facial recognition software.

    It can see through your clothes!!!

    I think it's still legit to worry about some of the things we could be capable of doing with a computer built into our glasses and eventually eyes, but yeah, hyperbolic train has docked at that station.

    Oh there should be some discussion. But yeah, there is some serious belief that facial recognition works worth a damn when it doesn't. And to be frank it hasn't for a long time. I expect that at some point it will but I'm not expecting a system with even a mediocre success rate in the field for a decade.
    There's no living with a killing. There's no goin' back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand... a brand sticks. There's no goin' back. Now you run on home to your mother and tell her... tell her everything's alright. And there aren't any more guns in the valley.
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    the stuff I mainly pirated as a young lad were professional tools I never used, because lol artistic talent.

    I did use photoshop for some sweet flame filters once.

    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • DelmainDelmain Registered User regular
    Skips, did you get your mac back together?
    Torak - Elcor Vanguard
  • monikermoniker Registered User regular
    Stretch limo's just strike me as extremely awkward. Original limo length made sense and would comfortably seat 4-5 people in actual seats with suicide doors. For a stretch you have to get in and then scoot your ass down or hunch over and hobble to the front. Not nearly as elegant.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    some games are really easy to pirate and some are not
  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    Hmmm. I have been thinking about getting a new computer. I want a gaming computer / graphics computer. Does Best Buy have any that are decent?

    Also, I have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer will sit on new egg and price out bunches of shit and put it all together. Weird, I know. Can anyone help me out? I think SOTAR was the one who showed me my laptop which I have used amazingly for the past three years but it is starting to overheat constantly and go kaputt.
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Going into the Privacy thread. Learning that people vastly overestimate the capability of facial recognition software.

    It can see through your clothes!!!

    I think it's still legit to worry about some of the things we could be capable of doing with a computer built into our glasses and eventually eyes, but yeah, hyperbolic train has docked at that station.

    Oh there should be some discussion. But yeah, there is some serious belief that facial recognition works worth a damn when it doesn't. And to be frank it hasn't for a long time. I expect that at some point it will but I'm not expecting a system with even a mediocre success rate in the field for a decade.

    There was a sci-fi thing which featured a youth trend for wearing elaborate face paint designed to fuck with facial recognition systems. The way teenagers will wear sunglasses and low cap brims.

    Possibly a graphic novel? I'm not sure.
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    Hmmm. I have been thinking about getting a new computer. I want a gaming computer / graphics computer. Does Best Buy have any that are decent?

    Also, I have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer will sit on new egg and price out bunches of shit and put it all together. Weird, I know. Can anyone help me out? I think SOTAR was the one who showed me my laptop which I have used amazingly for the past three years but it is starting to overheat constantly and go kaputt.

    you can put a build together in under 30 minutes now and it will still be better value than buying a prebuilt
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Delmain wrote: »
    Skips, did you get your mac back together?


    I have a replacement hdd coming, which I will pay someone to install and then I will try to sell it

    I also have parts for a new windows computer coming and I hope to have them by Weds but my power supply is on backorder >:C
  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    some games are really easy to pirate and some are not
    your multitudes do not belong in our streamlined discussion
    get out I say
    get out
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    Hmmm. I have been thinking about getting a new computer. I want a gaming computer / graphics computer. Does Best Buy have any that are decent?

    Also, I have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer will sit on new egg and price out bunches of shit and put it all together. Weird, I know. Can anyone help me out? I think SOTAR was the one who showed me my laptop which I have used amazingly for the past three years but it is starting to overheat constantly and go kaputt.

    If you don't mind the actual building part, Skippy JUST kitted out a great system. You should just copy that.
  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    Hmmm. I have been thinking about getting a new computer. I want a gaming computer / graphics computer. Does Best Buy have any that are decent?

    Also, I have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer will sit on new egg and price out bunches of shit and put it all together. Weird, I know. Can anyone help me out? I think SOTAR was the one who showed me my laptop which I have used amazingly for the past three years but it is starting to overheat constantly and go kaputt.

    If you don't mind the actual building part, Skippy JUST kitted out a great system. You should just copy that.
    Are you for sers?

  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Hmmm. I have been thinking about getting a new computer. I want a gaming computer / graphics computer. Does Best Buy have any that are decent?

    Also, I have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer will sit on new egg and price out bunches of shit and put it all together. Weird, I know. Can anyone help me out? I think SOTAR was the one who showed me my laptop which I have used amazingly for the past three years but it is starting to overheat constantly and go kaputt.

    no of course not if I have to build one so do you
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Hmmm. I have been thinking about getting a new computer. I want a gaming computer / graphics computer. Does Best Buy have any that are decent?

    Also, I have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer will sit on new egg and price out bunches of shit and put it all together. Weird, I know. Can anyone help me out? I think SOTAR was the one who showed me my laptop which I have used amazingly for the past three years but it is starting to overheat constantly and go kaputt.

    If you don't mind the actual building part, Skippy JUST kitted out a great system. You should just copy that.
    Are you for sers?


  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    japan wrote: »
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Going into the Privacy thread. Learning that people vastly overestimate the capability of facial recognition software.

    It can see through your clothes!!!

    I think it's still legit to worry about some of the things we could be capable of doing with a computer built into our glasses and eventually eyes, but yeah, hyperbolic train has docked at that station.

    Oh there should be some discussion. But yeah, there is some serious belief that facial recognition works worth a damn when it doesn't. And to be frank it hasn't for a long time. I expect that at some point it will but I'm not expecting a system with even a mediocre success rate in the field for a decade.

    There was a sci-fi thing which featured a youth trend for wearing elaborate face paint designed to fuck with facial recognition systems. The way teenagers will wear sunglasses and low cap brims.

    Possibly a graphic novel? I'm not sure.

  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Oh man
    I'm glad Shane left Carmen. Carmen was some ...hot headed latina stereotype who needed to cool her ceviche.
  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    @Shivahn @AresProphet

    I haven't played that character since then either. I don't know how much time I'll have to play tonight, I think my family is taking my mom out for a slightly early mother's day. If you guys are on when I get back, I'd be up to run something with you all.
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    I have had the worst luck actually..playing games since building my god damn gaming computer.

    Like, I spend all day doing adult stuff, fine, that's the side effect of being an adult and owning property. First world problem etc. Then ok technically the game I am playing is a beta so can I really be mad? Nope.

    But my wife is probably going to be wanting my attention soonish, and I mean, I can't blame her. She hasn't bothered me much all day.

    But really Cryptic? Really? I just wanted to play a game.
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    the nurses I had in hospital were all the motherly middle aged competent kind

    apart from the girl who assisted my mate's mother in taking my staples out

    she kept sucking air in through her teeth and going aahhhh, sorry

    and I was like dude I have broken my everything, do you think this bothers me at this point
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    like ok i will admit to pirating something

    i really wanted to buy rome: total war on osx so i could have a quick casual game to play without booting into windows

    this was right before i pulled the trigger on a new mba

    i knew i was gonna get a 100 dollar itunes gift card that i could use to buy the game but i wanted to see how smoothly it ran in osx

    so i pirated it effortlessly and then ended up not liking it as much as i remembered so i uninstalled and then didn't buy it


  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
  • ThomamelasThomamelas Registered User regular
    japan wrote: »
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Going into the Privacy thread. Learning that people vastly overestimate the capability of facial recognition software.

    It can see through your clothes!!!

    I think it's still legit to worry about some of the things we could be capable of doing with a computer built into our glasses and eventually eyes, but yeah, hyperbolic train has docked at that station.

    Oh there should be some discussion. But yeah, there is some serious belief that facial recognition works worth a damn when it doesn't. And to be frank it hasn't for a long time. I expect that at some point it will but I'm not expecting a system with even a mediocre success rate in the field for a decade.

    There was a sci-fi thing which featured a youth trend for wearing elaborate face paint designed to fuck with facial recognition systems. The way teenagers will wear sunglasses and low cap brims.

    Possibly a graphic novel? I'm not sure.

    Yes. There are lots of stupid methods science fiction writers come up with. Like the LED hats. Or you could just get a regular hat...and keep with me....look down. Which in a major city gives you the advantage of not standing out like a retarded twat. Or if you aren't a hat guy, then you could wear a hoodie.
    There's no living with a killing. There's no goin' back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand... a brand sticks. There's no goin' back. Now you run on home to your mother and tell her... tell her everything's alright. And there aren't any more guns in the valley.
  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Going into the Privacy thread. Learning that people vastly overestimate the capability of facial recognition software.

    It can see through your clothes!!!

    I think it's still legit to worry about some of the things we could be capable of doing with a computer built into our glasses and eventually eyes, but yeah, hyperbolic train has docked at that station.

    Oh there should be some discussion. But yeah, there is some serious belief that facial recognition works worth a damn when it doesn't. And to be frank it hasn't for a long time. I expect that at some point it will but I'm not expecting a system with even a mediocre success rate in the field for a decade.

    There was a sci-fi thing which featured a youth trend for wearing elaborate face paint designed to fuck with facial recognition systems. The way teenagers will wear sunglasses and low cap brims.

    Possibly a graphic novel? I'm not sure.

    I went to a display once and my boyfriend was like okay now put your hand sideways and divide your face on your nose. Wham, no more recognition. So funny.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    the doctor handling me in tromsø though...

    god damn.

    the only reason I did not get awkward boners when she was all up close with her thigh against mine looking at some fucked up part of my face or other was that I had about the amount of blood a healthy kitten needs
  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    Hmmm. I have been thinking about getting a new computer. I want a gaming computer / graphics computer. Does Best Buy have any that are decent?

    Also, I have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer will sit on new egg and price out bunches of shit and put it all together. Weird, I know. Can anyone help me out? I think SOTAR was the one who showed me my laptop which I have used amazingly for the past three years but it is starting to overheat constantly and go kaputt.

    Don't get one from Best Buy.

    Now, the usual disclaimer: you can get better stuff for less money building it yourself blah blah blah.

    So, to answer your question: Dell ain't bad if you want a prebuilt machine and a warranty and such. They offer student discounts as well.

    There is a section in Newegg for prebuilt systems too.

    also see if there is any stuff you can salvage from your current rig like monitors.
    What you think "makes sense" has nothing to do with reality. It just has to do with your life experience. And your life experience may only be a small smidgen of reality. Possibly even a distorted account of reality at that. So what this means is that, beginning in the 20th century as our means of decoding nature became more and more powerful, we started realizing our common sense is no longer a tool to pass judgment on whether or not a scientific theory is correct. - Neil Degrasse Tyson
This discussion has been closed.