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King of the [Chat]



  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    in that game Recettear does anything carry over to future games / unlock? Like in the Kairosoft games I mean.
    What you think "makes sense" has nothing to do with reality. It just has to do with your life experience. And your life experience may only be a small smidgen of reality. Possibly even a distorted account of reality at that. So what this means is that, beginning in the 20th century as our means of decoding nature became more and more powerful, we started realizing our common sense is no longer a tool to pass judgment on whether or not a scientific theory is correct. - Neil Degrasse Tyson
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    i just found out that Fucked Up started recording their new lp a few weeks ago

    i know nothing about it other than that sentence

    but i know that it's going to be awesome as hell

    David Comes to Life is legitimately in my top 10 punk albums of all time it is so fucking good
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular

    their next LP could literally just be the audio from this show and i'd be good with it
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Holy fuck the new C++ Programming Language book is finally coming out
  • ThomamelasThomamelas Registered User regular
    in that game Recettear does anything carry over to future games / unlock? Like in the Kairosoft games I mean.

    I believe inventory and store improvements carry over.
    There's no living with a killing. There's no goin' back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand... a brand sticks. There's no goin' back. Now you run on home to your mother and tell her... tell her everything's alright. And there aren't any more guns in the valley.
  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    in that game Recettear does anything carry over to future games / unlock? Like in the Kairosoft games I mean.

    Yes. If you fail at capitalism, your level and inventory carry over. If you beat the game, the adventurer with the highest relations with you gives you a card that let's you use them from the beginning.
  • AresProphetAresProphet giggle and the flames grow higher Registered User regular
    Mim wrote: »
    Well, initially yes a towel, but then it just hangs to dry.

    I used a towel getting out of the shower, but my hair is still all "drip, drip, drip mother fucker"

    This what I do

    (no I am not a lady but my hair is exceptional)

    gentle towel dry after the shower, then give it 10 minutes or so to air dry before another gentle toweling (lets water do its thing with gravity and surface tension, letting you get a bit more out) then tie it back while still damp

    if you aren't tying it back this could be problematic
    no more need for the old empire
    when the indigo children come
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    LM tests of nonlinearity in GDP
     LM statistic[Test 1] =  5.398866
      p-value =  0.06724362
     LM statistic[Test 2] =  11.60363
      p-value =  0.02055549
     LM statistic[Test 3] =  11.9676
      p-value =  0.06269547
     LM statistic[Test 4] =  11.60044
      p-value =  0.02058347
    LM tests of nonlinearity in money
     LM statistic[Test 1] =  15.04445
      p-value =  0.000540927
     LM statistic[Test 2] =  24.86614
      p-value =  5.352567e-05
     LM statistic[Test 3] =  28.54303
      p-value = 7.422524e-05
     LM statistic[Test 4] =  25.21866
      p-value =   4.546468e-05

    ronya on
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    I should probably deseasonalize this data first.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Alternatively I can include all 8 lags.
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    So ducked mbgg
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular

    Played my first game of Raiders & Relics V0.4.0 and i won, but it was close.

    I got a lot of good data on how to improve the game! :D
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    Have I mentioned that the mendacity of spherical objects is not in question?
  • syndalissyndalis Aballah Can Tah Advancing the Human ConditionRegistered User regular
    So my flight:

    1: 3.5 hour delay before boarding.
    2: there was "deferred" equipment on my plane, which is a fancy way of saying "we need repairs but fuck it, there are redundant systems" - also, the cabin smelled of gas the whole flight.
    3: as we took off, I heard a very distinct "pop pop" sound from the left side of the plane, and there was a weird lurch. Otherwise everything was fine. I later found out two birds were sucked into the engine and we luckily didn't go into the water like that other flight a few years ago.
    4: we hit turbulence so rocky that my laptop levitated off of the tray, the guy in the bathroom hit his head hard against the ceiling and knocked himself out, and the dude across the aisle from me puked over himself and his girlfriend.

    Fuck. Planes.
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    G'night, sillyfellers.

    (I'm so happy that i got good data. :) )
  • descdesc the '87 stick-up kids Registered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    Have I mentioned that the mendacity of spherical objects is not in question?

    It may have come up, yes.
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Sunday you plane was like magnitude

  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    So my flight:

    1: 3.5 hour delay before boarding.
    2: there was "deferred" equipment on my plane, which is a fancy way of saying "we need repairs but fuck it, there are redundant systems" - also, the cabin smelled of gas the whole flight.
    3: as we took off, I heard a very distinct "pop pop" sound from the left side of the plane, and there was a weird lurch. Otherwise everything was fine. I later found out two birds were sucked into the engine and we luckily didn't go into the water like that other flight a few years ago.
    4: we hit turbulence so rocky that my laptop levitated off of the tray, the guy in the bathroom hit his head hard against the ceiling and knocked himself out, and the dude across the aisle from me puked over himself and his girlfriend.

    Fuck. Planes.


    This is the kind of shit that makes me want to never get on a plane again
  • syndalissyndalis Aballah Can Tah Advancing the Human ConditionRegistered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Sunday you plane was like magnitude


    False. My plane was NOT. A one man party.
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Just finished battle star galactica...
    That last bit was a special kind of lazy "look at how clever we think we are" awful
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    I'm playing Actraiser. This game is the best. Actraiser 2 eliminated the city-builder parts, which was stupid. It needed to EXPAND the city builder parts and link it back to the action parts in more ways. Are there any more modern takes on this idea? Like what's the deal with Black and White?
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    Turbulence on planes is like a free carnival ride. Everyone should just not throw up and have fun.
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Synd I went to several sunglasses hits today. They were all very helpful, particularly the one in Newport...
    (Bu the time I got to Gerald square I knew exactly what I wanted)

    You should check dem out
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Just finished battle star galactica...
    That last bit was a special kind of lazy "look at how clever we think we are" awful

    The last two seasons were awful in all, but that last few episodes are embarrassingly, hilariously bad

    I was laughing out loud in disbelief
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Turbulence on planes is like a free carnival ride. Everyone should just not throw up and have fun.

    Would have agreed before I saw that afghani video. No everything about flying is pants shutting terror for me
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Go to bed dee. You're drunk
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    Turbulence on planes is like a free carnival ride. Everyone should just not throw up and have fun.

    Carnival rides are also awful
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Just finished battle star galactica...
    That last bit was a special kind of lazy "look at how clever we think we are" awful

    The last two seasons were awful in all, but that last few episodes are embarrassingly, hilariously bad

    I was laughing out loud in disbelief

    Sooo dumb...

    They even used the wrong version of watchtower

    Dylan or I feed
  • syndalissyndalis Aballah Can Tah Advancing the Human ConditionRegistered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Synd I went to several sunglasses hits today. They were all very helpful, particularly the one in Newport...
    (Bu the time I got to Gerald square I knew exactly what I wanted)

    You should check dem out
    Will do. Go to bed dee.
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Turbulence on planes is like a free carnival ride. Everyone should just not throw up and have fun.

    Would have agreed before I saw that afghani video. No everything about flying is pants shutting terror for me

    That was a fully-loaded cargo plane with its very heavy cargo not secured properly. It couldn't happen on a passenger jet. Not like that anyway. And it's incredibly unlikely to happen at all. You should be shitting your pants when you cross a street instead. You're way more likely to be murdered by a mode of transportation then.
    Donkey Kong on
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    I'm playing Actraiser. This game is the best. Actraiser 2 eliminated the city-builder parts, which was stupid. It needed to EXPAND the city builder parts and link it back to the action parts in more ways. Are there any more modern takes on this idea? Like what's the deal with Black and White?

    Actraiser is so good that and Soul Blazer are true gems in the SNES's early days
  • Casual EddyCasual Eddy Registered User regular
    EM i'm really enjoying this bonded old grandad on ice

    it's not really that good but the value has been pretty incredible
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Elldren wrote: »
    Tamin wrote: »
    Are there any good / indie used game shops in kansas city open late on saturdays?


    @Tamin shit, sorry, I missed this, but honestly I don't think there are anymore. Maybe way out in the boonies, like Independence or something, but pretty much all the places I know of got swallowed by Gamestop.
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Turbulence on planes is like a free carnival ride. Everyone should just not throw up and have fun.

    Would have agreed before I saw that afghani video. No everything about flying is pants shutting terror for me

    That was a fully-loaded cargo plane with its very heavy cargo not secured properly. It couldn't happen on a passenger jet. Not like that anyway. And it's incredibly unlikely to happen at all. You should be shitting your pants when you cross a street instead. You're way more likely to be murdered by a mode of transportation then.

    I can do something about that to mitigate my risks. I'm sure there are similar civilian maintainenve fumbles that can lead to a dozen seconds of pants shitting terror before I go
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    I know it's irrational. Just something I have to get ocer
  • Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Turbulence on planes is like a free carnival ride. Everyone should just not throw up and have fun.

    Would have agreed before I saw that afghani video. No everything about flying is pants shutting terror for me

    That was a fully-loaded cargo plane with its very heavy cargo not secured properly. It couldn't happen on a passenger jet. Not like that anyway. And it's incredibly unlikely to happen at all. You should be shitting your pants when you cross a street instead. You're way more likely to be murdered by a mode of transportation then.

    What you both seem to agree about is that people don't shit their pants often enough.
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    What can I say, can't choose your fetishes..
  • simonwolfsimonwolf Registered User regular
    yo @desc

    and possibly @Elldren

    Should I type up a report on the Montsegur saga so far

    or should I wait until Act 2 ends "for real"
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Tamin wrote: »
    Well, that was delicious

    Thanks for the rec @jacobkosh
    (Mom is already planning another visit, heh)


    @organichu independently verified at last!
  • Casual EddyCasual Eddy Registered User regular
    i tend to have that louis ck view of flying

    like parts of it are annoying but they way we used to travel it took months to get there

    you get to where you going and people have died on the way

    new people have been born while you were traveling

This discussion has been closed.