Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

The [STEAM] thread



  • Banzai5150Banzai5150 Registered User regular
    Spoit wrote: »
    Is there a watch_dogs thread? I want to talk about the new video

    I'll listen to your words.
    GFWL: ObsoletePaper
    PA Steam Coupon List
  • KaruwenKaruwen Registered User regular
    Richard wrote: »
    I have two 75% coupons for Total War Shogun 2 if anyone is interested. Just send me a message and I will send you the coupon.

    I also have two, so feel free to send me a message as well.

    360 & PSN : Karuwen

  • DrascinDrascin Registered User regular
    A coupon for -75% off Shogun total War has appeared in my inventory. I have no idea why. If anyone wants it, just poke a PM my way.
  • AsheAshe Registered User regular
    The thread, it so quiet.
  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    I also have two. I was all like "I'm going to be a good chum and give it to the steam thread!" but turns out I'm just a regular schlub!
  • rikdalyrikdaly Registered User regular
    Ashe wrote: »
    The thread, it so quiet.

    shh, you'll wake everyone up

    Steam thread, should I buy Risen 2 from greenmangaming for £5.44 or buy a set of pinball tables for Pinball FX2? I loved Risen but I also really enjoy Zen Pinball on my phone
  • CorriganXCorriganX Registered User regular
    rikdaly wrote: »
    Ashe wrote: »
    The thread, it so quiet.

    shh, you'll wake everyone up

    Steam thread, should I buy Risen 2 from greenmangaming for £5.44 or buy a set of pinball tables for Pinball FX2? I loved Risen but I also really enjoy Zen Pinball on my phone

    I have never played risen, but i'll tell you about my history with pinball games. I would be stuck with indecision on which game to play. I'd consider playing more in an rpg, or shooting mans online in a cod or something. While trying to decide I'd boot up a pinball game to waste some time while I think it through. Then i'd have to go to bed because I played pinball all goddamn night.

    I vote pinball. So relaxing and awesome.
    CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
  • VikingViking Registered User regular
    My totally selfish reasoning says Pinball!
    None of my friends have this yet and that means I have no leaderboard scores to try and beat.
  • TeeManTeeMan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I see you've played a silly amount of Fallout NV, @Ashe

    I too wish to play a silly about of Fallout NV. After a long stint of on-again-off-again modding, I'm finally happy with what I've got to start the adventure! Waiting for Summer Dale to give me some good prices on DLC, but there's little point in waiting for that.

    Funniest part so far? Sneaking up on two Giant Radscorpions, using VATS to allocate three sticks of dynamite between them, then having them stab and clamp me to pieces before the second one has even left my hand.

    "So VATS doesn't freeze time, ooooooooooooooooh"

    edit: Hmm I remember reading mixed reviews about Risen 2 on release, but most confirmed that they got the pirate theme right. For example

    Polygon wrote:
    What other game lets you learn a skill called "‘Nuff Said" that allows you to end the occasional conversation by pulling a pistol on your co-converser and sending them to Davy Jones' Locker? And listen, just between you and me ... you can get an attack parrot and a monkey that steals stuff.

    That sounds pretty cool. Can anyone confirm/deny?
    TeeMan on
    Steam: TeeMan
    GOG: hellisforheroes
    Tumblr: BrainSpoon
  • AsheAshe Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    TeeMan wrote: »
    I see you've played a silly amount of Fallout NV, @Ashe

    I too wish to play a silly about of Fallout NV. After a long stint of on-again-off-again modding, I'm finally happy with what I've got to start the adventure! Waiting for Summer Dale to give me some good prices on DLC, but there's little point in waiting for that.

    Funniest part so far? Sneaking up on two Giant Radscorpions, using VATS to allocate three sticks of dynamite between them, then having them stab and clamp me to pieces before the second one has even left my hand.

    "So VATS doesn't freeze time, ooooooooooooooooh"

    Much to the horror of my backlog, yes, I am fully re-immersed in the Mojave wasteland.

    What's on repeat in my head as I work today? ... "Big iron on his hiiiiip."
    Ashe on
  • TeeManTeeMan Registered User regular
    Ashe wrote: »
    TeeMan wrote: »
    I see you've played a silly amount of Fallout NV, @Ashe

    I too wish to play a silly about of Fallout NV. After a long stint of on-again-off-again modding, I'm finally happy with what I've got to start the adventure! Waiting for Summer Dale to give me some good prices on DLC, but there's little point in waiting for that.

    Funniest part so far? Sneaking up on two Giant Radscorpions, using VATS to allocate three sticks of dynamite between them, then having them stab and clamp me to pieces before the second one has even left my hand.

    "So VATS doesn't freeze time, ooooooooooooooooh"

    Much to the horror of my backlog, yes, I am fully re-immersed in the Mojave wasteland.

    What's on repeat in my head as I work today? ... "Big iron his hiiiiip."

    I've heard that the radio is pretty great but I haven't switched it on yet because I'm just enjoying the sounds of the world at large too much. I occasionally hear it when its on in a bar, I suppose
    Steam: TeeMan
    GOG: hellisforheroes
    Tumblr: BrainSpoon
  • Idx86Idx86 A man chooses A slave obeysRegistered User regular
    There is a Pinball FX2 Star Wars table, too? Holy cow.

    Once the Summer Dale comes, I am going to ravage dat store page.

    2008, 2012 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
  • rikdalyrikdaly Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    thanks guys, that's about as much convincing as I need :) now just to decide which of the Marvel packs to buy

    edit: just as I had decided on the Marvel original pack @Idx86 knocks me off the table with it! thanks mate that's awesome of you!

    I bought the Vengeance and Virtue pack too
    rikdaly on
  • Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity Ask me about Super Propane and Super Propane accessoriesRegistered User regular
    When is summer Dale
  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    TeeMan wrote: »
    Ashe wrote: »
    TeeMan wrote: »
    I see you've played a silly amount of Fallout NV, @Ashe

    I too wish to play a silly about of Fallout NV. After a long stint of on-again-off-again modding, I'm finally happy with what I've got to start the adventure! Waiting for Summer Dale to give me some good prices on DLC, but there's little point in waiting for that.

    Funniest part so far? Sneaking up on two Giant Radscorpions, using VATS to allocate three sticks of dynamite between them, then having them stab and clamp me to pieces before the second one has even left my hand.

    "So VATS doesn't freeze time, ooooooooooooooooh"

    Much to the horror of my backlog, yes, I am fully re-immersed in the Mojave wasteland.

    What's on repeat in my head as I work today? ... "Big iron his hiiiiip."

    I've heard that the radio is pretty great but I haven't switched it on yet because I'm just enjoying the sounds of the world at large too much. I occasionally hear it when its on in a bar, I suppose

    I got sick of the radio pretty quick, but not nearly as fast as fallout 3, there's a few more tracks

    There was a pretty good radio mod that greatly expanded the music with more tracks from the same era
    Box Live: TIFunkalicious
    LoL: Nerf Love
    Steam: TIFunk
  • TeeManTeeMan Registered User regular
    When is summer Dale

    Mid-July is where it's been the past few years
    Steam: TeeMan
    GOG: hellisforheroes
    Tumblr: BrainSpoon
  • LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    If the sale is on during PaxAU, I'mma be pissed off.
    3DS: 1118-0244-2697
  • LanrutconLanrutcon Registered User regular
    Hey guys, keep up the thread title wars. If things could escalate into full blown name calling in the thread title, that would be ultra rad! :)
    Currently playing: DI:Riptide, Eador:MotBW, FE:A, MH3U
  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    Aw, the glorious title is gone :<
    Steam: stabbitystyle | XBL: S For Stabbity | MWO: stabbitystyle
  • Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I'm not going to live that down. (Summer Dale).

    Anyway is the pinball game on offer or something?
    Edit : ah its free and the dlc is where they make the money. Clever.
    Big Classy on
    My Backloggery PSN: Bigisy24
  • Ed GrubermanEd Gruberman Registered User regular
    Banzai5150 wrote: »
    So Rocksmith!

    Anywho - I'm getting the bug to learn how to play guitar again. I've tried about 3 times over the course of 20 or so years. This time I'm just going to get a relatively inexpensive guitar and play around on Rocksmith along side my chords/scales/tabs/etc I've amassed over the years. My question to you, my hard rockin amigos, as I know there is a handful of you in this thread, is...What is a not shit guitar to pick up for the cheap that stays in tune, the neck isn't crap, the tuners won't spin freely, the frets don't buzz, the body isn't totally plywood and lastly the pickups are decent. I'm trying to avoid the Fender Squire made in China line, but not wanting to drop tooooo much more than $200 or so. I was looking at the Ibanez G10 line at $189 but once again don't want to fight the guitar to learn how to play it.


    I have a Hamer that works great and I bought it off my guitar friend.
    For good deals, used and yard sales are great opportunities so definitely keep an eye out. I've always been told that the only thing you can really do is try them out and see if you like them.
  • AMoeadaAMoeada Registered User regular
    Hey, guys, a 50% off coupon for Dungeon Hearts appeared in my inventory this morning. If anyone is interested send me a PM.

    How many of you have picked up System Shock 2 since it just appeared on Steam? I couldn't resist. After beating Bioshock Infinite there's nothing I'd rather play through than another Irrational Games production.
    Kale Cereal.
  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    Big Classy wrote: »
    I'm not going to live that down. (Summer Dale).

    Anyway is the pinball game on offer or something?
    Edit : ah its free and the dlc is where they make the money. Clever.

    We'll probably forget about it when we get closer to Year Odd: The snake.
  • Lindsey LohanLindsey Lohan Registered User regular
    AMoeada wrote: »
    Hey, guys, a 50% off coupon for Dungeon Hearts appeared in my inventory this morning. If anyone is interested send me a PM.

    How many of you have picked up System Shock 2 since it just appeared on Steam? I couldn't resist. After beating Bioshock Infinite there's nothing I'd rather play through than another Irrational Games production.

    Everyone should be interested, Dungeon Hearts is awesome. The next sale on it I'm grabbing extras to add people to my leaderboard.
  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    So if you like metroid-esque things go get the La-Mulana remake. It has a board that's 90% mini-boss rushes!
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Cleaning at Your Mom's HouseRegistered User regular
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    So if you like metroid-esque things go get the La-Mulana remake. It has a board that's 90% mini-boss rushes!

    What's more old school than calling levels "boards"?
  • AdelliosAdellios Registered User regular
    Although I dont really like some of the changes in the la-mulana remake, its about 60% more forgiving than the original. I also recommend getting it. The music is great.
  • LuchaireLuchaire Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    AMoeada wrote: »
    Hey, guys, a 50% off coupon for Dungeon Hearts appeared in my inventory this morning. If anyone is interested send me a PM.

    How many of you have picked up System Shock 2 since it just appeared on Steam? I couldn't resist. After beating Bioshock Infinite there's nothing I'd rather play through than another Irrational Games production.

    Everyone should be interested, Dungeon Hearts is awesome. The next sale on it I'm grabbing extras to add people to my leaderboard.

    The only problem with leaderboards is that they not only remind me how bad I am at games but they let all my friends know that I suck too. It's embarrassing at times. :P

    Last one of these?
    Contest Challenge!
    Today is it! Last day! Last chance? Who knows? But there's still time for you to squeak out at least one more entry! C'mon, you know you want to! Don't let Cooljammer00, InkSplat, and Sumanai have all the candles! ;)

    PM me and tell me about your favorite ever birthday present that you got. Easy enough, right?? - EXPIRED ALREADY. BLAME COOLJAMMER00.

    I'll be ending this sometime today. Today, someone gets dishonored.

    Wait, no... :oops:
    Luchaire on
  • SteevLSteevL Registered User regular
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    So if you like metroid-esque things go get the La-Mulana remake. It has a board that's 90% mini-boss rushes!

    What's more old school than calling levels "boards"?

    Saying that you "solved" the game
  • Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity Ask me about Super Propane and Super Propane accessoriesRegistered User regular
    Wait what's a candle mean

    I have a candle
  • bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    SteevL wrote: »
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    So if you like metroid-esque things go get the La-Mulana remake. It has a board that's 90% mini-boss rushes!

    What's more old school than calling levels "boards"?

    Saying that you "solved" the game
    "I have an extra guy"
  • TreadLifeTreadLife Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    That high class ninja gent, @Banzai5150 sniped me with a glowing gift of System Shock 2.
    Much appreciation, as such a classic is a good way to cheer me up with the hell week I've been having and no gaming.
    TreadLife on
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Cleaning at Your Mom's HouseRegistered User regular
    SteevL wrote: »
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    So if you like metroid-esque things go get the La-Mulana remake. It has a board that's 90% mini-boss rushes!

    What's more old school than calling levels "boards"?

    Saying that you "solved" the game

    "Are you winning the game?"
    "It's uh, it's not that kind of game. But yes."
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Banzai5150 wrote: »
    So Rocksmith!

    Anywho - I'm getting the bug to learn how to play guitar again. I've tried about 3 times over the course of 20 or so years. This time I'm just going to get a relatively inexpensive guitar and play around on Rocksmith along side my chords/scales/tabs/etc I've amassed over the years. My question to you, my hard rockin amigos, as I know there is a handful of you in this thread, is...What is a not shit guitar to pick up for the cheap that stays in tune, the neck isn't crap, the tuners won't spin freely, the frets don't buzz, the body isn't totally plywood and lastly the pickups are decent. I'm trying to avoid the Fender Squire made in China line, but not wanting to drop tooooo much more than $200 or so. I was looking at the Ibanez G10 line at $189 but once again don't want to fight the guitar to learn how to play it.


    Don't buy new... Go to a local guitar or pawn shop and just go through all the guitars that catch your fancy. If you like one don't buy it immediately, find the model number and do some research to make sure it's priced reasonably and don't be afraid to haggle with the shop owner to knock down the price.
  • SteevLSteevL Registered User regular
    SteevL wrote: »
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    So if you like metroid-esque things go get the La-Mulana remake. It has a board that's 90% mini-boss rushes!

    What's more old school than calling levels "boards"?

    Saying that you "solved" the game

    "Are you winning the game?"
    "It's uh, it's not that kind of game. But yes."

    I was telling my boss a few years ago about playing Fallout New Vegas or something and she asked me if I had the highest score.
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Cleaning at Your Mom's HouseRegistered User regular
    Luchaire wrote: »
    AMoeada wrote: »
    Hey, guys, a 50% off coupon for Dungeon Hearts appeared in my inventory this morning. If anyone is interested send me a PM.

    How many of you have picked up System Shock 2 since it just appeared on Steam? I couldn't resist. After beating Bioshock Infinite there's nothing I'd rather play through than another Irrational Games production.

    Everyone should be interested, Dungeon Hearts is awesome. The next sale on it I'm grabbing extras to add people to my leaderboard.

    The only problem with leaderboards is that they not only remind me how bad I am at games but they let all my friends know that I suck too. It's embarrassing at times. :P

    Last one of these?
    Contest Challenge!
    Today is it! Last day! Last chance? Who knows? But there's still time for you to squeak out at least one more entry! C'mon, you know you want to! Don't let Cooljammer00, InkSplat, and Sumanai have all the candles! ;)

    PM me and tell me about your favorite ever birthday present that you got. Easy enough, right??

    I'll be ending this sometime today. Today, someone gets dishonored.

    Wait, no... :oops:

    You've put a target on our backs!

    Also, happy birthday.
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    When is summer Dale

    Summer Dale is beyond time and space...
  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    rikdaly wrote: »
    thanks guys, that's about as much convincing as I need :) now just to decide which of the Marvel packs to buy

    edit: just as I had decided on the Marvel original pack @Idx86 knocks me off the table with it! thanks mate that's awesome of you!

    I bought the Vengeance and Virtue pack too

    The Thor table is so garish its amazing.
    Steam ID: DoctorArch Xbox Live: DoctorArch
  • HounHoun Jump In Save the WorldRegistered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    Banzai5150 wrote: »
    So Rocksmith!

    Anywho - I'm getting the bug to learn how to play guitar again. I've tried about 3 times over the course of 20 or so years. This time I'm just going to get a relatively inexpensive guitar and play around on Rocksmith along side my chords/scales/tabs/etc I've amassed over the years. My question to you, my hard rockin amigos, as I know there is a handful of you in this thread, is...What is a not shit guitar to pick up for the cheap that stays in tune, the neck isn't crap, the tuners won't spin freely, the frets don't buzz, the body isn't totally plywood and lastly the pickups are decent. I'm trying to avoid the Fender Squire made in China line, but not wanting to drop tooooo much more than $200 or so. I was looking at the Ibanez G10 line at $189 but once again don't want to fight the guitar to learn how to play it.


    Don't buy new... Go to a local guitar or pawn shop and just go through all the guitars that catch your fancy. If you like one don't buy it immediately, find the model number and do some research to make sure it's priced reasonably and don't be afraid to haggle with the shop owner to knock down the price.

    I'd also note that, years back, when I wanted to learn to play guitar, I picked up one of those cheapo Squire Strat Guitar + Amp packs. While I never made much headway in learning to play it and it spends most of it's time in the closet, when I do bust it out, it's very rare that it needs any tuning. It's not fancy, but it's functional as all hell.
    Steam: DigitalArcanist | XBoxLive: DigitalArcanist | PSN: DigitalArcanist | Backloggery: Houn
This discussion has been closed.