Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

The [STEAM] thread



  • HounHoun Jump In Save the WorldRegistered User regular
    And I think I'm done with Poker Night 2 in any serious capacity. At this point, I'm only playing out of a combination of boredom and unlocks, and there's no way I'm going to be able to hit this bounty: get two players to go all in and win against them. Yeah. Right.
    Steam: DigitalArcanist | XBoxLive: DigitalArcanist | PSN: DigitalArcanist | Backloggery: Houn
  • InkSplatInkSplat 100%ed Bad Rats. Registered User regular
    Ugh, I can't wait to get my desktop set back up so I can play Prime World: Defenders. I keep seeing it pop up being played by friends, and its making me itch.
  • StollsStolls Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Man, just when I thought this 'build a new PC around an existing hard drive' thing would be easy... hardware all works fine, but it looks like existing Windows installations and new motherboards don't work well together. Had this exact same problem last time, so I can't say I'm too surprised. Sorry, Windows 7 mascot girl, looks like we gotta do this the hard way.

    I'd been planning on cleaning house at some point; this is just a little earlier than I had intended, like with the hardware. Anyway, backing up the drive on the old computer now. If I don't make it back from 'format c:\', avenge my death. And gift the avenger something nice. Maybe System Shock 2.
    Stolls on
    I write for these people. Just reviewed: Drox Operative
  • BlurblBlurbl Registered User regular
    I just got finished with Darksiders, which I picked up in the THQ humble bundle. Man, I loved it. It's the Zelda I've always wanted. Gonna move straight onto 2.

    But is there not going to be a 3rd game, since THQ went down the drain? Damn shame.
  • ZxerolZxerol Provocative Pogona Registered User regular
    The IP was picked up by Nordic Games at auction. So you probably will see one eventually. Maybe. Quality would be up in the air.
  • RoshinRoshin My backlog can be seen from space SwedenRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    So, Prime World: Defenders. I'm starting to feel done with this game, which is weird, considering it's still in beta. Currently, I'm at the "Flower Boss". I think this is right before the end. Looking at the world map, I don't see any other locations left, other than the big volcano, which I assume is the end.

    It's a good game, no doubt about it. The issues I see are with balance, and map and card variety. Initially, I thought the game was brutally hard, but once you start upgrading your cards/towers, it becomes almost trivial. I've been hoping for a greater challenge, but so far there hasn't been one. I've maxed out all the three talent trees and right now I'm just maxing out my cards/towers. The Flower Boss is a bitch, I admit, because he or she will spam you with loads of mobs (80 waves, I think) and you have to survive. I can make it to wave 32, before going down. It feels more frustrating than challenging, though.

    I think map variety is a problem. It gets better once you unlock maps, but there's still not a whole lot of them. I also expected way more cards/towers. When I first saw the wooden towers, I thought they would go from wood to stone to metal to whatever fantastical materials they could think of, but I got stone towers and that was it. Right now, I've been using Lightning Tower, Accursed Tower, Stone Tower, Detector, Mortar, Tower of the Sun, and the Ice Tower, When it comes to spells, I tend to only use Rain of Fire as a "panic button", when everything has to die. I haven't seen a new tower, spell, or artifact in a *very* long time and I'm starting to think there isn't anything left.

    I have been going back to get three stars and the cheevos for every map, which is something I usually never do. All cheevos except the "Survive with one life" one, because sod that. Any suggestions for dealing with the Flower Boss would be appreciated. :D

    Edit: Beat the Flower Boss. Appearantly, I didn't have to last all 80 waves. Also, the game added more locations before the volcano, so it's not over yet. :)
    Roshin on
  • VeganVegan Registered User regular
    Houn wrote: »
    And I think I'm done with Poker Night 2 in any serious capacity. At this point, I'm only playing out of a combination of boredom and unlocks, and there's no way I'm going to be able to hit this bounty: get two players to go all in and win against them. Yeah. Right.

    Oh, that's downright easy compared to the last one. Happens all the time if you have a good hand. That last fucker: Win a showdown with ONLY a high card. That one requires you to make it all the way to the river with absolute shit (but not TOO shitty) without accidentally getting even Two of a Kind, then getting into a showdown with someone who has even shittier shit than you, but is too stupid to fold.
  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    So, been playing some more Torchlight 2. Finished the first bigish area that had a couple of dungeons and killed the General dude. Very fun so far :> The charge system for the mage class thing is really simple, but so cool to use. Nothing like seeing the charge bar light up and be able to use magic mana-free for a couple of seconds.
    Steam: stabbitystyle | XBL: S For Stabbity | MWO: stabbitystyle
  • CroakerBCCroakerBC YorkRegistered User regular
    Stolls wrote: »
    Man, just when I thought this 'build a new PC around an existing hard drive' thing would be easy... hardware all works fine, but it looks like existing Windows installations and new motherboards don't work well together. Had this exact same problem last time, so I can't say I'm too surprised. Sorry, Windows 7 mascot girl, looks like we gotta do this the hard way.

    I'd been planning on cleaning house at some point; this is just a little earlier than I had intended, like with the hardware. Anyway, backing up the drive on the old computer now. If I don't make it back from 'format c:\', avenge my death. And gift the avenger something nice. Maybe System Shock 2.

    If it's having a strop about activation, you can always call Microsoft's irritating automated activation line, that tends to sort us out.
  • Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Threads a bit slow today. Here you go.
    Big Classy on
    My Backloggery PSN: Bigisy24
  • CorriganXCorriganX Registered User regular
    Isy.. I think you done goofed.
    CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
  • Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    Uh. I uploaded it through my phone hence the crazy size :p
    My Backloggery PSN: Bigisy24
  • DalantiaDalantia Registered User regular
    It's going to tear through the monitor and eat my lungs, looking adorable.
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Cleaning at Your Mom's HouseRegistered User regular
    If the winner gifts the game back to you, is that in bad taste?
  • LuchaireLuchaire Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Kitty! <3

    Kitties are the best. And Isy is the best. This is a good combination of best things.

    'Tis a drizzly, dreary Spring day here in Maine. A good day to stay in and play video games all day today. This, too, is among the best things.

    Contest challenge!
    Entertain me! Send me one a Youtube clip of someone doing something dumb or funny (or both). 3 minute maximum video length.

    ... do not send a video of the German guy cannonball diving into a frozen swimming pool, because that hurts to watch.

    Luchaire on
  • EchoEcho Per Aspera Ad Inferi Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Turns out Awesomenauts was pretty darn fun.
  • Wooden SpoonWooden Spoon Gulf CoastRegistered User regular
    Just a reminder: a copy of XCOM: Enemy Unknown is burning a hole in my Steam pocket, and I'm giving it away in exchange for a quality forum avatar involving a wooden spoon. 14 hours remain. Do your worst.
    Wooden Spoon on Steam
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Just a reminder: a copy of XCOM: Enemy Unknown is burning a hole in my Steam pocket, and I'm giving it away in exchange for a quality forum avatar involving a wooden spoon. 14 hours remain. Do your worst.

    So the main question is, has Hit-Bit made an entry yet?

    Because you know, nice to know the odds :P
  • Wooden SpoonWooden Spoon Gulf CoastRegistered User regular
    Just a reminder: a copy of XCOM: Enemy Unknown is burning a hole in my Steam pocket, and I'm giving it away in exchange for a quality forum avatar involving a wooden spoon. 14 hours remain. Do your worst.

    So the main question is, has Hit-Bit made an entry yet?

    Because you know, nice to know the odds :P

    I will cave and say no. So there's still a chance for everyone else. :P
    Wooden Spoon on Steam
  • The BraysterThe Brayster UKRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Luchaire wrote: »
    Contest challenge!

    ... do not send a video of the German guy cannonball diving into a frozen swimming pool, because that hurts to watch.

    Well, damnit.

    In other news, I decided to check my backlog against howlongtobeat and it turns out it'll take me 6 days, 20 hours and 15 minutes. I suppose I should probably get started?

    (A very large chunk of that is Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Goddamn that game must be big if it expects me to take 52 hours for the storyline alone)

    Edit: That doesn't even include DLC I haven't started yet (honorable mentions - Skyrim, Sleeping Dogs)
    The Brayster on
  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah Registered User regular
    HiT BiT wrote: »
    Big Classy wrote: »
    Uh. I uploaded it through my phone hence the crazy size :p
    Star Wars Kitten

    Every time I think of this scene I think of the 4th panel from Season 1 where Jerry doesn't remember this reference for their Fantasy Football team.

    I ordered the bundle on Friday to get all the seasons on DVD because I got tired of waiting for season 4.
  • Wooden SpoonWooden Spoon Gulf CoastRegistered User regular
    This thread is bad for me. I'm already ashamed of my backlog. Now I'm ashamed for how big it is and how small it is. It's the most pleasant no-win situation.
    Wooden Spoon on Steam
  • SmokeStacksSmokeStacks License Number 137596Registered User regular
    This thread is bad for me. I'm already ashamed of my backlog. Now I'm ashamed for how big it is and how small it is. It's the most pleasant no-win situation.

    You should put a link to your Steam profile in your sig, there are a lot of Wooden Spoons.
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Cleaning at Your Mom's HouseRegistered User regular
    That's how you get gifted.
  • Wooden SpoonWooden Spoon Gulf CoastRegistered User regular
    I'll correct that when I get home. I'm not intentionally off the grid.

    This seems like a dangerous place. People just...give things. That's not human.
    Wooden Spoon on Steam
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Austin, TXRegistered User regular
    I woke up this morning to see @Ketar had gifted me Torchlight 2 out of nowhere. I had been staying out of contests since winning Tomb Raider 2, but no one hides from the Steam thread. No one.

    This is the message in the gift:

    Wow, abbreviate your nick and end up with the 2nd worst Lannister on the brain. Anyway, my son turns 2 today. So here's a game with a 2 in the title. LOGIC.

    So thank you for forever ruining my screen name for me. (Nah, Cersei is alright, I think she learned her lesson... maybe)

    And as someone with a 4 year old and a 1 year old, let me say that it does get better. :P

    But anyway, thank you for the awesome gift!
  • Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity Ask me about Super Propane and Super Propane accessoriesRegistered User regular
    download mods for torchlight some of them own
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Cleaning at Your Mom's HouseRegistered User regular
    Isn't the chick who plays Cersei Lannister the one who's super poor even though she's been in tons of stuff?
  • Kid PresentableKid Presentable Registered User regular
    Hey wait a minute. I was out and about all weekend, what the heck is System Shock 2 doing in my Steam?! This means I have to finally buy and play System Shock 2, doesn't it?
  • HiT BiTHiT BiT Fresh, straight from Pac-Man's Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Luchaire wrote: »
    Well, shit. Even my kids are getting in on the crazy backlog abuse. I just got giftbombed the top of my wishlist (Papo & Yo) by my son. A birthday present two days early because "I figured I better get it to you before someone else does." 8->
    I can see you are raising them in the ways of The Newell. Well done!
    HiT BiT on
  • ZenitramZenitram Registered User regular
    Luchaire wrote: »
    Well, shit. Even my kids are getting in on the crazy backlog abuse. I just got giftbombed the top of my wishlist (Papo & Yo) by my son. A birthday present two days early because "I figured I better get it to you before someone else does." 8->

    Your son might be trying to send you a message....
  • Wooden SpoonWooden Spoon Gulf CoastRegistered User regular
    I think my sig now properly finds me on Steam. I welcome your friendships.
    Wooden Spoon on Steam
  • CuvisTheConquerorCuvisTheConqueror Riot Nrrd Registered User regular
    OK, that was weird... I left my Steambox alone yesterday to download Marvel Heroes, and promptly forgot about it. This morning, I get a Raptr email saying I've hit "dedicated" rank in it. So I go to my Steambox, and find it sitting at the login screen. Since when does Steam auto-launch games after they're downloaded?
This discussion has been closed.