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I Want To Be Sophia Loren When I Grow Up [fashion/beauty]



  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    elijah is totally bangable. he's just really tiny! I'd be the ivan drago to his rocky balboa if you know what I mean


    HE DIES.
  • World as MythWorld as Myth Registered User regular
    elijah is totally bangable. he's just really tiny! I'd be the ivan drago to his rocky balboa if you know what I mean


    HE DIES.

    literally this
    Blake T wrote: »
    The most difficult part of dating Kate is deciding which of your friends she is going to kill.
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    Ain't nothin' wrong with a young-lookin' man
    this is true, i just felt a little wrong when pervin' on him, so it was mostly a chaste admiration

    he was simply


    this is the end, my only thread, the end
  • FutoreFutore Registered User regular
    pooka wrote: »
    Ain't nothin' wrong with a young-lookin' man
    this is true, i just felt a little wrong when pervin' on him, so it was mostly a chaste admiration

    he was simply



    Is this even possible??!!?!?!
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    He's young-lookin' now, but LotR was more than a few years ago, so you got an even younger dude, then he's in makeup that makes him look all young and cutesy...

    I can see how it might feel odd, but nah, dude's in his thirties. He's probably in "older man" territory for most of ya.

    Also, apparently he's 5'6"... that's not that short, unless you spend your life standing next to tall brawny supermodels (he spends his life next to tall brawny supermodels)
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava One day, I will be able to say to myself "I am beautiful and I am perfect just the way I am"Registered User regular
    I'm almost positive that i'm older than Elijah Wood.

    and I still feel kinda creepy ogling him.
    My Little Corner of the World || I am ravelried! || My Steam!
    You have to fight through some bad days, to earn the best days of your life.
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    lemme talk at u bout kawaii
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava One day, I will be able to say to myself "I am beautiful and I am perfect just the way I am"Registered User regular

    who has contacts? talk to me about contacts. I've worn glasses since I was 8. which would be like 24 years ago now. but I think i'm getting tired of the glasses and I'm not sure I want to do Lasik. anybody have any good tips/brands/experiences?

    this could likely just be another phase for me. lol.
    My Little Corner of the World || I am ravelried! || My Steam!
    You have to fight through some bad days, to earn the best days of your life.
  • FishmanFishman scientia potentia est Robot ProvocateurRegistered User regular
    I went to school with at least one girl who has made out with Elijah.
    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
  • ASimPersonASimPerson And they will tremble again at the sound of our silence.Registered User regular
    I only ever used Acuvue, but I got tired of contacts, so... I got LASIK.
    SE++ Forum Battle Archive | PST = Pacific Standard Time | DRUNKSTUCK: A Homestuck recap
  • VivixenneVivixenne Not Mad... Just DisappointedRegistered User regular

    who has contacts? talk to me about contacts. I've worn glasses since I was 8. which would be like 24 years ago now. but I think i'm getting tired of the glasses and I'm not sure I want to do Lasik. anybody have any good tips/brands/experiences?

    this could likely just be another phase for me. lol.

    go to your optometrist

    I've needed classes since I was 12 and have worn contacts since I was 13 (yay sports)

    I've worn varying types of Acuvue lenses all my life, currently wearing Acuvue Oasys which are obscenely comfortable

    my experiences have been largely positive - I'll post more about them later on today
  • ASimPersonASimPerson And they will tremble again at the sound of our silence.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I didn't think the Oasys were much better than the 2's, so the main difference to me is that they were a lot more expensive. So I went and found an optometrist that would let me switch back to 2's.

    This is definitely a YMMV kind of thing though.
    ASimPerson on
    SE++ Forum Battle Archive | PST = Pacific Standard Time | DRUNKSTUCK: A Homestuck recap
  • VivixenneVivixenne Not Mad... Just DisappointedRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    yeah my optometrist was vehemently against the 2's - he reckons it's good that they'll be discontinued soon

    that said, I also developed a really bad reaction to the 2's after using them for a couple years, and the Oasys are just so much more comfortable than them in the last 3 months I've been wearing them
    Vivixenne on
  • World as MythWorld as Myth Registered User regular
    I wear oasys contacts too! +1 for them being wonderful
    Blake T wrote: »
    The most difficult part of dating Kate is deciding which of your friends she is going to kill.
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    Fishman wrote: »
    I went to school with at least one girl who has made out with Elijah.

    Pretty sure that dude banged, like, half your country
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    That's what? Six? Seven girls?
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Blake T wrote: »
    That's what? Six? Seven girls?

    And just as many tens of thousands of sheep.
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    This is where we hi5
  • FutoreFutore Registered User regular
    I've been thinking of getting contacts again. Or maybe even get the operation and do full on LAZER EYES. but i'm not sure i want to take away that type of accessorizing

    or what my face would look like sans glasses. or how i would effectively pump up the Dad Factor when staring down my nose at someone
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    I always forget my glasses.

    They look good on me though.
  • FutoreFutore Registered User regular
    Gatsby, Blake, stop being the Australians from Flight of the Conchords this instant.
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    I went on a trip to do orphan stuff in Romania. One of our volunteers was a Pentecostal preacher who for some reason thought sheep-shagging was the funniest thing ever.

    We'd give him dirty looks every time we passed a pasture.
    He was pretty cool for a preacher. He was also the first to notice that the Romanian word for pie looked almost exactly like "placenta"...
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Futore wrote: »
    Gatsby, Blake, stop being the Australians from Flight of the Conchords this instant.

    Ya can't stap us, mate!
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    Futore wrote: »
    Gatsby, Blake, stop being the Australians from Flight of the Conchords this instant.

    We will stop when they stop being New Zealanders.
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    Lucas is just upset about the time I lifted him up
  • HyperBalladHyperBallad HARD TO SPOT Miami, FloridaRegistered User regular
    Blake T wrote: »
    @Gatsby is just upset about the time I lifted him up and carried him to the ocean.

  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    i wear contacts, they're soft thirty day wears

    I like 'em, i definitely wouldn't go back to glasses permanently. Especially convenient for exercising.
  • FutoreFutore Registered User regular
    see, that's what i want new contacts most for. the excercising/sweaty working.
  • FutoreFutore Registered User regular
    these glasses are really vexing my cage fighting career.
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    I want Elijah Wood sans the cost

    I love a slender man in a vest UGH
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    No Slender Man jokes plz
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    I wish I had more opportunities to wear fitted vests. They make it look like I actually have an upper body.

    Casual vests are a thing that's in, but they don't have the same effect. Fitted vests alone just look incomplete without a jacket...

    I just wanna look buff without having to work for it.
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    Guys I just picked up a few new shirts.
    Sorry Sheri



    I need to buy more hangers again.
  • VivixenneVivixenne Not Mad... Just DisappointedRegistered User regular
    okay so now that I have some time to do a proper post

    @lonelyahava - obviously none of the following replaces an optometrist's opinions; you should deffers talk to one if you are interested in contacts

    for context, I wore contacts from a young age because my volleyball coach suggested it

    my original optometrist put me on Acuvues - monthlies, if I recall correctly

    I was using those for forever until I moved to Shanghai and they were no longer available, so I switched to Biomedics lenses (monthly) for a while

    then I swapped to Acuvue 2 (fortnightly), and now Acuvue Oasys (fortnightly)

    I wear contacts almost every day, but do default to glasses on days where I don't need to leave the house

    the monthlies were cheap, but I think the problem is that if your eyes get easily irritated, any bacteria or protein buildup in them is gonna suck, because you can't throw them away as you'd waste up to 4 weeks' worth of wear

    the dailies (in packs of 30 or 90) are very expensive, but don't need to be stored (i.e., minimal use of contact lens solutions) so in some ways can weigh up well against fortnightlies or monthlies, especially if you don't wear them all the time

    I have always worn soft lenses; I tried hard lenses for 2 weeks and my eyes WERE NOT FANS and thus I swapped to soft ones... back in the day there was talk for younger kids that they can wear certain hard lenses to sleep at night and it shapes their eye so that they don't have to wear contacts during the day - I have had friends who did this who swore by it, but this is not a popular option for some reason as I think most optometrists aren't okay with it

    in terms of storage, there are two basic ways - one is the old school boob case (two separate compartments each with their own lid) filled with cleansing solution, the other is a case where both lenses are stored facing each other, then dipped into hydrogen peroxide


    depending on the case, you'll either pop a little tablet into the hydrogen peroxide, or there will be a metal component that reacts to the hydrogen peroxide and turns it into oxygen, which flows up through the lenses to clean them... it's pretty cool, and I do this two to three times a week to prevent irritation

    which type of contact lenses with which type of frequency and which type of storage will differ based on your eyes

    yes, it is weird to touch your eyes. that totally takes getting used to, but you do get used to it; I've been known to try to remove contacts that weren't actually there which meant I was poking around my eyeball looking for them :P
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    its weird that my face skin is looking good now

    gimme a kiss world
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    The thing I really like about vests is that you can wear crazy loud shirts that are really too much and the vests help cut them down to something that looks good.
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    Hm vests
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    pooka wrote: »
    Ain't nothin' wrong with a young-lookin' man
    this is true, i just felt a little wrong when pervin' on him, so it was mostly a chaste admiration

    he was simply



    It definitely helps now that he is often scruffy. Fresh-faced Frodo just did not inspire that in me.
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    Sheri wrote: »
    Fitted vests alone just look incomplete without a jacket...



    It isn't necessarily so, but it is so.

    Any fitted vest I've seen on the rack has pretty much always had an unfinished back. Vests made to be worn alone (and so fully finished) are usually more casual, and so not closely fitted enough to do what I want.

    I'm sure lady clothes are different, and I'm sure I could find what I want if budget weren't an issue, but nope. No instant fake shoulders for me.
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