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I Want To Be Sophia Loren When I Grow Up [fashion/beauty]

UsagiUsagi Got catz in my zoneCa-catz in my zoneRegistered User regular
Welcome to the SE++ Beauty Thread/Lookin' Fine Thread/Your Mother Would Kill You If She Saw You Walking Out of the House Like That Thread/You Have A Purty Mouth Thread/etc.

Discuss all things makeup, hair, clothes, anything that you put on your person that makes you look in the mirror and go "yes this is acceptable for outside my house." Humans are vain creatures and if you've ever walked past a parked car and fixed your hair in their mirror then YOU BELONG WITH US. This thread is for ladies, dudes, and everyone in between. Don't feel weird about posting here, we're all very nice and we all want everyone to look super hot. Let us help you look super hot, SE++.


previous fashion threads:
On Wednesdays We Wear Pink
Gurl You Look Good
Vilify Vanity
Sephora F&Fam Sale
Are Those Galaxy Leggings Or Is Your Butt An Astronaut
You're So Vain
Florals For Spring, Groundbreaking
Where Do I Buy Hairbrush, Chemist?


Essie Button
Lisa Eldridge

All Lacquered Up
The Swatchaholic

Glasses (courtesy of Pooka!)
Warby Parker
Classic Specs
Zenni Optical
39 Dollar Glasses
Global Eyeglasses
Sneaking Duck
Tortoise and Blonde


Pinup Girl
Dappered (for dudes!)
Put This On

The Sartorialist
Advanced Style
Street Etiquette
The Bengal Stripe
Man Repeller
twit | make stuff | GW2: Arithmetock.3459 | a list of wishes | a post of wishes | svpply


  • HellaJeffHellaJeff FAB FRESH RAIIINBOOWWWWWRegistered User regular
    Going to SoHo today!
  • StraightziStraightzi Registered User regular
    I am so uninspired fashion-wise

    I lost three good shirts recently, and have a pair of pants I've been trying to work a tahini stain out of for weeks. I really need new clothes, is what I'm saying.

    And I could go to H&M and buy some new white shirts, that's what I lost. I even went there to do just that. But ugh. I couldn't do it. I want to do something different but I have no idea what works for me aside from my standard dark jeans/slacks, light solid color button up shirts, solid dark ties thing.

    And I need to be able to stick to button ups and slacks for my current job, at very least.
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    I need a wholly new wardrobe, as years of being manchild has left me with nothing but t-shirts with pop culture references.

    Oh, and PAX shirts. I think I have a PAX shirt for every day of the week now.
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    Man Repeller is a great blog.

    Ooh I really like this outfit



  • LiiyaLiiya Registered User regular
    One day I'll go to a PAX and get a shirt!
  • Sara LynnSara Lynn Registered User regular
    That's really pretty, nuka! I guess it would just depend on if you were up for the task of upkeeping the redness. I've heard a lot of horror stories about how much effort it takes, but obviously people do it. I don't think I could, though.
  • nukanuka What are circles? Registered User regular
    I have virgin hair. My hair is a dark chestnut brown color, and it's lovely but oh my god that red.
    Anyways I dyed my hair in high school with multi colored streaks that went with my hair color, but were just a bit lighter, redder and darker and it was amazing.
    The red didn't stick at first and I had to get it done again but I think that was the shampoo's fault.
  • cabsycabsy Registered User regular
    Red is one of those colors that is a bit of a bastard. It doesn't stay vibrant very long but it stains forever
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    I'm a little scared of dying my hair because of how pretty the color is already

    I'd like to try others but ehh
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    if my hair was thick enough and could handle bleach without withering up and falling out like straw, it'd be purple

    times like this i remember why i wanna just shave my head and buy wigs
  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    my hair always ends up purple when I try to dye it red.
  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    well, more mulberry.
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    I've often thought of how I'd look with a different hair color
    blonde, mostly
  • KilroyKilroy Seer of Heart Registered User regular
    when I was in high school I used some costume spray stuff to darken my hair once (at my girlfriend's insistence)

    it looked... incredibly stupid

    there's now no way I would ever sully the burnished gold that sits atop my head
    Steam brotimes Xbox Live: DigitalGravitas
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Liiya wrote: »
    That skirt looks fantastic, you've got great legs!

    thank you, i think they're rather shapely under the fuzz. (you cannot see the dirty hippie hair on my legs because my phonecam is crap/rather forgiving.)

    e: i should clarify -- the only thing i actually bought was the skirt, though i'm considering going back for the shoes. they're so bold, though!
    pooka on
    this is the end, my only thread, the end
  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I like the shoes! oh, when I'm in amsterdam we need to look for some really funky boots. I have a cute plain black dress that I suspect might look awesome with some startling footwear.
  • LiiyaLiiya Registered User regular
    My name is Liiya and I approve that handbag.

    For reals, its a great size and lovely bold colour.
  • Goose!Goose! I'm jumpin' IN! Wraaugh!Registered User regular
    Her's broke right at the zipper (the fabric of the zipper ripped from the rest of the bag) and she sent it out for repair and they sent it back saying sorry we can't fix this, here's 40% off your next bag.

    So I paid the difference. Had to be a little dishonest about my usage of the letter to make it a surprise.
  • pookapooka Registered User regular
    tynic wrote: »
    I like the shoes! oh, when I'm in amsterdam we need to look for some really funky boots. I have a cute plain black dress that I suspect might look awesome with some startling footwear.

    i cannot both agree and awesome, so i will agree here. part of why i didn't get those trainers is because i want to buy boots. shoe budget is boot budget, or so i'm telling myself. hopefully there will still be stores clearing stock!
    this is the end, my only thread, the end
  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    ooh I hope so.
    I think I know where there's a pretty weird but large-ish second hand store near the western part of the city.
  • cabsycabsy Registered User regular
    I have a pair of bright red straight leg pants I got for $8 from Kohls on a ridiculous discount and they felt so nice in the store! And they felt so nice walking around in them... and then I sat down to post about how my pants match my earrings and I realized that I have the shortest torso god ever gave a person and these are mid/high rise pants so the waistband is somewhere around ribcage height in the front. To add insult to injury, the crotch is just a little too low. What did I ever do to deserve that kind of torso. At least my plugs are still really cute! I'm wearing these red acrylic roses and I think maybe in the fall when I have disposable income I may order whatever other colors are still available.
  • Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt w o r s h i p c a t g o dRegistered User regular
    Never dyed my hair, and don't really foresee it happenin

    Oh wait I did halfheartedly spray my head with peroxide in high school because I was too scared to commit to dying it, but it just sort of barely oranged the odd spot or two
  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    eh it's just hair. It grows out.

    About the only thing I'm not up for is shaving it completely off, because I suspect I have an unattractive skull shape.
  • Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt w o r s h i p c a t g o dRegistered User regular
    I'm definitely much less of a weenie now than I used to be about my hair

    I was super self-conscious about it starting in my senior year of HS, because that coincided with the start of my soul-crushing acne phase

    Wanted to make sure at least one part of my head looked good

    ....not that it did look good, mind you. This was high school.
  • BeastehBeasteh RIP BIG CHRIZZLERegistered User regular
    if i had money i would buy nice clothes
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    Argh I want to post about how annoyed I am at people flipping their shit over the princess redesign of Merida from Brave

    I just

    I'm not sure how to put it into words

    Eh whatever
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Sheri wrote: »
    Argh I want to post about how annoyed I am at people flipping their shit over the princess redesign of Merida from Brave

    I just

    I'm not sure how to put it into words

    Eh whatever

    the what now?
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    This shit



    I hate the redesign because it's fucking ugly

    Same with ALL OF THE OTHER PRINCESSES that they redesigned

    But I'm not mad because her curls are more stylized or because she's got glitter 'n' shit
  • Lost SalientLost Salient generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance Registered User regular
    None of my students grasp that Merida's name is Merida

    They all call her Brave

    Most of them also seem to possess toy bows and arrows
    "Sandra's favourite movie is escape from new York because she cries when magpie and brain die because they will never be together." HAIL SATAN
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    I'll also point out that the article drives me nuts because it repeatedly refers to that dress as the dress Merida detests, but it's not

    That's this dress
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