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I Want To Be Sophia Loren When I Grow Up [fashion/beauty]



  • KochikensKochikens Lovely-Cuddle-Blanket-Stephen-Fry-Awesomer Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    there is an entire tumblr dedicated to


    women in boots, lets say

    anyways damn these are awesome





    i need new boots
    and pants that look good with boots

    Kochikens on
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    Skinny jeans look good with boots

    Which is probably why I'll never have boots

    (no skinny jeans on my fat butt plz)
  • Muse Among MenMuse Among Men Suburban Bunny Princess? Its time for a new shtickRegistered User regular
    Jasmine is half naked, 15, and seduces the Vizier to give Alladin a chance to get away. Who knows how old Jafar is supposed to be. Ariel is 16 and we see her pretty naked when she gets her legs. Jane gets all felt up by Tarzan. Jessica Rabbit merchandise is easily available and she's got tits for days. I'm not really bothered by any of this.

    Merida's hair also doesn't look smoother. It is called '2d'. While the artwork is bad and the sparkles are stupid the redesign is nice, I think. The whole point of the princess line is that it is more glamorous and extravagant than real life, hence the dresses. Girls want fantasy play so Disney delivers. If girls can buy a bow and arrow set for their doll and if supplementary media featuring Merida casts her in a good light (wanting to be adventurous and independent), then I can't complain. If the Disney princesses are unpalatable then the Disney Fairies are a better option, I've seen some fairies media and it is a lot less regressive and the characters have varied personalities.

    I don't think the idea of redesigning them is bad, really. Art styles and design trends change over time, the Morton Salt Girl has been updated several times. I just think these particular redesigns aren't up to par. But mostly, the artwork isn't that great. Perhaps the designs could look nicer with a different artist, it is kind of hard to look past. Personally, I would like to see Aurora in a blue dress, and Cinderella in her white dress, but that isn't going to change.

    Also: stylized 2d depictions require exaggeration. Waists typically get whittled down and eyes get larger. The picture wont look right if you dont do this.
  • Lost SalientLost Salient generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance Registered User regular
    I loooove Mulan

    Also omg I couldn't figure out who that last one was, that's amazing
    "Sandra's favourite movie is escape from new York because she cries when magpie and brain die because they will never be together." HAIL SATAN
  • Lost SalientLost Salient generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Robin Hood and Lady and the Tramp were my favourites when I was little

    Robin Hood was my first crush, pretty much

    E: So it's like, some life decisions away from me being a furry I guess? I don't know how that works but boy he was a fox IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE
    Lost Salient on
    "Sandra's favourite movie is escape from new York because she cries when magpie and brain die because they will never be together." HAIL SATAN
  • UsagiUsagi Got catz in my zone Ca-catz in my zoneRegistered User regular
    Kochikens wrote: »

    twit | make stuff | GW2: Arithmetock.3459 | a list of wishes | a post of wishes | svpply
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    Kochikens wrote: »


    h e l l o

  • ThatDudeOverThereThatDudeOverThere Ymir owns. He fucking owns!Registered User regular
    @metalbourne re: the end of the last thread

    you just wanted to be able to tell people fucking was your middle name, didn't you?
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Ugh guys now I want tattoos of princesses with tattoos


    EDIT because I've already made too many individual posts:


    Sheri on
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    Sorry y'all I'm off today and just spent all evening looking at Tumblr so here is some princess-inspired fashions


    Most of the other ones are too similar to the original but I like those 2.
  • Muse Among MenMuse Among Men Suburban Bunny Princess? Its time for a new shtickRegistered User regular
    I can't ever forget the ages of the princesses when I see them all sexualized, especially Snow White. She's the youngest!

    Given the success of the Disney Princess line I'm surprised we haven't seen more imitators from other brands. Wouldn't that be nice? Different themes, less regressive etc. I think Monster High is the closest right now, I dig the designs personally, even though their shins kind of creep me out.

    Alternately we could bring Barbie's old character. Anyone ever read vintage Barbie stories? She was really cool. Stories about her raising dogs for the blind and rescuing dolphins and stuff.
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    What a goody two-shoes
  • Muse Among MenMuse Among Men Suburban Bunny Princess? Its time for a new shtickRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Actually let me tell you about some of these Barbie books:


    "Loss and grief are natural parts of life, Kelly"


    "The disabled are able to offer us great insight and companionship, don't be such an ableist dick, Skipper."

    I've read some of the newer Barbie books and the themes they explore are so much more shallow.
    Muse Among Men on
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
  • Muse Among MenMuse Among Men Suburban Bunny Princess? Its time for a new shtickRegistered User regular
    The new Barbie youtube series is cute and she's still enjoyable, just in a more ditsy manner. Older Barbie was the one thing between her friends/family and utter ruin, Kelly was abhorrent. I don't remember why exactly, I just know I hated Kelly once I started reading the books.

    In the Barbie books everyone was orphans or something being raised by the eldest sister, maybe that is why I disliked Kelly so much. Skipper could function without Barbie, maybe, Kelly was just holding Barbie back.
  • StraightziStraightzi Registered User regular
    Today is the day I purchase a white denim blazer

  • MetalbourneMetalbourne Registered User regular
    @metalbourne re: the end of the last thread

    you just wanted to be able to tell people fucking was your middle name, didn't you?

    That really goes without saying...
  • MateyMatey see, look how sad i am now give me your wallet.Registered User regular
    Yo you cats and dogs feelin beautiful tonight?


    Let me know
  • TamTam I hate art I love artRegistered User regular
    @Tam:: sorry i didn't answer you last night! I got home from work/shopping and I passed out almost immediately! I pronounce my middle name "abby-gail" when talking in English, but my Hebrew name is just the Hebrew-ized version of my english name, so that's "Avi-gahl".

  • lostwordslostwords Registered User regular
    Hey, we still talking about Disney princess dresses? Because the clothes on once upon a time have been sensational and shows what Disney dresses would look like on real people, which is to say, ah-mah-zing

    rat.jpg facebook? tumbler? steam/ps3 thingie: lostwords Wishlist! satan here!
  • MateyMatey see, look how sad i am now give me your wallet.Registered User regular
    As if to say fuck you matey I got other plans, before I could seal the deal with shawty shawt I met someone down in fort myers.

    Gonna go spend the weekend with her next week.

    She's got a super fat tabby named Sunny. We're homies for life.

    This has nothing to do with fashion.

  • TamTam I hate art I love artRegistered User regular
    ahoy matey
  • ChicoBlueChicoBlue Registered User regular
    Kochikens, I am very upset that you did not tell me about your sweet tats and modelling career.
  • MateyMatey see, look how sad i am now give me your wallet.Registered User regular
    I figured I'd say what up I'm a horrible e-friend
  • MateyMatey see, look how sad i am now give me your wallet.Registered User regular
    tam tam what it is
  • TamTam I hate art I love artRegistered User regular
    Matey wrote: »
    tam tam what it is

    sittin here
    with a B&M wood tip and a glass of Wild Turkey
  • MateyMatey see, look how sad i am now give me your wallet.Registered User regular
    Then you're livin the American dream my friend
  • TamTam I hate art I love artRegistered User regular
    hell yeah son
    how's you
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava One day, I will be able to say to myself "I am beautiful and I am perfect just the way I am"Registered User regular
    man. B&M wood tips.

    yes I would take a sip of one of those again.

    not a good idea being 3 years quit of smoking, but for a black & mild? yes. yes I think I would.

    @Sheri:: you haven't sold that ombre blanket!?! how? Man, if I didn't know that the shipping costs would murder me dead...

    My Little Corner of the World || I am ravelried! || My Steam!
    You have to fight through some bad days, to earn the best days of your life.
  • MateyMatey see, look how sad i am now give me your wallet.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Tam wrote: »
    hell yeah son
    how's you

    Yo this mustachioed fella by the name of scooby just walked in.

    Dude fucked my friend's wife.

    Can't say I'm too happy with that.
    Matey on
  • TamTam I hate art I love artRegistered User regular
    I quit
    except for immediately following shitty days at work
  • MateyMatey see, look how sad i am now give me your wallet.Registered User regular
    I finally quit smokin cept when I drink.

    I drink a lot though.
  • MateyMatey see, look how sad i am now give me your wallet.Registered User regular
    It is nice not needing a cigarette every 5 seconds though.

    Helped my cardiovascular a lot.
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    man. B&M wood tips.

    yes I would take a sip of one of those again.

    not a good idea being 3 years quit of smoking, but for a black & mild? yes. yes I think I would.

    @Sheri:: you haven't sold that ombre blanket!?! how? Man, if I didn't know that the shipping costs would murder me dead...

    Thanks, hun. It's a pretty pricey product, so I'm not surprised it wasn't snatched up immediately, but still

    Where are you, again?
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    lostwords wrote: »
    Hey, we still talking about Disney princess dresses? Because the clothes on once upon a time have been sensational and shows what Disney dresses would look like on real people, which is to say, ah-mah-zing


    I can't take Once seriously since the very first episode when they called Snow White's Prince "Prince Charming" and I rage quit the show
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava One day, I will be able to say to myself "I am beautiful and I am perfect just the way I am"Registered User regular
    New Zealand.

    So basically i'd need a treasure chest for the blanket.

    I should point some friends your way and be like "hey you looking for wedding present ideas? that blanket. yes. that one. "

    but that would be overly self serving of me, I believe.
    My Little Corner of the World || I am ravelried! || My Steam!
    You have to fight through some bad days, to earn the best days of your life.
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    Put it on your registry! ;)
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava One day, I will be able to say to myself "I am beautiful and I am perfect just the way I am"Registered User regular
    I finished up my hat that I was making for myself the other day.

    it's the lovely tan alpaca that I've been hanging onto that mom sent me.

    now i just gotta weave in the ends and i've got my winter hat! yay!

    or one of them at least, i'm sure I'll start making myself more as the winter rolls along.
    My Little Corner of the World || I am ravelried! || My Steam!
    You have to fight through some bad days, to earn the best days of your life.
  • MrMonroeMrMonroe Registered User regular
    I say this with... ugh, nine years of experience and a roller coaster of how many I smoked going from once or twice on the weekend to a pack and a half a day:

    tobacco is fucking terrible and no one should use it

    I get married in twenty days and I'll have been tobacco free for one year in twenty six days.

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