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I Want To Be Sophia Loren When I Grow Up [fashion/beauty]



  • FishmanFishman scientia potentia est Robot ProvocateurRegistered User regular
    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
  • bowtiedsealbowtiedseal Registered User regular
    Futore wrote: »
    posting a picture and then scrolling up to see that Bits has already selfied on the same page is pretty much:


    So not true! This picture keeps making me crack up, however
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava One day, I will be able to say to myself "I am beautiful and I am perfect just the way I am"Registered User regular
    ohman @Tynic.

    i want your figure.

    That's it. I'm eating nothing but the cucumbers. nothing.

    must. look. like that.
    My Little Corner of the World || I am ravelried! || My Steam!
    You have to fight through some bad days, to earn the best days of your life.
  • smofsmof The meanest dinosaur Registered User regular
    I need a haircut but I keep putting it off because I don't know what to do with it. I kind of want really short hair because I find doing any kind of maintenance on it incredibly tedious. But i dunno if it would just look super weird on me. I think it suits me longer but it's hassle. And it's just really boring and I've had the same hair since I was about 14.

    Ugh, how do people decide these things.
  • PoorochondriacPoorochondriac Registered User regular
    smof wrote: »
    I need a haircut but I keep putting it off because I don't know what to do with it. I kind of want really short hair because I find doing any kind of maintenance on it incredibly tedious. But i dunno if it would just look super weird on me. I think it suits me longer but it's hassle. And it's just really boring and I've had the same hair since I was about 14.

    Ugh, how do people decide these things.

    Magic 8 balls
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    smof wrote: »
    I need a haircut but I keep putting it off because I don't know what to do with it. I kind of want really short hair because I find doing any kind of maintenance on it incredibly tedious. But i dunno if it would just look super weird on me. I think it suits me longer but it's hassle. And it's just really boring and I've had the same hair since I was about 14.

    Ugh, how do people decide these things.

    Short hair takes maintenance!

    It just goes by quicker

    Especially drying
  • FutoreFutore Registered User regular
    @smof if you feel like your hair is boring and you've had it for so long, you should most def change things up. it'll be fun and is a great step towards making yourself fresh and snazzy.

    always makes me feel great and is a great way to revitalize personal interest in your own look, imo
  • smofsmof The meanest dinosaur Registered User regular
    Sheri wrote: »
    smof wrote: »
    I need a haircut but I keep putting it off because I don't know what to do with it. I kind of want really short hair because I find doing any kind of maintenance on it incredibly tedious. But i dunno if it would just look super weird on me. I think it suits me longer but it's hassle. And it's just really boring and I've had the same hair since I was about 14.

    Ugh, how do people decide these things.

    Short hair takes maintenance!

    It just goes by quicker

    Especially drying

    All I do with my hair is wash, dry and brush it, and yeah it's mainly the time thing. I get sooo bored brushing and drying it. It's pretty thick so it takes ages to dry and I inevitably get bored and stop with still partly wet hair every time.

    I feel like I should do something new with it but I have such issues with self image that I can't handle the idea of drawing attention to myself by changing anything.
  • MadEddyMadEddy Registered User regular
    The main thing with short hair, and the main reason I am growing mine out, is you have to keep getting it cut. Like, every two or three weeks for me.
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    MadEddy wrote: »
    The main thing with short hair, and the main reason I am growing mine out, is you have to keep getting it cut. Like, every two or three weeks for me.

    My hair grows super short so it's more like 2 months for me

    But I am way overdue
  • smofsmof The meanest dinosaur Registered User regular
    Hmm, yeah I didn't think of that. Eff that then. Every couple of months is about all I can be bothered with. Guess I will stick with boring hair.
  • MadEddyMadEddy Registered User regular
    Well, there's a middle ground between super short and same ol', same ol'.
  • AbracadanielAbracadaniel Greatest Wizard In All of Ooo. Cantrip!Registered User regular
    I get mine done about every 6 weeks.
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    Sheri wrote: »
    Like, god forbid I confuse Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance but nope no name for Merida beyond BRAVE

    Annnyway. It is totally effin' ugly, that redesign

    I also never got why Cinderella turned so blonde, but whaaatever

    Seriously let me tell you how much I hate the redesigns


    Let me tell you how this hairstyle translates to in-park wigs:

    There is a giant hole in her bun. Like a bullethole.

    It took me a while to put my finger on it, but I don't think it's the design itself. It's that all of the poses are all subtely flirty.
  • SheriSheri Registered User regular
    Eh they've always been kind of like that I think
  • M.D.M.D. and then what happens? Registered User regular
    I'm debating about my hair now too, I might go back to short fade like i've had for years, I let it grow out and now im not sure about it
  • FutoreFutore Registered User regular
    So, my flight was cancelled. Last one out of Billings for the night. And I think I'm overhearing that all their (Alaska air) flights are full booker for tomorrow.

    Dope dope dope dope doooooooope
  • cabsycabsy Registered User regular
    smof wrote: »
    Sheri wrote: »
    smof wrote: »
    I need a haircut but I keep putting it off because I don't know what to do with it. I kind of want really short hair because I find doing any kind of maintenance on it incredibly tedious. But i dunno if it would just look super weird on me. I think it suits me longer but it's hassle. And it's just really boring and I've had the same hair since I was about 14.

    Ugh, how do people decide these things.

    Short hair takes maintenance!

    It just goes by quicker

    Especially drying

    All I do with my hair is wash, dry and brush it, and yeah it's mainly the time thing. I get sooo bored brushing and drying it. It's pretty thick so it takes ages to dry and I inevitably get bored and stop with still partly wet hair every time.

    I feel like I should do something new with it but I have such issues with self image that I can't handle the idea of drawing attention to myself by changing anything.

    If you get it short enough you can have a friend with a steady hand clean it up with trimmers! Honestly mid-short (cheekbones or longer) can go a few months without a cut with much more grace than pixie-short but is still infinitely faster to dry and if you go that way cheaper to dye.
  • AbracadanielAbracadaniel Greatest Wizard In All of Ooo. Cantrip!Registered User regular
    that's a pretty solid and clean men's haircut, and pretty close to how I wear mine these days
  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    I secretly worry that when someone says dapper they don't really mean it, they just think they're being clever. :<
    Play D&D 4e? :: Check out Orokos and upload your Character Builder sheet! :: Orokos Dice Roller
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  • AbracadanielAbracadaniel Greatest Wizard In All of Ooo. Cantrip!Registered User regular
  • FutoreFutore Registered User regular
    I'm more partial to "debonair"

    Because it's always been a running joke in the family to pronounce it "dehboner"
  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    I am using Layrite.
    Play D&D 4e? :: Check out Orokos and upload your Character Builder sheet! :: Orokos Dice Roller
    The PhalLounge :: Chat board for Phalla discussion and Secret Santas :: PhallAX 2013
    Critical Failures IRC! :: #CriticalFailures and #mafia on irc.slashnet.org
  • lonelyahavalonelyahava One day, I will be able to say to myself "I am beautiful and I am perfect just the way I am"Registered User regular

    the sad/good/annoying thing is how insanely soft your hair is. or was. seriously. how you don't have people constantly messing it up just by playing with it is beyond me.

    yes I'm sad I'm not going to pax this year. shut up.
    My Little Corner of the World || I am ravelried! || My Steam!
    You have to fight through some bad days, to earn the best days of your life.
  • skettiosskettios Registered User regular
    I want that cardigan, tynic!
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    i was going to quote n edit that post with a picture of the monolith but mobile isnt accomodating that
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