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I Want To Be Sophia Loren When I Grow Up [fashion/beauty]



  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I mean, not DRUHIM old. But up there.
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    no one is druhim old

    he is from the land before time
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    Hi ladies. Any ideas for cute tops (just to wear with jeans) for ladies with chubby bellies?

    Just until my belly isn't chubby anymore.
  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2013
    anything that hangs from under the boobs will 'hide' your belly while not eliminating curves*
    stuff like eg: http://www.modcloth.com/shop/blouses/road-trip-traveling-top-in-plus-size

    *(the other option is to wear something that hangs from the bust line, but that definitely cuts out curves, personally I think it's more unflattering than just rocking the belly)
    tynic on
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    I agree with Tynic. Some of the stuff that just hangs from the bust can make you look bigger.

    But it's always worth trying something on if you like it. Sometimes things surprise you.
  • UsagiUsagi Got catz in my zone Ca-catz in my zoneRegistered User regular
    Also wrap or faux-wrap tops (like this dress since I can't find a top example)
    twit | make stuff | GW2: Arithmetock.3459 | a list of wishes | a post of wishes | svpply
  • FutoreFutore Registered User regular
    tynic wrote: »
    well, hello.

    wait, fuck, new years res was no cradle-snatching.

  • StareosarusStareosarus Mrs. Lady Smart Hero FloridaRegistered User regular
    Tops that draw the eyes up can help. I like tops that have some sparkle to them, or wearing a necklace that stops around where you want the eyes drawn to.

    Some flowy, empire waist shirts look awesome. Some will make you look even bigger. It's just a matter or trying them on and seeing if it works.

    I also like longer shirts with jeans. Anything that's too short will ride up and show off belly if you have to stretch.
  • DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    I like long shirts too. Hm.
  • bowtiedsealbowtiedseal Registered User regular
    Like @madeddy mentioned earlier in the thread, thank god for shoes

    I went shopping this morning with my mom and felt like a fat cow in everything I tried on, but I got a pair of cute wedges and that made everything better
  • DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    My work friend wants to dress me up for halloween. A corset, riding crop, some kinda skirt, and a hat. Like a burlesque costume I guess. And she wants to do my hair and makeup. I'm apprehensive.

    e: I guess that means I'm gonna have to tuck.
    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
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