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[League of Legends] : Awakening | Latin America servers on their way



  • WhiteSharkWhiteShark Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    actually I'm pretty sure it was just hilarious

    edit: anything will look awkward when taken out of context
    WhiteShark on
  • RiusRius Registered User regular
    Alright, Dignitas is safe! Phew.

    I simultaneously can and cannot envision an NA LCS without CLG. I've never really liked Hotshot, but they've been around so long it'd be a weird weird world without them in the top tier.
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Rius wrote: »
    Alright, Dignitas is safe! Phew.

    I simultaneously can and cannot envision an NA LCS without CLG. I've never really liked Hotshot, but they've been around so long it'd be a weird weird world without them in the top tier.

    Same here. I don't want HotshotGG to win, but I do want Aphromoo to stick around. So I'm kind of torn here.

    Wooooo another Rammus!
    Delphinidaes on
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • RiusRius Registered User regular
    edited May 2013


    :rotate: :rotate: :rotate: :rotate:

    Edit: Ohshit, CLG locked in Nidalee
    Rius on
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Bethryn wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    No. Ryze has to stop moving in order to use spells which makes him an easy target for skittles. His ranges are all below Karthus's defile range. Karthus pushes hard which is difficult for ryze to deal with. Karthus's wall shuts down Ryze's ultimate engagement tools.

    Karthus hard counters him.
    And this is why I say "on paper".

    Any Ryze worth his salt is going to engage Karth from within minions, where Karthus damage is going to be significantly less.

    I also think claiming that Ryze has trouble with "hard pushing" is completely wrong after 6 and second blue. Ryze was a hard enough pusher for M5 to run him regularly as a mid pusher in S2, and nothing has really happened to affect that since then.

    And any Karthus worth his salt won't leave any minions for Ryze to engage with. And any Ryze that blows his ult to push a wave doesn't have his ult to engage for 30 seconds (because he has to use his spells to reduce the cooldown, which is 70 seconds at level 6.

    Karthus has all of the tools to beat Ryze and everything that Ryze is weak against. The lane is Karthus's lane to lose.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Did he say that on stream or something? I've seen him play a lot of champs for the first time in ranked on his stream, but he's godly so he usually wins lane anyway.
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Did he say that on stream or something? I've seen him play a lot of champs for the first time in ranked on his stream, but he's godly so he usually wins lane anyway.

    Yeah he said that in the interview.

    They asked how pro players learn a new champ (In regards to expanding their roster) and he said that he'll often go into bot games to get the mechanics down. He then said when he can go 50-0 in a bot game he figures he's gotten the mechanics down well.

    I doubt he streams those games, and he is probably referring to the fact that it's his first time with a new champ in a real game. Bots are great for mechanics and last hitting but you need real games under your belt to master it. He said it takes him 5-10 normal games to master a champ.
    Delphinidaes on
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Suddenly a surge in co-op vs ai games played.
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    Suddenly a surge in co-op vs ai games played.

    lol most likely.
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    No guys don't tell everyone about Rammus D:
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Is it just my imagination or does Geth take an interest in a lot of my posts...
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Holy shit that Ezreal on Doublelift........
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • übergeekübergeek Registered User regular
    Cats, Rammus isn't really a good pick in most cases, just because Dignitas made it work once does not mean take it twice in a row. Compounding this with a Ryze.....I don't even know.
  • Kevin CristKevin Crist Look at the faces. Listen to the bells. It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.Registered User regular
    I'm surprised there hasn't been any Lissandra picks. Players just not comfortable with her yet?
    Steam: cristke
  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    Dat blind hook.
  • RiusRius Registered User regular
    Chauster with the double boots!
  • SproutSprout Registered User regular
    I'm surprised there hasn't been any Lissandra picks. Players just not comfortable with her yet?

    New champs aren't allowed in LCS the first few weeks they're out. I'm kind of curious about if they're allowing Sej and Trundle, but I doubt we'll find out this week.
  • Kevin CristKevin Crist Look at the faces. Listen to the bells. It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.Registered User regular
    Ah, ok.
    Steam: cristke
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Rius wrote: »

    Hahahaha that game was so much fun!

    Just got out of an ARAM though, It was a tough matchup but we rocked it :D

    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    Naphtali wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    übergeek wrote: »
    So, something I've seen discussed on reddit and reignofgaming and at the lol forums. The problem with only having 8 teams and then casting out some of them for challengers makes it harder for fans that are following because of one specific team. So far complexity is out, MRN disbanded, and Dignitas looks to have a good shot at sticking around, but CLG is probably in trouble. Some guy from Quantic was going over their most recent scrims against TSM, Dignitas, and CLG. They were beating each team by pretty wide margins (W/L, not how far ahead they were eahc game).

    The system currently in place isn't fostering an ability to follow a team since they can be eliminated so early (although if they do get eliminated so early that is mostly their own fault). It just looks like LoL in each region needs more teams. They're fielding 8 of each it looks like when it should be more like 16 each after 3 years. They should have had something better in place before the tier system was in to admit those teams that are now Challenger level or the top of Diamond. Maybe it's just because it feels so spread out across regions, whereas DoTA teams are so numerous and their tourneys are usually fielding 16 teams. TI3 is fielding 13, plus 8 East teams fightng for a spot, same for West, and then a wildcard spot for total of 16. The fact that there's 16 teams that couldn't be invited because of the sheer size of the brackets says something. At the ends of the day 13 of those teams are going home with a possibility of being alternates.

    What do you guys think? The LCS system just feels.....off.

    I agree that they could up the field to 10-12 without it being much of an issue. I think that if Riot was going for a TI3 sort of setup, they could pretty easily fill the sort of bracket that Valve did. Think about it: you've got 8 NA LCS teams, 8 EU LCS teams, plus let's say 3 more LCS-caliber teams in each of those regions; that's 22 teams in the West. Then between Korea, China, and SEA, you could easily get as many teams for an Eastern division. Putting together some sort of mega-tournament wouldn't be too difficult.

    However they're also footing the entire bill for these eight teams, aren't they? Housing, food, travel, etc. Perhaps they did some math and figured out with sponsorships and whatnot they could only afford X teams this season.

    They should allow other leagues to start up. With how insanely popular league is, the numbers it's pulling, they should be able to get at least one online league per region going. Which would let the lower tier teams duke it out, and get something to practice and sponsor exposure in so they can stay sponsored outside the LCS.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Naphtali wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    übergeek wrote: »
    So, something I've seen discussed on reddit and reignofgaming and at the lol forums. The problem with only having 8 teams and then casting out some of them for challengers makes it harder for fans that are following because of one specific team. So far complexity is out, MRN disbanded, and Dignitas looks to have a good shot at sticking around, but CLG is probably in trouble. Some guy from Quantic was going over their most recent scrims against TSM, Dignitas, and CLG. They were beating each team by pretty wide margins (W/L, not how far ahead they were eahc game).

    The system currently in place isn't fostering an ability to follow a team since they can be eliminated so early (although if they do get eliminated so early that is mostly their own fault). It just looks like LoL in each region needs more teams. They're fielding 8 of each it looks like when it should be more like 16 each after 3 years. They should have had something better in place before the tier system was in to admit those teams that are now Challenger level or the top of Diamond. Maybe it's just because it feels so spread out across regions, whereas DoTA teams are so numerous and their tourneys are usually fielding 16 teams. TI3 is fielding 13, plus 8 East teams fightng for a spot, same for West, and then a wildcard spot for total of 16. The fact that there's 16 teams that couldn't be invited because of the sheer size of the brackets says something. At the ends of the day 13 of those teams are going home with a possibility of being alternates.

    What do you guys think? The LCS system just feels.....off.

    I agree that they could up the field to 10-12 without it being much of an issue. I think that if Riot was going for a TI3 sort of setup, they could pretty easily fill the sort of bracket that Valve did. Think about it: you've got 8 NA LCS teams, 8 EU LCS teams, plus let's say 3 more LCS-caliber teams in each of those regions; that's 22 teams in the West. Then between Korea, China, and SEA, you could easily get as many teams for an Eastern division. Putting together some sort of mega-tournament wouldn't be too difficult.

    However they're also footing the entire bill for these eight teams, aren't they? Housing, food, travel, etc. Perhaps they did some math and figured out with sponsorships and whatnot they could only afford X teams this season.

    They should allow other leagues to start up. With how insanely popular league is, the numbers it's pulling, they should be able to get at least one online league per region going. Which would let the lower tier teams duke it out, and get something to practice and sponsor exposure in so they can stay sponsored outside the LCS.

    I would imagine they may do that eventually but I think it's a good idea to keep it centralized for now until it gets even bigger and they can afford to split it out a bit.
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Watching these Rammus games, I thought Rammus always wanted to buy spirit stone, but they keep buying madred's? I guess the madred's clear would be slightly faster, but I don't see the value, really.
  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    Watching these Rammus games, I thought Rammus always wanted to buy spirit stone, but they keep buying madred's? I guess the madred's clear would be slightly faster, but I don't see the value, really.

    Spirit Stone is only good on people who are already good at clearing the jungle. Tanks like Mao'kai, Nautilus, Shen, and Rammus have absolutely abysmal clear times, and Madred's is infinitely more useful.
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Naphtali wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    übergeek wrote: »
    So, something I've seen discussed on reddit and reignofgaming and at the lol forums. The problem with only having 8 teams and then casting out some of them for challengers makes it harder for fans that are following because of one specific team. So far complexity is out, MRN disbanded, and Dignitas looks to have a good shot at sticking around, but CLG is probably in trouble. Some guy from Quantic was going over their most recent scrims against TSM, Dignitas, and CLG. They were beating each team by pretty wide margins (W/L, not how far ahead they were eahc game).

    The system currently in place isn't fostering an ability to follow a team since they can be eliminated so early (although if they do get eliminated so early that is mostly their own fault). It just looks like LoL in each region needs more teams. They're fielding 8 of each it looks like when it should be more like 16 each after 3 years. They should have had something better in place before the tier system was in to admit those teams that are now Challenger level or the top of Diamond. Maybe it's just because it feels so spread out across regions, whereas DoTA teams are so numerous and their tourneys are usually fielding 16 teams. TI3 is fielding 13, plus 8 East teams fightng for a spot, same for West, and then a wildcard spot for total of 16. The fact that there's 16 teams that couldn't be invited because of the sheer size of the brackets says something. At the ends of the day 13 of those teams are going home with a possibility of being alternates.

    What do you guys think? The LCS system just feels.....off.

    I agree that they could up the field to 10-12 without it being much of an issue. I think that if Riot was going for a TI3 sort of setup, they could pretty easily fill the sort of bracket that Valve did. Think about it: you've got 8 NA LCS teams, 8 EU LCS teams, plus let's say 3 more LCS-caliber teams in each of those regions; that's 22 teams in the West. Then between Korea, China, and SEA, you could easily get as many teams for an Eastern division. Putting together some sort of mega-tournament wouldn't be too difficult.

    However they're also footing the entire bill for these eight teams, aren't they? Housing, food, travel, etc. Perhaps they did some math and figured out with sponsorships and whatnot they could only afford X teams this season.

    They should allow other leagues to start up. With how insanely popular league is, the numbers it's pulling, they should be able to get at least one online league per region going. Which would let the lower tier teams duke it out, and get something to practice and sponsor exposure in so they can stay sponsored outside the LCS.

    I would imagine they may do that eventually but I think it's a good idea to keep it centralized for now until it gets even bigger and they can afford to split it out a bit.

    They should let notriot people run more tournaments, as far as I know valve only runs The International, the multiple other tournaments are other people. I might have misunderstood it though. The way I understand it Riot are very much control freaks about the competitive element, which is making it *really* hard for teams to form and keep up unless they are in the LCS. 2 teams disbanded when they dropped out this time around, right? I might have missed something though, but league should be getting more stuff going on, considering the numbers it gets.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Naphtali wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    übergeek wrote: »
    So, something I've seen discussed on reddit and reignofgaming and at the lol forums. The problem with only having 8 teams and then casting out some of them for challengers makes it harder for fans that are following because of one specific team. So far complexity is out, MRN disbanded, and Dignitas looks to have a good shot at sticking around, but CLG is probably in trouble. Some guy from Quantic was going over their most recent scrims against TSM, Dignitas, and CLG. They were beating each team by pretty wide margins (W/L, not how far ahead they were eahc game).

    The system currently in place isn't fostering an ability to follow a team since they can be eliminated so early (although if they do get eliminated so early that is mostly their own fault). It just looks like LoL in each region needs more teams. They're fielding 8 of each it looks like when it should be more like 16 each after 3 years. They should have had something better in place before the tier system was in to admit those teams that are now Challenger level or the top of Diamond. Maybe it's just because it feels so spread out across regions, whereas DoTA teams are so numerous and their tourneys are usually fielding 16 teams. TI3 is fielding 13, plus 8 East teams fightng for a spot, same for West, and then a wildcard spot for total of 16. The fact that there's 16 teams that couldn't be invited because of the sheer size of the brackets says something. At the ends of the day 13 of those teams are going home with a possibility of being alternates.

    What do you guys think? The LCS system just feels.....off.

    I agree that they could up the field to 10-12 without it being much of an issue. I think that if Riot was going for a TI3 sort of setup, they could pretty easily fill the sort of bracket that Valve did. Think about it: you've got 8 NA LCS teams, 8 EU LCS teams, plus let's say 3 more LCS-caliber teams in each of those regions; that's 22 teams in the West. Then between Korea, China, and SEA, you could easily get as many teams for an Eastern division. Putting together some sort of mega-tournament wouldn't be too difficult.

    However they're also footing the entire bill for these eight teams, aren't they? Housing, food, travel, etc. Perhaps they did some math and figured out with sponsorships and whatnot they could only afford X teams this season.

    They should allow other leagues to start up. With how insanely popular league is, the numbers it's pulling, they should be able to get at least one online league per region going. Which would let the lower tier teams duke it out, and get something to practice and sponsor exposure in so they can stay sponsored outside the LCS.

    I would imagine they may do that eventually but I think it's a good idea to keep it centralized for now until it gets even bigger and they can afford to split it out a bit.

    They should let notriot people run more tournaments, as far as I know valve only runs The International, the multiple other tournaments are other people. I might have misunderstood it though. The way I understand it Riot are very much control freaks about the competitive element, which is making it *really* hard for teams to form and keep up unless they are in the LCS. 2 teams disbanded when they dropped out this time around, right? I might have missed something though, but league should be getting more stuff going on, considering the numbers it gets.

    Yes but they need to make sure that their tournament is the big event and that it will get enough viewing before they split into smaller leagues. I would imagine once they get to that point you may see smaller leagues being created, but not until it can be assured that the main league will stay strong. It would be idiotic to fragment without insuring that first.
    Delphinidaes on
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • WhiteSharkWhiteShark Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Sprout wrote: »
    I'm surprised there hasn't been any Lissandra picks. Players just not comfortable with her yet?

    New champs aren't allowed in LCS the first few weeks they're out. I'm kind of curious about if they're allowing Sej and Trundle, but I doubt we'll find out this week.

    it's not that they're not allowed but that they're a patch behind, I believe
    WhiteShark on
  • übergeekübergeek Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    Watching these Rammus games, I thought Rammus always wanted to buy spirit stone, but they keep buying madred's? I guess the madred's clear would be slightly faster, but I don't see the value, really.

    Spirit Stone is only good on people who are already good at clearing the jungle. Tanks like Mao'kai, Nautilus, Shen, and Rammus have absolutely abysmal clear times, and Madred's is infinitely more useful.

    Except as they stated during the Dignitas game, Rammus wants health, so Ancient Golem is the better way to go more often then a madreds you aren't going to fully upgrade. Most of the probuilds players are going Golem and Boots 5, forgoing any of the armor bonus until after in the build. This of course assume you aren't getting outright destroyed like TS and Cats are because it's so easy to put him behind.
    übergeek on
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Naphtali wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    übergeek wrote: »
    So, something I've seen discussed on reddit and reignofgaming and at the lol forums. The problem with only having 8 teams and then casting out some of them for challengers makes it harder for fans that are following because of one specific team. So far complexity is out, MRN disbanded, and Dignitas looks to have a good shot at sticking around, but CLG is probably in trouble. Some guy from Quantic was going over their most recent scrims against TSM, Dignitas, and CLG. They were beating each team by pretty wide margins (W/L, not how far ahead they were eahc game).

    The system currently in place isn't fostering an ability to follow a team since they can be eliminated so early (although if they do get eliminated so early that is mostly their own fault). It just looks like LoL in each region needs more teams. They're fielding 8 of each it looks like when it should be more like 16 each after 3 years. They should have had something better in place before the tier system was in to admit those teams that are now Challenger level or the top of Diamond. Maybe it's just because it feels so spread out across regions, whereas DoTA teams are so numerous and their tourneys are usually fielding 16 teams. TI3 is fielding 13, plus 8 East teams fightng for a spot, same for West, and then a wildcard spot for total of 16. The fact that there's 16 teams that couldn't be invited because of the sheer size of the brackets says something. At the ends of the day 13 of those teams are going home with a possibility of being alternates.

    What do you guys think? The LCS system just feels.....off.

    I agree that they could up the field to 10-12 without it being much of an issue. I think that if Riot was going for a TI3 sort of setup, they could pretty easily fill the sort of bracket that Valve did. Think about it: you've got 8 NA LCS teams, 8 EU LCS teams, plus let's say 3 more LCS-caliber teams in each of those regions; that's 22 teams in the West. Then between Korea, China, and SEA, you could easily get as many teams for an Eastern division. Putting together some sort of mega-tournament wouldn't be too difficult.

    However they're also footing the entire bill for these eight teams, aren't they? Housing, food, travel, etc. Perhaps they did some math and figured out with sponsorships and whatnot they could only afford X teams this season.

    They should allow other leagues to start up. With how insanely popular league is, the numbers it's pulling, they should be able to get at least one online league per region going. Which would let the lower tier teams duke it out, and get something to practice and sponsor exposure in so they can stay sponsored outside the LCS.

    I would imagine they may do that eventually but I think it's a good idea to keep it centralized for now until it gets even bigger and they can afford to split it out a bit.

    They should let notriot people run more tournaments, as far as I know valve only runs The International, the multiple other tournaments are other people. I might have misunderstood it though. The way I understand it Riot are very much control freaks about the competitive element, which is making it *really* hard for teams to form and keep up unless they are in the LCS. 2 teams disbanded when they dropped out this time around, right? I might have missed something though, but league should be getting more stuff going on, considering the numbers it gets.

    Yes but they need to make sure that their tournament is the big event and that it will get enough viewing before they split into smaller leagues. I would imagine once they get to that point you may see smaller leagues being created, but not until it can be assured that the main league will stay strong. It would be idiotic to fragment without assuring that first.

    I'd say riot paying actual salaries, as well as the rather impressive pricepools would keep the LCS as the premier tournament.

    It is a good point though, just hope they release it within a few months at least. LCS should be cemented as the most important event by now, and having a bigger scene could only lead to good things.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • SproutSprout Registered User regular
    WhiteShark wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    I'm surprised there hasn't been any Lissandra picks. Players just not comfortable with her yet?

    New champs aren't allowed in LCS the first few weeks they're out. I'm kind of curious about if they're allowing Sej and Trundle, but I doubt we'll find out this week.

    it's not that they're not aloud but that they're a patch behind, I believe

    No, they're on the Freljord patch (you can tell from Nunu's splash art).
  • Moridin889Moridin889 Registered User regular
    Aphromoo for mvp. Wow game one keeps zed shut down to no assists and no kills. Game two all of the hooks. Cant wait for game 3.
  • SproutSprout Registered User regular
    Moridin889 wrote: »
    Aphromoo for mvp. Wow game one keeps zed shut down to no assists and no kills. Game two all of the hooks. Cant wait for game 3.

    And now he's decided to get MANLY on us.
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    Watching these Rammus games, I thought Rammus always wanted to buy spirit stone, but they keep buying madred's? I guess the madred's clear would be slightly faster, but I don't see the value, really.
    Spirit Stone is only good on people who are already good at clearing the jungle. Tanks like Mao'kai, Nautilus, Shen, and Rammus have absolutely abysmal clear times, and Madred's is infinitely more useful.
    Calling their clear "abysmal" is a huge overstatement in S3, except maybe for Shen but he wasn't going to buy spirit stone anyway because of the mana regen. And spirit stone turns into ancient golem and gives Rammus some sustain. Madred's just sits there.

    But I do love how the commentators keep talking about the color of the items Ezreal buys.
    Coinage on
  • übergeekübergeek Registered User regular
    Sprout wrote: »
    WhiteShark wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    I'm surprised there hasn't been any Lissandra picks. Players just not comfortable with her yet?

    New champs aren't allowed in LCS the first few weeks they're out. I'm kind of curious about if they're allowing Sej and Trundle, but I doubt we'll find out this week.

    it's not that they're not aloud but that they're a patch behind, I believe

    No, they're on the Freljord patch (you can tell from Nunu's splash art).

    They've probably got Liss, Sej and Trundle disallowed then. Since Trundle and Sej are much stronger picks now and no one is bothering with them.
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    übergeek wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    WhiteShark wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    I'm surprised there hasn't been any Lissandra picks. Players just not comfortable with her yet?

    New champs aren't allowed in LCS the first few weeks they're out. I'm kind of curious about if they're allowing Sej and Trundle, but I doubt we'll find out this week.

    it's not that they're not aloud but that they're a patch behind, I believe

    No, they're on the Freljord patch (you can tell from Nunu's splash art).

    They've probably got Liss, Sej and Trundle disallowed then. Since Trundle and Sej are much stronger picks now and no one is bothering with them.

    Even if they weren't disabled (not sure if they are) It's a bit risky to go for untested champs in a series as important as this. Much better to go for known variables.
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Even if they weren't disabled (not sure if they are) It's a bit risky to go for untested champs in a series as important as this. Much better to go for known variables.
    Yeah there's nothing the pros hate more than risk. So we get the low risk high reward champions like Shen and Ezreal every damn game :/
  • übergeekübergeek Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    übergeek wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    WhiteShark wrote: »
    Sprout wrote: »
    I'm surprised there hasn't been any Lissandra picks. Players just not comfortable with her yet?

    New champs aren't allowed in LCS the first few weeks they're out. I'm kind of curious about if they're allowing Sej and Trundle, but I doubt we'll find out this week.

    it's not that they're not aloud but that they're a patch behind, I believe

    No, they're on the Freljord patch (you can tell from Nunu's splash art).

    They've probably got Liss, Sej and Trundle disallowed then. Since Trundle and Sej are much stronger picks now and no one is bothering with them.

    Even if they weren't disabled (not sure if they are) It's a bit risky to go for untested champs in a series as important as this. Much better to go for known variables.

    Going Sej over Rammus would have only been an improvement today, except that 1 game Dignitas built around Rammus.
    übergeek on
  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    übergeek wrote: »
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    Watching these Rammus games, I thought Rammus always wanted to buy spirit stone, but they keep buying madred's? I guess the madred's clear would be slightly faster, but I don't see the value, really.

    Spirit Stone is only good on people who are already good at clearing the jungle. Tanks like Mao'kai, Nautilus, Shen, and Rammus have absolutely abysmal clear times, and Madred's is infinitely more useful.

    Except as they stated during the Dignitas game, Rammus wants health, so Ancient Golem is the better way to go more often then a madreds you aren't going to fully upgrade. Most of the probuilds players are going Golem and Boots 5, forgoing any of the armor bonus until after in the build. This of course assume you aren't getting outright destroyed like TS and Cats are because it's so easy to put him behind.

    Madred's costs 400 gold. Spirit Stone costs 400 gold. SS, however, locks you into buying Golem when Tenacity doesn't do anything for Rammus.

    No one fully upgrades Madred's, unless you have an AS steroid and you get an early kill.

    Coinage wrote: »
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    Watching these Rammus games, I thought Rammus always wanted to buy spirit stone, but they keep buying madred's? I guess the madred's clear would be slightly faster, but I don't see the value, really.
    Spirit Stone is only good on people who are already good at clearing the jungle. Tanks like Mao'kai, Nautilus, Shen, and Rammus have absolutely abysmal clear times, and Madred's is infinitely more useful.
    Calling their clear "abysmal" is a huge overstatement in S3, except maybe for Shen but he wasn't going to buy spirit stone anyway because of the mana regen. And spirit stone turns into ancient golem and gives Rammus some sustain. Madred's just sits there.

    You only need sustain on Rammus if you're just flat out spamming all your spells, which you'd only do if you don't have a Madred's. Madreds Rammus walks up to creeps, hits W, and goes to the next camp.

    I honestly can't think of a situation where Rammus would run out of mana without either himself or the enemy team being dead.
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Coinage wrote: »
    Even if they weren't disabled (not sure if they are) It's a bit risky to go for untested champs in a series as important as this. Much better to go for known variables.
    Yeah there's nothing the pros hate more than risk. So we get the low risk high reward champions like Shen and Ezreal every damn game :/

    Well yeah but it will always be that way outside of certain specific team comps. There is money and position on the line so they have to carefully weigh the riskier picks, that being said we still see a pretty varied lineup because the champion balance is pretty well done so there aren't TOO many of those types of champs.

    But yeah there will always be those popular safe picks.
    Delphinidaes on
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    Teams ran trundle in the games yesterday. I'm sure they are allowed, I just doubt anyone is comfortable enough to play them or practiced them as part of a team comp.

    Which leads to my soloq complaint. People pick "pro" champs without realizing the pros pick based on their team comp, not just whatever they feel like playing. Arg.
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