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  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular

    All are super satisfying for me because they have this thing of 'ha, I did no damage, and you still lost because I CONTROL YOU PUPPETS'
  • RamiRami Registered User regular
    Zyra. Once I get liandry's torment I take immense pleasure in the amount of damage my enemies take from my flower poke.

    Special mention for Morgana's troll shield. If the enemy team has a blitzcrank/alistair/nautilus for a jungle then all the better. I never, never get tired of casually strolling away from the middle of the lane towards my tower while some Blitzcrank comes huffing and puffing towards me at a full sprint only to land a hook that does absolutely nothing. Bonus points when they get close enough that I bind them within tower range.
    Steam / Xbox Live: WSDX 3DS FC: 2637-9461-8549
  • Feels Good ManFeels Good Man Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Who's everyone's most satisfying champion to play?
    Rengar and TF for me.
    new TF's cards are hella fun to lock in

    Katarina, hands down. The sharp dagger noises, the all-in ult, the reset on kills. So good.

    this is from reddit but it is relevant and i think your point about her sound effects is spot on and this video shows that


    edit: For me, it's a couple champs per role really, and sound effects are a big part, but my favorite/most satisfying are definitely...

    Twisted Fate: locking in that gold card, feeling their panic when you ult, his voice acting
    Swain: CAWCAW
    Jayce: Landing that shock combo and chunking/murdering some poor nerd
    Zed: that sound that death mark makes when it explodes an AD carry, spamming his laugh
    Kha'Zix: (specificially, mecha skin) the SHIIING from his Q, his combo of jumping on a nerd while simultaneously shooting missiles and Qing when you land, "I have evolved beyond jokes. I am now a robot. Beep boop."
    Thresh: the chain sound when you land a hook, riding over to someone with or without someone in tow from the lantern, the maniacal cackles when you put someone in the box

    Feels Good Man on
  • VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    Renekton. Something about being a crocodile that cannot be harassed out of land is awesome.
    League of Legends:Varega
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Jayce is the most satisfying champion, especially in the full metal skin.

    Sometimes I catch myself getting really engrossed in the fantasy of the character. The thrill of dodging skillshots and firing back shock gate combos, laying down hyper charge fire, swapping into melee form with it's satisfying animations, sprinting around with the speed boost and wailing on someone with a hammer only to disengage by swinging for the fences.

    I'd play him every game if I could but my playing Jayce is like other people playing Kassadin so I don't.
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    Syndra, Zyra and Malz are incredibly satisfying to me. They just make people melt. Syndra in particular has a nice feeling of getting increasingly powerful throughout the game.

    Janna's also pretty satisfying due to how easily she can keep the rest of her team on a leash.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    Oh man how did I forget about Vi?

    Charging into people, the triple stack attack that ends with a really satisfying punch, and playing Neon Strike Vi makes her ult especially satisfying. Top lane runs away, and the red line that comes up when you ult them along with Vi laffing at her victim must be so frustrating. :3
  • CyrenicCyrenic Registered User regular
    So Megazero did an AMA shortly after Team Marn disbanded, and hinted he has already been picked up by another LCS team. Anyone got speculation or rumors on where he's going?

    He mentioned he'd play whatever position the team needed, so there's a lot of possible places he'd go. I wouldn't be surprised to see him play somewhere very different such as support for Curse.

    I've really enjoyed watching Megazero play this season so it'll be interesting to see where he ends up.
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    You know how you can get so into a book you completely lose track of time or anything around you?

    That is me on Jayce. It's like don't even bother talking to me I'm gone.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Honestly a well done audio cue on an ability will always endear that champ to me. Lissandra's "Entomb!". Katarina's smug remarks after ulting ("Next time? Run." and "Unmatched.") Fiora's sneering "Too slow." or "Try again." Vi's taunts when she ults. And, of course, everything Lulu says. "Skippy!" "Up we go!" "Cuddly incoming!"
    Dread Pirate Arbuthnot on
  • BethrynBethryn Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I still feel like Jayce's melee form E should never have been put on his kit.
    Bethryn on
  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    Jayce is pretty stupid design, along with the other melee/ranged champions (Nid/Elise). As a melee champion, you have to work to avoid/heal through the ranged poke/damage they deliver. If you actually can get into range with them, they are either flat out superior in melee range or they can just deal damage to you and disengage for free.

    And really, does a champion that can be ranged/melee pretty much at-will need a melee gap closer move as well?
  • evilthecatevilthecat Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Talith wrote: »
    You know how you can get so into a book you completely lose track of time or anything around you?

    That is me on Jayce. It's like don't even bother talking to me I'm gone.


    evilthecat on
  • NaphtaliNaphtali Registered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    You know how you can get so into a book you completely lose track of time or anything around you?

    That is me on Jayce. It's like don't even bother talking to me I'm gone.

    Is that how PECS won so many DD tournaments in a row? ;)
    Naphtalí SE++ WoW | Steam | B.net Tag: Naphtali#1830 | LoL: El Naphtali | Wish List
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Naphtali wrote: »
    Talith wrote: »
    You know how you can get so into a book you completely lose track of time or anything around you?

    That is me on Jayce. It's like don't even bother talking to me I'm gone.

    Is that how PECS won so many DD tournaments in a row? ;)

    Well they had the advantage of my not participating for a few months, being unable to field a full team. :3

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Honestly a well done audio cue on an ability will always endear that champ to me. Lissandra's "Entomb!". Katarina's smug remarks after ulting ("Next time? Run." and "Unmatched.") Fiora's sneering "Too slow." or "Try again." Vi's taunts when she ults. And, of course, everything Lulu says. "Skippy!" "Up we go!" "Cuddly incoming!"

    Some of your other favorites may include:

    "Mundo too strong for you!"
    "Tremble at my roar!"
    "Monsters can be made to fear."
    Joshmvii on
  • AustralopitenicoAustralopitenico Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    For me the most satisfying champions have to be:

    Volibear, because you can charge into sticky situations like you don' give a fuck and come out on top, and because it's great to feel the fear in your enemies when you drop on all fours. They know that shit is going down, and that someone is going to be marked for death by 5-man pileup.

    Vi. Just...punching people al day erry day. The voice acting, the Jack-like attitude, charging out from a bush, landing a one-two and seeing the enemy at half health run and despair. But he can't run HE CAN'T RUN BECAUSE YOU HAVE YOUR ULTI UP AND THEY GONNA GET DUNKED.

    Cho'Gath because when you get stacked you just park your huge ass in midlane with the gentleman skin and dare people to come at you, bro. Also bursting forth from the bushes like a huge t-rex, lifting every one op, shutting down their escape spells and eating one of them right away. And YOU JUST STARTED.

    And finally Ashe, because arrows, and because what you call "recalling to your base at low health" I call "juicy stationary target".
    Australopitenico on
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Gentleman Cho has some of the best one liners with his abilities.




  • DrDreidelDrDreidel Registered User regular
    I just bought Jayce and top is my worst lane. Teach me the ways, Talith.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    DrDreidel wrote: »
    I just bought Jayce and top is my worst lane. Teach me the ways, Talith.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQHI8uWSKF0 Kinda this.
  • DrDreidelDrDreidel Registered User regular
    DrDreidel wrote: »
    I just bought Jayce and top is my worst lane. Teach me the ways, Talith.

    Q+E, /dance. Got it.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    He's up there with Volibear in top tier dances for taunting.

    Volibear still has the best dance to taunt with though, he's like, S tier dancer.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    What are your least satisfying champions?

    Mine is Janna, although I fully acknowledge that it's because I suck with her. Her tornado takes forever to wind up and feels like it hits like a wiffle bat, her ult just has a weak little twinkle sound, and her shield is great but I wish it had some audio cue or something.

    Vladimir. I find his laning phase really boring and in team fights you spend way too much time either waiting for your ult's effect to tick down or to come out of pool.

    Shyvana, I feel that she doesn't have much to do when she's actually wading into the middle of the enemy team, her ult doesn't have a satisfying feel to it, and jungling with her can be a bit painful when your lanes need ganks but all you can do is run at them from the river and pray they are blind.

    Corki feels absolutely awful compared to the other AD carries.

    Jarvan IV feels clunky and slow.

  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    Shaco has the best taunt-dance.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    The reworked trundle dance is awesome.

    Bitter-sweet Lulu is my favorite champion/skin combo in terms of satisfying. Then mecha kha'zix, and last but not least full metal Rammus, the ult and powerball sounds are So satisfying.

    Least satifying Soraka, just meh all round sounds.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • CyrenicCyrenic Registered User regular
    DrDreidel wrote: »
    I just bought Jayce and top is my worst lane. Teach me the ways, Talith.

    Play him mid or bot and build him like an ADC. Be sure to buy an Infinity Edge.
  • wazillawazilla Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Lee Sin is my most satisfying champion to play. When it's going well, it goes really well.

    coming out of the jungle 2 levels below enemy Ahri in mid and dodging all of the skill shots is awesome.

    Getting rolling and buying a sightstone to zip around the map is hilarious as well.

    Least satisfying champion is also Lee Sin, because if you don't get successful early ganks you are useless and stupid and dumb and should feel bad
    wazilla on
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Bethryn wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    No. Ryze has to stop moving in order to use spells which makes him an easy target for skittles. His ranges are all below Karthus's defile range. Karthus pushes hard which is difficult for ryze to deal with. Karthus's wall shuts down Ryze's ultimate engagement tools.

    Karthus hard counters him.
    And this is why I say "on paper".

    Any Ryze worth his salt is going to engage Karth from within minions, where Karthus damage is going to be significantly less.

    I also think claiming that Ryze has trouble with "hard pushing" is completely wrong after 6 and second blue. Ryze was a hard enough pusher for M5 to run him regularly as a mid pusher in S2, and nothing has really happened to affect that since then.

    Any karthus worth his salt has all the minions cleared so ryze's can't initiate and so has his own wave to shove into ryze and
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Fairly sure corki could make the blue build work as well once he hits level 6.

    His rockets don't proc anything so probably not. He can't poke or kite as hard as ezreal

  • pyromaniac221pyromaniac221 Registered User regular
    i cannot tell you how many times in the past two weeks that i've had an ezreal on my team who dies once or twice in lane and falls behind and STILL tries that FUCKING BLUE BUILD

    and the worst thing is that they always try to all-in with it. it's not a carry build! you can't get in the mix because you don't do any damage! stop doing that!
  • chocolovechocolove Registered User regular
    My most satisfying champions to play has to be Lulu- hitting wild growth on a teammate just before he goes down and seeing him picking up a kill or two right after is a great feeling, Janna- pretty much same reason as lulu, denying the enemy a kill with a well timed shield or tornado, and Twitch- spray and pray and watching health bars melt :D
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    mmm free elise week, time to get my spider on

    I just can't stop winning TT games, it's a weird feeling. I'm not even carrying most of the time. I feel like the matchmaker is setting me up for a week of losses.
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    Honestly a well done audio cue on an ability will always endear that champ to me. Lissandra's "Entomb!". Katarina's smug remarks after ulting ("Next time? Run." and "Unmatched.") Fiora's sneering "Too slow." or "Try again." Vi's taunts when she ults. And, of course, everything Lulu says. "Skippy!" "Up we go!" "Cuddly incoming!"

    This is 100% true
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    Ziggs is my most satisfying champion


    I spam his laugh in ARAM.

    It is the best thing.
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • DaemonSadiDaemonSadi Registered User regular
    For some reason I only yesterday realized how great it is to set one of my extra mouse buttons up with a macro for laughing. So now i can just click click away and never stop laughing without interrupting my play.
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Let me tell you about this game called League of Legends.

    I'm at 98 LP. Ready to make it to my silver promotion series. Two wins in a row. Going for the third. Game is going great in bot leona and i'm Leona.

    Then suddenly out of nowhere my team is down 12 kills. We barely manage to stalemate a fight at baron and they've got our inhib down. Our ADC is raging at every single person and screaming about how shitty it is he is stuck with bronze players or saying "X is why you are stuck in bronze noobs".

    but somehow. through tenacity and the blessing of the suns radiant light we manage to pull off the win. The final score we were actually down 5 kills. I am finally going to do my promotion matches and try to get the hell out of bronze.

    riot pls
    DasUberEdward on
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • Joe KJoe K Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    His rockets don't proc anything so probably not. He can't poke or kite as hard as ezreal

    It works really well on Corki. The True Damage tick procs on everything that Corki has, and his Ult procs the FF/Sheen for the AOE slow on next auto.

    It is not a right click and win build, it's a spam abilities and kite the ever living hell out of everyone.

    I'm not sure if there's another adc outside of Corki and Ez that it's good on, cooldowns are too high on everything else to get getting the FF procs.

    It is slightly weaker on Corki because he has all AOE abilities, so Muramana only procs on AA, whereas Ez gets his AA, Q and E.
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Did something happen in the last 2 months that I stopped playing SR to make Vayne counter Cait?

    Because jesus fuck this cait i just played with saying that and refusing to do anything
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