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[League of Legends] : Awakening | Latin America servers on their way



  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Yeah, but Wins and losses abstractly don't give that much info. Was team A matched into games the system thought it should win? Were all of team B's losses as a result of being matched into a team the match maker expected it too lose?

    It doesn't just give flat amounts for a win or loss.
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I see a big difference between bronze and anyone silver III and up.

    It only takes one deserved silver II or higher to wipe out an entire team of middling bronzes if they play ADC, mid or top.

    Even when doing my placements I could accurately guess whether they were bronze, silver or golds on either team. If you cant see the difference between them, then maybe that is a good place to start looking. Because there is differences, quite a bit. It's in all the little things.

    Like, for instance: I was just in a game playing as Sejuani. It's going reasonably back and forth. We get into a fight near purple side wraith, they run up towards the red. Warwick trailing behind, Darius and Annie out front.

    Ult is up. What do I do? Usually I'd just throw it as Warwick. Get that stun, victory. Except it'd miss Annie and Darius, who are the ones we want dead so we can push mid. So I pig hop over the red wall and toss it blind into the brush I knew they ran into and all 3 of them hit the slow field and the rest of the team caught up and murdered them.

    Neither would have been a particularly bad choice, but playing against gold and silvers, the second one was the 'better' choice because it allowed for a better play and more important secured kills.

    I would have never even considered using her Q to hop the wall to get a better shot with my ult back before I seriously started watching my replays and looking for things like this.

    I guess the difference between high bronze and low silver is learning the difference between making a good/bad decision and making a good/better decision. Because you should really be trying to unlearn all your 'bad' decisions before you really get into silver. Because people are just good enough to be rough but not quite good enough to cover for each other at that point.
    chocobolicious on
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    Yeah, but Wins and losses abstractly don't give that much info. Was team A matched into games the system thought it should win? Were all of team B's losses as a result of being matched into a team the match maker expected it too lose?

    It doesn't just give flat amounts for a win or loss.

    True. I haven't been factoring that into my assessment. I think if I could see if I was predicted to win or lose a match this would make more sense to me. But because that is hidden it just feels like random numbers and random teams and waiting for all of the randoms to line up.
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • Joe KJoe K Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    what build is this?

    THe "blue" build or the Kite Lord Ezreal build.

    tear->lizard->manamune->icebourn gauntlets, i guess you pick up a botrk in there somewhere as well.

    I thinhk that it's best on Ez, then prbly Corki, but I think that Urgot with Muramana powered Q's would be absolutely evil.
  • TheExAmTheExAm Gerrymandered your districts Registered User regular
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    TheExAm wrote: »
    Tanks are rather good on ARAM

    2 tanks 2 carryous

    Soraka ditched us early.

    That Kha'zix build hurts my soul, in fact apart of my brain wants to black out this image so I don't have to remember his summoners and build.
    He didn't even build a tear! I mean, come on. You kind of need that since there's no blue on ARAM. Even outside ARAM it's hard to play khaz without one.

    Also, AP Kog for president
    BF3/PS2/MWO/Hawken: CabbageOfDiscord | Minecraft: BrotherCabbage
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, but Wins and losses abstractly don't give that much info. Was team A matched into games the system thought it should win? Were all of team B's losses as a result of being matched into a team the match maker expected it too lose?

    It doesn't just give flat amounts for a win or loss.

    True. I haven't been factoring that into my assessment. I think if I could see if I was predicted to win or lose a match this would make more sense to me. But because that is hidden it just feels like random numbers and random teams and waiting for all of the randoms to line up.

    The best idea is just to forget about what league you're in and work on improving as a player. As I said before in this thread, go ahead and record your games and post them here, or PM them to people you think could help you improve. Watch them yourself learn to become better. IF you want to get better at this game you can't just play for the sake of playing. If you play to improve all the time you will advance leagues automatically with out seeing leagues as a goal, they're just a current cosmetic display of where you are right now in terms of skill. I find this has made my ranked games much less stressful and more about improving my play.

    I think a lot of people right now are thinking: 'I am totally a gold player if I play i'll just get there'. Which is honestly the worst attitude to take.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Yeah, but Wins and losses abstractly don't give that much info. Was team A matched into games the system thought it should win? Were all of team B's losses as a result of being matched into a team the match maker expected it too lose?

    It doesn't just give flat amounts for a win or loss.

    True. I haven't been factoring that into my assessment. I think if I could see if I was predicted to win or lose a match this would make more sense to me. But because that is hidden it just feels like random numbers and random teams and waiting for all of the randoms to line up.

    Yeah, though I hope you can see that letting people view whether they were expected to win/lose (or if it was an 'even' match) would be a bad idea :P

    Honestly mate, you just gotta keep playing. Stop caring about winning or going places in ranked because at the end of the day only tosspots will genuinely go 'well your opinion is invalid because lol bronze'.
  • Joe KJoe K Registered User regular
    honestly, i normals drive me absolutely insane if i'm not with a 5 man, the players are just that much worse.

    as for improving your game, there are techniques that fall under the umbrella of "purposeful practice", and I can go on a long discussion about them as they aren't just good for league, but for just about every competitive thing you do.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    TheExAm wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    TheExAm wrote: »
    Tanks are rather good on ARAM

    2 tanks 2 carryous

    Soraka ditched us early.

    That Kha'zix build hurts my soul, in fact apart of my brain wants to black out this image so I don't have to remember his summoners and build.
    He didn't even build a tear! I mean, come on. You kind of need that since there's no blue on ARAM. Even outside ARAM it's hard to play khaz without one.

    Also, AP Kog for president

    It wasn't even about the mana regen. It about the right type of damage. Brut, Last whisper and manamune are key on ARAM for warcrime levels of poke post 6. Triforce is so meh on kha'zix. I mean unless you're using him to splitpush towers, which is not ARAM.
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • TheExAmTheExAm Gerrymandered your districts Registered User regular
    I'm used to starting with a tear and boots, getting a brutalizer, then finishing a bloodthirster/sanguine blade. After that, black cleaver, then last whisper, but by then I'm sort of feeling along and have no idea what i'm doing.
    BF3/PS2/MWO/Hawken: CabbageOfDiscord | Minecraft: BrotherCabbage
  • CyrenicCyrenic Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The best idea is just to forget about what league you're in and work on improving as a player. I find this has made my ranked games much less stressful and more about improving my play.

    I agree with this. I've been doing the same thing and it's reduced my "ranked anxiety" significantly.

    I'm just sitting here looking at the League system and wondering why it's there if it doesn't make progression feel better than the old system. I liked the instant feedback of the old ELO system. With the League system you get to your true ELO and then the League system has to catch up to wherever that is. If your true ELO is in something like the Silver 5 or Gold 5 range it can take a while to catch up.
    Cyrenic on
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Joe K wrote: »
    Arch wrote: »
    what build is this?

    THe "blue" build or the Kite Lord Ezreal build.

    tear->lizard->manamune->icebourn gauntlets, i guess you pick up a botrk in there somewhere as well.

    I thinhk that it's best on Ez, then prbly Corki, but I think that Urgot with Muramana powered Q's would be absolutely evil.

    It also probably works on Ashe, but i suspect that its stronger on EZ because he can e away. I don't think i can get behind it on corki because he doesn't have any way to apply a slow from long range
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    Cyrenic wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The best idea is just to forget about what league you're in and work on improving as a player. I find this has made my ranked games much less stressful and more about improving my play.

    I agree with this. I've been doing the same thing and it's reduced my "ranked anxiety" significantly.

    I'm just sitting here looking at the League system and wondering why it's there if it doesn't make progression feel better than the old system. I liked the instant feedback of the old ELO system. With the League system you get to your true ELO and then the League system has to catch up to wherever that is. If your true ELO is in something like the Silver 5 or Gold 5 range it can take a while to catch up.

    You can gain 2 divisions in one promotion. You can also gain 20+ points in a single win. You can move from division to division in just a couple of days.

    If the system thinks you're much better then you are, you'll rise.

    Comparatively, it took Cruzer, what, 300+ games to get back into his 'real' elo even if he was rofflestomping a majority of games well into the 1600+ area?

    It used to take several hundred games just to gain a couple hundred elo. You'd average, what, 10 per game? So maybe if you never lost you could go from silver to gold after what, 70+ games? Thats of course assuming you never lost.

    And hell thats if you got lucky and got that much elo. Gaining 6 or whatever at a time was a real treat.
  • RozRoz Registered User regular
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    Cyrenic wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    Cyrenic wrote: »
    The whole clamping thing is pretty silly.

    The League System was created to help ranked ladder progression feel better. Progression feels horrible when you're in the highest division of your current League.

    It isn't silly at all. It designed to make sure you're ready and are at the skill level for the next league. Its saying 'prove to me to deserve to be in the next league' As delph says; if you're having trouble winning those games, then you are probably not ready for the next league.

    Let me clarify my point: The current implementation of clamping is silly. I say it's silly because the league/division you're in is entirely cosmetic. It has nothing to do with the players you're actually being matched with (since that's based on your hidden MMR/ELO).

    Since the system is entirely cosmetic, and it's supposed to be there to make progressing through ranked feel better, there's no reason for your LP gains to come to a crushing halt when you hit Division 1. It's purely cosmetic, you can do something to make it feel better. Spread the diminishing LP gains out starting at Division 2 or 3 if needed.

    I understand why clamping exists, but it should feel better than it does right now. If you make a new system to help progression feel better, you shouldn't hit sudden spikes where advancement suddenly feels like a grind.

    If you're on a massive winning streak you will not hit the clamping point. If you're just slowly progressing through the league, then the clamping is designed to stop you from just making it into the next league. This is because once you're in that next league you can't go down, you're silver for life (bar never playing ranked for 25 days and then you can drop down).

    If you deserve to be in the next league, then you should be carrying pretty much every game, with little difficulty. Your MMR and your league are not 'SUPER FAR AWAY FROM EACHOTHER'. In fact as you balance out your W/L they get closer and closer.

    The only problem is that the MMR system can't tell the difference between a legitimately very good player and a person who just happens to be on a streak.

    If you win 10 in a row then immediately lose 10 in a row. Congratulations you're promoted even though on average you won every other game.

    If you win one then lose one 10 times in a row. No promotion for you.

    That isn't exactly a fair measurement but it is an entirely possible outcome with the system in place.

    Win 10 times in a row. Get matched against harder opponents before losing ten times in matches the system thought you would lose would still be a higher result than winning and losing alternately and staying in the same rough place MMR wise.

    10 is a bit of an exaggeration but there is a big reward for going on streaks. Imagine this scenario.

    Two teams end up going 5-5 at the end of their seasons.

    Team A has this record. WLWLWWLLWL
    Team B has this record. LWWWWLLLL

    is Team B the better team?

    As a point of clarification I wouldn't be upset at all if it was all Bronze I players that I am matched against. But it's not. There's a range both up and down and that is what makes the clamp seem so frustrating. On the other side of that promotion series i'm still going to be facing the same caliber of opponent.

    Is 2LP really that big of a difference in skill


    Just a point of clarification, because this is somewhat similar to what happened to me in Silver 1.

    If you are oscillating back and forth like that, at some point you are bound to have a streak happen where you bust through.
  • Enigma435Enigma435 Registered User regular
    I suspect the blue build is pretty garbage on everyone short of ezreal because nobody else has a short cooldown 1100 range ability that applies all of the effects into one package (sheen proc, BORK, muramana, and lizard). It would be fairly garbage on corki as you aren't getting BORK or muramana procs on any of your abilities and your missiles while spammable are going to do very little compared to an ezreal Q due to being magic dmg. On top of that his passive is getting little help from the low AD of the build leaving you with just a guy throwing missiles around doing not much and then fairly sub par auto attack damage.
  • PrjctD_CaptainPrjctD_Captain Registered User regular
    Crazy build ideas of the day. On-hit, off-tank Fizz.

    Lich Bane > Wits End > Zhonyas

    Oh, or maybe something like:

    Tear > Iceborn Gauntlet > Manamune > Banshies

    Sorry, I was bored, carry on!
    LoL Summoner: BrightWingPA
    X360 Tag: Nyroc B Wing
  • StragintStragint Registered User regular
    AP Yi is bullshit and needs to be nerfed into the ground.
  • RamiRami Registered User regular
    Love that they made items that passively render Teemo's ult completely fucking useless.

    This is astounding balance design.
    Steam / Xbox Live: WSDX 3DS FC: 2637-9461-8549
  • FrosteeyFrosteey Don't you think it's a little belittling or whatever? Registered User regular

    Top and bottom raged at jungle Taric for fifteen straight minutes because his ganks on their lanes weren't successful, even as he camped Twisted Fate and got dragons to make sure they didn't lose even worse.

    I believed in you all along gem man : (
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Enigma435 wrote: »
    I suspect the blue build is pretty garbage on everyone short of ezreal because nobody else has a short cooldown 1100 range ability that applies all of the effects into one package (sheen proc, BORK, muramana, and lizard). It would be fairly garbage on corki as you aren't getting BORK or muramana procs on any of your abilities and your missiles while spammable are going to do very little compared to an ezreal Q due to being magic dmg. On top of that his passive is getting little help from the low AD of the build leaving you with just a guy throwing missiles around doing not much and then fairly sub par auto attack damage.
    Kite lord Ashe was a thing before the cleaver Nerf. Blue buld is basically the same thing. The key is you need a low cd high range slow. While EZ has a 3 second cd on his q if it his Ashe has the same base 4 second cd on a 1200 range slow. She doesn't proc the muramana or sheen on it but she kites almost as strong and still has a 600 range as for he sheenening

    Edit: and while she doesn't get the sheen/muramana on her w she may do more overall poke dps due the the AOE
    Goumindong on
  • evilthecatevilthecat Registered User regular
    Stragint wrote: »
    AP Yi is bullshit and needs to be nerfed into the ground.

    eh, can be dealt with.
  • Joe KJoe K Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Enigma435 wrote: »
    I suspect the blue build is pretty garbage on everyone short of ezreal because nobody else has a short cooldown 1100 range ability that applies all of the effects into one package (sheen proc, BORK, muramana, and lizard). It would be fairly garbage on corki as you aren't getting BORK or muramana procs on any of your abilities and your missiles while spammable are going to do very little compared to an ezreal Q due to being magic dmg. On top of that his passive is getting little help from the low AD of the build leaving you with just a guy throwing missiles around doing not much and then fairly sub par auto attack damage.
    Kite lord Ashe was a thing before the cleaver Nerf. Blue buld is basically the same thing. The key is you need a low cd high range slow. While EZ has a 3 second cd on his q if it his Ashe has the same base 4 second cd on a 1200 range slow. She doesn't proc the muramana or sheen on it but she kites almost as strong and still has a 600 range as for he sheenening

    Edit: and while she doesn't get the sheen/muramana on her w she may do more overall poke dps due the the AOE

    urgot could rock it, i'm pretty sure q applies everything.
  • WhiteSharkWhiteShark Registered User regular
    Joe K wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Enigma435 wrote: »
    I suspect the blue build is pretty garbage on everyone short of ezreal because nobody else has a short cooldown 1100 range ability that applies all of the effects into one package (sheen proc, BORK, muramana, and lizard). It would be fairly garbage on corki as you aren't getting BORK or muramana procs on any of your abilities and your missiles while spammable are going to do very little compared to an ezreal Q due to being magic dmg. On top of that his passive is getting little help from the low AD of the build leaving you with just a guy throwing missiles around doing not much and then fairly sub par auto attack damage.
    Kite lord Ashe was a thing before the cleaver Nerf. Blue buld is basically the same thing. The key is you need a low cd high range slow. While EZ has a 3 second cd on his q if it his Ashe has the same base 4 second cd on a 1200 range slow. She doesn't proc the muramana or sheen on it but she kites almost as strong and still has a 600 range as for he sheenening

    Edit: and while she doesn't get the sheen/muramana on her w she may do more overall poke dps due the the AOE

    urgot could rock it, i'm pretty sure q applies everything.

    urgot q doesn't apply on-hits, just his passive
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    note of course that it applies muramana because that applies to single target spells as well
  • pyromaniac221pyromaniac221 Registered User regular
    evilthecat wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    AP Yi is bullshit and needs to be nerfed into the ground.

    eh, can be dealt with.
    on sr yeah

    i'm still waiting for an aram queue that permabans ap yi along with lux, xerath, nidalee, soraka, sona, etc
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    give yi a 1.0 AD ratio on alpha strike

    and a 2.0 AD ratio on meditate

    i just made ad yi viable
  • JookieJookie Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I've played two games as Udyr now and holy fuck this champion is bad but holy fuck is this champion hilarious. Tank the fuck out of turrets and run away. Do whatever as long as it involves punching people in the dick and running around punching more people in the dick.
    Jookie on
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    histronic wrote: »
    Elise support is a legit thing IMHO. It just isn't so great later on in the game.

    I think Elise scales incredibly well even without a lot of damage items. Her % based damage keeps her relevant throughout the game

    My biggest problem when I play support spider is that I take all the kills from my ADC.

    This is a problem? If you get all the kills go carrymode!
    Who's everyone's most satisfying champion to play?
    Rengar and TF for me.
    new TF's cards are hella fun to lock in

    Sivir cause spell shields
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Joe K wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Enigma435 wrote: »
    I suspect the blue build is pretty garbage on everyone short of ezreal because nobody else has a short cooldown 1100 range ability that applies all of the effects into one package (sheen proc, BORK, muramana, and lizard). It would be fairly garbage on corki as you aren't getting BORK or muramana procs on any of your abilities and your missiles while spammable are going to do very little compared to an ezreal Q due to being magic dmg. On top of that his passive is getting little help from the low AD of the build leaving you with just a guy throwing missiles around doing not much and then fairly sub par auto attack damage.
    Kite lord Ashe was a thing before the cleaver Nerf. Blue buld is basically the same thing. The key is you need a low cd high range slow. While EZ has a 3 second cd on his q if it his Ashe has the same base 4 second cd on a 1200 range slow. She doesn't proc the muramana or sheen on it but she kites almost as strong and still has a 600 range as for he sheenening

    Edit: and while she doesn't get the sheen/muramana on her w she may do more overall poke dps due the the AOE

    urgot could rock it, i'm pretty sure q applies everything.

    His q does not apply sheen but he does make good use of the blue type build. It's just that because his AA range is so short and because his ultimate puts him in the middle of things he tends to build tanker than blue typically affords

    Ezreal and Ashe don't have those issues
  • WhiteSharkWhiteShark Registered User regular
    most satisfying champion: vayne

    her sound effects are wonderful and the feeling you get when you expertly kite around the battlefield tumblin' all over the place is euphoric
  • SproutSprout Registered User regular
    evilthecat wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    AP Yi is bullshit and needs to be nerfed into the ground.

    eh, can be dealt with.
    on sr yeah

    i'm still waiting for an aram queue that permabans ap yi along with lux, xerath, nidalee, soraka, sona, etc

    They've been making noises that read like AP Yi will be going away when they do the melee carry rework. Which I'm fine with, it's a neat gimmick at times but is too binary.
  • MahnmutMahnmut Registered User regular
    What are your least satisfying champions?

    Mine is Janna, although I fully acknowledge that it's because I suck with her. Her tornado takes forever to wind up and feels like it hits like a wiffle bat, her ult just has a weak little twinkle sound, and her shield is great but I wish it had some audio cue or something.

    Vladimir. I find his laning phase really boring and in team fights you spend way too much time either waiting for your ult's effect to tick down or to come out of pool.

    Shyvana, I feel that she doesn't have much to do when she's actually wading into the middle of the enemy team, her ult doesn't have a satisfying feel to it, and jungling with her can be a bit painful when your lanes need ganks but all you can do is run at them from the river and pray they are blind.

    Corki feels absolutely awful compared to the other AD carries.

    Jarvan IV feels clunky and slow.

    Fuckin' Skarner. I want to love him because CLACK CLACK CLACK, but I can't position myself to ever do anything. Just always running and running and dying, and let's be real -- his ult isn't that impressive. :(
    Steam/LoL: Jericho89
  • JookieJookie Registered User regular
    Skarner's ult was impressive when it used to work. Now they made it so you can think really hard it doesn't hit you then it doesn't hit you.
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    Skarner's Q is like an unfun Evelynn Q.
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Getting rid of Alistar's E sounds like a great idea to me. They've had to nerf him so many times because he has a heal, the heal isn't even good anymore, and it doesn't make any thematic sense.
    give yi a 1.0 AD ratio on alpha strike

    and a 2.0 AD ratio on meditate

    i just made ad yi viable
    More like extremely OP.

    Anyway AP Yi is only really dumb because of the bounce range on Alpha Strike, I don't know why they haven't reduced that yet.
  • RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    The trick to ziggs is to always spam laugh


    On a serious note, I played this game with the sole intention of practicing roaming, which is my weakest link in my gameplay. It went successfully :D

    Edit: Also, never stop farming, win. That too.
    Raslin on
    Check out my new EP at http://etreraps.bandcamp.com
  • MadpoetMadpoet Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Coinage wrote: »
    Getting rid of Alistar's E sounds like a great idea to me. They've had to nerf him so many times because he has a heal, the heal isn't even good anymore, and it doesn't make any thematic sense.
    give yi a 1.0 AD ratio on alpha strike

    and a 2.0 AD ratio on meditate

    i just made ad yi viable
    More like extremely OP.

    Anyway AP Yi is only really dumb because of the bounce range on Alpha Strike, I don't know why they haven't reduced that yet.

    AP Yi is super dumb because he has a high damage nuke from huge range with little chance to trade damage. And if you do get damage on him, he can top himself off easily.
    Madpoet on
  • VizardObserverVizardObserver Registered User regular
    Roz wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    Cyrenic wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    Cyrenic wrote: »
    The whole clamping thing is pretty silly.

    The League System was created to help ranked ladder progression feel better. Progression feels horrible when you're in the highest division of your current League.

    It isn't silly at all. It designed to make sure you're ready and are at the skill level for the next league. Its saying 'prove to me to deserve to be in the next league' As delph says; if you're having trouble winning those games, then you are probably not ready for the next league.

    Let me clarify my point: The current implementation of clamping is silly. I say it's silly because the league/division you're in is entirely cosmetic. It has nothing to do with the players you're actually being matched with (since that's based on your hidden MMR/ELO).

    Since the system is entirely cosmetic, and it's supposed to be there to make progressing through ranked feel better, there's no reason for your LP gains to come to a crushing halt when you hit Division 1. It's purely cosmetic, you can do something to make it feel better. Spread the diminishing LP gains out starting at Division 2 or 3 if needed.

    I understand why clamping exists, but it should feel better than it does right now. If you make a new system to help progression feel better, you shouldn't hit sudden spikes where advancement suddenly feels like a grind.

    If you're on a massive winning streak you will not hit the clamping point. If you're just slowly progressing through the league, then the clamping is designed to stop you from just making it into the next league. This is because once you're in that next league you can't go down, you're silver for life (bar never playing ranked for 25 days and then you can drop down).

    If you deserve to be in the next league, then you should be carrying pretty much every game, with little difficulty. Your MMR and your league are not 'SUPER FAR AWAY FROM EACHOTHER'. In fact as you balance out your W/L they get closer and closer.

    The only problem is that the MMR system can't tell the difference between a legitimately very good player and a person who just happens to be on a streak.

    If you win 10 in a row then immediately lose 10 in a row. Congratulations you're promoted even though on average you won every other game.

    If you win one then lose one 10 times in a row. No promotion for you.

    That isn't exactly a fair measurement but it is an entirely possible outcome with the system in place.

    Win 10 times in a row. Get matched against harder opponents before losing ten times in matches the system thought you would lose would still be a higher result than winning and losing alternately and staying in the same rough place MMR wise.

    10 is a bit of an exaggeration but there is a big reward for going on streaks. Imagine this scenario.

    Two teams end up going 5-5 at the end of their seasons.

    Team A has this record. WLWLWWLLWL
    Team B has this record. LWWWWLLLL

    is Team B the better team?

    As a point of clarification I wouldn't be upset at all if it was all Bronze I players that I am matched against. But it's not. There's a range both up and down and that is what makes the clamp seem so frustrating. On the other side of that promotion series i'm still going to be facing the same caliber of opponent.

    Is 2LP really that big of a difference in skill


    Just a point of clarification, because this is somewhat similar to what happened to me in Silver 1.

    If you are oscillating back and forth like that, at some point you are bound to have a streak happen where you bust through.
    What Roz says is true for sure.
    When I was in silver 2 I was like alright no this will not do and went on something ridiculous like a 16 game win streak with only one loss from a ADC rengar
    straight to gold, like a rocket

  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    Getting rid of Alistar's E sounds like a great idea to me. They've had to nerf him so many times because he has a heal, the heal isn't even good anymore, and it doesn't make any thematic sense.

    Except that its a terrible idea that will remove him as a support because he will be able to easily be poked out of lane with no recourse. Every other tank support has two of long range engage, free stats(for an ally), or sustain. If you take away Alistar's sustain he has zero of the three.
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