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[League of Legends] : Awakening | Latin America servers on their way



  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Oh hey they finally did the Ashe spotlight
    I guess they won't be changing her passive...
    Coinage on
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    Getting rid of Alistar's E sounds like a great idea to me. They've had to nerf him so many times because he has a heal, the heal isn't even good anymore, and it doesn't make any thematic sense.

    Except that its a terrible idea that will remove him as a support because he will be able to easily be poked out of lane with no recourse. Every other tank support has two of long range engage, free stats(for an ally), or sustain. If you take away Alistar's sustain he has zero of the three.

    this may shock you, but if they change alistar's E they have the option of making it something that helps in those two remaining departments
  • BubsBubs Not Burbs ChicagoRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Get into ranked lobby. So and so says he and his buddy are in the same room, going to duo bot.

    They pick Pantheon and Caitlyn. Neither has flash.

    How do we think this will go?

    Edit: To the guy's credit, he has the Ruthless Pantheon skin.
    Bubs on
    LoL: Bubs 23
  • RaslinRaslin Registered User regular
    Calling roles is the stupidest shit

    I mean, I'm good at it(I can generally get one of my two roles doing it), but its still dumb as shit

    Instead of calling shit, how about people say "I'm a shit jungler" "I prefer ADC but w/e" etc
    Check out my new EP at http://etreraps.bandcamp.com
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Bubs wrote: »
    Get into ranked lobby. So and so says he and his buddy are in the same room, going to duo bot.

    They pick Pantheon and Caitlyn. Neither has flash.

    How do we think this will go?

    Edit: To the guy's credit, he has the Ruthless Pantheon skin.

    who are they laning against? Kill comps work well against certain supports, like janna and sometimes Sona.
    The Ender on
    Yes, I am still angry
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    Getting rid of Alistar's E sounds like a great idea to me. They've had to nerf him so many times because he has a heal, the heal isn't even good anymore, and it doesn't make any thematic sense.

    Except that its a terrible idea that will remove him as a support because he will be able to easily be poked out of lane with no recourse. Every other tank support has two of long range engage, free stats(for an ally), or sustain. If you take away Alistar's sustain he has zero of the three.

    this may shock you, but if they change alistar's E they have the option of making it something that helps in those two remaining departments

    They're going to give him a 1000 range engage on his e? Or are they going to give him tarics armor aura? Sorakas MR aura? Malphites shield passive? I mean you can say "oh well we shore up that weakness" but that it not a solution.

    Short range supports either need a way to sustain through poke or a way to engage into it. You can't realistically give alistar a 1000 range engage like all the other tank supports that don't have sustain because that would be hilariously op with his 650 range enemy displacement. And just making him tankier would not work(its why they did not take tarics sustain away) so there isn't really anything left.

    Without sustain there just isn't a reason to play him. If I want peel/engage/shield/free tank stats/poke i play thresh. If you make alistar good enough that you would not play thresh then Ali is a permanent ban because holy hell is thresh strong
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular

    just played a game with a Shaco who had a 50 ping that was frightening. Dude killed everyone.
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • BubsBubs Not Burbs ChicagoRegistered User regular
    The Ender wrote: »
    Bubs wrote: »
    Get into ranked lobby. So and so says he and his buddy are in the same room, going to duo bot.

    They pick Pantheon and Caitlyn. Neither has flash.

    How do we think this will go?

    Edit: To the guy's credit, he has the Ruthless Pantheon skin.

    who are they laning against? Kill comps work well against certain supports, like janna and sometimes Sona.

    They got wrecked by Soraka & Ez.

    LoL: Bubs 23
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Ah, 3 roflstomp losses in a row, that's more like it, matchmaker.
    Goumindong wrote: »
    They're going to give him a 1000 range engage on his e?
    They might. I mean, look at Xin's rework.
  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    In the three-way battle for the Freljord, a new challenger appears and throws her hat in the ring.

  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    i'm still waiting for an aram queue that permabans ap yi along with lux, xerath, nidalee, soraka, sona, etc
    No items
    Tryndamere only
    <3Steam: Jaef -- PSN: Jaef -- League of Legends: Jaef -- League VoDs -- League Live Stream
  • JookieJookie Registered User regular
    What if they make it so his potential new E lets him jungle again. I want to witness the second coming of terror.
  • TrusTrus Registered User regular
    Jookie wrote: »
    What if they make it so his potential new E lets him jungle again. I want to witness the second coming of terror.

    My guess is that is exactly what they do
  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    <3Steam: Jaef -- PSN: Jaef -- League of Legends: Jaef -- League VoDs -- League Live Stream
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Heh yeah that one in particular was pretty impressive.
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    I guess Riot isn't going to put Fartrox on PBE for a little while :(

    Man, there's nothing more relaxing than playing Yi against a team with almost no hard CC. Just right click to victory.
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    the more fake names people come up with him because they hate him, the more i start to like aachexquest
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    Made a new account.

    Nothing but Sejuani to 30.

    Pig in every lane.
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Without long-term permanent stealth there just isn't a reason to play Eve.

    In case you hadn't noticed, they didn't remove that aspect about Eve
  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Without long-term permanent stealth there just isn't a reason to play Eve.

    In case you hadn't noticed, they didn't remove that aspect about Eve
    <3Steam: Jaef -- PSN: Jaef -- League of Legends: Jaef -- League VoDs -- League Live Stream
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    No Jaef, i understood the point. It was just wrong.
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    JAEF wrote: »
    The only problem is that the MMR system can't tell the difference between a legitimately very good player and a person who just happens to be on a streak.

    If you win 10 in a row then immediately lose 10 in a row. Congratulations you're promoted even though on average you won every other game.

    If you win one then lose one 10 times in a row. No promotion for you.

    That isn't exactly a fair measurement but it is an entirely possible outcome with the system in place.
    There's a big difference between 10W->10L and WLWLWLWL. When you win 10 in a row, games 5-10 are going to have you playing against much higher MMR players. You winning those games proves that you can play with the big boys. You might start at 1400 but at the end of your streak you're playing against 1800s. Whereas with win/loss you're going to be playing roughly the same MMR players you always have been and thus receive no particular reward for it.

    If you don't look at all aspects of the system it can seem unfair or arbitrary, sure. But everything works together, you can't look at one aspect individually without the others and call it an issue.

    Well, I want to caveat this a bit that unless you are in your placement matches, you don't gain anything like 400 Elo in 10 games. More like, IME, 150.
    evilthecat wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    AP Yi is bullshit and needs to be nerfed into the ground.

    eh, can be dealt with.
    on sr yeah

    i'm still waiting for an aram queue that permabans ap yi along with lux, xerath, nidalee, soraka, sona, etc

    Complaining about ARAM balance is pure goosery. All random, all mid is not intended to be balanced, at all. Hence why you get a random champion, and they exclude all the other things that can affect champ balance like jungles, map objectives, laning phase, etc.
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    I can change "Eve" to "Twitch" in the sentence if it makes you feel better.
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    I miss Twitch being good. He was complete and total bullshit when I was <30, but he's UP now.
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Been seeing him quite a bit in the LCS scene lately. That aside though he's never struck me as underpowered in his current incarnation.
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • WhiteSharkWhiteShark Registered User regular
    Twitch is fine
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    The changes certainly did take him out of the jungle. So if jungle Twicth was your thing the changes ruined him for that (IIRC).

    I mean yea, maybe we get Jungle Alistar again but i kinda like support Ali
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    Well the good news for you then is that they've never shown any inclination of making it so that Alistar can't support.
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Twitch is the opposite of underpowered.
    Complaining about ARAM balance is pure goosery. All random, all mid is not intended to be balanced, at all. Hence why you get a random champion, and they exclude all the other things that can affect champ balance like jungles, map objectives, laning phase, etc.
    On the one hand, yes, but on the other hand, would it really so bad if they did something about the 5-10 champions who make it about as much fun as someone stepping on your dick for 20 minutes? Although then I guess there are the 5-10 next most annoying champions and on it goes...
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    Sub 30 games, where the wild and wooly 2/35/1 kog'maws run free and feed the masses.

    This is amazing.
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    Spirit of the Lizard Elder is pretty amazing on Zed!

    ...Is there any AD person that item is not amazing on?
    Yes, I am still angry
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Coinage wrote: »
    Complaining about ARAM balance is pure goosery. All random, all mid is not intended to be balanced, at all. Hence why you get a random champion, and they exclude all the other things that can affect champ balance like jungles, map objectives, laning phase, etc.
    On the one hand, yes, but on the other hand, would it really so bad if they did something about the 5-10 champions who make it about as much fun as someone stepping on your dick for 20 minutes? Although then I guess there are the 5-10 next most annoying champions and on it goes...

    Yes, yes it would. There's no possible way to balance around ARAM without taking substantial resources away from balancing around the other competitive modes, which actually matter. ARAM is not supposed to be balanced. Not only that, but it cannot be balanced, because the all random pick format alone guarantees substantial imbalance from time to time if champion choices matter (and they should).

    If you're serious business about ARAM games, you're doing it wrong.
    Sub 30 games, where the wild and wooly 2/35/1 kog'maws run free and feed the masses.

    This is amazing.

    I almost wish they restricted like the 10 most difficult to play / counter champs from sub-30. Twitch is completely stupid if you don't know about Oracles, or hell, do know about it, but aren't good enough to be able to fund it well through high last hits and keep it via playing safely (I was in the latter camp). Similarly, Kog is ridiculously hard to play.

    That said, 35 deaths in a game is, like, a spiritual commitment to being bad.
    programjunkie on
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    Complaining about ARAM balance is pure goosery. All random, all mid is not intended to be balanced, at all. Hence why you get a random champion, and they exclude all the other things that can affect champ balance like jungles, map objectives, laning phase, etc.
    On the one hand, yes, but on the other hand, would it really so bad if they did something about the 5-10 champions who make it about as much fun as someone stepping on your dick for 20 minutes? Although then I guess there are the 5-10 next most annoying champions and on it goes...

    Yes, yes it would. There's no possible way to balance around ARAM without taking substantial resources away from balancing around the other competitive modes, which actually matter. ARAM is not supposed to be balanced. Not only that, but it cannot be balanced, because the all random pick format alone guarantees substantial imbalance from time to time if champion choices matter (and they should).

    If you're serious business about ARAM games, you're doing it wrong.
    It would not take substantial resources to reduce the damage of Yi, Lux, Nidalee, Jayce, Ziggs, Xerath, Ezreal, and Sona by half. Just saying.
    Sub 30 games, where the wild and wooly 2/35/1 kog'maws run free and feed the masses.

    This is amazing.
    Eventually the matchmaker does throw you in the smurf queue, but yeah.
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Well the good news for you then is that they've never shown any inclination of making it so that Alistar can't support.

    Except the relevant comments Morello made
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    Unless Morello said "We don't want Alistar to support", Riot has never shown any inclination of making it so that Alistar can't support.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Clearly they're going to re-theme Cow as a spiritual leader for cow kind.

    This will manifest in changing his E to a 15 second blink that lowers every time a minion dies.

    Okay it wont, but if it did I'd play the shit out of that for freelo till they realised what they had wrought.

    I mean really, that would be so much fun.
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