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  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Ugh, I'm really not in a good way right now. I think I need to see my doctor again.
  • Casual EddyCasual Eddy Registered User regular
    spoiler tags for current episodes in tv threads ruin the thread

    there i said it
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    Maybe I would be proud of being Canadian if our government weren't run by a monstrous libertarian who wrote his thesis on assuming power by controlling the media and national perception, who is almost on comic-book-villain levels of environmental negligence
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    it's not really clear what forces diminish ethnic nationalism, but clearly sometimes it happens.
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    Anthony Bourdains new show is great
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    wandering wrote: »
    America is pretty okay

    Other countries have better health care though
    And less violence
    And better education systems
    And a better social safety net
    And less starvation
    And less executions and less solitary confinement and less people in prison and shorter prison terms and a larger focus on rehabilitation of prisoners and less draconian drug laws
    And a more knowledgeable populace
    And less littering
    And better LGBT protections

    Other countries have worse all those things too.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Sarksus, it's important to be dissatisfied with the state of the world and do something about it.

    But it's also important to be glad that your dissatisfaction is working.

    That's the problem. I don't think my dissatisfaction is doing enough. I think our progress is sub-standard and from that I conclude that society cares less about its members than it should, which makes society unappealing to me.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    I need more fornicus, lord of bondage and pain in my life.
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    Maybe I would be proud of being Canadian if our government weren't run by a monstrous libertarian who wrote his thesis on assuming power by controlling the media and national perception, who is almost on comic-book-villain levels of environmental negligence

    broseph I am proud of being from Ontario even if Dalton McGuinty was a crow left of fucking Satan
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    spoiler tags for current episodes in tv threads ruin the thread

    there i said it

    Oh so you want people who are in different time zones or have to work to be spoiled or not be able to read the thread.

    That's great Ceddy, real great.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    So far I haven't seen good data showing a reduction in national identity or pride. I would I say I have seen more the other way. China's nationalist education producing similar views and results to Japan's nationalist education of the early 1900's. The Arab Spring was pan-national but the actual protesters on the street were for their own countries first. Retrenchment of Russian nationalism under Putin, though he has push back. The rise of the right in Japan and Korea. The delegitimization of the EU do the the Cyprus and Greek banking crises. Tough that I think gets over stated.

    Really to me I see a resurgence in national identity in recent history not a reduction. And I really would tie this more to the economic woes of the World since 2008 than anything else. People tend to hang onto identity more when there such events.

    the cyclical formation of ethnic identities in the balkans is p amusing

    can you imagine this getting off the ground today:


    short of Russia invading or something.

    You never know we could get another Tito.

    ronya what do you mean this getting off the ground today

    the herring salad in the swedish and norwegian flags are gone and we're not going to have another personal union anytime soon

    but like, other than that, that's how it is

    the flag is from a pro-scandinavian-federation movement during the era of german and italian unification[/quote]

    weeeeeell not just the federation part of the movement. General call for volunteers to fight for denmark was a large part of it, grounded in a more vague sense of kinship than the clear goal of unification.
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    WTF the kid in Iron Man 3 got a 3 movie deal and implies he might be Nova

    NO NO NO

    the only Nova we need/want is Dick Rider


    not this
    bloodyroarxx on
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    people are not terrible on average. The world isn't bad on average.

    Most of the shit going down in the world are good things.

    Can you quantify this in some way.

    I don't have the specific numbers, no. Because the inverse is patently ludicrous.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    people are not terrible on average. The world isn't bad on average.

    Most of the shit going down in the world are good things.

    Can you quantify this in some way.

    I don't have the specific numbers, no. Because the inverse is patently ludicrous.

  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    what an unpleasant convo sarksus i can't imagine this is good for you

    Well it doesn't make me sad. It just makes me apathetic.

    So it's bad for my career as it makes me not want to pursue anything that has to do with society, but I am content.

    When I'm on meds this will probably clear up.

    You should be the opposite of apathetic! You acknowledge that the world is in an unacceptable state, but also that the world continues to get better. This means that the world can be made a better place, that you can fight the good fight and win, and that there's hope that the world will be a better place when you're done with it.
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    The Canadians I have met in Japan seem to like to brag about their country, just in more subtle ways than some.

    They do tend to excuse their current PM as a weird fluke.

    But still it was nice to serve some of them some humble pie with some statistics after hearing them go on and on about how bad wealth inequality is in the US. (Don't get me wrong if was worse in the US, but it was still quite bad in Canada).
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    wandering wrote: »
    America is pretty okay

    Other countries have better health care though
    And less violence
    And better education systems
    And a better social safety net
    And less starvation
    And less executions and less solitary confinement and less people in prison and shorter prison terms and a larger focus on rehabilitation of prisoners and less draconian drug laws
    And a more knowledgeable populace
    And less littering
    And better LGBT protections

    Other countries have worse all those things too.

    And clearly it is better to live in America than, say, Liberia

    But there are places with better quality of life and no history of problematic geopolitical meddling

    America is great but it is super fucked up!

    But thank god for the US

    I am drinking bourbon right now

  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    isn't the nova at the top dead
  • Loren MichaelLoren Michael Registered User regular
    Pony wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    Given my lack of belief in a kind of "free will", the notion of pride is kind of weird to me at a certain level.

    to be frank, Loren, I don't know how you function day to day without having some kind of internally agreed upon stopping point to your higher ideals and acknowledging the functional realities of what is observable.

    "Eh... fuck it."
    but then I'm equally mystified by other kinds of deterministic philosophies.

    The alternatives don't make any sense to me.

    I don't know that I can fix that!

    you're a pretty well-read dude and i respect you, intellectually

    so I generally take on faith that you've familiarized yourself at the very least with the major philosophical thrusts of non-deterministic worldviews

    at the very least from a Western philosophical framework

    given thus

    i'unno that i can make a compelling argument on the subject for you

    Prolly not.

    I've refined my determinism/randomness shtick to something that could fit very neatly onto one side of an index card.

    Like, it seems simple enough to me.

    And I don't have a lot of different places for people to shake my confidence.

    Like, it's all right-there.

    It's not some sprawling argument that relies on layered assumptions.

    The assumptions are simple, and easy enough to recite.

    I've made the example observations punchy enough to keep it interesting to laypeople who don't generally enjoy philosophy.

    It's easy to keep in my head, easy to bring up, easy to use, and easy to defend, and enjoyable at least for me to talk about it, in large part because of those aforementioned factors.


    Prolly not, but I wish you'd try.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Can't remember if I had my meds this morning or not. Maybe that's why I'm all messed up.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    what an unpleasant convo sarksus i can't imagine this is good for you

    Well it doesn't make me sad. It just makes me apathetic.

    So it's bad for my career as it makes me not want to pursue anything that has to do with society, but I am content.

    When I'm on meds this will probably clear up.

    You should be the opposite of apathetic! You acknowledge that the world is in an unacceptable state, but also that the world continues to get better. This means that the world can be made a better place, that you can fight the good fight and win, and that there's hope that the world will be a better place when you're done with it.

    If I fight the good fight maybe I'll win decades from now after my soul has been eroded by the horrible people I battle and then I can die.
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    isn't the nova at the top dead

    Marvel movie universe is its own thing
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    I need more fornicus, lord of bondage and pain in my life.

    Hey, sorry. I don't, um... bind... guys.

    I can put you in touch with fornicia, lady of bondage and pain. Or one of my lesser dukes, if that's your thing? Just let me know.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    wandering wrote: »
    America is pretty okay

    Other countries have better health care though
    And less violence
    And better education systems
    And a better social safety net
    And less starvation
    And less executions and less solitary confinement and less people in prison and shorter prison terms and a larger focus on rehabilitation of prisoners and less draconian drug laws
    And a more knowledgeable populace
    And less littering
    And better LGBT protections

    Other countries have worse all those things too.

    except amount of prisoners.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Cabin in the woods was a good movie.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    I should be grateful for bourbon.
  • CokebotleCokebotle 穴掘りの Registered User regular
    Neat picture.


    Made in Excel
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    There are more people healthy than starving.

    There are more births than murders.

    Information and technology and medicine are more readily available than not.

    This is no by no means a glowing review of the world, but its still more good than bad.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • knitdanknitdan Registered User regular
    On average, people are neither good nor bad. They're average.

    The world is the same way. You're choosing to focus on the negative.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    people are not terrible on average. The world isn't bad on average.

    Most of the shit going down in the world are good things.

    Can you quantify this in some way.

    I don't have the specific numbers, no. Because the inverse is patently ludicrous.


    I don't even know where to begin.

    most people's lives are okay most of the time?
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    people are not terrible on average. The world isn't bad on average.

    Most of the shit going down in the world are good things.

    Can you quantify this in some way.

    I don't have the specific numbers, no. Because the inverse is patently ludicrous.


    On my phone but go watch the Ted talks about the surprising decline of violence and statistics that will change your view of the world.

    I forget the exact titles but they should be close to that and both should be found in the list of Bill Gate's favorite TED talks.
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    people are not terrible on average. The world isn't bad on average.

    Most of the shit going down in the world are good things.

    Can you quantify this in some way.

    I don't have the specific numbers, no. Because the inverse is patently ludicrous.


    I'm guessing it's a matter of perspective. Norway's pretty much near the top of all the "best things" chart.

    Some people grew up and lived in places nearer to the bottom of said charts.

    People can be terrifyingly, and I avoid them.
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    spoiler tags for current episodes in tv threads ruin the thread

    there i said it

    but clicking 80 spoiler buttons a page is super fun!
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Sarksus, it's important to be dissatisfied with the state of the world and do something about it.

    But it's also important to be glad that your dissatisfaction is working.

    That's the problem. I don't think my dissatisfaction is doing enough. I think our progress is sub-standard and from that I conclude that society cares less about its members than it should, which makes society unappealing to me.

    Our progress is accelerating at a rate unlike ever before! You have more power to enact change in the world then people at any other point in history. No, it's not going to happen overnight, but you're seriously in a fantastic position to make a massive change in human society.
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    Pony wrote: »
    Maybe I would be proud of being Canadian if our government weren't run by a monstrous libertarian who wrote his thesis on assuming power by controlling the media and national perception, who is almost on comic-book-villain levels of environmental negligence

    broseph I am proud of being from Ontario even if Dalton McGuinty was a crow left of fucking Satan

    That's really weird to me.

    I could see Toronto as a source of pride, but Ontario? Why?
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    spoiler tags for current episodes in tv threads ruin the thread

    there i said it

    but clicking 80 spoiler buttons a page is super fun!

    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • SmasherSmasher Starting to get dizzy Registered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    So far I haven't seen good data showing a reduction in national identity or pride. I would I say I have seen more the other way. China's nationalist education producing similar views and results to Japan's nationalist education of the early 1900's. The Arab Spring was pan-national but the actual protesters on the street were for their own countries first. Retrenchment of Russian nationalism under Putin, though he has push back. The rise of the right in Japan and Korea. The delegitimization of the EU do the the Cyprus and Greek banking crises. Tough that I think gets over stated.

    Really to me I see a resurgence in national identity in recent history not a reduction. And I really would tie this more to the economic woes of the World since 2008 than anything else. People tend to hang onto identity more when there such events.

    This is interesting.

    My anecdotal experience is obviously meaningless here because a) that's a global issue and b) I live in Canada, where people are vaguely ashamed of their country and are proud of being "nice" and are constantly obsessing over the establishment of a national identity
    I'm admittedly ignorant of most Canadian history, but I have a hard time imagining what Canada would have to be ashamed about (relative to other countries; I'm sure every country has some bad shit in its history).

  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    I like America its a cool place
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Pony wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »

    pretty much encapsulates the sort of viewpoint that led to me stopping from self-identifying as religious in most company

    the problem wasn't people who merely weren't religious. or people who were religious but for a different religion than mine

    those folks were never the problem for me

    the problem was the people whose animosity towards religion became it's own...


    r/atheism has taken the concept of Atheism to the almost comical extreme of it becoming a religion, though they'd never admit it.
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • AresProphetAresProphet giggle and the flames grow higher Registered User regular
    Pony wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »

    pretty much encapsulates the sort of viewpoint that led to me stopping from self-identifying as religious in most company

    the problem wasn't people who merely weren't religious. or people who were religious but for a different religion than mine

    those folks were never the problem for me

    the problem was the people whose animosity towards religion became it's own...


    I was that guy maybe seven, eight years ago. Richard Dawkins fan and all.

    Now I kinda get the whole religion thing and why it works for people on an aesthetic and emotional level. I sometimes wish it could be disassociated from mysticism entirely but there are few religions that seem to do that, and those that do hold some philosophical beliefs regarding how to interpret, experience, and act in life that I can't wholly reconcile. Neither of those things is inherently negative, they're just not for me.

    Also the notion of reorienting my belief system about the world as a sort of package deal under one banner is incomprehensible. I know it doesn't really work that way for anyone with half a brain, even my Catholic relatives have their qualms with the church and aren't afraid to voice them, but still. It seems strange.
    no more need for the old empire
    when the indigo children come
This discussion has been closed.