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  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Can you be patriotic/proud of something that is average.

    how else could i talk about my weiner

    No, really. I think being proud of something that's average is kind of weird. And if you're proud of something that's above-average doesn't that imply that it's better than other things.

    presumably you would be proud of the parts that are above average, since qualitative ratings like that are granular- i.e. i rule at some stuff and suck at others.

    and for the shitty stuff i guess it becomes more about self-actuation and meaning. like, what does philadelphia mean to me? where despite its grime and awfulness it might have some particular, uniquely associated connection with me where i remember certain wonderful days looking at the skyline.

    Well, to respond to you first, I have a difficult time not letting the bad stuff spoil the good. I favor ambivalence whenever there is a basis for such.

    But where I'm going with that post is that, except in the context of maybe policy making where it would be helpful to know where we are quantitatively ahead or behind, I don't think it's very helpful or normal to consider that stuff in the day to day. It just doesn't figure into my thinking. When I think of my country in the context of the international community and interact with people from other countries I don't feel patriotism is really relevant.

    that first thing seems like your hangup brah. i dunno. i am not big on idolizing country (except getting defensive about cunty europeans, no offense european forum brahs) but things do have dimensions and facets. ain't no place completely great or completely awful.

    Right now I feel like human society is about at the 'getting stabbed non-fatally' level. You're gonna live, but getting stabbed sucks.
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    being a DC Comics fan these days is like watching your dad descend into alcoholism

    well maybe not your dad

    but like

    your buddy's dad who you thought was kind of a cool guy before

    and you're like


    it's embarrassing as hell

    I read all these names on their books and it's like a who's who of the shitty dark ages of the 90s

    Bob Harras? Howard Mackie? Who the fuck was clamoring to read books written by Howard Mackie?

    meanwhile Marvel is just kind of...there. their comics feel like a vestigial appendage of whatever the movies are doing at the moment.

    so far as i am concerned the "New 52" is basically the most hideous malformed miscarriage of a decent idea I have ever seen


    there have been worse ideas in the world

    but I'm not sure if I ever seen what should have been a good idea fall apart so utterly.
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    Pony wrote: »
    In general I don't find people respond negatively to self-identifying as a patriot or in general saying I'm proud to be a Canadian outside of the internet

    but then that's when I'm around my own countrymen so

    Yeah, one great thing about my masters is I spent a lot of time with folks not from the US. Talking to people from completely different countries and societies on a daily basis really does change your perspective on things such as identifying as a patriot in public. Especially when some of the people you interact with on a daily basis are from places like Iraq and Iran. Or a whole list of South American countries and so on where acts of aggression have been taken under the guise of fighting communism, patriotism and so on.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Can you be patriotic/proud of something that is average.

    how else could i talk about my weiner

    No, really. I think being proud of something that's average is kind of weird. And if you're proud of something that's above-average doesn't that imply that it's better than other things.

    presumably you would be proud of the parts that are above average, since qualitative ratings like that are granular- i.e. i rule at some stuff and suck at others.

    and for the shitty stuff i guess it becomes more about self-actuation and meaning. like, what does philadelphia mean to me? where despite its grime and awfulness it might have some particular, uniquely associated connection with me where i remember certain wonderful days looking at the skyline.

    Well, to respond to you first, I have a difficult time not letting the bad stuff spoil the good. I favor ambivalence whenever there is a basis for such.

    But where I'm going with that post is that, except in the context of maybe policy making where it would be helpful to know where we are quantitatively ahead or behind, I don't think it's very helpful or normal to consider that stuff in the day to day. It just doesn't figure into my thinking. When I think of my country in the context of the international community and interact with people from other countries I don't feel patriotism is really relevant.

    that first thing seems like your hangup brah. i dunno. i am not big on idolizing country (except getting defensive about cunty europeans, no offense european forum brahs) but things do have dimensions and facets. ain't no place completely great or completely awful.

    Right now I feel like human society is about at the 'getting stabbed non-fatally' level. You're gonna live, but getting stabbed sucks.

    lots of stuff to get excited about broheim. ain't just terrorists and homophobes.
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    My hair is too long. Where's the fashion thread.

    Under the clippers

    Shave it all off, if you have the stones
  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    to be completely honest, for the most part the only folk I find the word patriotism to be loaded or controversial around on the internet

    are Americans



    Well I mean

    You can kind of see why that would be the case. "Patriotism" here sometimes means unquestioningly agreeing with the government. We have the PATRIOT act legalizing some pretty terrible stuff. "Unpatriotic" is a slur leveled at those who don't unflinchingly think the government is good. It's charged with some weird anti-gay rhetoric at times.

    I get where you're coming from, but there's definitely a legitimate reason Americans might be uncomfortable with the word.

    Not just Americans. The Bhutanese expelled 100k people for being unable to culturally assimilate. The Germans committed genocide in Africa for the same reasons. There was the Tibetan expedition by the British. The entirety of the Boxer Rebellion was a massive mishmash of nationalism and patriotism. The word has a long and storied history.
    Cinders on
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Can you be patriotic/proud of something that is average.

    how else could i talk about my weiner

    No, really. I think being proud of something that's average is kind of weird. And if you're proud of something that's above-average doesn't that imply that it's better than other things.

    presumably you would be proud of the parts that are above average, since qualitative ratings like that are granular- i.e. i rule at some stuff and suck at others.

    and for the shitty stuff i guess it becomes more about self-actuation and meaning. like, what does philadelphia mean to me? where despite its grime and awfulness it might have some particular, uniquely associated connection with me where i remember certain wonderful days looking at the skyline.

    Well, to respond to you first, I have a difficult time not letting the bad stuff spoil the good. I favor ambivalence whenever there is a basis for such.

    But where I'm going with that post is that, except in the context of maybe policy making where it would be helpful to know where we are quantitatively ahead or behind, I don't think it's very helpful or normal to consider that stuff in the day to day. It just doesn't figure into my thinking. When I think of my country in the context of the international community and interact with people from other countries I don't feel patriotism is really relevant.

    that first thing seems like your hangup brah. i dunno. i am not big on idolizing country (except getting defensive about cunty europeans, no offense european forum brahs) but things do have dimensions and facets. ain't no place completely great or completely awful.

    Right now I feel like human society is about at the 'getting stabbed non-fatally' level. You're gonna live, but getting stabbed sucks.

    lots of stuff to get excited about broheim. ain't just terrorists and homophobes.

    Well there is also the starvation and genocides.
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    In general I don't find people respond negatively to self-identifying as a patriot or in general saying I'm proud to be a Canadian outside of the internet

    but then that's when I'm around my own countrymen so

    Yeah, one great thing about my masters is I spent a lot of time with folks not from the US. Talking to people from completely different countries and societies on a daily basis really does change your perspective on things such as identifying as a patriot in public. Especially when some of the people you interact with on a daily basis are from places like Iraq and Iran. Or a whole list of South American countries and so on where acts of aggression have been taken under the guise of fighting communism, patriotism and so on.

    but then again most of the people i interact with on a day-to-day basis are immigrants and i live in what is possibly the most multicultural city on the planet


  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    being a DC Comics fan these days is like watching your dad descend into alcoholism

    well maybe not your dad

    but like

    your buddy's dad who you thought was kind of a cool guy before

    and you're like


    it's embarrassing as hell

    I read all these names on their books and it's like a who's who of the shitty dark ages of the 90s

    Bob Harras? Howard Mackie? Who the fuck was clamoring to read books written by Howard Mackie?

    meanwhile Marvel is just kind of...there. their comics feel like a vestigial appendage of whatever the movies are doing at the moment.

    Except Hawkeye which is good.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Can you be patriotic/proud of something that is average.

    how else could i talk about my weiner

    No, really. I think being proud of something that's average is kind of weird. And if you're proud of something that's above-average doesn't that imply that it's better than other things.

    presumably you would be proud of the parts that are above average, since qualitative ratings like that are granular- i.e. i rule at some stuff and suck at others.

    and for the shitty stuff i guess it becomes more about self-actuation and meaning. like, what does philadelphia mean to me? where despite its grime and awfulness it might have some particular, uniquely associated connection with me where i remember certain wonderful days looking at the skyline.

    Well, to respond to you first, I have a difficult time not letting the bad stuff spoil the good. I favor ambivalence whenever there is a basis for such.

    But where I'm going with that post is that, except in the context of maybe policy making where it would be helpful to know where we are quantitatively ahead or behind, I don't think it's very helpful or normal to consider that stuff in the day to day. It just doesn't figure into my thinking. When I think of my country in the context of the international community and interact with people from other countries I don't feel patriotism is really relevant.

    that first thing seems like your hangup brah. i dunno. i am not big on idolizing country (except getting defensive about cunty europeans, no offense european forum brahs) but things do have dimensions and facets. ain't no place completely great or completely awful.

    Right now I feel like human society is about at the 'getting stabbed non-fatally' level. You're gonna live, but getting stabbed sucks.

    lots of stuff to get excited about broheim. ain't just terrorists and homophobes.

    Well there is also the starvation and genocides.

    blowjobs and milkshakes.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    also there is the really terrible dump I am in the middle of right now oh man what is the cause of this
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Can you be patriotic/proud of something that is average.

    how else could i talk about my weiner

    No, really. I think being proud of something that's average is kind of weird. And if you're proud of something that's above-average doesn't that imply that it's better than other things.

    presumably you would be proud of the parts that are above average, since qualitative ratings like that are granular- i.e. i rule at some stuff and suck at others.

    and for the shitty stuff i guess it becomes more about self-actuation and meaning. like, what does philadelphia mean to me? where despite its grime and awfulness it might have some particular, uniquely associated connection with me where i remember certain wonderful days looking at the skyline.

    Well, to respond to you first, I have a difficult time not letting the bad stuff spoil the good. I favor ambivalence whenever there is a basis for such.

    But where I'm going with that post is that, except in the context of maybe policy making where it would be helpful to know where we are quantitatively ahead or behind, I don't think it's very helpful or normal to consider that stuff in the day to day. It just doesn't figure into my thinking. When I think of my country in the context of the international community and interact with people from other countries I don't feel patriotism is really relevant.

    that first thing seems like your hangup brah. i dunno. i am not big on idolizing country (except getting defensive about cunty europeans, no offense european forum brahs) but things do have dimensions and facets. ain't no place completely great or completely awful.

    Right now I feel like human society is about at the 'getting stabbed non-fatally' level. You're gonna live, but getting stabbed sucks.

    lots of stuff to get excited about broheim. ain't just terrorists and homophobes.

    Well there is also the starvation and genocides.

    blowjobs and milkshakes.

    I would like, give up blowjobs and milkshakes for life if we could tone down the starvation and genocides.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular

    the hessian I obtained in a MLE estimation is suggesting negative values for variances

    this happens when it fails to converge but Optim is telling me it converged

    what do I doooo
  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    Pony wrote: »
    Cinders wrote: »



    The only other word I can think of that fits also has a hyphen. :(
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »

    the hessian I obtained in a MLE estimation is suggesting negative values for variances

    this happens when it fails to converge but Optim is telling me it converged

    what do I doooo

    No clue, really I am not the best at this stuff without a ton of notes.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    My hair is too long. Where's the fashion thread.

    Shave it. Then grow a beard. Then grow your hair out again and shave off the beard. Never let people see you looking the same twice.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    the Hawkeye in Hawkeye seems completely different from the previous Hawkeye in characterization

    which made the ex-wife subplot a little weird
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Can you be patriotic/proud of something that is average.

    how else could i talk about my weiner

    No, really. I think being proud of something that's average is kind of weird. And if you're proud of something that's above-average doesn't that imply that it's better than other things.

    presumably you would be proud of the parts that are above average, since qualitative ratings like that are granular- i.e. i rule at some stuff and suck at others.

    and for the shitty stuff i guess it becomes more about self-actuation and meaning. like, what does philadelphia mean to me? where despite its grime and awfulness it might have some particular, uniquely associated connection with me where i remember certain wonderful days looking at the skyline.

    Well, to respond to you first, I have a difficult time not letting the bad stuff spoil the good. I favor ambivalence whenever there is a basis for such.

    But where I'm going with that post is that, except in the context of maybe policy making where it would be helpful to know where we are quantitatively ahead or behind, I don't think it's very helpful or normal to consider that stuff in the day to day. It just doesn't figure into my thinking. When I think of my country in the context of the international community and interact with people from other countries I don't feel patriotism is really relevant.

    that first thing seems like your hangup brah. i dunno. i am not big on idolizing country (except getting defensive about cunty europeans, no offense european forum brahs) but things do have dimensions and facets. ain't no place completely great or completely awful.

    Right now I feel like human society is about at the 'getting stabbed non-fatally' level. You're gonna live, but getting stabbed sucks.

    lots of stuff to get excited about broheim. ain't just terrorists and homophobes.

    Well there is also the starvation and genocides.

    blowjobs and milkshakes.

    I would like, give up blowjobs and milkshakes for life if we could tone down the starvation and genocides.

    dogg your depresshuns are making my depresshuns worse
  • VariableVariable Stroke Me Lady Fame Registered User regular
    one man must starve so that another might get his dick wet

    saliva wet
    "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" - Dr. Johnson
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Cinders wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    to be completely honest, for the most part the only folk I find the word patriotism to be loaded or controversial around on the internet

    are Americans



    Well I mean

    You can kind of see why that would be the case. "Patriotism" here sometimes means unquestioningly agreeing with the government. We have the PATRIOT act legalizing some pretty terrible stuff. "Unpatriotic" is a slur leveled at those who don't unflinchingly think the government is good. It's charged with some weird anti-gay rhetoric at times.

    I get where you're coming from, but there's definitely a legitimate reason Americans might be uncomfortable with the word.

    Not just Americans. The Bhutanese expelled 200k people for being unable to culturally assimilate. The Germans committed genocide in Africa for the same reasons. There was the Tibetan expedition by the British. The entirety of the Boxer Rebellion was a massive mishmash of nationalism and patriotism. The word has a long and storied history.

    Oh yeah.

    I wasn't talking about historical stuff though, just about why Americans in particular might be sensitive about that word. We haven't seen most of those things, but I've somehow managed to live to see Patriotism become a creepy word that bleeds into blind nationalism in my country. So it does set of little alarm bells, because most of the people here who proudly proclaim their patriotism do so in that way.

    I mean and it definitely does not help that those people tend to be the ones who I have drastic, dramatic disagreements with about fundamental parts of my personality.
  • AresProphetAresProphet giggle and the flames grow higher Registered User regular
    My hair is too long. Where's the fashion thread.

    Under the clippers

    Shave it all off, if you have the stones





    (I need a haircut but I want to make it to the 5 year point for posterity's sake, which'll be roughly Halloween)
    no more need for the old empire
    when the indigo children come
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Can you be patriotic/proud of something that is average.

    how else could i talk about my weiner

    No, really. I think being proud of something that's average is kind of weird. And if you're proud of something that's above-average doesn't that imply that it's better than other things.

    presumably you would be proud of the parts that are above average, since qualitative ratings like that are granular- i.e. i rule at some stuff and suck at others.

    and for the shitty stuff i guess it becomes more about self-actuation and meaning. like, what does philadelphia mean to me? where despite its grime and awfulness it might have some particular, uniquely associated connection with me where i remember certain wonderful days looking at the skyline.

    Well, to respond to you first, I have a difficult time not letting the bad stuff spoil the good. I favor ambivalence whenever there is a basis for such.

    But where I'm going with that post is that, except in the context of maybe policy making where it would be helpful to know where we are quantitatively ahead or behind, I don't think it's very helpful or normal to consider that stuff in the day to day. It just doesn't figure into my thinking. When I think of my country in the context of the international community and interact with people from other countries I don't feel patriotism is really relevant.

    that first thing seems like your hangup brah. i dunno. i am not big on idolizing country (except getting defensive about cunty europeans, no offense european forum brahs) but things do have dimensions and facets. ain't no place completely great or completely awful.

    Right now I feel like human society is about at the 'getting stabbed non-fatally' level. You're gonna live, but getting stabbed sucks.

    lots of stuff to get excited about broheim. ain't just terrorists and homophobes.

    Well there is also the starvation and genocides.

    blowjobs and milkshakes.

    I would like, give up blowjobs and milkshakes for life if we could tone down the starvation and genocides.

    dogg your depresshuns are making my depresshuns worse

  • Loren MichaelLoren Michael Registered User regular
    Man patriotism is shit according to any understanding of patriotism I've ever seen.

    Posting a claim about the goodness or badness of a thing without defining that thing is just semantic goosery. Who started this?
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Nationalism - I don't like patriotism as a word, because of the "you have to agree" connotation - and confidence are pretty similar like pony suggested

    confidence through ignorance of your flaws is awful.

    I like my country. Everything about it, really. I like our problems. I like the way we have those problems, because I'm as accustomed to that as to the way our streetsigns are. Same goes for why I'm confident. I know myself. I'm cool with my flaws.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    Man patriotism is shit according to any understanding of patriotism I've ever seen.

    Posting a claim about the goodness or badness of a thing without defining that thing is just semantic goosery. Who started this?

    this does not seem like a helpful interjection

    tone, fella, tone!

    *flashes boobs*
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    I want my new glasses so I can start learning how to drive and shit and not look poor with my cracked lenses anymore. :(
  • Loren MichaelLoren Michael Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Pony wrote: »
    being a DC Comics fan these days is like watching your dad descend into alcoholism

    well maybe not your dad

    but like

    your buddy's dad who you thought was kind of a cool guy before

    and you're like


    it's embarrassing as hell

    I read all these names on their books and it's like a who's who of the shitty dark ages of the 90s

    Bob Harras? Howard Mackie? Who the fuck was clamoring to read books written by Howard Mackie?

    meanwhile Marvel is just kind of...there. their comics feel like a vestigial appendage of whatever the movies are doing at the moment.

    Marvel needs to get out of the comics business and just go with movies, TV, and games.
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    Patriotism has no more a loaded and maniacal history as a word or belief than religion.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Man that dump was like a pile-up inside of a tunnel
  • Loren MichaelLoren Michael Registered User regular
    My hair is too long. Where's the fashion thread.

    Under the clippers

    Shave it all off, if you have the stones

    No way. I look good with longish hair. Just not with unkempt long hair.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    I have too many retards on my fb list that keep falling for scams.
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    I guess I just don't think countries are a good thing

    They're a necessary organizational tier, and humans just associate with groups naturally

    And the result is opposition against other groups
  • knitdanknitdan Registered User regular
    I like patriotism, but I also don't assign all these extra meanings to it.

    If I want a negative descriptor I'll use jingoism.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    I guess I just don't think countries are a good thing

    They're a necessary organizational tier, and humans just associate with groups naturally

    And the result is opposition against other groups

    I relate much better to the human species than to countries or even states.
  • Loren MichaelLoren Michael Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Man patriotism is shit according to any understanding of patriotism I've ever seen.

    Posting a claim about the goodness or badness of a thing without defining that thing is just semantic goosery. Who started this?

    this does not seem like a helpful interjection

    tone, fella, tone!

    *flashes boobs*

    Unless one can be sure that people who are going to disagree are self-aware enough to immediately ask one to define his terms rather than make assumptions, it's just semantic boatrocking to not lead with at least a rough definition.
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    evilbob wrote: »
    I have too many retards on my fb list that keep falling for scams.

    Send me their e-mail adresses and relevant personal details.

    For reasons...
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    although to be fair I'm like, only one step removed from the people on youtube with norse symbol or norwegian flag avs who comment on every video that has to do with anything traditionally norwegian

    and range from the spectrum of reading like the praise comes for the slightly wrong reasons to just straight up shouting about how multiculturalism is genocide.
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    I like the US. I like Colorado. I am very use to it. I am use to the problems. And in fact at a local level we are getting a lot better both culturally and legally. State is becoming more integrated. The bullshit hate that was around in the early '90s is being marginalized.

    But I also loved living in Japan. Even if it is like living through looking glass with the interactions and social rules. But it was really nice. Sometimes you miss home but other times you see the awesome around you and the bad.

    I really don't have problems moving around though to a new country or new city. Most of them I am pretty good at adapting and finding good things about them.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    evilbob wrote: »
    I have too many retards on my fb list that keep falling for scams.

    Send me their e-mail adresses and relevant personal details.

    For reasons...

    Just make a page saying you're giving away iphones for free and they'll send you whatever you want.
  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Registered User regular
    the actual quote, from German-born Missouri Senator Carl Schurz (Abdy had Decatur's version, but I think this one is better):

    "My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right."
This discussion has been closed.