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Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

Ho! Ha ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust! [Chat]!



  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    Like if you get Scurvy and Lyme disease do they cancel each other out?
  • descdesc the '87 stick-up kids Registered User regular
    Ludious wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    Thomamelas wrote: »


    Make your own Pacific Rim posters. An example of the fine work done with it already:



    ATL off the chain down heah

    If that robot doesn't emit super slow 808 beats while defending humanity them the aliens have already won.
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    there is no such thing as a bad NIN album. There merely exists people who are not ready for that album in question.

    Wither, Blister, Burn, and Peel wasn't that great.


    I have always liked you

    But calling Stabbing Westward NIN is a sin I simply can't forgive.
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • Element BrianElement Brian Registered User regular
    zagdrob wrote: »
    Eddy wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I dont think MTV was ever really "Good". They've always churned out shit for 12-18 year olds

    They're still really good at it! Although I suspect it's partially because it's really easy influencing the social norms of teenagers...

    I would have thought the fact that today's teenagers parents thought MTV was 'cool' when THEY were teenagers would be the final nail in its coffin.

    Then again, MTV has somehow managed to stay somewhat socially relevant about twenty years past when I would have figured they could stretch it out, so what do I know? I figured the Beavis and Butthead movie was their swan song.

    Yeah but those parents claim that "MTV used to be cool, and now it's shit', which appeals strongly to teenagers who like to watch complete shit.
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Oh this is bullshit. My wife is doing a conference in Austin, but it's from Sunday to Tuesday...
    There isn't a good night drinking day in that trip at all.

    when is it again

    maybe I will take a day off

    Arriving June 23AM - Departing June 25PM
    I'll probably go anyway because YOLO

    hmm that sucks I have the 21st off already

    maybe I can take the monday off too

    Super Long weekend.
    Do eet
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    I grew up in the country at the height of the Lyme Disease panic. ticks were a big scare thing

    I grew up in northwest CT and actually got lyme disease. (#oneupsmanship) These days it's no big deal. You spot the bite or the symptoms, you take doxycycline for a while, you're all set. It was only a big problem when doctors had no idea what the fuck was going on and let it run unchecked for years, at which point there was permanent neurological damage.

    there are a number of people for whom lyme disease is part of the chronic pain/ fibromyalgia spectrum of "i feel like something's chronically wrong with me but can't find a doctor to agree to an actual diagnosis"

    Now wait, lyme disease can be detected through blood samples.

    The test isn't that great. It looks for certain antibodies and is often inconclusive. Which just fuels the fire for hypochondriacs looking for something concrete.
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    woah, Random Access Memories went from leak to "official prerelease" pretty fucking quickly
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Couscous wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    wandering wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    Honestly, music is yet another venue for people to define themselves through the practice of consumption.
    to fight consumerism I will now only consume awful things like Jeff Foxworthy stand up, smooth jazz music, and Kraft mac and cheese

    i will pirate the git er dun guy's shows and run them on loop as a webcast

    Larry the Cable guy has about 95% of his audience fooled into thinking that's what he's really like.

    Dude is brilliant and an excellent showman.
    Convincing idiots doesn't require excellent showmanship. These are the same people who probably think Colbert isn't joking.

    I guess. I was watching one of his shows a while back and, besides being legitimately funny, there was this moment...

    He was saying something self-deprecating and I caught this glimmer in his eye, and I realized that the dude is up there laughing at the people who are laughing at his character. I realized that he is fucking with the audience in his act, and suddenly I saw evidence of it all over his show. The timing, some of the joke constructions, some of the concept he sets up...

    Dude is smart and he is mocking his audience at least half the time. It made the show even better!
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
  • tapeslingertapeslinger utter Yog-Sothothery mmm, soulsRegistered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    there is no such thing as a bad NIN album. There merely exists people who are not ready for that album in question.

    Wither, Blister, Burn, and Peel wasn't that great.

    hating you to all of the deaths right now
    Hey! You! Go bid on awesome things! http://solidsaints.com
    jayxwolf.com || twit || fb || writing || ravelry || dA || g++
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    TTODewback wrote: »
    Like if you get Scurvy and Lyme disease do they cancel each other out?

    you make funny joke hohoho
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    I don't mind the Ramones, and used to like them a lot until my taste broadened and I found stuff I liked a bit better... Their stuff was just perfect for the period and to pioneer e mosh pit, as well, but I never listen to them anymore unless it's, like, randomly I'm a TV Show or Movie. I'd say they're one of the most overrated punk bands.

    i like the ramones. i don't really actively listen to them, but when a ramones song comes on, i enjoy it.

    i don't think they're the best punk band, really, but they kind of sum up what i like about punk music - the playfulness and the unpolished/ amateurish/ diy aspect and the short songs and the energy.

    like, today the ramones music mostly doesn't sound like what people consider to be the "punk" sound, but pretty much all the punk bands of that era, including the sex pistols and clash, claim that they were centrally inspired by the ramones.
  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    I grew up in the country at the height of the Lyme Disease panic. ticks were a big scare thing

    I grew up in northwest CT and actually got lyme disease. (#oneupsmanship) These days it's no big deal. You spot the bite or the symptoms, you take doxycycline for a while, you're all set. It was only a big problem when doctors had no idea what the fuck was going on and let it run unchecked for years, at which point there was permanent neurological damage.

    there are a number of people for whom lyme disease is part of the chronic pain/ fibromyalgia spectrum of "i feel like something's chronically wrong with me but can't find a doctor to agree to an actual diagnosis"

    Now wait, lyme disease can be detected through blood samples.

    The test isn't that great. It looks for certain antibodies and is often inconclusive. Which just fuels the fire for hypochondriacs looking for something concrete.

    god, antibody tests are terrible in general

    in 100 years we're going to look back and go, "man, they used antibody tests in 2013? i bet they believed in phrenology, too"
    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »

    are you wtfing at the verdict

    or wtfing at the situation?

    the situation's pretty fucked up
    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    I grew up in the country at the height of the Lyme Disease panic. ticks were a big scare thing

    I grew up in northwest CT and actually got lyme disease. (#oneupsmanship) These days it's no big deal. You spot the bite or the symptoms, you take doxycycline for a while, you're all set. It was only a big problem when doctors had no idea what the fuck was going on and let it run unchecked for years, at which point there was permanent neurological damage.

    there are a number of people for whom lyme disease is part of the chronic pain/ fibromyalgia spectrum of "i feel like something's chronically wrong with me but can't find a doctor to agree to an actual diagnosis"

    Now wait, lyme disease can be detected through blood samples.

    lyme disease is an actual measurable thing, yeah,

    but lingering chronic physical/mental disability from possibly once having had lyme disease is not really a detectable, diagnosable thing.
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    There are a lot of weird things that coincide with somatic disorders, like sexual promiscuity.
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    So It Goes wrote: »

    are you wtfing at the verdict

    or wtfing at the situation?

    the situation's pretty fucked up

    the situation!

    good god
  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Registered User regular
    i'm no cultural marxist, but that's an inappropriate awesome, robot
    "All models are wrong; some models are useful."
  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    physics lecture I haven't posted before!

    (note: the introductions are long and the first intro guy is not comfortable speaking at all. the actual content is good! just skip ahead)

    What you think "makes sense" has nothing to do with reality. It just has to do with your life experience. And your life experience may only be a small smidgen of reality. Possibly even a distorted account of reality at that. So what this means is that, beginning in the 20th century as our means of decoding nature became more and more powerful, we started realizing our common sense is no longer a tool to pass judgment on whether or not a scientific theory is correct. - Neil Degrasse Tyson
  • ThomamelasThomamelas Registered User regular
    So I brought Lud great joy. The universe demands balance. Arch, I'm helping a school oppress skateboarders. Making sure they can be reported to the cops for trespassing on school grounds.
    There's no living with a killing. There's no goin' back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand... a brand sticks. There's no goin' back. Now you run on home to your mother and tell her... tell her everything's alright. And there aren't any more guns in the valley.
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    cptrugged wrote: »
    Holy Christ in a Handbasket. Tabitha Soren. I'ts a blast from the past all up in here. Used to see them both in between vidoes when I'd be sitting at home chilling on summer break. Still remember Kurt Loder's interview with this skin head on some special they did. He was so cool and calm through the whole thing.

    Loder is the Tom Brokaw of music reporting.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »
    Feral wrote: »
    So It Goes wrote: »

    are you wtfing at the verdict

    or wtfing at the situation?

    the situation's pretty fucked up

    the situation!

    good god

    It's pretty awful. It's been front-page outrage fodder for pro-life sites for a while. I probably wouldn't have heard of it if it weren't for the outspoken Christians on my Facebook.
    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Feral wrote: »
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    I grew up in the country at the height of the Lyme Disease panic. ticks were a big scare thing

    I grew up in northwest CT and actually got lyme disease. (#oneupsmanship) These days it's no big deal. You spot the bite or the symptoms, you take doxycycline for a while, you're all set. It was only a big problem when doctors had no idea what the fuck was going on and let it run unchecked for years, at which point there was permanent neurological damage.

    there are a number of people for whom lyme disease is part of the chronic pain/ fibromyalgia spectrum of "i feel like something's chronically wrong with me but can't find a doctor to agree to an actual diagnosis"

    Now wait, lyme disease can be detected through blood samples.

    The test isn't that great. It looks for certain antibodies and is often inconclusive. Which just fuels the fire for hypochondriacs looking for something concrete.

    god, antibody tests are terrible in general

    in 100 years we're going to look back and go, "man, they used antibody tests in 2013? i bet they believed in phrenology, too"

    Yeah they gave me a scrip and said, we aren't even going to bother with a blood test. If you get any symptoms, take this. But I don't think that guy was in there more than twelve hours, I ought to be fine.
    SammyF on
  • DaemonSadiDaemonSadi Registered User regular
    Re: Lyme Disease-

    My doctor did some tests to find out why my legs were getting all... useless and found out I had Lyme Disease. I took some medicine and that got much better but my knees are all wacky ever since then. Is that actually a potential lasting effect from having Lyme Disease for a couple months and ignoring it or is it likely something else that just happened at the same time? Because so far doctors just kinda shrug at me and I never really cared enough to look into it further.
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    So I brought Lud great joy. The universe demands balance. Arch, I'm helping a school oppress skateboarders. Making sure they can be reported to the cops for trespassing on school grounds.

    I have become the enemy

    I only skateboard in skateparks these days

    and I always wear a helmet
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    I grew up in the country at the height of the Lyme Disease panic. ticks were a big scare thing

    I grew up in northwest CT and actually got lyme disease. (#oneupsmanship) These days it's no big deal. You spot the bite or the symptoms, you take doxycycline for a while, you're all set. It was only a big problem when doctors had no idea what the fuck was going on and let it run unchecked for years, at which point there was permanent neurological damage.

    there are a number of people for whom lyme disease is part of the chronic pain/ fibromyalgia spectrum of "i feel like something's chronically wrong with me but can't find a doctor to agree to an actual diagnosis"

    Now wait, lyme disease can be detected through blood samples.

    The test isn't that great. It looks for certain antibodies and is often inconclusive. Which just fuels the fire for hypochondriacs looking for something concrete.

    god, antibody tests are terrible in general

    in 100 years we're going to look back and go, "man, they used antibody tests in 2013? i bet they believed in phrenology, too"

    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    spool32 wrote: »
    Couscous wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    wandering wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    Honestly, music is yet another venue for people to define themselves through the practice of consumption.
    to fight consumerism I will now only consume awful things like Jeff Foxworthy stand up, smooth jazz music, and Kraft mac and cheese

    i will pirate the git er dun guy's shows and run them on loop as a webcast

    Larry the Cable guy has about 95% of his audience fooled into thinking that's what he's really like.

    Dude is brilliant and an excellent showman.
    Convincing idiots doesn't require excellent showmanship. These are the same people who probably think Colbert isn't joking.

    I guess. I was watching one of his shows a while back and, besides being legitimately funny, there was this moment...

    He was saying something self-deprecating and I caught this glimmer in his eye, and I realized that the dude is up there laughing at the people who are laughing at his character. I realized that he is fucking with the audience in his act, and suddenly I saw evidence of it all over his show. The timing, some of the joke constructions, some of the concept he sets up...

    Dude is smart and he is mocking his audience at least half the time. It made the show even better!

    man im not sure if that makes him any better to me

    maybe worse

    like, going to working class southern audiences and reinforcing their prejudices and sense of grievance in your show is a pretty bad thing

    but doing the same thing, only ironically?

    just ugh
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    DaemonSadi wrote: »
    Re: Lyme Disease-

    My doctor did some tests to find out why my legs were getting all... useless and found out I had Lyme Disease. I took some medicine and that got much better but my knees are all wacky ever since then. Is that actually a potential lasting effect from having Lyme Disease for a couple months and ignoring it or is it likely something else that just happened at the same time? Because so far doctors just kinda shrug at me and I never really cared enough to look into it further.

    i think untreated lyme disease can cause nerve damage.

    at least it's so with dogs sometimes
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »

    Swift justice in Philly. That fucker was running a nightmare factory, not an abortion clinic.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    Post-lyme disease chronic pain is (probably) a real thing, but it's currently impossible to differentiate it from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or other poorly understood undiagnosable chronic neuromuscular complaints.
    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • EddyEddy i ain't afraid of no ghosts Registered User regular
    I really like that guy with the mullet, Riemann. He seems smart, good-spirited, and accessible
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    edited May 2013
    ABC News wrote:
    Ricin Suspect Released: 'I Don't Even Eat Rice'
    Irond Will on
  • MadCaddyMadCaddy Riksadvokate Registered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I will always love Less Than Jake, but they are kind of samey between songs.

    They're okay, but they're not quite as good as Jake.

    Man, I can't find a picture of my favorite one of their shirts. The one wit Less than Jake, and much more than Jake in the front, then Jake be skankin' on the back.
    League of Legends: SorryNotRly Steam: MMForYourHealth Hero Academy: MadCaddy
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    DaemonSadi wrote: »
    Re: Lyme Disease-

    My doctor did some tests to find out why my legs were getting all... useless and found out I had Lyme Disease. I took some medicine and that got much better but my knees are all wacky ever since then. Is that actually a potential lasting effect from having Lyme Disease for a couple months and ignoring it or is it likely something else that just happened at the same time? Because so far doctors just kinda shrug at me and I never really cared enough to look into it further.

    If you had it for over a year, it can cause some poorly understood autoimmune disorders, one of which is basically mild rheumatoid arthritis. Sucks, but it should get better over time, especially if you keep active or get physical therapy.
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    ABC News wrote:
    Ricin Suspect Released: 'I Don't Even Eat Rice'

    Meh that's not exactly what he said,well at least it's out of context. They came to his door and asked him about "ricin" with no context and he said "I don't even eat rice".

    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    I think I've had mild rheumatoid arthritis a couple of times due to Crohns. It wasn't fun not being able to walk
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Couscous wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    wandering wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    Honestly, music is yet another venue for people to define themselves through the practice of consumption.
    to fight consumerism I will now only consume awful things like Jeff Foxworthy stand up, smooth jazz music, and Kraft mac and cheese

    i will pirate the git er dun guy's shows and run them on loop as a webcast

    Larry the Cable guy has about 95% of his audience fooled into thinking that's what he's really like.

    Dude is brilliant and an excellent showman.
    Convincing idiots doesn't require excellent showmanship. These are the same people who probably think Colbert isn't joking.

    I guess. I was watching one of his shows a while back and, besides being legitimately funny, there was this moment...

    He was saying something self-deprecating and I caught this glimmer in his eye, and I realized that the dude is up there laughing at the people who are laughing at his character. I realized that he is fucking with the audience in his act, and suddenly I saw evidence of it all over his show. The timing, some of the joke constructions, some of the concept he sets up...

    Dude is smart and he is mocking his audience at least half the time. It made the show even better!

    man im not sure if that makes him any better to me

    maybe worse

    like, going to working class southern audiences and reinforcing their prejudices and sense of grievance in your show is a pretty bad thing

    but doing the same thing, only ironically?

    just ugh

    That is really not what his show is about...

    You seem not to like any things today!
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • cptruggedcptrugged Buster Machine 3Registered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    So It Goes wrote: »
    Feral wrote: »
    So It Goes wrote: »

    are you wtfing at the verdict

    or wtfing at the situation?

    the situation's pretty fucked up

    the situation!

    good god

    It's pretty awful. It's been front-page outrage fodder for pro-life sites for a while. I probably wouldn't have heard of it if it weren't for the outspoken Christians on my Facebook.

    It really is atrocious. I heard about it here in [chat]. I mean, political views aside, the guy is a monster.
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Feral wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    DaemonSadi wrote: »
    Re: Lyme Disease-

    My doctor did some tests to find out why my legs were getting all... useless and found out I had Lyme Disease. I took some medicine and that got much better but my knees are all wacky ever since then. Is that actually a potential lasting effect from having Lyme Disease for a couple months and ignoring it or is it likely something else that just happened at the same time? Because so far doctors just kinda shrug at me and I never really cared enough to look into it further.

    i think untreated lyme disease can cause nerve damage.

    at least it's so with dogs sometimes

    Those dogs are just faking it so they can lay around collecting disability and pop vicodin all day

    treat-seeking behavior
This discussion has been closed.