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  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    I have to go for a but but medical types, talk to me about topical application of Magnesium and what it might do for muscle pain to soreness.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • MadCaddyMadCaddy Riksadvokate Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    oh yeah also fuck the misfits they are so bad

    mother is hilarious though


    you shut your mouth the misfits are great

    they are kind of fun in small doses but seriously i dislike glen danzig and his weird punk elvis thing. it totally does nothing for me.

    Will, you and I also alike I'm taste it seems... All except your deference to NOFX. ;)
    League of Legends: SorryNotRly Steam: MMForYourHealth Hero Academy: MadCaddy
  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    @So It Goes

    I know one of the investigators on that case. She doesn't talk about work very much, but one day a few years ago she called me up and insisted that I buy her a drink....
  • zagdrobzagdrob Registered User regular
    With antibody tests...my sister in law has lost her shit over TB tests. Won't be in the same room as the family unless we all get a TB test and show the paperwork that it's negative.

    She lives in the fucking south...yet refuses to believe that about half the people she sees every day would have a positive skin test.

    Wish I could go into more details about just how fucked her and my brother and law are with that. It's definitely a story.
  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    I have to go for a but but medical types, talk to me about topical application of Magnesium and what it might do for muscle pain to soreness.

    what you do is shave off a large strip of magnesium metal, press it directly against the skin, and submerge it in water
    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • emnmnmeemnmnme Heard about this on conservative radio:Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    He took scissors to the back of one fetus' neck after it was outside the womb.

    EDIT: Er, I guess it was a baby after it's outside the womb.
    emnmnme on
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    I have to go for a but but medical types, talk to me about topical application of Magnesium and what it might do for muscle pain to soreness.

    It will make you taste like magnesium
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    I have to go for a but but medical types, talk to me about topical application of Magnesium and what it might do for muscle pain to soreness.

    It will make you taste like magnesium
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    I have to go for a but but medical types, talk to me about topical application of Magnesium and what it might do for muscle pain to soreness.

    It will make you taste like magnesium
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    I have to go for a but but medical types, talk to me about topical application of Magnesium and what it might do for muscle pain to soreness.

    There is no reason us quacks can't get in on this

    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    My dog growing up had chronic lyme. His back legs would stop working every once in a while so his treat seeking behavior was to stand up with with front paws, then dip his head down until his butt and useless legs were raised up in the air and just walk around like that.

    It got him so many treats.
  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    I have to go for a but but medical types, talk to me about topical application of Magnesium and what it might do for muscle pain to soreness.

    It will make you taste like magnesium

    i thought you said the penis isn't a muscle
    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    oh yeah also fuck the misfits they are so bad

    mother is hilarious though


    you shut your mouth the misfits are great

    they are kind of fun in small doses but seriously i dislike glen danzig and his weird punk elvis thing. it totally does nothing for me.

    Will, you and I also alike I'm taste it seems... All except your deference to NOFX. ;)

    i think i just have one nofx album and they are sort of the weird al of pop-punk bands but that is okay to me
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    Ludious wrote: »
    Feral wrote: »
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    I grew up in the country at the height of the Lyme Disease panic. ticks were a big scare thing

    I grew up in northwest CT and actually got lyme disease. (#oneupsmanship) These days it's no big deal. You spot the bite or the symptoms, you take doxycycline for a while, you're all set. It was only a big problem when doctors had no idea what the fuck was going on and let it run unchecked for years, at which point there was permanent neurological damage.

    there are a number of people for whom lyme disease is part of the chronic pain/ fibromyalgia spectrum of "i feel like something's chronically wrong with me but can't find a doctor to agree to an actual diagnosis"

    Now wait, lyme disease can be detected through blood samples.

    The test isn't that great. It looks for certain antibodies and is often inconclusive. Which just fuels the fire for hypochondriacs looking for something concrete.

    god, antibody tests are terrible in general

    in 100 years we're going to look back and go, "man, they used antibody tests in 2013? i bet they believed in phrenology, too"

    i like this

    i'm just gonna go ahead and assume every inexplicable recovery is the result of a time-traveling doctor
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    My dog growing up had chronic lyme. His back legs would stop working every once in a while so his treat seeking behavior was to stand up with with front paws, then dip his head down until his butt and useless legs were raised up in the air and just walk around like that.

    It got him so many treats.

    ah the old "inverted kangaroo" gambit

    well-played, doggie kong
  • MadCaddyMadCaddy Riksadvokate Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    the suicide machines first album, destruction by definition, was amazing and had a sort of post-ska reggae feel

    like if operation ivy had grown up and learned how to play their instruments and write good songs

    then everything they released after that was utter shit from a butt

    I vaguely remember the Suicide Machines, think I even went to a show of theirs maybe around 99?

    They were never close to better than OpIvy!!! >:o
    League of Legends: SorryNotRly Steam: MMForYourHealth Hero Academy: MadCaddy
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    spool32 wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Couscous wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    wandering wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    Honestly, music is yet another venue for people to define themselves through the practice of consumption.
    to fight consumerism I will now only consume awful things like Jeff Foxworthy stand up, smooth jazz music, and Kraft mac and cheese

    i will pirate the git er dun guy's shows and run them on loop as a webcast

    Larry the Cable guy has about 95% of his audience fooled into thinking that's what he's really like.

    Dude is brilliant and an excellent showman.
    Convincing idiots doesn't require excellent showmanship. These are the same people who probably think Colbert isn't joking.

    I guess. I was watching one of his shows a while back and, besides being legitimately funny, there was this moment...

    He was saying something self-deprecating and I caught this glimmer in his eye, and I realized that the dude is up there laughing at the people who are laughing at his character. I realized that he is fucking with the audience in his act, and suddenly I saw evidence of it all over his show. The timing, some of the joke constructions, some of the concept he sets up...

    Dude is smart and he is mocking his audience at least half the time. It made the show even better!

    man im not sure if that makes him any better to me

    maybe worse

    like, going to working class southern audiences and reinforcing their prejudices and sense of grievance in your show is a pretty bad thing

    but doing the same thing, only ironically?

    just ugh

    That is really not what his show is about...

    You seem not to like any things today!

    larry the cable guy and the music of the 90s are my white whales
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    @Ludious it won't let me download my poster??
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    SammyF wrote: »
    @So It Goes

    I know one of the investigators on that case. She doesn't talk about work very much, but one day a few years ago she called me up and insisted that I buy her a drink....

    I would quit after that

    god dammit we need mandatory free therapy for people that investigate/deal with this type of shit
  • descdesc the '87 stick-up kids Registered User regular
    Flipping tables over the 90s

    All of these derp bands are such red herrings. Rock music was pointless through the 90s.

    The decade that produced no u turn records, metalheadz, suburban base, schematic, drop bass network, etc etc etc

  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Oh Fuck me. I just booked a flight and totes forgot that I signed up for a cocktail class at the same time.
    Do I try and get a refund for the $370 flight or the $140 class?

  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Time for GoT! Was it good last night?
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • emnmnmeemnmnme Heard about this on conservative radio:Registered User regular
    Time for GoT! Was it good last night?

    Is it ever bad?
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Time for GoT! Was it good last night?

    Is it ever bad?

    It is occasionally underwhelming.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    nooo all this five minutes of work making a robot poster is going to be wasted when I have to try this in another browser!

  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    A decade that produced no metal heads?

    That sounds like something that would be on a pamphlet at the TARDIS Tourism Bureau

    MAJOR selling point.
  • DelmainDelmain Registered User regular
    Time for GoT! Was it good last night?

    Curses, I have to wait another 1.5~ hours to get it.
    Torak - Elcor Vanguard
  • descdesc the '87 stick-up kids Registered User regular
    This weather is dumb

    Abolish the summer system now
  • MadCaddyMadCaddy Riksadvokate Registered User regular
    Time for GoT! Was it good last night?


    And time for me to get outta here. Peace out chat.
    League of Legends: SorryNotRly Steam: MMForYourHealth Hero Academy: MadCaddy
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    i liked a lot of 90's music

    although on talking with music nerds on the internet about the 90's i came to the realization that during the 90's i mostly listened to Canadian bands that most people outside Canada have never heard of and certainly hadn't heard of in the 90's

    so that's weird
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    Ugh I kind of didn't think about not having cable or internet at the new place. So I'll be GoT-less for awhile.
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Oh Fuck me. I just booked a flight and totes forgot that I signed up for a cocktail class at the same time.
    Do I try and get a refund for the $370 flight or the $140 class?

    if you call right now you can probably get the flight moved for free
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular

    well here is a small screenshot of it anyway
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    haha my summer semester starts before my spring semester ends

    this week should be fun
    override367 on
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    desc wrote: »
    Flipping tables over the 90s

    All of these derp bands are such red herrings. Rock music was pointless through the 90s.

    The decade that produced no u turn records, metalheadz, suburban base, schematic, drop bass network, etc etc etc


    weirdo niche electronica is niche
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Oh Fuck me. I just booked a flight and totes forgot that I signed up for a cocktail class at the same time.
    Do I try and get a refund for the $370 flight or the $140 class?

    if you call right now you can probably get the flight moved for free

    I don't want it moved.
    One of those activities needs to die.
    Im not sure which.
    Im taking the class with 2 friends on my suggestion, so I feel like a bit of a cunt for bailing.
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    desc wrote: »

    So like

    That hundred push ups site

    @desc I'm gonna start doing it on my offs days. Which means starting tomorrow.

    Today was 20 minutes on the elliptical and calisthenics from Hell.
This discussion has been closed.