Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

[chat] going one way, people another



  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    After the conversation the other night about how the world is terrible I have been looking up some stats. Apparently only 57 million people die every year? I mean, that's a lot of people, but out of 7 billion people that's not too bad. 1.29 billion people live in poverty. That's a lot :( Apparently 920 million people are malnourished.

    And then there are other things, like war and healthcare, and Republicans!

    It doesn't feel as hopeless but man, I wish shit was better. I need books about poverty and hunger that aren't depressing.

    I dunno dude. I could suggest that you read Malthus and then look at how the last 200+ years of history haven't borne him out.

    but it seems to me like the fundamental problem is that you are depressed and "the state of the world" makes a convenient externalization

    It's just a matter of finding the right information. I was able to get past my depression once before when it manifested as self-hatred and low self-esteem. I am probably going to get on meds, if I can get a damn appointment, but I also want to use reason and logic. I can't be on meds forever.

    reason and logic are basically ineffective against depression

    like, that's bascially the whole point of depression

    what you can do is take logical & reasonable steps to treat your depression

    like seeking treatment, or forcing yourself to work out

    (focusing on tragedies that you're powerless to do anything about is not such a step)
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    Now that my friend turned me onto justifying (as in, the typesetting function) all my academic longform writing... it slightly irks me when I find other longform writing that isn't justified.

    you will shrivel up into a dried husk when your friend converts you into using TeX to typeset paragraphs of longform writing

    A quick glance at the Wiki suggests that this is more useful for stuff involving equations and symbols from The White Man's more glorious and prolific ancestors.

    TeX breaks up words between lines correctly

    also, kerning. Once you learn of it, you will never fail to notice bad kerning.
  • a5ehrena5ehren Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Robert Glaser, president of the dealers association, told the News & Observer that the law prohibiting Tesla sales isn’t just about his industry’s self-interest. Pointing to the Tesla representatives at a recent hearing, he said, “You tell me they’re gonna support the little leagues and the YMCA?”

    Holy crap this is incredibly transparent as an expression of baptists and bootleggers

    raise your hand if you think the dealer's association hands out all the excess profit from industry protection to little leagues and YMCA

    Ha, yeah. I think its safe to say that all those things would be better off if the local population had that money instead of the dealers' profit. They'd obviously still have to have local staff for maintenance and sales, so the only difference is how much profit is generated (probably a bit less in exchange for higher sales) and where it ends up (corporate office instead of some dumbass dealer).
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    After the conversation the other night about how the world is terrible I have been looking up some stats. Apparently only 57 million people die every year? I mean, that's a lot of people, but out of 7 billion people that's not too bad. 1.29 billion people live in poverty. That's a lot :( Apparently 920 million people are malnourished.

    And then there are other things, like war and healthcare, and Republicans!

    It doesn't feel as hopeless but man, I wish shit was better. I need books about poverty and hunger that aren't depressing.

    The universe is cold and angry, but life is, on average, better for the human race right now than it ever has been.
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular

    Aren't pickled cucumbers just pickles?
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    my cat has his back foot up against a fan and he's sleeping intermittently

    and when he falls asleep it starts shaking and going


  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »

    also, this is absolute numbers. If you also consider how much the total number of people has gone up, then shit is getting peaceful.

  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    why are you guys harassing mim about this

    look, people just feel like she was rash in cutting off her boobs

    this is what i'm getting from this thread
  • zagdrobzagdrob Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    but general outlook is not really reason and logic anyway

    and exchange is the devil.
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    for instance

    abuot a year and a half ago an ex girlfriend, the relationship of which's downfall i chronicled on here in like, spring 2008 or so, called me out of the blue and left me a message

    i didnt even listen to it, just straight deleted it

    i dont really give a flying shit what she had to say

    i do not feel bad about it in the slightest, nor do i ever feel compelled to be a friendly person in the future
  • MelksterMelkster Registered User regular
    So, to follow up to this post I made on the weekend --
    So, totally not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I feel like I have to express this somewhere to folks who don't know me personally, in real life.
    This past week I read this interesting blog post on depression: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/depression-part-two.html

    I also watched this interesting presentation on mood disorders in my own profession: http://www.confreaks.com/videos/2341-mwrc2013-devs-and-depression

    Some background: Back in 2007 I was diagnosed with a mood disorder, but I didn't really believe it. My negative emotions had grounding in events that actually happened to me (went from hardcore Christian to atheist, plus came out as gay, and lost most of my friends because of both of those facts, and experienced some pretty terrible responses from my parents whom I was close to) and once I moved past those events things got better.

    However, for the past year or so things haven't really been so great. One the one hand, anxiety has started to really make things difficult. On a week to week basis, I can have a week where everything is fine and I don't feel especially anxious at all, or I can have a week where doing anything with other humans causes me physical pain -- trouble breathing, heart pounding, headaches --, and most of the time my anxious feelings are somewhere in the middle. And on the other hand, I feel like my emotional range has been really limited. The best I feel is mildly amused, and the worst I feel is just sort of mildly sad. I tend to have the same emotional reaction to Iron Man 3 as I do to doing work.

    This has caused me to have troubling thoughts about the nature of my own experience as a human being. I look out to the possible experiences that I could have and I find myself knowing that they'll all feel flat to me, and not really that different. And I also find myself feeling sort of exhausted -- the prospect of experiencing life feels like a chore that I just have to get through. It is difficult for me to observe both of these facts (life's events feeling emotionally flat, plus feeling that life's events are a chore) and not drift into thoughts about my own continued consciousness ultimately being of questionable value. Which makes me want to ignore the entire issue altogether, as I have done for some time.

    The weird thing is that I really don't have any reason to feel bad or anxious about things. I have a good career. I don't have money problems. I have lots of time off. I am safe and healthy. I have friends, even though for the past year I haven't really spent much time with them (due to the aforementioned emotional issues). I guess I've just been imagining/hoping that I'll just get better. But it's been a while now, and things haven't been getting better. In the past six months or so, it's been quite the opposite -- things feel like they're getting a fair bit worse

    So I scheduled a doctor's appointment for next week. This is something I'm sort of ashamed of, I guess. Like why should I be complaining, I have so much more than other people do who have legitimate reason to be upset. I haven't talked about this at all to people I know in real life. I'm half imagining that the doctor will think I'm just seeking out drugs for recreational use or something. ANYways.

    The doctor was actually completely understanding, and prescribed a medication which is supposed to deal with both the depression and the anxiety, and also some non-medicine lifestyle changes. It's weird, the rational part of my brain knew that he wouldn't be like "You're a fucking crybaby, look at all the starving children in Africa, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get over it." But emotionally, I don't think I understood that. Huh.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Welp time to go back to bed a pray I don't end up sleeping on my back and freaking the fuck out again.
    *cuts off my arms*

    oh im sorry did you think i was reducing my cancer risk

    i just want these sweet robot arms

  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    pre-emptively cutting off a part of your body seems like a hasty thing to do

    then again, i am not in that situation so what do i know

    Wisdom teeth, tonsils?

    i have my tonsils, and my wisdom teeth were fucked!
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    *cuts off my arms*

    oh im sorry did you think i was reducing my cancer risk

    i just want these sweet robot arms

    Do you know, there was a game that was being developed early on for the EggsBox, and the visual design was by some well-known comics nerd (Joe Madureira I think?). The protagonist had one "dragon arm" and one regular ass arm. At first the asymmetry was really jarring, but the more I looked at the concept art, the more I thought, "Hey, this isn't garbage."
  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    After the conversation the other night about how the world is terrible I have been looking up some stats. Apparently only 57 million people die every year? I mean, that's a lot of people, but out of 7 billion people that's not too bad. 1.29 billion people live in poverty. That's a lot :( Apparently 920 million people are malnourished.

    And then there are other things, like war and healthcare, and Republicans!

    It doesn't feel as hopeless but man, I wish shit was better. I need books about poverty and hunger that aren't depressing.

    The universe is cold and angry, but life is, on average, better for the human race right now than it ever has been.

    The more upbeat way of phrase this is, "despite high costs associated with it, living remains popular."
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    cutting off your boobs because your boyfriend cheated on you is rash, mim, don't do it
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    After the conversation the other night about how the world is terrible I have been looking up some stats. Apparently only 57 million people die every year? I mean, that's a lot of people, but out of 7 billion people that's not too bad. 1.29 billion people live in poverty. That's a lot :( Apparently 920 million people are malnourished.

    And then there are other things, like war and healthcare, and Republicans!

    It doesn't feel as hopeless but man, I wish shit was better. I need books about poverty and hunger that aren't depressing.

    I dunno dude. I could suggest that you read Malthus and then look at how the last 200+ years of history haven't borne him out.

    but it seems to me like the fundamental problem is that you are depressed and "the state of the world" makes a convenient externalization

    It's just a matter of finding the right information. I was able to get past my depression once before when it manifested as self-hatred and low self-esteem. I am probably going to get on meds, if I can get a damn appointment, but I also want to use reason and logic. I can't be on meds forever.
    reason and logic aren't going to make you not depressed

    I can change my emotions pretty well if something makes logical sense. After awhile it just gets incorporated into my brain and becomes reality. At least with how my depression has manifested the biggest obstacle is breaking out of the perception of hopelessness. The other night helped me see that my perception on this topic is imperfect.
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    ronya wrote: »
    Robert Glaser, president of the dealers association, told the News & Observer that the law prohibiting Tesla sales isn’t just about his industry’s self-interest. Pointing to the Tesla representatives at a recent hearing, he said, “You tell me they’re gonna support the little leagues and the YMCA?”

    Holy crap this is incredibly transparent as an expression of baptists and bootleggers

    raise your hand if you think the dealer's association hands out all the excess profit from industry protection to little leagues and YMCA

    pillars of the community, car dealerships

    everyone loves getting their car worked on by the dealership!
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    TehSloth wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    After the conversation the other night about how the world is terrible I have been looking up some stats. Apparently only 57 million people die every year? I mean, that's a lot of people, but out of 7 billion people that's not too bad. 1.29 billion people live in poverty. That's a lot :( Apparently 920 million people are malnourished.

    And then there are other things, like war and healthcare, and Republicans!

    It doesn't feel as hopeless but man, I wish shit was better. I need books about poverty and hunger that aren't depressing.

    You should watch more ViceTV, should suck all that hope from your bones.

    Hey guys, what's today's episode about.... oh... child suicide bombers and the prevalence of political assassinations in the phillipines.... thanks.

    Vice is a show that actually does good stories.

    But then they ruin it with their god damn moralizing and preaching which drives me up a wall.

    Yes this shit is fucked up. That is blatant and we get that. Stop preaching at me.

    I haven't finalized my opinion of ViceTV yet.
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Cut off her boobs in a fit of irrational feminine hysteria.
    Donkey Kong on
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    cutting off your boobs because your boyfriend cheated on you is rash, mim, don't do it

    Cutting off sarks balls is perfectly reasonable however.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »

    will moderating the forum


    still don't understand why them animay fans wear them monkey suits

    don't make no sense
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    So, to follow up to this post I made on the weekend --
    So, totally not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I feel like I have to express this somewhere to folks who don't know me personally, in real life.
    This past week I read this interesting blog post on depression: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/depression-part-two.html

    I also watched this interesting presentation on mood disorders in my own profession: http://www.confreaks.com/videos/2341-mwrc2013-devs-and-depression

    Some background: Back in 2007 I was diagnosed with a mood disorder, but I didn't really believe it. My negative emotions had grounding in events that actually happened to me (went from hardcore Christian to atheist, plus came out as gay, and lost most of my friends because of both of those facts, and experienced some pretty terrible responses from my parents whom I was close to) and once I moved past those events things got better.

    However, for the past year or so things haven't really been so great. One the one hand, anxiety has started to really make things difficult. On a week to week basis, I can have a week where everything is fine and I don't feel especially anxious at all, or I can have a week where doing anything with other humans causes me physical pain -- trouble breathing, heart pounding, headaches --, and most of the time my anxious feelings are somewhere in the middle. And on the other hand, I feel like my emotional range has been really limited. The best I feel is mildly amused, and the worst I feel is just sort of mildly sad. I tend to have the same emotional reaction to Iron Man 3 as I do to doing work.

    This has caused me to have troubling thoughts about the nature of my own experience as a human being. I look out to the possible experiences that I could have and I find myself knowing that they'll all feel flat to me, and not really that different. And I also find myself feeling sort of exhausted -- the prospect of experiencing life feels like a chore that I just have to get through. It is difficult for me to observe both of these facts (life's events feeling emotionally flat, plus feeling that life's events are a chore) and not drift into thoughts about my own continued consciousness ultimately being of questionable value. Which makes me want to ignore the entire issue altogether, as I have done for some time.

    The weird thing is that I really don't have any reason to feel bad or anxious about things. I have a good career. I don't have money problems. I have lots of time off. I am safe and healthy. I have friends, even though for the past year I haven't really spent much time with them (due to the aforementioned emotional issues). I guess I've just been imagining/hoping that I'll just get better. But it's been a while now, and things haven't been getting better. In the past six months or so, it's been quite the opposite -- things feel like they're getting a fair bit worse

    So I scheduled a doctor's appointment for next week. This is something I'm sort of ashamed of, I guess. Like why should I be complaining, I have so much more than other people do who have legitimate reason to be upset. I haven't talked about this at all to people I know in real life. I'm half imagining that the doctor will think I'm just seeking out drugs for recreational use or something. ANYways.

    The doctor was actually completely understanding, and prescribed a medication which is supposed to deal with both the depression and the anxiety, and also some non-medicine lifestyle changes. It's weird, the rational part of my brain knew that he wouldn't be like "You're a fucking crybaby, look at all the starving children in Africa, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get over it." But emotionally, I don't think I understood that. Huh.

    give it some weeks (as many as 8) before you make judgements about whether the medicine is effective

    : )
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    cutting off your boobs because your boyfriend cheated on you is rash, mim, don't do it

    but how else can I get back at him
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    So, to follow up to this post I made on the weekend --
    So, totally not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I feel like I have to express this somewhere to folks who don't know me personally, in real life.
    This past week I read this interesting blog post on depression: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/depression-part-two.html

    I also watched this interesting presentation on mood disorders in my own profession: http://www.confreaks.com/videos/2341-mwrc2013-devs-and-depression

    Some background: Back in 2007 I was diagnosed with a mood disorder, but I didn't really believe it. My negative emotions had grounding in events that actually happened to me (went from hardcore Christian to atheist, plus came out as gay, and lost most of my friends because of both of those facts, and experienced some pretty terrible responses from my parents whom I was close to) and once I moved past those events things got better.

    However, for the past year or so things haven't really been so great. One the one hand, anxiety has started to really make things difficult. On a week to week basis, I can have a week where everything is fine and I don't feel especially anxious at all, or I can have a week where doing anything with other humans causes me physical pain -- trouble breathing, heart pounding, headaches --, and most of the time my anxious feelings are somewhere in the middle. And on the other hand, I feel like my emotional range has been really limited. The best I feel is mildly amused, and the worst I feel is just sort of mildly sad. I tend to have the same emotional reaction to Iron Man 3 as I do to doing work.

    This has caused me to have troubling thoughts about the nature of my own experience as a human being. I look out to the possible experiences that I could have and I find myself knowing that they'll all feel flat to me, and not really that different. And I also find myself feeling sort of exhausted -- the prospect of experiencing life feels like a chore that I just have to get through. It is difficult for me to observe both of these facts (life's events feeling emotionally flat, plus feeling that life's events are a chore) and not drift into thoughts about my own continued consciousness ultimately being of questionable value. Which makes me want to ignore the entire issue altogether, as I have done for some time.

    The weird thing is that I really don't have any reason to feel bad or anxious about things. I have a good career. I don't have money problems. I have lots of time off. I am safe and healthy. I have friends, even though for the past year I haven't really spent much time with them (due to the aforementioned emotional issues). I guess I've just been imagining/hoping that I'll just get better. But it's been a while now, and things haven't been getting better. In the past six months or so, it's been quite the opposite -- things feel like they're getting a fair bit worse

    So I scheduled a doctor's appointment for next week. This is something I'm sort of ashamed of, I guess. Like why should I be complaining, I have so much more than other people do who have legitimate reason to be upset. I haven't talked about this at all to people I know in real life. I'm half imagining that the doctor will think I'm just seeking out drugs for recreational use or something. ANYways.

    The doctor was actually completely understanding, and prescribed a medication which is supposed to deal with both the depression and the anxiety, and also some non-medicine lifestyle changes. It's weird, the rational part of my brain knew that he wouldn't be like "You're a fucking crybaby, look at all the starving children in Africa, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get over it." But emotionally, I don't think I understood that. Huh.

    I'm glad to hear you've got a good doctor.

    And the rational/visceral parts of my brain "knowing" different things that are contradictory is a huge struggle in my life, so I get that.
  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    Cut off her boobs in a fit of feminine hysteria.

    Cut off her boobs to spite my face?


  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Kagera wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    cutting off your boobs because your boyfriend cheated on you is rash, mim, don't do it

    Cutting off sarks balls is perfectly reasonable however.

    I would never cut off his balls!

    Sim!Sarksus on the other hand is just asking for it.
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    Sarks I live in a pretty dark part of the world, health and in the developing world. I read stuff like the child death rates and how they die. The suffering disease can cause to the poorest of the poor and how far the wealthy can fall.

    Live in this world long enough you will develop a pretty dark sense of humor to cope.

    Not sure this is a good thing but I have it now and I can laugh at things that should be soul crushing.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    After the conversation the other night about how the world is terrible I have been looking up some stats. Apparently only 57 million people die every year? I mean, that's a lot of people, but out of 7 billion people that's not too bad. 1.29 billion people live in poverty. That's a lot :( Apparently 920 million people are malnourished.

    And then there are other things, like war and healthcare, and Republicans!

    It doesn't feel as hopeless but man, I wish shit was better. I need books about poverty and hunger that aren't depressing.

    The universe is cold and angry, but life is, on average, better for the human race right now than it ever has been.

    Yeah I know that but it still seems really crappy and I feel like society doesn't care enough about how crappy it is.

    But learning a little more about it has helped me because it gave me agency over this issue, and also let me realize that while it's crappy maybe it's less crappy than I thought it was.
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Sleep well, bob. Hope it's restful this time.
  • TehSlothTehSloth On that ass like Charmin Registered User regular
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    TehSloth wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    After the conversation the other night about how the world is terrible I have been looking up some stats. Apparently only 57 million people die every year? I mean, that's a lot of people, but out of 7 billion people that's not too bad. 1.29 billion people live in poverty. That's a lot :( Apparently 920 million people are malnourished.

    And then there are other things, like war and healthcare, and Republicans!

    It doesn't feel as hopeless but man, I wish shit was better. I need books about poverty and hunger that aren't depressing.

    You should watch more ViceTV, should suck all that hope from your bones.

    Hey guys, what's today's episode about.... oh... child suicide bombers and the prevalence of political assassinations in the phillipines.... thanks.

    Vice is a show that actually does good stories.

    But then they ruin it with their god damn moralizing and preaching which drives me up a wall.

    Yes this shit is fucked up. That is blatant and we get that. Stop preaching at me.

    I haven't finalized my opinion of ViceTV yet.

    I do really like it, it can just be a bit of a bummer.

    Interesting though!
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    Boobs are the best.
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    Now that my friend turned me onto justifying (as in, the typesetting function) all my academic longform writing... it slightly irks me when I find other longform writing that isn't justified.

    you will shrivel up into a dried husk when your friend converts you into using TeX to typeset paragraphs of longform writing

    A quick glance at the Wiki suggests that this is more useful for stuff involving equations and symbols from The White Man's more glorious and prolific ancestors.

    TeX breaks up words between lines correctly

    also, kerning. Once you learn of it, you will never fail to notice bad kerning.

    Yeah, I know a little about kerning, leading, etc. from back when I used to do amateur Photoshoppery. Still don't really notice it unless it's abjectly terrible.

    Do you look at lots of abjectly terrible typeface, ronya?
  • MelksterMelkster Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    So, to follow up to this post I made on the weekend --
    So, totally not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I feel like I have to express this somewhere to folks who don't know me personally, in real life.
    This past week I read this interesting blog post on depression: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/depression-part-two.html

    I also watched this interesting presentation on mood disorders in my own profession: http://www.confreaks.com/videos/2341-mwrc2013-devs-and-depression

    Some background: Back in 2007 I was diagnosed with a mood disorder, but I didn't really believe it. My negative emotions had grounding in events that actually happened to me (went from hardcore Christian to atheist, plus came out as gay, and lost most of my friends because of both of those facts, and experienced some pretty terrible responses from my parents whom I was close to) and once I moved past those events things got better.

    However, for the past year or so things haven't really been so great. One the one hand, anxiety has started to really make things difficult. On a week to week basis, I can have a week where everything is fine and I don't feel especially anxious at all, or I can have a week where doing anything with other humans causes me physical pain -- trouble breathing, heart pounding, headaches --, and most of the time my anxious feelings are somewhere in the middle. And on the other hand, I feel like my emotional range has been really limited. The best I feel is mildly amused, and the worst I feel is just sort of mildly sad. I tend to have the same emotional reaction to Iron Man 3 as I do to doing work.

    This has caused me to have troubling thoughts about the nature of my own experience as a human being. I look out to the possible experiences that I could have and I find myself knowing that they'll all feel flat to me, and not really that different. And I also find myself feeling sort of exhausted -- the prospect of experiencing life feels like a chore that I just have to get through. It is difficult for me to observe both of these facts (life's events feeling emotionally flat, plus feeling that life's events are a chore) and not drift into thoughts about my own continued consciousness ultimately being of questionable value. Which makes me want to ignore the entire issue altogether, as I have done for some time.

    The weird thing is that I really don't have any reason to feel bad or anxious about things. I have a good career. I don't have money problems. I have lots of time off. I am safe and healthy. I have friends, even though for the past year I haven't really spent much time with them (due to the aforementioned emotional issues). I guess I've just been imagining/hoping that I'll just get better. But it's been a while now, and things haven't been getting better. In the past six months or so, it's been quite the opposite -- things feel like they're getting a fair bit worse

    So I scheduled a doctor's appointment for next week. This is something I'm sort of ashamed of, I guess. Like why should I be complaining, I have so much more than other people do who have legitimate reason to be upset. I haven't talked about this at all to people I know in real life. I'm half imagining that the doctor will think I'm just seeking out drugs for recreational use or something. ANYways.

    The doctor was actually completely understanding, and prescribed a medication which is supposed to deal with both the depression and the anxiety, and also some non-medicine lifestyle changes. It's weird, the rational part of my brain knew that he wouldn't be like "You're a fucking crybaby, look at all the starving children in Africa, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get over it." But emotionally, I don't think I understood that. Huh.

    give it some weeks (as many as 8) before you make judgements about whether the medicine is effective

    : )

    He said it may take a while, but that most patients notice a change within a week's time. But yeah, I'm willing to wait. This has been going on for a while, what's another 8 weeks?
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    And thus it was in America an epidemic of discarded breast meat littered the land and caused more than a few car accidents on the highway as people were shocked by seeing pink road kill by the side of the highway.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    TehSloth wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    TehSloth wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    After the conversation the other night about how the world is terrible I have been looking up some stats. Apparently only 57 million people die every year? I mean, that's a lot of people, but out of 7 billion people that's not too bad. 1.29 billion people live in poverty. That's a lot :( Apparently 920 million people are malnourished.

    And then there are other things, like war and healthcare, and Republicans!

    It doesn't feel as hopeless but man, I wish shit was better. I need books about poverty and hunger that aren't depressing.

    You should watch more ViceTV, should suck all that hope from your bones.

    Hey guys, what's today's episode about.... oh... child suicide bombers and the prevalence of political assassinations in the phillipines.... thanks.

    Vice is a show that actually does good stories.

    But then they ruin it with their god damn moralizing and preaching which drives me up a wall.

    Yes this shit is fucked up. That is blatant and we get that. Stop preaching at me.

    I haven't finalized my opinion of ViceTV yet.

    I do really like it, it can just be a bit of a bummer.

    Interesting though!

    I think we've had this conversation before. That thing with their Pakistani correspondent just really irked me.

    His accent was sooo bad.
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    TTODewback wrote: »
    Boobs are the best.

    This is why I am supporting a measure to put estrogen in the water supply.
  • ThomamelasThomamelas Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Robert Glaser, president of the dealers association, told the News & Observer that the law prohibiting Tesla sales isn’t just about his industry’s self-interest. Pointing to the Tesla representatives at a recent hearing, he said, “You tell me they’re gonna support the little leagues and the YMCA?”

    Holy crap this is incredibly transparent as an expression of baptists and bootleggers

    raise your hand if you think the dealer's association hands out all the excess profit from industry protection to little leagues and YMCA

    They have been pushing laws like this or strengthening of existing laws across the country and they have been using pretty much that exact line. NADA isn't good at being subtle and really never has been. The question has always been how long they can ride on inertia.
    There's no living with a killing. There's no goin' back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand... a brand sticks. There's no goin' back. Now you run on home to your mother and tell her... tell her everything's alright. And there aren't any more guns in the valley.
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    It will be worth the increase in random strokes.
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