Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

Rabbit Season! Duck Season! [Chat] Season!



  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Elki wrote: »
    You can easily hop on the rail in Cleveland without a ticket. But if they catch you they will be tremendous dicks about it, so you don't want to do that.
    Adult Proof of Payment Violators

    Charged a $25 administrative fee
    If paid within 72 business hours, no criminal citation filed
    If not paid in 72 business hours, citation referred to court for criminal prosecution
    If unpaid within 72 business hours, citations will be forwarded to the appropriate Clerk of Courts for processing.
    If adult receives more than one violation within 24 months, the administrative fee will not be offered in lieu of a criminal citation

    So, it's all about how lucky you feel.

    same in california
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    also in san diego there's a coaster train that goes along the coast and it's really pretty and you can bring beer on the train : )
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    holy crap

    this is why my function has such a terrible time converging:


    (smaller values are better)
    ronya on
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    I want Google to finish up their AI cars already. That'll be good for traffic.

    Then the next step is consumer priced Google AI personal helicopters, and then traffic will be gone forever.

    Because then Google will own the world and we'll work in the bandwidth mines forever as slaves.

    I don't even care, as long as I don't have to deal with traffic on my commute to the mines.
  • PantsBPantsB Registered User regular
    Almost falling asleep by 11am at work is a bad sign
    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
  • ArlingtonArlington Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    why won't meatloaf do that?


    Not sure if serious.

  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    It mostly pisses me off because I told her not to get a pet before we move in together, because the pet friendly apartments are at least 100 to 200 dollars more expensive than my current apartment and we don't know what the future holds re: jerbs and savings.

    But w/e, I'll get over it. But so help me if this thing eats my xbox...
  • ElkiElki Super Moderator, Moderator, ClubPA mod
    Austin is the capital of Texas! ... guys!
    Elki wrote: »
    You can easily hop on the rail in Cleveland without a ticket. But if they catch you they will be tremendous dicks about it, so you don't want to do that.
    Adult Proof of Payment Violators

    Charged a $25 administrative fee
    If paid within 72 business hours, no criminal citation filed
    If not paid in 72 business hours, citation referred to court for criminal prosecution
    If unpaid within 72 business hours, citations will be forwarded to the appropriate Clerk of Courts for processing.
    If adult receives more than one violation within 24 months, the administrative fee will not be offered in lieu of a criminal citation

    So, it's all about how lucky you feel.

    same in california

    Just one time.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    I see the gold and blue can of Milliter Lite in that cozy
  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    light rail rant because i am thinking about it now:

    houston built a light rail system a number of years ago. the line bisects downtown, running from just on the north side of downtown to a little south of the city. basically, it connects the two U of H campuses, which oddly enough the president of U of H was on the board that decided where to build the light rail. What a coincidence!

    Anyway, the train runs on the street level, on regular streets with cars. When they designed the rail they decided to use these state-of-the-art cars that are super quiet, since the train runs through some neighborhoods. One problem - quiet trains means peope can't hear them when they need to! And since it is on street level, the train had huge problems hitting motorists and pedestrians. Unfortunately some people were killed IIRC. Anyway, the solution? Put this obnoxious screeching bell on the train. So now it is no longer silent and is ten times worse than if they had gone with a normal train that makes noise.

    Not to mention the fact that the train isn't like a subway where you de facto have to buy a ticket due to the gates. There are no gates. You're supposed to buy a ticket, but no one does. Why would you? They don't check for tickets and there's nothing that prevents you from getting on the train without one.

    Did I mention that the train runs on the street? Since the train bisects downtown north/south, it is a traffic nightmare. It constantly snarls up traffic in downtown. I regularly wait 5 minutes at a light for the train to go by on my way home from work. It is terrible!

    And now they want to put in a second line, running east/west through downtown, also on street level, that crosses the north/south train. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG HERE? Not to mention the fact that it's going to double the traffic problem created by the first train, as you'll have trains waiting for other trains, and cars stopped waiting on those trains.

    Houston is a very large city by area. Insanely large. You can drive for an hour on the highway and still be in "Houston". Right now Houston has a pretty expansive commuter bus system that utilizes the HOV lanes on the highways, but even then when the busses get downtown they still create traffic. And even though they are in the HOV lane they can still get backed up with traffic on the highways. Not to mention the fact that the operating costs (fuel, drivers, maintenance) must be insane.

    What Houston needs to do is take that money they're using building the light rail and make a real proper commuter rail out to the suburbs. Ditch the busses that create more traffic, lower your operating costs, fit more people on each load, deliver more consistent service. There are even a few derelict buildings on the outskirts of downtown that could be knocked down and turned into a rail station!
    Agreed! I don't think Houston has ever planned well IRT transportation. It is fairly obvious given the labyrinth one must navigate to get around. :P
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    I see the gold and blue can of Milliter Lite in that cozy

    you know how I roll
  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    It mostly pisses me off because I told her not to get a pet before we move in together, because the pet friendly apartments are at least 100 to 200 dollars more expensive than my current apartment and we don't know what the future holds re: jerbs and savings.

    But w/e, I'll get over it. But so help me if this thing eats my xbox...

    You could always eat it, and blame a neighborhood cat.
  • MalReynoldsMalReynolds The Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicines Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Me and my two friends just received word from an apartment we applied to.

    2 bedroom, 2 bath (one spare den/room to convert to a third bedroom); I'll be living in the city starting July 23.

    On the top floor of a renovated cotton factory where the architecture is creepy and full of character

    oh my stars I'm excited.
    MalReynolds on
    "A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."

    "Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor

    My new novel:

    Maledictions: The Offering.

    Now in Paperback!
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Me and my two friends just received word from an apartment we applied to.

    2 bedroom, 2 bath (one spare den/room to convert to a third bedroom); I'll be living in the city starting July 23.

    On the top floor of a renovated cotton factory where the architecture is creepy and full of character

    oh my stars I'm excited.

    sounds cool, I (and every other hipster yuppie) love converted old buildings as apartments
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    "Where's the Poe House?"

    Oh, The Wire, you are too much.
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Elki wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Elki wrote: »
    I want resolution.

    the best plan is to bang on her door until she talks to you


    You don't think I should try a barrage of messages through all forms of social media, multiple phone numbers, emails, and IMs?

    i am partial to the "call her parents" gambit
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    Cinders wrote: »
    It mostly pisses me off because I told her not to get a pet before we move in together, because the pet friendly apartments are at least 100 to 200 dollars more expensive than my current apartment and we don't know what the future holds re: jerbs and savings.

    But w/e, I'll get over it. But so help me if this thing eats my xbox...

    You could always eat it, and blame a neighborhood cat.

    She wouldn't let me name it Stewie.
  • PantsBPantsB Registered User regular
    I jumped on a bus in Philly and missed the place to put the token (because its different than in Boston or NY) and since there was a crowd behind me I tried to just keep going. That shit did not fly.
    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular

    OH GOD



    Ontario's provincial liquor stores are striking on Friday for the first time in 87 years, most likely

    They are the only stores allowed to sell booze here


    You guys still have problems with communism.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • DaemonSadiDaemonSadi Registered User regular

    Did you...

    Bring that beer cozy along with you for the train ride?

    Was it to hide the embarrasing beer or are you just a dude who keeps a beer cozy on hand all the time just in case?
  • redxredx Dublin, CARegistered User regular
    Cinders wrote: »
    redx wrote: »
    Soon Orlando will have a train. That goes from the airport to Disney.

    It would have been built by a federal grant and been part of a larger network connection both coasts, but Scott decided to send that money to North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and Cal-i-forn-i-a and t hen use billions of dollars out of the state budget to build this piece of crap.

    Because he's a moron, you see.

    Thanks, bro. :^:

    It is kinda worth noting that this is actually supposed to be a local commuter rail line that will allow people from orlando's sprawling suburbs to get into the city proper, and the high speed rail line that was rejected was only going to be an express line connecting major cities and attractions, while not really doing anything at all for residents.

    Given that the entire economy is based around pretty much exclusively around tourism, one is a little more useful than the other.

    Orlando is a pretty big city with a lot of service workers that support tourism. There's also a fair amount of outsourced technical and customer support. There's also a bit of finance. Enabling those folk to get to work without further clogging up i4 is kinda useful.

    I mean, I think Scott is pretty foolish for leaving billions of dollars on the table between the high speed rail and medicaid expansion, but the commuter rail project could be a good thing.
    RedX is taking a stab a moving out west, and will be near San Francisco from May 14 till June 29.
    Click here for a horrible H/A thread with details.
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    light rail rant because i am thinking about it now:

    houston built a light rail system a number of years ago. the line bisects downtown, running from just on the north side of downtown to a little south of the city. basically, it connects the two U of H campuses, which oddly enough the president of U of H was on the board that decided where to build the light rail. What a coincidence!

    Anyway, the train runs on the street level, on regular streets with cars. When they designed the rail they decided to use these state-of-the-art cars that are super quiet, since the train runs through some neighborhoods. One problem - quiet trains means peope can't hear them when they need to! And since it is on street level, the train had huge problems hitting motorists and pedestrians. Unfortunately some people were killed IIRC. Anyway, the solution? Put this obnoxious screeching bell on the train. So now it is no longer silent and is ten times worse than if they had gone with a normal train that makes noise.

    Not to mention the fact that the train isn't like a subway where you de facto have to buy a ticket due to the gates. There are no gates. You're supposed to buy a ticket, but no one does. Why would you? They don't check for tickets and there's nothing that prevents you from getting on the train without one.

    Did I mention that the train runs on the street? Since the train bisects downtown north/south, it is a traffic nightmare. It constantly snarls up traffic in downtown. I regularly wait 5 minutes at a light for the train to go by on my way home from work. It is terrible!

    And now they want to put in a second line, running east/west through downtown, also on street level, that crosses the north/south train. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG HERE? Not to mention the fact that it's going to double the traffic problem created by the first train, as you'll have trains waiting for other trains, and cars stopped waiting on those trains.

    Houston is a very large city by area. Insanely large. You can drive for an hour on the highway and still be in "Houston". Right now Houston has a pretty expansive commuter bus system that utilizes the HOV lanes on the highways, but even then when the busses get downtown they still create traffic. And even though they are in the HOV lane they can still get backed up with traffic on the highways. Not to mention the fact that the operating costs (fuel, drivers, maintenance) must be insane.

    What Houston needs to do is take that money they're using building the light rail and make a real proper commuter rail out to the suburbs. Ditch the busses that create more traffic, lower your operating costs, fit more people on each load, deliver more consistent service. There are even a few derelict buildings on the outskirts of downtown that could be knocked down and turned into a rail station!
    Agreed! I don't think Houston has ever planned well IRT transportation. It is fairly obvious given the labyrinth one must navigate to get around. :P

    they are talking about building a commuter rail out to missouri city (southwest down highway 90) in 2020

    missouri city???

    just nut up and run a rail out to the woodlands or katy or galveston. it cannot possibly fail. you can't tell me that anyone would rather ride a bus than a train

    i mean, just think about it. free public wifi! you can get on the train and work or watch cat videos all the way to the office and not have to worry about a damn thing
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    DaemonSadi wrote: »

    Did you...

    Bring that beer cozy along with you for the train ride?

    Was it to hide the embarrasing beer or are you just a dude who keeps a beer cozy on hand all the time just in case?

    it was to keep the beer cold!

    my wife is from iowa, beer cozys are all the rage there
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    stop dissing busses gooey
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    Elki wrote: »
    You can easily hop on the rail in Cleveland without a ticket. But if they catch you they will be tremendous dicks about it, so you don't want to do that.
    Adult Proof of Payment Violators

    Charged a $25 administrative fee
    If paid within 72 business hours, no criminal citation filed
    If not paid in 72 business hours, citation referred to court for criminal prosecution
    If unpaid within 72 business hours, citations will be forwarded to the appropriate Clerk of Courts for processing.
    If adult receives more than one violation within 24 months, the administrative fee will not be offered in lieu of a criminal citation

    So, it's all about how lucky you feel.

    same in california

    that is crazy

    i am sure there is some sort of penalty here but i have never heard of someone getting one

    the one time i rode the light rail i tried to buy a ticket but the machine was broken
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    that one was actually a wedding favor from my brother in law's wedding

    it says BOY NAME & GIRL NAME

  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    they were going to build a train in wisconsin that I would have appreciated immensely but the governor is like LOLNOPE I HATE GETTING FREE MONEY FROM THE FEDS
  • ElkiElki Super Moderator, Moderator, ClubPA mod
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Elki wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Elki wrote: »
    I want resolution.

    the best plan is to bang on her door until she talks to you


    You don't think I should try a barrage of messages through all forms of social media, multiple phone numbers, emails, and IMs?

    i am partial to the "call her parents" gambit

    I just want to make sure she's OK. I am worried about her because she's not returning my messages.
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    stop dissing busses gooey

    fuk busses in the buttses
  • ThomamelasThomamelas Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    light rail rant because i am thinking about it now:

    houston built a light rail system a number of years ago. the line bisects downtown, running from just on the north side of downtown to a little south of the city. basically, it connects the two U of H campuses, which oddly enough the president of U of H was on the board that decided where to build the light rail. What a coincidence!

    Anyway, the train runs on the street level, on regular streets with cars. When they designed the rail they decided to use these state-of-the-art cars that are super quiet, since the train runs through some neighborhoods. One problem - quiet trains means peope can't hear them when they need to! And since it is on street level, the train had huge problems hitting motorists and pedestrians. Unfortunately some people were killed IIRC. Anyway, the solution? Put this obnoxious screeching bell on the train. So now it is no longer silent and is ten times worse than if they had gone with a normal train that makes noise.

    Not to mention the fact that the train isn't like a subway where you de facto have to buy a ticket due to the gates. There are no gates. You're supposed to buy a ticket, but no one does. Why would you? They don't check for tickets and there's nothing that prevents you from getting on the train without one.

    Did I mention that the train runs on the street? Since the train bisects downtown north/south, it is a traffic nightmare. It constantly snarls up traffic in downtown. I regularly wait 5 minutes at a light for the train to go by on my way home from work. It is terrible!

    And now they want to put in a second line, running east/west through downtown, also on street level, that crosses the north/south train. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG HERE? Not to mention the fact that it's going to double the traffic problem created by the first train, as you'll have trains waiting for other trains, and cars stopped waiting on those trains.

    Houston is a very large city by area. Insanely large. You can drive for an hour on the highway and still be in "Houston". Right now Houston has a pretty expansive commuter bus system that utilizes the HOV lanes on the highways, but even then when the busses get downtown they still create traffic. And even though they are in the HOV lane they can still get backed up with traffic on the highways. Not to mention the fact that the operating costs (fuel, drivers, maintenance) must be insane.

    What Houston needs to do is take that money they're using building the light rail and make a real proper commuter rail out to the suburbs. Ditch the busses that create more traffic, lower your operating costs, fit more people on each load, deliver more consistent service. There are even a few derelict buildings on the outskirts of downtown that could be knocked down and turned into a rail station!
    Agreed! I don't think Houston has ever planned well IRT transportation. It is fairly obvious given the labyrinth one must navigate to get around. :P

    Houston had a weird growth pattern. The first thing you need to understand is that Texas politicians get lynched if they propose a tax increase. But Houston has roads to pay for. So the city needed a way to pay for things like roads. So instead of raising taxes, the annexed areas around the city to increase the tax base. But you have to pay for those roads, so they grabbed a bit more...
    There's no living with a killing. There's no goin' back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand... a brand sticks. There's no goin' back. Now you run on home to your mother and tell her... tell her everything's alright. And there aren't any more guns in the valley.
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    one day we're going to wise up to the fact our current education systems and teaching methods are lousy and persist only because the political will to change them doesn't exist

    i have not met one single seacher who thinks schools are good the way they are, not one

    opinions range from, "they're kind of shitty but it's the best we can do with what we have" to "nuke it from orbit and start again"

    I guess the problem is that if you just wipe the slate clean and start over with a brand new (top-down, union influenced, political) system, you have no idea if it'll end up being far worse.

    I mean, we got the whole language method from one of these revolutions in teaching, and now people can't spell or sound out words.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Cinders wrote: »
    It mostly pisses me off because I told her not to get a pet before we move in together, because the pet friendly apartments are at least 100 to 200 dollars more expensive than my current apartment and we don't know what the future holds re: jerbs and savings.

    But w/e, I'll get over it. But so help me if this thing eats my xbox...

    You could always eat it, and blame a neighborhood cat.

    She wouldn't let me name it Stewie.

  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    I am bored as all hell.

    So bored and i don't feel like doing anything.

    come do my job so i can go home and play FF8

    What's your job?

    Also no.

    I am a Technical Assistant/Document Controller/Data-Coordinator/General Gopher
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    I knew the nonlinearity was bad

    I didn't think it was THAT bad
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »

    OH GOD



    Ontario's provincial liquor stores are striking on Friday for the first time in 87 years, most likely

    They are the only stores allowed to sell booze here


    You guys still have problems with communism.

    I live in Virginia. We have stage owned ABC stores, too.
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    although to be fair there is no good way to get to downtown from missouri city

    on the other hand if you live in missouri city it's not like you ever leave your trailer anyway
  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    Me and my two friends just received word from an apartment we applied to.

    2 bedroom, 2 bath (one spare den/room to convert to a third bedroom); I'll be living in the city starting July 23.

    On the top floor of a renovated cotton factory where the architecture is creepy and full of character

    oh my stars I'm excited.

    sounds cool, I (and every other hipster yuppie) love converted old buildings as apartments
    I lived in an art deco house from the 30's and it was amaaaazing.
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    glenn close really looked like a dude in the 80s
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    TL DR wrote: »
    If my school had an online "this is your kid's homework" system, I'd have been a straight-A student.

    I think my problem is that I felt cheated - I was never challenged and got A's just by being smart, and was always told that I was smart. I recognized that I could get an A or B with 0 effort, and furthermore that the difference was based on externalities like whether the teacher was having a good day or liked me, so why would I bust my ass to get an A+ when it literally did not matter?

    It's not until I had a conversation the other day with my mom when she admitted that she never strove to be the best in anything that I've really started putting all this together.

    They have adult literacy classes. Do they have programs for learning as an adult to give 110% on things that don't necessarily matter? Because I'm having a quarter-life crises, recognizing the very real potential of peaking at 26 and working $40k/year jobs for the rest of my life, and I'm desperately hungry for help.

    in chat we've talked about this before, I think it's a common thing for people with aptitude at school to be told they're smart and then have trouble with the effort part of the equation

    what do you mean by peaking at 26

    I think this is a lot of people's story; certainly mine, I would say.

    Like there're actual studies out there that document this phenomenon.


    the first $20 million is always the hardest
    is probably the most incompetent novel i've ever read

    it was just execrable

    edit: not disagreeing with what you're saying. just that i really dislike po bronson's writing

    Why you poo-pooin' Po?

    (I have no idea about his writing. The chapters of the book are all based on studies, though.)
This discussion has been closed.