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  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    if you're from the british isles odds are my ancestors came over and killed, raped, and robbed some of your ancestors

    you're welcome

    good poast timing
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    The fun part of being Amerindian is that it is still within memory of the family who came over and murdered and raped the rest of your family.

    Or it would be, if my real dad hadn't skipped town after my sister was born.
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    That's actually a good point, though: Probably a far, far larger proportion of the population is related to Genghis Khan, as this is literally just tracking his Y chromosome. Meaning, every branch on the family tree including a female doesn't count.
    Winky on
  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Winky wrote: »
    you need to go back a little further than the mid 13th century (Ghengis Khan) to have the odds in favor of really large swathes of the population being descended from a single person. Just about anyone who had surviving grandchildren at the time of Charlemagne is the ancestor of just about everyone with European ancestry of any kind today.

    There is actual genetic data suggesting that this is the case:

    Did you read that? It says, high and outside, maybe 10% of people (edit: men that is, so maybe 20% of the population) inside his former empire (though I assume they mean the empire at it's largest several generations later, he only took the northern part of China for example).
    RiemannLives on
    What you think "makes sense" has nothing to do with reality. It just has to do with your life experience. And your life experience may only be a small smidgen of reality. Possibly even a distorted account of reality at that. So what this means is that, beginning in the 20th century as our means of decoding nature became more and more powerful, we started realizing our common sense is no longer a tool to pass judgment on whether or not a scientific theory is correct. - Neil Degrasse Tyson
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    TTODewback wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    TTODewback wrote: »
    My ancestor killed all of the American Indians.
    So I'm pretty much cursed for eternity.


    that's only if you killed the indians and then built a house on the graves

    We built something called "The Trail of Tears"
    I mean that sounds pretty fucking bad to me.


    the trail was made out of messed up clothing or what?

    dying dreams I think.
  • AldoAldo Registered User regular
    Landlords are the devil. :(
    GW2 tag: Aldo.6019
    Free MMO Überlist
    Elendil wrote: »
    said Aldo hazily, before clop-clop-clopping out of the room
  • kaleeditykaleedity bad biscuits make the baker broke bro Registered User regular
    I wonder how many slaves my ancestors owned

    probably not many, on account of not having enough wealth to own anything that might be called a plantation
  • TehSlothTehSloth On that ass like Charmin Registered User regular
    TTODewback wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    TTODewback wrote: »
    My ancestor killed all of the American Indians.
    So I'm pretty much cursed for eternity.


    that's only if you killed the indians and then built a house on the graves

    We built something called "The Trail of Tears"
    I mean that sounds pretty fucking bad to me.

    Worst name for a flume ride ever.
  • TL DRTL DR Registered User regular
    We're all descended from fungi.

    At one point, 2-meter tall mushrooms dominated the landscape and were taller than any plant at the time. Elite mushrooms you guys!

    Then some organisms decided that secreting digestive enzymes into the environment and absorbing nutrients was for suckers and bootstrapped themselves stomachs. Ergo, animals.

    Right, @Arch ?
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    Pfft, as someone who is descended from a bunch of islanders in the North Sea, I can safely say no one would have moved there, just away, so I am no son of the Great Khan
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    The earth is going to be taken over by cats after we're gone, they will become the apex life form and develop intelligence
  • TheNomadicCircleTheNomadicCircle Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I remember a large contingent of Kazakh kids I knew who were really upset about having "Genghis Khan's blood."

    Of course they would. The Kazakhs never historically supported Chinggis Khan.

    and the english today are the descendent of tribes who raped and murdered their way onto the british isles, but you don't see them moaning about it today

    Identity is a large part of why none of the Central Asian states will work together. Turkmen have no problem being called Chinggis Khan's supporters or descendants because soon after the Mongol empire began crumbling it became normal to assume that any of his descendants were rightful to a support, an entirely non-existant, throne. Temur-e-lang play a large aspect of propping up his descendants.
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    what if it was "trail of tiers" and we have been getting it wrong all this time
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    TTODewback wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    TTODewback wrote: »
    My ancestor killed all of the American Indians.
    So I'm pretty much cursed for eternity.


    that's only if you killed the indians and then built a house on the graves

    We built something called "The Trail of Tears"
    I mean that sounds pretty fucking bad to me.

    it was more an affectionate nickname
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    TL DR wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    I don't remember which norwegian king it was or which part he was king of

    but one of them had an inordinate number of bastards running around

    and in those days being a bastard did not preclude you from the throne - you had to be the son of a king, and that was it

    so succession got fun.

    Was this at all related to what you were saying about Norway being the world murder capital and everyone being all drunk and stabby 24-7?

    no this was earlier

    although there were similarities

    not getting absolutely shitfaced when visiting someone was already kind of rude, since it implies you do not trust the person

    also, every man was expected to carry their weapons on them at all times, just like, a basic part of what you'd wear

    so I guess the situation didn't change as much as shift

    distillation came along, so we got drunker, but people stopped carrying swords around. Of course everyone carried a knife on them, as a basic part of clothes. Bunads still come with a knife.

    so I guess yes, although maybe it wasn't strictly drunk and stabby 24-7, but more like drunk and stabby and/or choppy 24-7
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    TL DR wrote: »
    We're all descended from fungi.

    At one point, 2-meter tall mushrooms dominated the landscape and were taller than any plant at the time. Elite mushrooms you guys!

    Then some organisms decided that secreting digestive enzymes into the environment and absorbing nutrients was for suckers and bootstrapped themselves stomachs. Ergo, animals.

    Right, @Arch ?

    Arch comes in goes "WARGLE BARGLE SPIDERS ARE NOT INSECTS" and then leaves again.
  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    The earth is going to be taken over by cats after we're gone, they will become the apex life form and develop intelligence

    What you think "makes sense" has nothing to do with reality. It just has to do with your life experience. And your life experience may only be a small smidgen of reality. Possibly even a distorted account of reality at that. So what this means is that, beginning in the 20th century as our means of decoding nature became more and more powerful, we started realizing our common sense is no longer a tool to pass judgment on whether or not a scientific theory is correct. - Neil Degrasse Tyson
  • Caveman PawsCaveman Paws Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    you need to go back a little further than the mid 13th century (Ghengis Khan) to have the odds in favor of really large swathes of the population being descended from a single person. Just about anyone who had surviving grandchildren at the time of Charlemagne is the ancestor of just about everyone with European ancestry of any kind today.

    There is actual genetic data suggesting that this is the case:

    Did you read that? It says, high and outside, maybe 10% of people (edit: men that is, so maybe 20% of the population) inside his former empire (though I assume they mean the empire at it's largest several generations later, he only took the northern part of China for example).

    You don't read it! You just flash it, prove your point, and move on.

    Read! Hah!
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I remember a large contingent of Kazakh kids I knew who were really upset about having "Genghis Khan's blood."

    Of course they would. The Kazakhs never historically supported Chinggis Khan.

    and the english today are the descendent of tribes who raped and murdered their way onto the british isles, but you don't see them moaning about it today

    Identity is a large part of why none of the Central Asian states will work together. Turkmen have no problem being called Chinggis Khan's supporters or descendants because soon after the Mongol empire began crumbling it became normal to assume that any of his descendants were rightful to a support, an entirely non-existant, throne. Temur-e-lang play a large aspect of propping up his descendants.


    and france and germany were slaughtering each other for a millennium after charlemagne kicked the bucket

    within living memory the border of dispute abruptly shifted eastward to the iron curtain and then even further east
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    I wish I knew more about my ancestry. I know I'm a beautiful melting pot of many glorious European countries.

    Being American is dumb.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I remember a large contingent of Kazakh kids I knew who were really upset about having "Genghis Khan's blood."

    Of course they would. The Kazakhs never historically supported Chinggis Khan.

    and the english today are the descendent of tribes who raped and murdered their way onto the british isles, but you don't see them moaning about it today

    Identity is a large part of why none of the Central Asian states will work together. Turkmen have no problem being called Chinggis Khan's supporters or descendants because soon after the Mongol empire began crumbling it became normal to assume that any of his descendants were rightful to a support, an entirely non-existant, throne. Temur-e-lang play a large aspect of propping up his descendants.

    They should probably get over all that and join the rest of us in the 21st century.

    We're all descended from assholes. Let's try doing good things now.
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    TTODewback wrote: »
    TL DR wrote: »
    We're all descended from fungi.

    At one point, 2-meter tall mushrooms dominated the landscape and were taller than any plant at the time. Elite mushrooms you guys!

    Then some organisms decided that secreting digestive enzymes into the environment and absorbing nutrients was for suckers and bootstrapped themselves stomachs. Ergo, animals.

    Right, @Arch ?

    Arch comes in goes "WARGLE BARGLE SPIDERS ARE NOT INSECTS" and then leaves again.


    wait what am I talking about?

    Who are all you?
  • Caveman PawsCaveman Paws Registered User regular
    Red dwarf is on Netflix but its the edited version :p
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    So Nigel Farage was trapped in a pub in Edinburgh today by protesters.

    God I love the Scots sometime. I wish I could hug them all

    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    what is a bug

  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    you need to go back a little further than the mid 13th century (Ghengis Khan) to have the odds in favor of really large swathes of the population being descended from a single person. Just about anyone who had surviving grandchildren at the time of Charlemagne is the ancestor of just about everyone with European ancestry of any kind today.

    There is actual genetic data suggesting that this is the case:

    Did you read that? It says, high and outside, maybe 10% of people (edit: men that is, so maybe 20% of the population) inside his former empire (though I assume they mean the empire at it's largest several generations later, he only took the northern part of China for example).

    I mean, 20% of the former Mongol empire seems significant to me, but I understand what you mean in regards to Charlemagne, etc, being much larger.

    My claim to inheritance comes from the fact that my ancestors were tatars.
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I remember a large contingent of Kazakh kids I knew who were really upset about having "Genghis Khan's blood."

    Of course they would. The Kazakhs never historically supported Chinggis Khan.

    and the english today are the descendent of tribes who raped and murdered their way onto the british isles, but you don't see them moaning about it today

    Identity is a large part of why none of the Central Asian states will work together. Turkmen have no problem being called Chinggis Khan's supporters or descendants because soon after the Mongol empire began crumbling it became normal to assume that any of his descendants were rightful to a support, an entirely non-existant, throne. Temur-e-lang play a large aspect of propping up his descendants.


    and france and germany were slaughtering each other for a millennium after charlemagne kicked the bucket

    within living memory the border of dispute abruptly shifted eastward to the iron curtain and then even further east

    The dispute is now expressed through the medium of football, as is traditional.
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    what is a bug

    A miserable pile of lies and secrets.
  • MadCaddyMadCaddy Riksadvokate Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    kaleedity wrote: »
    overpopulation is a matter of density, not overall population

    we're having fewer kids, but we're also moving away from shitholes

    Overpopulation is very real, and one if the reasons I have my libertarians leanings. I prefer to let Darwinism sort it out than government.

    this seems like the absolute worst way to solve the problem

    people don't passively starve to death

    They do passively OD on heroin; making sure they have means to eat is a different conversation, and the reason overpopulation is such a concern.

    Especially when you add the people who are pro-life, anti-genetically modified/organic only crops. I'm not talking labeling, but people who feel allowing indignant farmers access to more stout/less work intensive crops is improper because of nature.
    League of Legends: SorryNotRly Steam: MMForYourHealth Hero Academy: MadCaddy
  • TL DRTL DR Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    what is a bug

    like a weed, but with an exoskeleton
  • TheNomadicCircleTheNomadicCircle Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I remember a large contingent of Kazakh kids I knew who were really upset about having "Genghis Khan's blood."

    Of course they would. The Kazakhs never historically supported Chinggis Khan.

    and the english today are the descendent of tribes who raped and murdered their way onto the british isles, but you don't see them moaning about it today

    Identity is a large part of why none of the Central Asian states will work together. Turkmen have no problem being called Chinggis Khan's supporters or descendants because soon after the Mongol empire began crumbling it became normal to assume that any of his descendants were rightful to a support, an entirely non-existant, throne. Temur-e-lang play a large aspect of propping up his descendants.

    They should probably get over all that and join the rest of us in the 21st century.

    We're all descended from assholes. Let's try doing good things now.

    I don't think anyone would like to join any of the former colonial nations with doing anything. Colonialism and neo-Colonialism is still fresh in people's mind.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    well I'm gonna stop fiddling with this linux installation

    I don't know how I messed up NetworkManager but it's not giving me much to go on.
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    I wish I knew more about my ancestry. I know I'm a beautiful melting pot of many glorious European countries.

    Being American is dumb.

    Being American is civilization.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    what if it was "trail of tiers" and we have been getting it wrong all this time

    then you still deserve to be ashamed if you're so bad at speaking that tiers and tears are homophones to you!
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    f u linux tho
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    the point is, "they were slaughtering each other" is a remarkably poor predictor of "they will continue slaughtering each other"
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    you need to go back a little further than the mid 13th century (Ghengis Khan) to have the odds in favor of really large swathes of the population being descended from a single person. Just about anyone who had surviving grandchildren at the time of Charlemagne is the ancestor of just about everyone with European ancestry of any kind today.

    There is actual genetic data suggesting that this is the case:

    Did you read that? It says, high and outside, maybe 10% of people (edit: men that is, so maybe 20% of the population) inside his former empire (though I assume they mean the empire at it's largest several generations later, he only took the northern part of China for example).

    You don't read it! You just flash it, prove your point, and move on.

    Read! Hah!

    I don't read.

    Whoever heard of a Star that could read? Race traitors!
  • TL DRTL DR Registered User regular


This discussion has been closed.