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[League of Legends] : Awakening | Latin America servers on their way



  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    What kind of war criminals pick Nidalee, Kassadin, Zed Heimer and Kha'zix on one Dominion team?

    Like wow.

    Still almost won.
  • KayKay Registered User regular
    I quite like Kassadin on murderbridge.

    This might be because I've randomed into him 3 times in the last 5 games.
    Atherton Kess in The Vale of Buried Shadows - AC:22, F:19, R:19, W:20 - Resist Force 10
    Alénthian, the Grace of Corellon in Dragon Slayers - AC:35, F:29, R:30, W:31
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Spoken like someone who has never been a raid guild officer. "Oh, let's delay the raid start for 30 minutes while I look for another healer, and finally I'll threaten to kill our shadow priest's dog / offer to suck his dick if he respecs to main heal." Nothing says good design like having to prostitute yourself to be able to play the game because no one likes to heal (well, my ex liked to heal, but fewer people enjoying healing than exist healer slots).

    Edit: There is some hyperbole here, but was an issue from vanilla until I quit in Cata.
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    And yes, dom exists for people who dislike the playstyle on SR. Which is nice, so people don't have to whine about "bad design" about things they don't enjoy playing.

    Disliking a specific meta which has not existed in the game the entire time is not "whining."

    That said, I do play Dom because Dom is awesome and cool people play Dom.

    But you are whining a fair amount about 0 cs support at the moment. Dom is fine for people who want to murder shit, and I realize it is supposedly deeper than that, and that's nice for the people who play it. If you really don't want to play support then don't. It's as hard as that. 0 cs support is a part of how the SR map is designed, and any change that got rid of it would make it straight up worse. And if you think supports aren't needed at your elo, you are free to play something else. People will rage, but people are dicks, so ignore them. You will most likely lose as well, since supports are just straight up better most of the time than whatever "fun" alternative you want.

    Ironically, I was an officer in a raidguild, and I made sure we had healers. And I also respecced from shadow when needed to heal since I wasn't a huge asshole (respecs weren't that big of a deal in classic if guild paid for them). I choose to play with other not assholes though, so we narrowly avoided having to sell ourselves on the street apparently. Having certain roles contain more responsibility is not bad design, however much you seem to be afraid of it.

    And well, the support meta is so much more fun than any of the other variations we've had. Opinions are fun.

    Yes, the 0 CS support meta, which become prevalent organically years after the game entered public beta, is how the map was designed. Clearly. You've sussed it out. Also, the government is covering up UFOs.
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    The map is designed with four income sources - three lanes and a jungle. You can either have two players sharing one of those income sources, or you can have one player who doesn't rely on income at all.

    One of those options tends to work out better.
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Spoken like someone who has never been a raid guild officer. "Oh, let's delay the raid start for 30 minutes while I look for another healer, and finally I'll threaten to kill our shadow priest's dog / offer to suck his dick if he respecs to main heal." Nothing says good design like having to prostitute yourself to be able to play the game because no one likes to heal (well, my ex liked to heal, but fewer people enjoying healing than exist healer slots).

    Edit: There is some hyperbole here, but was an issue from vanilla until I quit in Cata.
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    And yes, dom exists for people who dislike the playstyle on SR. Which is nice, so people don't have to whine about "bad design" about things they don't enjoy playing.

    Disliking a specific meta which has not existed in the game the entire time is not "whining."

    That said, I do play Dom because Dom is awesome and cool people play Dom.

    But you are whining a fair amount about 0 cs support at the moment. Dom is fine for people who want to murder shit, and I realize it is supposedly deeper than that, and that's nice for the people who play it. If you really don't want to play support then don't. It's as hard as that. 0 cs support is a part of how the SR map is designed, and any change that got rid of it would make it straight up worse. And if you think supports aren't needed at your elo, you are free to play something else. People will rage, but people are dicks, so ignore them. You will most likely lose as well, since supports are just straight up better most of the time than whatever "fun" alternative you want.

    Ironically, I was an officer in a raidguild, and I made sure we had healers. And I also respecced from shadow when needed to heal since I wasn't a huge asshole (respecs weren't that big of a deal in classic if guild paid for them). I choose to play with other not assholes though, so we narrowly avoided having to sell ourselves on the street apparently. Having certain roles contain more responsibility is not bad design, however much you seem to be afraid of it.

    And well, the support meta is so much more fun than any of the other variations we've had. Opinions are fun.

    Yes, the 0 CS support meta, which become prevalent organically years after the game entered public beta, is how the map was designed. Clearly. You've sussed it out. Also, the government is covering up UFOs.

    The reason it is sticking around is because the way the map is designed is conduicive to funneling as much money as possible into one person. It just took a while to take off for some reason, but I don't reckon it's going anywhere unless they entierly change the gameflow of the map.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Spoken like someone who has never been a raid guild officer. "Oh, let's delay the raid start for 30 minutes while I look for another healer, and finally I'll threaten to kill our shadow priest's dog / offer to suck his dick if he respecs to main heal." Nothing says good design like having to prostitute yourself to be able to play the game because no one likes to heal (well, my ex liked to heal, but fewer people enjoying healing than exist healer slots).

    Edit: There is some hyperbole here, but was an issue from vanilla until I quit in Cata.
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    And yes, dom exists for people who dislike the playstyle on SR. Which is nice, so people don't have to whine about "bad design" about things they don't enjoy playing.

    Disliking a specific meta which has not existed in the game the entire time is not "whining."

    That said, I do play Dom because Dom is awesome and cool people play Dom.

    But you are whining a fair amount about 0 cs support at the moment. Dom is fine for people who want to murder shit, and I realize it is supposedly deeper than that, and that's nice for the people who play it. If you really don't want to play support then don't. It's as hard as that. 0 cs support is a part of how the SR map is designed, and any change that got rid of it would make it straight up worse. And if you think supports aren't needed at your elo, you are free to play something else. People will rage, but people are dicks, so ignore them. You will most likely lose as well, since supports are just straight up better most of the time than whatever "fun" alternative you want.

    Ironically, I was an officer in a raidguild, and I made sure we had healers. And I also respecced from shadow when needed to heal since I wasn't a huge asshole (respecs weren't that big of a deal in classic if guild paid for them). I choose to play with other not assholes though, so we narrowly avoided having to sell ourselves on the street apparently. Having certain roles contain more responsibility is not bad design, however much you seem to be afraid of it.

    And well, the support meta is so much more fun than any of the other variations we've had. Opinions are fun.

    Yes, the 0 CS support meta, which become prevalent organically years after the game entered public beta, is how the map was designed. Clearly. You've sussed it out. Also, the government is covering up UFOs.

    I think what he was trying to say is due to the design of the SR map, the zero CS meta is the most efficient way to play it. However you chose to ignore the entire point of his post. Which was that just because YOU don't enjoy support and YOU played with people who were geese and refused to respec for the better of the guild doesn't mean that is what WE experienced, In fact I am sure the majority of us didn't have that experience. There are lots of support mains on this forum and support gets called all the time in silver+ I very rarely see a game where someone doesn't main a support. Support is a fun role.

    Its not a toxic meta. If you're forced into support (god forbid) for 1 game out of 20 because you're last pick doesn't make it a terrible role, most of us understand the impact we supports make on the game. Like the AD carry that went 5/0/2 in lane. Yah thats my cute little puppy. Yah we caught them trying to sneak a baron at low health. Those were my wards............... You know what I am going to let SivHD do the talking for me.


    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • credeikicredeiki Registered User regular
    Expigator wrote: »
    Question regarding draft vs normal blind -- sub 30.

    Do you think the chances of me finding smarter players goes up by playing draft? And furthermore, is it worth the wait time to get a game? I feel like draft mode would reward those who 'know' the game more with counterpicking and banning. I also want to get used to it pre-ranked.

    The level of play in draft seems a lot higher (from my limited experience). Also, the adherence to the meta is stricter; you're much more unlikely to get a duo top lane. I've only played a few, because for the past couple of weeks I've been duo queue-ing with my husband and he can't stand waiting for 5 minutes while people pick roles and scream and yell and whine in champion select only to have someone dodge at the last moment (fairly common). I think it's probably worth it, though. Give it a try!

    The bans, sub-30, seem almost entirely random; that said, you can probably influence them by making requests.

    I won't be sub-30 for much longer though! Lvl 29; not remotely ready to play ranked. I've started looking up my normals opponents to figure out what tier they are in and get a metric of my on talent (answer--not great...yet).
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Spoken like someone who has never been a raid guild officer. "Oh, let's delay the raid start for 30 minutes while I look for another healer, and finally I'll threaten to kill our shadow priest's dog / offer to suck his dick if he respecs to main heal." Nothing says good design like having to prostitute yourself to be able to play the game because no one likes to heal (well, my ex liked to heal, but fewer people enjoying healing than exist healer slots).

    Edit: There is some hyperbole here, but was an issue from vanilla until I quit in Cata.
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    And yes, dom exists for people who dislike the playstyle on SR. Which is nice, so people don't have to whine about "bad design" about things they don't enjoy playing.

    Disliking a specific meta which has not existed in the game the entire time is not "whining."

    That said, I do play Dom because Dom is awesome and cool people play Dom.

    But you are whining a fair amount about 0 cs support at the moment. Dom is fine for people who want to murder shit, and I realize it is supposedly deeper than that, and that's nice for the people who play it. If you really don't want to play support then don't. It's as hard as that. 0 cs support is a part of how the SR map is designed, and any change that got rid of it would make it straight up worse. And if you think supports aren't needed at your elo, you are free to play something else. People will rage, but people are dicks, so ignore them. You will most likely lose as well, since supports are just straight up better most of the time than whatever "fun" alternative you want.

    Ironically, I was an officer in a raidguild, and I made sure we had healers. And I also respecced from shadow when needed to heal since I wasn't a huge asshole (respecs weren't that big of a deal in classic if guild paid for them). I choose to play with other not assholes though, so we narrowly avoided having to sell ourselves on the street apparently. Having certain roles contain more responsibility is not bad design, however much you seem to be afraid of it.

    And well, the support meta is so much more fun than any of the other variations we've had. Opinions are fun.

    Yes, the 0 CS support meta, which become prevalent organically years after the game entered public beta, is how the map was designed. Clearly. You've sussed it out. Also, the government is covering up UFOs.

    I think what he was trying to say is due to the design of the SR map, the zero CS meta is the most efficient way to play it.

    I totally agree with that statement, sure.
    However you chose to ignore the entire point of his post. Which was that just because YOU don't enjoy support and YOU played with people who were geese and refused to respec for the better of the guild doesn't mean that is what WE experienced, In fact I am sure the majority of us didn't have that experience. There are lots of support mains on this forum and support gets called all the time in silver+ I very rarely see a game where someone doesn't main a support. Support is a fun role.

    Its not a toxic meta. If you're forced into support (god forbid) for 1 game out of 20 because you're last pick doesn't make it a terrible role, most of us understand the impact we supports make on the game. Like the AD carry that went 5/0/2 in lane. Yah thats my cute little puppy. Yah we caught them trying to sneak a baron at low health. Those were my wards............... You know what I am going to let SivHD do the talking for me.

    I haven't played since season 2, but that wasn't my experience at all, and I spent the whole damn season in silver tier, from the bottom to "Oh, shit Elo decay just killed my gold." I had to duo queue to not play support because the RNG gave me last pick consistently, and most people treated support like a leper's shit pile.

    Also, yes, people did respec when needed, but they didn't want to. They just decided that healing or tanking wasn't so bad that they wouldn't rather not play at all, esp. as raiding has the best loot.
  • Joe KJoe K Registered User regular
    WhiteShark wrote: »
    it is each lane's duty to ward their own lane

  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    In more serious news:



    fish is still fine in Dominion :P Just get all the other players playing murder machines for you.
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    However you chose to ignore the entire point of his post. Which was that just because YOU don't enjoy support and YOU played with people who were geese and refused to respec for the better of the guild doesn't mean that is what WE experienced, In fact I am sure the majority of us didn't have that experience. There are lots of support mains on this forum and support gets called all the time in silver+ I very rarely see a game where someone doesn't main a support. Support is a fun role.

    I haven't played since season 2, but that wasn't my experience at all, and I spent the whole damn season in silver tier, from the bottom to "Oh, shit Elo decay just killed my gold." I had to duo queue to not play support because the RNG gave me last pick consistently, and most people treated support like a leper's shit pile.

    Things have changed a fair bit in season 3. Support is way more popular now, even in bronze and silver, and (perhaps controversially) I'd say that AD carry is the new role that people most frequently get forced into.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    Spoken like someone who has never been a raid guild officer. "Oh, let's delay the raid start for 30 minutes while I look for another healer, and finally I'll threaten to kill our shadow priest's dog / offer to suck his dick if he respecs to main heal." Nothing says good design like having to prostitute yourself to be able to play the game because no one likes to heal (well, my ex liked to heal, but fewer people enjoying healing than exist healer slots).

    Edit: There is some hyperbole here, but was an issue from vanilla until I quit in Cata.
    Frozenzen wrote: »
    And yes, dom exists for people who dislike the playstyle on SR. Which is nice, so people don't have to whine about "bad design" about things they don't enjoy playing.

    Disliking a specific meta which has not existed in the game the entire time is not "whining."

    That said, I do play Dom because Dom is awesome and cool people play Dom.

    But you are whining a fair amount about 0 cs support at the moment. Dom is fine for people who want to murder shit, and I realize it is supposedly deeper than that, and that's nice for the people who play it. If you really don't want to play support then don't. It's as hard as that. 0 cs support is a part of how the SR map is designed, and any change that got rid of it would make it straight up worse. And if you think supports aren't needed at your elo, you are free to play something else. People will rage, but people are dicks, so ignore them. You will most likely lose as well, since supports are just straight up better most of the time than whatever "fun" alternative you want.

    Ironically, I was an officer in a raidguild, and I made sure we had healers. And I also respecced from shadow when needed to heal since I wasn't a huge asshole (respecs weren't that big of a deal in classic if guild paid for them). I choose to play with other not assholes though, so we narrowly avoided having to sell ourselves on the street apparently. Having certain roles contain more responsibility is not bad design, however much you seem to be afraid of it.

    And well, the support meta is so much more fun than any of the other variations we've had. Opinions are fun.

    Yes, the 0 CS support meta, which become prevalent organically years after the game entered public beta, is how the map was designed. Clearly. You've sussed it out. Also, the government is covering up UFOs.

    I think what he was trying to say is due to the design of the SR map, the zero CS meta is the most efficient way to play it.

    I totally agree with that statement, sure.
    However you chose to ignore the entire point of his post. Which was that just because YOU don't enjoy support and YOU played with people who were geese and refused to respec for the better of the guild doesn't mean that is what WE experienced, In fact I am sure the majority of us didn't have that experience. There are lots of support mains on this forum and support gets called all the time in silver+ I very rarely see a game where someone doesn't main a support. Support is a fun role.

    Its not a toxic meta. If you're forced into support (god forbid) for 1 game out of 20 because you're last pick doesn't make it a terrible role, most of us understand the impact we supports make on the game. Like the AD carry that went 5/0/2 in lane. Yah thats my cute little puppy. Yah we caught them trying to sneak a baron at low health. Those were my wards............... You know what I am going to let SivHD do the talking for me.

    I haven't played since season 2, but that wasn't my experience at all, and I spent the whole damn season in silver tier, from the bottom to "Oh, shit Elo decay just killed my gold." I had to duo queue to not play support because the RNG gave me last pick consistently, and most people treated support like a leper's shit pile.

    Also, yes, people did respec when needed, but they didn't want to. They just decided that healing or tanking wasn't so bad that they wouldn't rather not play at all, esp. as raiding has the best loot.

    The item changes to season 3 made support a lot more interesting come mid game. I just about never have the same item build path as a support these days. Also the shift in the support meta away from. 'Hi I am Soraka, you last hit, I heal'. 'Hi I am Sona, you last hit, I heal'. To bot lane becoming its own version of the howling abyss every second creep wave. Also the prevalence high profile professional supports who make crazy plays and are lauded for it, means that more people have embraced the support role as a whole. Most notably Madlife, Ed Ward, Krepo, Aphromoo, and Xspecial. Are all big names in the league of legends community. It used to be that people who main support champions and streamed got like 200 viewers. When Krepo steams he gets close to 7k people, as a support... THAT CRAZY.

    With these changes to the way bot lane functions and HD streams, people WANT to play support. I have in many of my ranked matches with @infidel had to fight for the support role. In 4 of the 5 ranked matches with my duo partner who mains support, they had to play mid because more then 1 person called support. Its becoming more and more like this.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Yeah, if you didn't like support earlier you should really try it now.

    It's the most violent lane by a land slide.
  • NaphtaliNaphtali Registered User regular
    bunny you built way too much cdr
    Naphtalí SE++ WoW | Steam | B.net Tag: Naphtali#1830 | LoL: El Naphtali | Wish List
  • corin7corin7 Registered User regular
    Fiora is so fun. I don't know why I ever stopped playing her. Laned against a Pantheon last night and went 15/5/5. And I don't remember ever noticing but holy shit does she wreck minion waves late game. Like some karthus level minion mass murder. Want top all weekend long. I am tempted to try her jungle even.

  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Naphtali wrote: »
    bunny you built way too much cdr

    Yeah, I noticed that. It was mainly because during the last push I was trying to think of something to buy for about five seconds before I had revive off cooldown. Kindle gem is just kinda a reaction buy.
  • NaphtaliNaphtali Registered User regular
    I'd skip bft on her, to be honest

    get some more tankiness in there instead
    Naphtalí SE++ WoW | Steam | B.net Tag: Naphtali#1830 | LoL: El Naphtali | Wish List
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    riot definitely enforces the 0 cs / current lane meta, although i'm not sure they are cognizant of it. basically any champion who can perform a role really well outside of the meta is considered OP and nerfed (roaming alistair, evelynn circa 1-2 years ago come to mind), because sorta by definition to perform well outside of the current meta you have to be a bit bullshit/OP
  • SuperRuperSuperRuper Registered User regular
    I never experienced this need for healers and tanks in WoW
    Probably because my main was a resto Druid and then rolled a Pally that I would switch between Prot/Holy :-P
  • ExpigatorExpigator Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    credeiki wrote: »
    Expigator wrote: »
    Question regarding draft vs normal blind -- sub 30.

    Do you think the chances of me finding smarter players goes up by playing draft? And furthermore, is it worth the wait time to get a game? I feel like draft mode would reward those who 'know' the game more with counterpicking and banning. I also want to get used to it pre-ranked.

    I won't be sub-30 for much longer though! Lvl 29; not remotely ready to play ranked. I've started looking up my normals opponents to figure out what tier they are in and get a metric of my on talent (answer--not great...yet).

    I've been doing a similar thing lately, looking up the opposing team to see ranks. Sometimes it's to my detriment cause I see lvl 22 and think, no worries (and then get pwned). Or I see Bronze 1 or Silver something and think, it's go time (and it's easier than i thought). Finding more and more that rank =/= skill all the time.

    Anyone jungle Nunu after 3.7? I'm intrigued but concerned about him as a 'support' jungler.
    Expigator on
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Guess who's a nightmare-tier jungler again?


    @Expigator guess this answers your question!
    Burnage on
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    Riot do enforce the support meta by keeping gp/10 items in the game, and working on them. Imagine if philo stone gave no extra gold.
    Or if wards were limited in the same way as health potions.

    I do not mind supporting if I'm on skype with my lane partner. But in soloq? incredibly frustrating.
    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Why Riot. Why would you do such a thing?

  • SuperRuperSuperRuper Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    riot definitely enforces the 0 cs / current lane meta, although i'm not sure they are cognizant of it. basically any champion who can perform a role really well outside of the meta is considered OP and nerfed (roaming alistair, evelynn circa 1-2 years ago come to mind), because sorta by definition to perform well outside of the current meta you have to be a bit bullshit/OP

    Also, they could change it by not nerfing these "OP" people and making it so that other champions perform well in the same role they serve...

    but that would just be supporting a new meta. Which is what riot still doesn't want to do. Basically there's always going to be a meta that puts your team at an "advantage" in some way. And the pros will choose what advantage is the best advantage to have. And then people will see the pros and say "well obviously this is the best way to play because XXXXXX won the XXXX using it"

    and then we have the new unbreakable meta. Remember AOE comps...then bruiser comps came around to counter them...then high mobility focus comps....roaming and split push was around for a little bit after that...now it's max gold efficiency, which proves harder to uproot than the old metas for a variety of reasons.

    There's always going to be a set way to do things and people are always going to conform to what it the perceived "best" way to play the game.
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    i'm just pissed riot won't let you roam and kill mans because that's unfun for other people. the reason i play these games is to ruin other people's days by dunking on them. y u no cater to me riot
  • credeikicredeiki Registered User regular
    I was also wondering--should I be able to feel the Caitlyn attack speed nerf? I played some terrible Caitlyn games yesterday and I couldn't figure out whether
    1. the placebo effect (I know about the nerf so I played worse).
    2. I really am so used to playing Caitlyn that my last hitting/attack-walking was thrown off .
    3. I was distracted by a couple games' worth of Blitzcrank spamming laugh and taunt, which is maybe the one thing in LoL that can fill me with uncontrollable fury. Game full of people calling me noob? Whatever, don't care. Laughing robot? Want to murder so hard that I do really stupid things.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    So last night after reaching silver 2. My ranked duo partner and I were on a winning streak and we decided to do 1 more game before I called it a night. We pick champions everything seems fine, aside from the trist and ez pick, we figure its AP trist and load into the game. I load up lol nexus as I normally do because I like tracking the progress of who matchmaker thinks I should play against. Then matchmaker throws this at me:

    I am totally confused for a while. However this morning I have this theory that this guy got elo boosted to plat. Then lost every game until his MMR was so low that he now plays against silver players. I went ahead to lolking to check out his matches to see if it was just a fluke/glitch in the matchmaking system. However no he plays all his ranked matches against Silver II to Gold V players.

    I thought about reporting him via email to be looked at.

    P.S: We won the game anyways :D
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • SuperRuperSuperRuper Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    i'm just pissed riot won't let you roam and kill mans because that's unfun for other people. the reason i play these games is to ruin other people's days by dunking on them. y u no cater to me riot

    You play shaco a lot don't you...
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    no i actually never played shaco.

    i played nunu back before the jungle rework when he was a terrorist and literally the best jungler tho.
  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    roaming alistar with only mobility boots and sheen has a special place in my heart
    Box Live: TIFunkalicious
    LoL: Nerf Love
    Steam: TIFunk
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    no i actually never played shaco.

    i played nunu back before the jungle rework when he was a terrorist and literally the best jungler tho.
    They just need to get rid of or re-work blood-boil in some way.

    Maybe make it have a really really long cooldown, only give movement speed, so you cast it on your lane as you run in to gank?

    Nunu has some incredibly overpowered abilities that don't work with each other. It's a real shame.

    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    roaming alistar with only mobility boots and sheen has a special place in my heart

    If you enjoyed roaming alistar with mobo boots and a sheen... you do NOT have a heart... or a soul...

    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    riot definitely enforces the 0 cs / current lane meta, although i'm not sure they are cognizant of it. basically any champion who can perform a role really well outside of the meta is considered OP and nerfed (roaming alistair, evelynn circa 1-2 years ago come to mind), because sorta by definition to perform well outside of the current meta you have to be a bit bullshit/OP

    Roaming Ali was really, really good. I couldn't personally do it because I cannot roam too much without feeling like I've missed 1000 CS, but it was very interesting and upset the 1/1/2/jungle meta, which was awesome.

    I totally agree with you. Back in the pre-1 AOE days, Riot said, "Holy shit, AOE meta is too good," and nerfed it. Now, they nerf things that interfere with the meta.

    I most prefer games without a strongly set meta, where taking anything and running with it more competently is the way to win, but I'll settle for a more dynamic meta rollover. I'd rather play FOTM than Flavor of the Years (plural). The most boring possible meta is what ruined FEAR 1 MP way back in the day.
    P10 wrote: »
    i'm just pissed riot won't let you roam and kill mans because that's unfun for other people. the reason i play these games is to ruin other people's days by dunking on them. y u no cater to me riot

    Honestly, as hard (in a good way) as some of the LOL mechanics make roaming / ganking, it's a legitimate playstyle and people should QQ less. I don't like the "delete flash, I couldn't 100-0 orb walk someone like Clinkz, so unfair," people at all, but the converse of that is because flash exists, roaming should be rewarded heavily and you should be able to mitigate it through GP5 itemization like you could back in the day w/ roaming Ali.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    P10 wrote: »
    i'm just pissed riot won't let you roam and kill mans because that's unfun for other people. the reason i play these games is to ruin other people's days by dunking on them. y u no cater to me riot

    Hmm I just noticed that this thread has been distinctly lacking in one angry crab.

    Edit: Hmm he got banned for posting porn, thats our crab *tear*
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • SuperRuperSuperRuper Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    P10 wrote: »
    riot definitely enforces the 0 cs / current lane meta, although i'm not sure they are cognizant of it. basically any champion who can perform a role really well outside of the meta is considered OP and nerfed (roaming alistair, evelynn circa 1-2 years ago come to mind), because sorta by definition to perform well outside of the current meta you have to be a bit bullshit/OP

    Roaming Ali was really, really good. I couldn't personally do it because I cannot roam too much without feeling like I've missed 1000 CS, but it was very interesting and upset the 1/1/2/jungle meta, which was awesome.

    I totally agree with you. Back in the pre-1 AOE days, Riot said, "Holy shit, AOE meta is too good," and nerfed it. Now, they nerf things that interfere with the meta.

    I most prefer games without a strongly set meta, where taking anything and running with it more competently is the way to win, but I'll settle for a more dynamic meta rollover. I'd rather play FOTM than Flavor of the Years (plural). The most boring possible meta is what ruined FEAR 1 MP way back in the day.
    P10 wrote: »
    i'm just pissed riot won't let you roam and kill mans because that's unfun for other people. the reason i play these games is to ruin other people's days by dunking on them. y u no cater to me riot

    Honestly, as hard (in a good way) as some of the LOL mechanics make roaming / ganking, it's a legitimate playstyle and people should QQ less. I don't like the "delete flash, I couldn't 100-0 orb walk someone like Clinkz, so unfair," people at all, but the converse of that is because flash exists, roaming should be rewarded heavily and you should be able to mitigate it through GP5 itemization like you could back in the day w/ roaming Ali.

    To be fair, flash is awful. Especially because of how hyper-useful it is on high priority targets that already have escapes (Ezreal/Trist/Cait). But like has been said before, it's so ingrained in the game that taking it out will throw a lot of things out of balance. Plus it's very new-player friendly. Maybe they should make it a summoner spell you can only use until 25 :-P

    I will say that I played a lot a lot of Dota in my WCIII days. And though I like LoL...leagues...better, Dota did at least one thing right in making Blink Dagger something you had to purchase in game, that way people who needed it could still function (Earthshaker/Sand King) but most people couldn't justify spending the gold on it. If it was the same in league I would be happy. That way, people like Galio could still buy it but people like Ezreal wouldn't want to spend the money when he could be buying damage items. Then they could also reduce the cooldown on it. It's bad enough that champions like Galio have to wait for their ult cooldown, but then they basically have to wait for a flash CD in most circumstances.

    Right now it's basically, "well everyone on their team is probably running flash, so now everyone on our team has to run flash"

    Edit: I feel bad for saying Dota did one thing right, it did a lot of things right it just also did a lot of things wrong. Blink Dagger was one of the right ones. Champion balance was one of the wrong ones. Though you could make an argument that since all the champs were OP, none of the champs was OP. Naga Warrior with Bashers was awesome!
    SuperRuper on
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    New jungle nunu is looking pretty cool actually.

    And what is the skill order for naut these days. r>w>e>q? with one early point in q for ganks obv.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    I played vi for the first time

    she is fun, I like her voice acting
  • SproutSprout Registered User regular
    Riot just announced that they're doing an AMA on Aatrox on 5/21. I'm guessing we'll see the Murder Butterfly up on the PBE shortly before that.
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    aachestymcgee is clearly designed to be a 200 CS support - AND NO MORE
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    The hype train for Airtracks kind of got derailed after his initial reveal. Wonder if the AMA will be able to salvage it.
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