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Universal Studio's new film in November: Ender's Game

Anjin-SanAnjin-San That Wrong LoveRegistered User regular
edited May 2013 in Social Entropy++

(this is lifted from wikipedia)

Ender's Game is an upcoming American science fiction film based on the novel of the same name by Orson Scott Card. Directed and written by Gavin Hood, the film will star Asa Butterfield as Andrew "Ender" Wiggin, an unusually gifted child who is sent to an advanced military school in space to prepare for a future alien invasion, leading an ensemble cast that includes Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley, Aramis Knight, Hailee Steinfeld, Jimmy Pinchak, Viola Davis, and Abigail Breslin. In November 2010, Card stated that the film's storyline would be a fusion of Ender's Game and its parallel novel, Ender's Shadow, focusing on the important elements of both.[3]

Ender's Game is a movie you should not go out and see, on the strength of it making you someone who empowers an foolish man with money. This isn't an appeal to your nature on the level of say, those anti-Monsanto things you might see on Facebook occasionally. Orson Scott Card is a small enough brand, that is easily enough harmed. You, your friends and loved ones can do the morally correct thing and actively work to hurt the financial success of this film and the idea that it is okay to empower foolish people with money.


1. If for any reason your child comes across the Ender series of books (which really speaks to young adults) do not let them read those books. If they do, explain to them the authoritarian and borderline pedophilia tones that happen in later entries in the series, and the bigoted works Orson Scott Card put out for an older audience, as well as the video game Shadow Complex that is related to that bigoted series.

2. Interrupt or become rude during airings of the trailer of Ender's Game that precede Star Trek: Into Darkness.

3. Do not watch the film with your child. Explain to your child that Orson Scott Card is a terrible bigot, and that his works are wolves in sheeps clothing, preying on the sensibilities of the young.

4. Tell your friends to not watch the movie, or let their children read his books, citing the above information.

5. Tell your family to not watch the movie or read the books, citing the above information.

6. Tell people you do not even know, be it on a social networking platform or message board or the like to follow the above steps to do the morally correct thing in helping this film and book series fail before any further damage to society happens.

7. Repeat the above with coworkers or really, anybody who will listen.
Anjin-San on


  • scarlet blvd.scarlet blvd. Bebop Cola Goooood!Registered User regular
    I read like 2 of those books years ago?
    guess I missed all this
    nooooo idea what's goin on
  • Anjin-SanAnjin-San That Wrong Love Registered User regular
    If you have other tips on how to inform people why not to see this movie, or ways in which to harm its financial well being please share!
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    ha ha ha haaaaa oh no
  • existexist Registered User regular
    i am totally going to do all of this i will be a huge pleasure to be around
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    this is pretty fucking incredible and i feel extremely blessed to be a part of it
  • MorivethMoriveth Registered User regular
    I thought Ender's Game was alright before I knew the author was such a goddamn maniac

    Also I tried to read the second book and holy fuck how creepy it got with Ender's sister and what the fuck is wrong with you, Card (besides everything).
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    I wasn't really gonna see it anyways because Gavin Hood is kind of a terrible director and everything I have seen out of it looks like it will be a shitty movie.

  • FugitiveFugitive Registered User regular
    I liked Ender's Game a whole lot. I don't know anything about the other stuff but I guess he sucks.

    Still, I do like Ender's Game a whole lot.
    WebButton.jpg sig3.png
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I read the first book.

    It was a book.

    The ending was kinda spoiled by the number of pages left in the book, though.
    "Advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
    "Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but it dies in the process."
    Imagine all of my posts being spoken by Alec Baldwin
    GamerTag: MunkusBeaver ||||| Steam: munkus
  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    More like Orson Scott Cunt
    360: Sir Stiggleton PSN: Stiggy_PA GFWL: RacerStig Steam: TheStig
  • FugitiveFugitive Registered User regular
    Maybe they should call the movie Ender's Game Part 1 and everyone will just be really confused in the last 15 minutes.
    WebButton.jpg sig3.png
  • MulletudeMulletude Registered User regular
    I didn't know who this guy was....So I read an article he wrote in 1990 and huaghlaghhas holy fuck my brain
    XBL-Dug Danger
  • No Great NameNo Great Name Registered User regular
    thanks for alerting me to this movie I will go see it day 1!!
    Xbox Live: OGSirToons PSN: NoGreatName Bnet Tag: SirToons#1214 NNID: SirToons
    Steam ID: SirToons 3DS: 3024-5277-3254 Twitch: SirToons check.php?c=sirtoons
  • Anjin-SanAnjin-San That Wrong Love Registered User regular
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    thanks for alerting me to this movie I will go see it day 1!!

    it's not bad enough that you're a Hulk player

    now you gotta go and be like this
  • MorivethMoriveth Registered User regular
    Like normally I think I'd be able to divorce the artist from his work but the man has said some vile, vile garbage

    Also I don't even like Ender's Game that much
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Is Ender's Game some kind of Yogioh?

    Also will this be better or worse than Battlefield Earth?
    Uriel on
  • MorivethMoriveth Registered User regular
    I actually don't think I ever finished the second book either

    And this was at an age when I would read near anything
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    I saw "Universal Studios' New Film" and got excited

    Thought maybe Dracula or Frankenstein was coming back

    Like, I heard they were remaking the Monster Squad

    let's talk about that instead, fuck Card
  • Old Red InkOld Red Ink Registered User regular
    Moriveth wrote: »
    I actually don't think I ever finished the second book either

    And this was at an age when I would read near anything

    I actually thought the second book was better than the first

    but I was like 12 when I read it so...

  • Anjin-SanAnjin-San That Wrong Love Registered User regular
    This 'foolish man' has plenty of money. My lack of purchasing a movie ticket isn't going to affect him much. I liked the book. I will end up seeing the movie. I am able to separate an artist from their art.

    what do you use to separate art from artist
  • MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    Anjin-San wrote: »
    This 'foolish man' has plenty of money. My lack of purchasing a movie ticket isn't going to affect him much. I liked the book. I will end up seeing the movie. I am able to separate an artist from their art.

    what do you use to separate art from artist

  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    Anjin-San wrote: »
    This 'foolish man' has plenty of money. My lack of purchasing a movie ticket isn't going to affect him much. I liked the book. I will end up seeing the movie. I am able to separate an artist from their art.

    what do you use to separate art from artist

  • ZibblsnrtZibblsnrt Registered User regular
    Yeah, I'll usually make at least a token attempt to separate artists and their work, but, well, Card doesn't really want me to. At this point he's basically defined his entire being in terms of wanting The Gays and various other groups to toddle off to the reeducation furnaces or whatever he's calling for in his latest hyperbolic column. I can forgive a lot with a writer or artist who's good, or at least whose stuff I like, but when they become one of the primary spokesmen calling for the suppression of a chunk of the population for no reason other than bigotry, that's not something that should be ignored.

    It's a bit of a pity anyway. I liked the concept of Ender's Shadow - redo a story with a different POV character and all - but on top of the author going around more bends than the Gordian knot he simply became a worse writer over time as well. It's like he was doing some bizarre kind of anti-practice on top of simply using the books as a pulpit.
  • Old Red InkOld Red Ink Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Anjin-San wrote: »
    I liked it too! Upon reading it as an adult, it seems to actually prey up the sensibilities of the young! The might=right message is the wrong one to send to impressionable kids, as is the message that the bigoted can succeed in life!

    The creepiest part is the introduction, where he talks about how he has received messages from children at gifted and talented schools around the country telling him how much they identify with and idolize Ender.

    So thanks, dude, for teaching the nation's brightest young people that genocide is okay as long as your intentions were good.
    Old Red Ink on
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    Anjin-San wrote: »
    This 'foolish man' has plenty of money. My lack of purchasing a movie ticket isn't going to affect him much. I liked the book. I will end up seeing the movie. I am able to separate an artist from their art.

    what do you use to separate art from artist


    Bring the atmosphereum to Kro-Bar and Lattis.
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    Seriously though I hope this makes less money than Battlefield Earth.
  • WheatBun01WheatBun01 Registered User regular
    Is this the one with naked shower Anglo-Saxan wrestling with 12 year olds? Am I thinking of another Sci-Fi story?

    Please don't tell me I imagined that myself.
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    oh, I don't think they were as old as 12
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    i think Ender is supposed to be like 8 when he fights that kid in the showers
  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    I heard the movie is nothing but boys in the shower
    360: Sir Stiggleton PSN: Stiggy_PA GFWL: RacerStig Steam: TheStig
  • PiptheFairPiptheFair Registered User regular
    card is goddamn awful though
    Skayel wrote:
    One time, I had a friend over to play a bit of Red Alert on my LAN. During the game he said he needed to go to the bathroom, so we paused it. After about 10 minutes of wondering where the hell he went, I get up and go to check on him.

    Turns out he was trying to screw my dog.
    Once I was taking a poop at a restaurant and a kid crept underneath the door into my stall. I let out a big fart and then he threw up all over the floor in front of me and I just stared at him.
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