Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

world record [chat]



  • HakkekageHakkekage Space Whore Academy summa cum laudeRegistered User regular
    I am also going now

    I'm riding on a mixed state right now and it's probably not great that I have used it to crush the spirit of a young man with so much potential like @21stCentury, for real dude, you are aces and you will be fine

    good night sweet chat, and may the song of angels sing thee to thy sleep
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    Before I left for work today, I said goodbye to my nephew

    I leaned down, and he gave me a big smile

    Then as I was giving him a kiss on the forehead, he balled one of his hands into a tiny fist and punched me in the jaw

    He knew what he was doing

    Bury him.

    Nah, he's way too cute. And every time I see him he's capable of more things!

    Like this time he could laugh and intentionally grab and hold on to things.

    Also, make a fist and go for a knockout punch!
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Is fast food less shameful than frozen pizza?

    Kind of.
  • redxredx Dublin, CARegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Organichu wrote: »
    Is fast food less shameful than frozen pizza?

    That depends on if you are wearing pants or not.

    fast food with pants<frozen pizza with pants<frozen pizza without pants<fast food without pants

    redx on
    RedX is taking a stab a moving out west, and will be near San Francisco from May 14 till June 29.
    Click here for a horrible H/A thread with details.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    hey fook ears
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    I am constantly astonished that LPs for games are popular and a thing anyone goes out of their way to find and watch. If it's high concept (The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing) or short and done with professional comedians / creator commentary, then sure. But just like, watching some guy play through all of a new AAA title? What on earth is the point?

    i am not a watcher of let's plays


    i suspect it's the same feeling that you once got watching your buddy play through a new game

    only now that doesn't happen because it's weird for two grown-ups to play a game together these days
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    I am also going now

    I'm riding on a mixed state right now and it's probably not great that I have used it to crush the spirit of a young man with so much potential like @21stCentury, for real dude, you are aces and you will be fine

    good night sweet chat, and may the song of angels sing thee to thy sleep

    Good night Hakkakkekage!
  • visiblehowlvisiblehowl Registered User regular
    @skippydumptruck When are your wife's interviews this week?
    "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it."

    "Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
  • knitdanknitdan Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Is fast food less shameful than frozen pizza?

    Much less. Unless its a Little Caesar's pizza place. I consider that fast food because like McD's, they have their product already made up before you order, and they just talk it off the pile and hand it to you.

    It is the worst pizza. And shameful.
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular

    Goddamn Jason Collins taking another gay mans thunder thirty years later the nerve I tell ya.

    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Man, "The L Word" is a bit more boring than I thought it'd be.

    I was expecting non-stop orgies.
  • simonwolfsimonwolf Registered User regular
    I watch/read a variety of Let's Plays via SomethingAwful

    The main reason I read them is often because it's a game that I cannot play, due to not owning the system, or a game that I wouldn't play, but enjoy watching someone else struggle through

    but I also watch a few simply because I think the guys who make them are just funny dudes and I like listening to them riff on something, or show me things in a game that I didn't know existed

    They're fun and I get a lot of enjoyment out of them
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Not really.

  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Dammit I have all the letters to play 'vagina' in scrabble and no where to put it.

    Thwarting my every opportunity!
  • emnmnmeemnmnme Heard about this on conservative radio:Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    I am constantly astonished that LPs for games are popular and a thing anyone goes out of their way to find and watch. If it's high concept (The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing) or short and done with professional comedians / creator commentary, then sure. But just like, watching some guy play through all of a new AAA title? What on earth is the point?

    i am not a watcher of let's plays


    i suspect it's the same feeling that you once got watching your buddy play through a new game

    only now that doesn't happen because it's weird for two grown-ups to play a game together these days

    There's also something to skipping boring parts. If you just want the story and cutscenes from, say, Sleeping Dogs, you fast forward your video past all the driving and side missions.
  • y2jake215y2jake215 oh ok yeah that's cool RAP GAME KiNG TUTRegistered User regular
    Kagera wrote: »

    Goddamn Jason Collins taking another gay mans thunder thirty years later the nerve I tell ya.

    he also apparently invented the high five

    what a life to live
  • knitdanknitdan Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    Dammit I have all the letters to play 'vagina' in scrabble and no where to put it.

    Thwarting my every opportunity!


  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    skippydumptruck When are your wife's interviews this week?

    weds for pdx, not sure for chi
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    I just unleashed a really long and loud fart. It was amaaaazzzzinng.
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    I watch LPs to pretend that I'm hanging out with friends.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    My father's oven gets hotter than the dial says >O

    Good thing I took it out early
  • emnmnmeemnmnme Heard about this on conservative radio:Registered User regular

    Billy Jean King cheated on her husband!?
  • Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    Man, Book of Mormon was so irreverent that I think it fried the part of my brain that experiences shock and indignation.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    So I own a lot of these


    Which are my regular headwear in the kitchen

    But the standard in this kitchen appears to be this


    Which is fine, and I've been thinking of making the transition myself

    But I've taken to standing in the service window and working, where diners can see me

    And they get major boners from seeing a cook look 'chefly', which the top hat definitely does
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    So I own a lot of these


    Which are my regular headwear in the kitchen

    But the standard in this kitchen appears to be this


    Which is fine, and I've been thinking of making the transition myself

    But I've taken to standing in the service window and working, where diners can see me

    And they get major boners from seeing a cook look 'chefly', which the top hat definitely does

    Play the part. You can wear a dumb baseball cap on your own time.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    So I own a lot of these


    Which are my regular headwear in the kitchen

    But the standard in this kitchen appears to be this


    Which is fine, and I've been thinking of making the transition myself

    But I've taken to standing in the service window and working, where diners can see me

    And they get major boners from seeing a cook look 'chefly', which the top hat definitely does

    Play the part. You can wear a dumb baseball cap on your own time.

    I hate ball caps

    so much

    Mostly because I already have a giant head

    But they ARE super comfortable in a hot-as-hell kitchen

    Top one isn't bad either, though
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    This crust is pretty mediocre
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular

    God dammit Raven.

    God dammit. :P
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    Sarks r u stronk
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    I like my chefs blue collar and salt of the earth and other silly terms and whatnot. Chef hats tell me you ally with the 1% and are the enemy of the people.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User regular
    Like all videos on the Internet made by amateurs, I don't watch let's plays (never have, never will) but lets play threads can be incredible. The KOTOR II let's play ( http://lparchive.org/Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II/ ) is so good that it can substitute for replaying it. Also, Boatmurdered and Matul Remrit are the only way I have experienced dwarves fortress, but both are glorious.

    "There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing." -- Andrew Jackson
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.
  • spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User regular
    Mim wrote: »
    I just unleashed a really long and loud fart. It was amaaaazzzzinng.

    I thought you were a girl. This is anatomically impossible. Girl's butts are just for peeing out of. . .

    "There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing." -- Andrew Jackson
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.
  • y2jake215y2jake215 oh ok yeah that's cool RAP GAME KiNG TUTRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    So I own a lot of these


    Which are my regular headwear in the kitchen

    But the standard in this kitchen appears to be this


    Which is fine, and I've been thinking of making the transition myself

    But I've taken to standing in the service window and working, where diners can see me

    And they get major boners from seeing a cook look 'chefly', which the top hat definitely does

    cmon man, be a professional.

    ...get one of these
  • y2jake215y2jake215 oh ok yeah that's cool RAP GAME KiNG TUTRegistered User regular
    my elbow seems to be letting me lift a little less problematically each time

    thank the lord in heaven

    my stronkness and muskles will return shortly
  • spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    So I own a lot of these


    Which are my regular headwear in the kitchen

    But the standard in this kitchen appears to be this


    Which is fine, and I've been thinking of making the transition myself

    But I've taken to standing in the service window and working, where diners can see me

    And they get major boners from seeing a cook look 'chefly', which the top hat definitely does

    Don't be scrub tier. chef-hat.jpg or I walk out of your restaurant.

    "There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing." -- Andrew Jackson
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    So I own a lot of these


    Which are my regular headwear in the kitchen

    But the standard in this kitchen appears to be this


    Which is fine, and I've been thinking of making the transition myself

    But I've taken to standing in the service window and working, where diners can see me

    And they get major boners from seeing a cook look 'chefly', which the top hat definitely does

    cmon man, be a professional.

    ...get one of these

    Knocked off by the exhaust hood, falling onto the grill and bursting into flames in the first 3 minutes of wearing it.

    ... Not to mention looking ridiculous. :o
  • y2jake215y2jake215 oh ok yeah that's cool RAP GAME KiNG TUTRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    So I own a lot of these


    Which are my regular headwear in the kitchen

    But the standard in this kitchen appears to be this


    Which is fine, and I've been thinking of making the transition myself

    But I've taken to standing in the service window and working, where diners can see me

    And they get major boners from seeing a cook look 'chefly', which the top hat definitely does

    cmon man, be a professional.

    ...get one of these

    Knocked off by the exhaust hood, falling onto the grill and bursting into flames in the first 3 minutes of wearing it.

    ... Not to mention looking ridiculous. :o

    you telling me THIS looks ridiculous??

  • y2jake215y2jake215 oh ok yeah that's cool RAP GAME KiNG TUTRegistered User regular
    okay yes, maybe you are correct
  • spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    So I own a lot of these


    Which are my regular headwear in the kitchen

    But the standard in this kitchen appears to be this


    Which is fine, and I've been thinking of making the transition myself

    But I've taken to standing in the service window and working, where diners can see me

    And they get major boners from seeing a cook look 'chefly', which the top hat definitely does

    cmon man, be a professional.

    ...get one of these

    Knocked off by the exhaust hood, falling onto the grill and bursting into flames in the first 3 minutes of wearing it.

    ... Not to mention looking ridiculous. :o

    There is only one acceptable alternative:


    "There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing." -- Andrew Jackson
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    So I own a lot of these


    Which are my regular headwear in the kitchen

    But the standard in this kitchen appears to be this


    Which is fine, and I've been thinking of making the transition myself

    But I've taken to standing in the service window and working, where diners can see me

    And they get major boners from seeing a cook look 'chefly', which the top hat definitely does

    cmon man, be a professional.

    ...get one of these

    Knocked off by the exhaust hood, falling onto the grill and bursting into flames in the first 3 minutes of wearing it.

    ... Not to mention looking ridiculous. :o

    There is only one acceptable alternative:


    I ...

This discussion has been closed.