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  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Who schedules a 9:00AM meeting on Monday?

    A: The same type of person that is >4 minutes late to his own meeting
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    how does the zombie infection spread between cities anyway

    also my country is zombie-proof

    I'm in the neighbouring county of the one I grew up in

    going home for a visit takes five hours with bus and two ferries.

    24 hour incubation period and shut up.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    I don't like Star Wars because even though I can accept the idea of spaceships, lightsabers are just ridiculous.
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    There is the whole overwhelming thing with zombies, which makes some degree of sense, but most zombie fiction uses it lazily.

    chain-link fence.


    Sufficient weight of people will overwhelm either. Especially if said people are capable of little else than dumbly marching towards it. Even if they just end up walking up the crushed remains of their predecessors.

    That's not to say it isn't possible to make zombie-proof defences, but assuming that they're going to be drawn towards any occupied fixed position, it wouldn't necessarily be trivial.
  • spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User regular
    I don't think you even need guns. They can't beat down a steel shutter. Zombies are so dumb.

    "There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing." -- Andrew Jackson
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.
  • kaleeditykaleedity bad biscuits make the baker broke bro Registered User regular
    calling that that titan show would be better if it ended right now instead of however it's going to continue
  • CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    I don't think you even need guns. They can't beat down a steel shutter. Zombies are so dumb.
    If I can't shoot zombies from the roof for sport, what is the point?
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    japan wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    There is the whole overwhelming thing with zombies, which makes some degree of sense, but most zombie fiction uses it lazily.

    chain-link fence.


    Sufficient weight of people will overwhelm either. Especially if said people are capable of little else than dumbly marching towards it. Even if they just end up walking up the crushed remains of their predecessors.

    That's not to say it isn't possible to make zombie-proof defences, but assuming that they're going to be drawn towards any occupied fixed position, it wouldn't necessarily be trivial.

    It's pretty easy to have zombie-proof defenses. Just have faith in your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    my favourite post-apocalyptic setting is STALKER's

    because it's not the fallout style EVERYWHERE IS A MAD MAX DESERT NOW AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE THAT WAY which is ludicrous on both counts

    it's not really post-apocalyptic, since said apocalypse was kind of a very local one.
  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    Mojo_Jojo wrote: »
    Lady Gaga and Kesha still exist?

    I assume Kesha is being repainted for this years model.
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    It seems like the best place to hole up would be somewhere surrounded by deep, fast flowing water.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    I don't like Star Wars because even though I can accept the idea of spaceships, lightsabers are just ridiculous.

    good rule of thumb is that you can make up rules for things that don't exist

    but not for things that already do because I already know those rules
  • PowerpuppiesPowerpuppies Registered User regular
    everyone knows you go to the winchester
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Elldren wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    What I want to know is why water mills and other forms of hydraulic asset wealth haven't been accumulating in Westeros.

    Is there evidence that they haven't been accumulating, other than the absence of narrative touching on them?

    Yes - they're limited to sections of rivers, and having too many of them impinges on the performance of those downriver, so control over them should be a substantial part of politics that doesn't seem to ever happen. The shift of taxable value from grazing to arable land has clearly already happened, but the second shift from arable land to capital assets hasn't.

    Available historical evidence suggests that once they've been invented, there tends to be continuous refinement, which makes sense because water wheels are amenable to lots of immediately-rewarding innovation.

    Well if Geth thinks it makes sense.

    But no really, fantasy settings don't entertain the notion of a historic materialism.

    Investing in steam engines would: a) make them steampunk, not fantasy; b) divert precious resources from research into Alchemy.

    There doesn't need to be steam. No coal and no oil rather cripples an industrial revolution. Wood gets expensive fast; there is little reward to processing wood more rapidly than it can grow.

    But mills alone should rather change the nature of politics - instead of an industrial revolution built around steam, you would still get it building up around rivers, and mines that happen to be near rivers should be fantastically valuable.

    The narrative isn't sufficiently granular in this regard to determine the value of mines on rivers

    There's a certain je ne sais quoi about this reply. I just feel it thoroughly encapsulates so many of the discussions I've had with @ronya . :P
    Hamurabi on
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Lady Gaga was doing touring and working on her next album then she got sick or something and how to delay a bunch of stuff. Once she gets better and finishes up the album her singles will be on again for a year or two.

    Wikipedia also says she's going to be in the next Machete movie.
  • RichyRichy Registered User regular
    One of the two computers in my office seems to have died over the weekend D: How am I supposed to work with just one computer?
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    I don't like Star Wars because even though I can accept the idea of spaceships, lightsabers are just ridiculous.

    good rule of thumb is that you can make up rules for things that don't exist

    but not for things that already do because I already know those rules

    The first rule of zombie is that they magically make everyone stupid and unable to react properly.
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    Richy wrote: »
    One of the two computers in my office seems to have died over the weekend D: How am I supposed to work with just one computer?

    Very carefully.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular

    Hamurabi wrote: »
    Elldren wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    What I want to know is why water mills and other forms of hydraulic asset wealth haven't been accumulating in Westeros.

    Is there evidence that they haven't been accumulating, other than the absence of narrative touching on them?

    Yes - they're limited to sections of rivers, and having too many of them impinges on the performance of those downriver, so control over them should be a substantial part of politics that doesn't seem to ever happen. The shift of taxable value from grazing to arable land has clearly already happened, but the second shift from arable land to capital assets hasn't.

    Available historical evidence suggests that once they've been invented, there tends to be continuous refinement, which makes sense because water wheels are amenable to lots of immediately-rewarding innovation.

    Well if Geth thinks it makes sense.

    But no really, fantasy settings don't entertain the notion of a historic materialism.

    Investing in steam engines would: a) make them steampunk, not fantasy; b) divert precious resources from research into Alchemy.

    There doesn't need to be steam. No coal and no oil rather cripples an industrial revolution. Wood gets expensive fast; there is little reward to processing wood more rapidly than it can grow.

    But mills alone should rather change the nature of politics - instead of an industrial revolution built around steam, you would still get it building up around rivers, and mines that happen to be near rivers should be fantastically valuable.

    The narrative isn't sufficiently granular in this regard to determine the value of mines on rivers

    There's a certain je ne sais quoi about this reply. I just feel it thoroughly encapsulates so many of the discussions I've had with @ronya . :P


    there was actually a tiny thing just now about control over a mill

    so, yeah.
  • spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    my favourite post-apocalyptic setting is STALKER's

    because it's not the fallout style EVERYWHERE IS A MAD MAX DESERT NOW AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE THAT WAY which is ludicrous on both counts

    it's not really post-apocalyptic, since said apocalypse was kind of a very local one.

    Dude, FO is a world that is rebuilding. Look at how much change there is from FO1 to FO2. Bethesda fucked up with their "200 years after the war everything is still terrible" world, but Bethesda fucks up everything.

    "There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing." -- Andrew Jackson
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    Trouble at t'Mill.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    I don't like Star Wars because even though I can accept the idea of spaceships, lightsabers are just ridiculous.

    good rule of thumb is that you can make up rules for things that don't exist

    but not for things that already do because I already know those rules

    The first rule of zombie is that they magically make everyone stupid and unable to react properly.

    back when I was watching the first season I would have paid good money to get to beat lori's actress with a length of pipe
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    my favourite post-apocalyptic setting is STALKER's

    because it's not the fallout style EVERYWHERE IS A MAD MAX DESERT NOW AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE THAT WAY which is ludicrous on both counts

    it's not really post-apocalyptic, since said apocalypse was kind of a very local one.

    Dude, FO is a world that is rebuilding. Look at how much change there is from FO1 to FO2. Bethesda fucked up with their "200 years after the war everything is still terrible" world, but Bethesda fucks up everything.

    I haven't played FO1 and FO2. I don't want to, because mother of god is that setting dull.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    I don't like Star Wars because even though I can accept the idea of spaceships, lightsabers are just ridiculous.

    good rule of thumb is that you can make up rules for things that don't exist

    but not for things that already do because I already know those rules

    The first rule of zombie is that they magically make everyone stupid and unable to react properly.

    back when I was watching the first season I would have paid good money to get to beat lori's actress with a length of pipe

    I don't know what a Lori is but you're probably right.

    I thought The Walking Dead video game was pretty fantastic, though.
  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    I feel like the MMO I've always wanted to play is one where we make a convincing effort at actually simulating genuine-sized planetary terrain, with some RTS elements.

    Like, the Peter Molyneux Curiousity game, except with a whole planet that, over the course of MMO, gets completely fucked up and resource depleted by player warfare. No regenerating resources, or easy and quick rebuilding, just ruined cities and towns and landscape as the battle-lines move.

    Then have a whole space-exploration/exodus mechanic so as the place becomes totally unlivable, you get to rush to a new planet to start it all over again.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    but, yes

    the 200 years after nobody has even godamned taken a broom out

    was so fucking silly.
    Whoever invented allergies can go to hell.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    I might need to start eating breakfast, it's 9:20 and I'm already hungry. :(
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    A stronghold-like city building/management game in the fallout universe could be quite fun.

    Scavenge resources, attract specialist workers, build fortifications, trade with caravans and other strongholds, etc.
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    Whoever invented allergies can go to hell.

    Allergies were invented by Satan, and he's already in hell...
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    I feel like the MMO I've always wanted to play is one where we make a convincing effort at actually simulating genuine-sized planetary terrain, with some RTS elements.

    Like, the Peter Molyneux Curiousity game, except with a whole planet that, over the course of MMO, gets completely fucked up and resource depleted by player warfare. No regenerating resources, or easy and quick rebuilding, just ruined cities and towns and landscape as the battle-lines move.

    Then have a whole space-exploration/exodus mechanic so as the place becomes totally unlivable, you get to rush to a new planet to start it all over again.

    Oh yes.

    make it an MMOFPS and I am down.

  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    I might need to start eating breakfast, it's 9:20 and I'm already hungry. :(

    Better eat now or you won't have room for second breakfast, and Elevensies is looking right out.
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    japan wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    japan wrote: »
    There is the whole overwhelming thing with zombies, which makes some degree of sense, but most zombie fiction uses it lazily.

    chain-link fence.


    Sufficient weight of people will overwhelm either. Especially if said people are capable of little else than dumbly marching towards it. Even if they just end up walking up the crushed remains of their predecessors.

    That's not to say it isn't possible to make zombie-proof defences, but assuming that they're going to be drawn towards any occupied fixed position, it wouldn't necessarily be trivial.

    It's pretty easy to have zombie-proof defenses. Just have faith in your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    But what if-

    Whoever invented allergies can go to hell.

    Allergies were invented by Satan, and he's already in hell...

    Well he can go to double secret hell then.
  • spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    my favourite post-apocalyptic setting is STALKER's

    because it's not the fallout style EVERYWHERE IS A MAD MAX DESERT NOW AND IT WILL ALWAYS BE THAT WAY which is ludicrous on both counts

    it's not really post-apocalyptic, since said apocalypse was kind of a very local one.

    Dude, FO is a world that is rebuilding. Look at how much change there is from FO1 to FO2. Bethesda fucked up with their "200 years after the war everything is still terrible" world, but Bethesda fucks up everything.

    I haven't played FO1 and FO2. I don't want to, because mother of god is that setting dull.

    If you only played FO3, you can't judge the setting. Of anything else about FO. Because FO3 isn't fallout.

    "There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing." -- Andrew Jackson
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    japan wrote: »
    huh I got 9 minutes to write a 2 page essay I forgot about

    but it's for political science and its about income inequality, so this should be a cake walk

    This post just consumed one of your nine minutes.

    I ended up writing 5 pages and spent about 25 mintues doing it

    Guess I'm skipping history today and catching the 11 am poli sci instead, which is fine I basically never miss history and the teacher isn't going to nail me to a cross like my english teacher for it
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    God damnit.

    These new cats never learned to use the litter box. I keep walking into rooms, realizing they stink to high hell, then having to search in hidden corners for their little packages.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Ludious wrote: »
    I might need to start eating breakfast, it's 9:20 and I'm already hungry. :(

    Better eat now or you won't have room for second breakfast, and Elevensies is looking right out.

    Last Friday I ate my lunch at 9 so that I could try Jimmy Johns for a late second lunch, but I never got hungry again until I was home and it was time for dinner. :(
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    leave out the exodus mechanic

    just have the eternal war of the dwindling resources grind on and on

    until the players go extinct.
This discussion has been closed.