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  • FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    I've been through this before, but as someone who aint rises biggest fan, he quits because Batman was unneeded he states it explicitly.
    in the end he quits because, they can actually give the hero an ending that doesn't really get done in comics.

    It's strange that I thought it was ballsy to give Batman a happy ending.
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    I'm fine with his final quitting but him quitting for eight years in the beginning is weird to me

    like he was only batman for a couple months total over like a ten year period
  • No Great NameNo Great Name Registered User regular
    I know that's implied but I always thought he was still batmaning it up considering his physical state in the movie. Like, I don't think being batman for a few months in begins and tdk is enough to wear away all the cartilage in your knees etc...
    Xbox Live: OGSirToons PSN: NoGreatName Bnet Tag: SirToons#1214 NNID: SirToons
    Steam ID: SirToons 3DS: 3024-5277-3254 Twitch: SirToons check.php?c=sirtoons
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    I know that's implied but I always thought he was still batmaning it up considering his physical state in the movie. Like, I don't think being batman for a few months in begins and tdk is enough to wear away all the cartilage in your knees etc...

    his only regret is that he had cartilageitis
  • AiserouAiserou Registered User regular
    I'm just now realizing some stuff that was left out from the trailers

    Both being Mandarin lines, both addressing Tony directly

    One about "today being the first day of what's left of your life"

    And "the choice to live an empty life or die with meaning"

    Part of the whole misdirection, you think?

    This was actually my biggest gripe about the movie... (spoilered for speculation)
    Between that and images of a broken suit laying in the snow, it implied a movie where the villain is just toying with the hero, making him make tough decisions and suffer horrible consequences. A lot like the Joker in The Dark Knight. Seeing the character of Tony Stark get beaten down like that would have been interesting.

    That being said I'm perfectly happy with what we got, I just couldn't help but feeling a little let down once I realized I was watching a different movie.

  • FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    it's definitely weird, and I'd say it was more a year to two, just based on the progression that's been made with dealing with the mob by the start of 2, and the fact that the joker says 'a year ago, these cops and lawers blah blah'.

    But the 8 year gap, I mean the biggest reason I can forgive that is, they were promising a different 3rd movie. There was a lot of stuff in DK that there was going to be a continuing escalation, that Batman and joker 'were destined to do this forever'. That obvioulsy had to be chucked out based on a real life tragedy. I mean where do you go with a Batman story where the joker doesn't exist, they kind of had to go a new route. So they said, okay lets just look at were our last one ended and see where the chips might have fallen.

    My problems with the movie are to do with the 'no mans land plot', relentless pace and muddled politics.
    FAQ on
  • WheatBun01WheatBun01 Registered User regular
    To the above:
    Tony has been in serious need of some humbling, for me at least, since the past three movies have had him being constantly one step ahead and smarter than everyone he goes up against. I know that's just kinda part of movietony, but I'll admit I was looking forward to seeing Iron Man get his ass kicked in some superhero battle.

    I guess he still sorta did. And I still loved this movie.
  • FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    I know that's implied but I always thought he was still batmaning it up considering his physical state in the movie. Like, I don't think being batman for a few months in begins and tdk is enough to wear away all the cartilage in your knees etc...
    he was training for years before that, and the whole falling out of buildings several times, getting shot, stabbed, hit by cars, in car crashes, bike crashes, yeah I think it's enough but I'm no doctor
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    It isn't until the third movie where it's clear he did not want to do anymore
  • WheatBun01WheatBun01 Registered User regular
    jesus FAQ that avatar is terrifying
  • FAQFAQ Registered User regular
  • CorporateLogoCorporateLogo Registered User regular
    Give the Invasion of the Body Snatchers with Donald Sutherland a watch then
  • ThatDudeOverThereThatDudeOverThere Ymir owns. He fucking owns!Registered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    Well, let me put it this way.
    I really wanted to see the Mandarin in this movie. They advertised a toned down, but still potentially interesting Mandarin for this movie.

    Instead we got a comedic twist, and Aldrich Killian yelling "I AM THE MANDARIN."

    No.. No you are not. You're Aldrich Killian. You already had your own thing going on as a character, putting some dragon tattoos on you and making you the secret puppet master doesn't make you the Mandarin.

    Movie was still good; but I would have rather they played it more straight in regards to a character I really wanted to see on the big screen. Instead we either got "the mandarin doesn't exist" or tacking on qualities of him onto a completely unrelated character.

    Like I said, I still liked the movie, and I like the twist despite itself, but I can totally see why people would be mad over this.
    actually, since they say he is, he is. in the marvel movies, the Mandarin is Killian. He is because they say he is, and that is the only thing that matters.
    Considering the conversation is "Why are people mad about this" I'd say that no, what Marvel says isn't the only thing that matters. People have opinions on things, and those opinions likely matter a great deal to those who have them.
    I get why people are mad. I just think it's an incredibly stupid thing to be upset about.

    But, hey, comic fans.
  • ThatDudeOverThereThatDudeOverThere Ymir owns. He fucking owns!Registered User regular
    the dark knight movies are very good in the moment

    not so much on reflection
  • FAQFAQ Registered User regular
  • ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    Well, let me put it this way.
    I really wanted to see the Mandarin in this movie. They advertised a toned down, but still potentially interesting Mandarin for this movie.

    Instead we got a comedic twist, and Aldrich Killian yelling "I AM THE MANDARIN."

    No.. No you are not. You're Aldrich Killian. You already had your own thing going on as a character, putting some dragon tattoos on you and making you the secret puppet master doesn't make you the Mandarin.

    Movie was still good; but I would have rather they played it more straight in regards to a character I really wanted to see on the big screen. Instead we either got "the mandarin doesn't exist" or tacking on qualities of him onto a completely unrelated character.

    Like I said, I still liked the movie, and I like the twist despite itself, but I can totally see why people would be mad over this.
    actually, since they say he is, he is. in the marvel movies, the Mandarin is Killian. He is because they say he is, and that is the only thing that matters.
    Considering the conversation is "Why are people mad about this" I'd say that no, what Marvel says isn't the only thing that matters. People have opinions on things, and those opinions likely matter a great deal to those who have them.
    I get why people are mad. I just think it's an incredibly stupid thing to be upset about.

    But, hey, comic fans.

    I have a friend who DESPISES Iron Man 2 because Justin Hammer isn't an old man. They shouldn't even bother trying to appease those people and its admirable that for the most part they go with what they find to be the best plot, not the thing that lines up closest with the comics.
  • WheatBun01WheatBun01 Registered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    Well, let me put it this way.
    I really wanted to see the Mandarin in this movie. They advertised a toned down, but still potentially interesting Mandarin for this movie.

    Instead we got a comedic twist, and Aldrich Killian yelling "I AM THE MANDARIN."

    No.. No you are not. You're Aldrich Killian. You already had your own thing going on as a character, putting some dragon tattoos on you and making you the secret puppet master doesn't make you the Mandarin.

    Movie was still good; but I would have rather they played it more straight in regards to a character I really wanted to see on the big screen. Instead we either got "the mandarin doesn't exist" or tacking on qualities of him onto a completely unrelated character.

    Like I said, I still liked the movie, and I like the twist despite itself, but I can totally see why people would be mad over this.
    actually, since they say he is, he is. in the marvel movies, the Mandarin is Killian. He is because they say he is, and that is the only thing that matters.
    Considering the conversation is "Why are people mad about this" I'd say that no, what Marvel says isn't the only thing that matters. People have opinions on things, and those opinions likely matter a great deal to those who have them.
    I get why people are mad. I just think it's an incredibly stupid thing to be upset about.

    But, hey, comic fans.

    I have a friend who DESPISES Iron Man 2 because Justin Hammer isn't an old man. They shouldn't even bother trying to appease those people and its admirable that for the most part they go with what they find to be the best plot, not the thing that lines up closest with the comics.

    It's strange how people don't really complain about Tony's personality change in the movies (did they?), but they do things like this.
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Furu wrote: »
    I just have problems considering anyone being mad because
    who actually gives a shit about the Mandarin?

    The Mandarin is in no way a "toned-down" version of the comics Mandarin. We were never promised the comics Mandarin. We were promised a crazy ex-CIA Ultimate Terrorist Dark Knight Joker-esc guy.

    The guy we were promised it seemed to me was LESS like comic Mandarin then Guy Pierce anyway.
    Balefuego wrote: »
    Furu wrote: »
    I mean normally I'm all for keeping things close to the source material and spirit of the character but
    when the character is an inherently racist concept who hasn't really had a noteworthy storyline in decades
    I think wiggle room is warrented

    I wouldn't go that far since Fraction capped his iron man run with like a 20 issue Mandarin epic (that also managed to smartly eschew all the racist stuff)

    Mandarin had an arc on Busiek's Avengers and was in Iron Man: Director of SHIELD, too.
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    FAQ wrote: »
    it's definitely weird, and I'd say it was more a year to two, just based on the progression that's been made with dealing with the mob by the start of 2, and the fact that the joker says 'a year ago, these cops and lawers blah blah'.

    But the 8 year gap, I mean the biggest reason I can forgive that is, they were promising a different 3rd movie. There was a lot of stuff in DK that there was going to be a continuing escalation, that Batman and joker 'were destined to do this forever'. That obvioulsy had to be chucked out based on a real life tragedy. I mean where do you go with a Batman story where the joker doesn't exist, they kind of had to go a new route. So they said, okay lets just look at were our last one ended and see where the chips might have fallen.

    My problems with the movie are to do with the 'no mans land plot', relentless pace and muddled politics.
    I took the "we're destined to do this forever" as a meta commentary on their relationship in various media.
    It isn't until the third movie where it's clear he did not want to do anymore

    The Dark Knight spoilers
    Second, actually. The reason Bruce wanted Dent to succeed was so that he would have a "successor" that didn't have to wear a mask to clean up Gotham.
    Langly wrote: »
    Well, let me put it this way.
    I really wanted to see the Mandarin in this movie. They advertised a toned down, but still potentially interesting Mandarin for this movie.

    Instead we got a comedic twist, and Aldrich Killian yelling "I AM THE MANDARIN."

    No.. No you are not. You're Aldrich Killian. You already had your own thing going on as a character, putting some dragon tattoos on you and making you the secret puppet master doesn't make you the Mandarin.

    Movie was still good; but I would have rather they played it more straight in regards to a character I really wanted to see on the big screen. Instead we either got "the mandarin doesn't exist" or tacking on qualities of him onto a completely unrelated character.

    Like I said, I still liked the movie, and I like the twist despite itself, but I can totally see why people would be mad over this.
    actually, since they say he is, he is. in the marvel movies, the Mandarin is Killian. He is because they say he is, and that is the only thing that matters.
    Considering the conversation is "Why are people mad about this" I'd say that no, what Marvel says isn't the only thing that matters. People have opinions on things, and those opinions likely matter a great deal to those who have them.
    I get why people are mad. I just think it's an incredibly stupid thing to be upset about.

    But, hey, comic fans.
    Fans in general. That is not behavior limited to comic fans.
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    WheatBun01 wrote: »
    Langly wrote: »
    Well, let me put it this way.
    I really wanted to see the Mandarin in this movie. They advertised a toned down, but still potentially interesting Mandarin for this movie.

    Instead we got a comedic twist, and Aldrich Killian yelling "I AM THE MANDARIN."

    No.. No you are not. You're Aldrich Killian. You already had your own thing going on as a character, putting some dragon tattoos on you and making you the secret puppet master doesn't make you the Mandarin.

    Movie was still good; but I would have rather they played it more straight in regards to a character I really wanted to see on the big screen. Instead we either got "the mandarin doesn't exist" or tacking on qualities of him onto a completely unrelated character.

    Like I said, I still liked the movie, and I like the twist despite itself, but I can totally see why people would be mad over this.
    actually, since they say he is, he is. in the marvel movies, the Mandarin is Killian. He is because they say he is, and that is the only thing that matters.
    Considering the conversation is "Why are people mad about this" I'd say that no, what Marvel says isn't the only thing that matters. People have opinions on things, and those opinions likely matter a great deal to those who have them.
    I get why people are mad. I just think it's an incredibly stupid thing to be upset about.

    But, hey, comic fans.

    I have a friend who DESPISES Iron Man 2 because Justin Hammer isn't an old man. They shouldn't even bother trying to appease those people and its admirable that for the most part they go with what they find to be the best plot, not the thing that lines up closest with the comics.

    It's strange how people don't really complain about Tony's personality change in the movies (did they?), but they do things like this.

    Nobody noticed.

    Iron man was at the launch of the first movie not really a high priority comic. And Tony was kind of boring.

    Which makes this current situation hilarious to me.
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    WheatBun01 wrote: »
    Langly wrote: »
    Well, let me put it this way.
    I really wanted to see the Mandarin in this movie. They advertised a toned down, but still potentially interesting Mandarin for this movie.

    Instead we got a comedic twist, and Aldrich Killian yelling "I AM THE MANDARIN."

    No.. No you are not. You're Aldrich Killian. You already had your own thing going on as a character, putting some dragon tattoos on you and making you the secret puppet master doesn't make you the Mandarin.

    Movie was still good; but I would have rather they played it more straight in regards to a character I really wanted to see on the big screen. Instead we either got "the mandarin doesn't exist" or tacking on qualities of him onto a completely unrelated character.

    Like I said, I still liked the movie, and I like the twist despite itself, but I can totally see why people would be mad over this.
    actually, since they say he is, he is. in the marvel movies, the Mandarin is Killian. He is because they say he is, and that is the only thing that matters.
    Considering the conversation is "Why are people mad about this" I'd say that no, what Marvel says isn't the only thing that matters. People have opinions on things, and those opinions likely matter a great deal to those who have them.
    I get why people are mad. I just think it's an incredibly stupid thing to be upset about.

    But, hey, comic fans.

    I have a friend who DESPISES Iron Man 2 because Justin Hammer isn't an old man. They shouldn't even bother trying to appease those people and its admirable that for the most part they go with what they find to be the best plot, not the thing that lines up closest with the comics.

    It's strange how people don't really complain about Tony's personality change in the movies (did they?), but they do things like this.

    Well while he isn't like 616 Tony in his demeanor (although now that character has changed to kind of fit it), he's pretty much just a subdued version of the Ultimate Tony, so it's not like there wasn't precedent.
  • FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    FAQ wrote: »
    it's definitely weird, and I'd say it was more a year to two, just based on the progression that's been made with dealing with the mob by the start of 2, and the fact that the joker says 'a year ago, these cops and lawers blah blah'.

    But the 8 year gap, I mean the biggest reason I can forgive that is, they were promising a different 3rd movie. There was a lot of stuff in DK that there was going to be a continuing escalation, that Batman and joker 'were destined to do this forever'. That obvioulsy had to be chucked out based on a real life tragedy. I mean where do you go with a Batman story where the joker doesn't exist, they kind of had to go a new route. So they said, okay lets just look at were our last one ended and see where the chips might have fallen.

    My problems with the movie are to do with the 'no mans land plot', relentless pace and muddled politics.
    I took the "we're destined to do this forever" as a meta commentary on their relationship in various media.

    it is to an extent but, there's no way it would have been included if it was just some little gag. Especially in that scene. That whole last dialogue with the joker is a indicator of what WAS gonna happen next in gotham and it's not just that line. TDK was almost Gotham Begins.
  • WeaverWeaver Cap'n NEW CRUNCH CITYRegistered User regular
    WheatBun01 wrote: »
    Langly wrote: »
    Well, let me put it this way.
    I really wanted to see the Mandarin in this movie. They advertised a toned down, but still potentially interesting Mandarin for this movie.

    Instead we got a comedic twist, and Aldrich Killian yelling "I AM THE MANDARIN."

    No.. No you are not. You're Aldrich Killian. You already had your own thing going on as a character, putting some dragon tattoos on you and making you the secret puppet master doesn't make you the Mandarin.

    Movie was still good; but I would have rather they played it more straight in regards to a character I really wanted to see on the big screen. Instead we either got "the mandarin doesn't exist" or tacking on qualities of him onto a completely unrelated character.

    Like I said, I still liked the movie, and I like the twist despite itself, but I can totally see why people would be mad over this.
    actually, since they say he is, he is. in the marvel movies, the Mandarin is Killian. He is because they say he is, and that is the only thing that matters.
    Considering the conversation is "Why are people mad about this" I'd say that no, what Marvel says isn't the only thing that matters. People have opinions on things, and those opinions likely matter a great deal to those who have them.
    I get why people are mad. I just think it's an incredibly stupid thing to be upset about.

    But, hey, comic fans.

    I have a friend who DESPISES Iron Man 2 because Justin Hammer isn't an old man. They shouldn't even bother trying to appease those people and its admirable that for the most part they go with what they find to be the best plot, not the thing that lines up closest with the comics.

    It's strange how people don't really complain about Tony's personality change in the movies (did they?), but they do things like this.

    Tony was already snarky and dismissive at least as far back as the original Extremis run. RDJ definitely adding some zest to that though. Just kinda took some of the starch out.

    heehee starch-tech
  • Devlin_DragonusDevlin_Dragonus Registered User regular
    so i cant wait til tomorrow and Nov 1st


    The enemy's gate is down.
  • FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    ben kingsley looks real silly in that promo
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    WheatBun01 wrote: »
    Langly wrote: »
    Well, let me put it this way.
    I really wanted to see the Mandarin in this movie. They advertised a toned down, but still potentially interesting Mandarin for this movie.

    Instead we got a comedic twist, and Aldrich Killian yelling "I AM THE MANDARIN."

    No.. No you are not. You're Aldrich Killian. You already had your own thing going on as a character, putting some dragon tattoos on you and making you the secret puppet master doesn't make you the Mandarin.

    Movie was still good; but I would have rather they played it more straight in regards to a character I really wanted to see on the big screen. Instead we either got "the mandarin doesn't exist" or tacking on qualities of him onto a completely unrelated character.

    Like I said, I still liked the movie, and I like the twist despite itself, but I can totally see why people would be mad over this.
    actually, since they say he is, he is. in the marvel movies, the Mandarin is Killian. He is because they say he is, and that is the only thing that matters.
    Considering the conversation is "Why are people mad about this" I'd say that no, what Marvel says isn't the only thing that matters. People have opinions on things, and those opinions likely matter a great deal to those who have them.
    I get why people are mad. I just think it's an incredibly stupid thing to be upset about.

    But, hey, comic fans.

    I have a friend who DESPISES Iron Man 2 because Justin Hammer isn't an old man. They shouldn't even bother trying to appease those people and its admirable that for the most part they go with what they find to be the best plot, not the thing that lines up closest with the comics.

    It's strange how people don't really complain about Tony's personality change in the movies (did they?), but they do things like this.

    Well while he isn't like 616 Tony in his demeanor (although now that character has changed to kind of fit it), he's pretty much just a subdued version of the Ultimate Tony, so it's not like there wasn't precedent.

    Subdued is putting it mildly. Movie Tony had actual friends.
  • WeaverWeaver Cap'n NEW CRUNCH CITYRegistered User regular
    Is Tony originally hiring Fury to take over SHIELD something that was kept after Heroes Reborn?
  • JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Sheri wrote: »
    So the line where Stark made a crack to Rhodes about
    the last time he went missing, and Rhodes searched the whole desert or whatever

    Looked at @Javen and went "nuh-uh, that was the other guy"

    He didn't find it as funny as I did

    When was this? I don't remember you saying this at all
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Weaver wrote: »
    Is Tony originally hiring Fury to take over SHIELD something that was kept after Heroes Reborn?

    Nothing was kept from that mess
  • WeaverWeaver Cap'n NEW CRUNCH CITYRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong title. Whatever reset the continuity after Disassembled, into it's modern form.
    Weaver on
  • WeaverWeaver Cap'n NEW CRUNCH CITYRegistered User regular
    oh god what I've got my continuity all messed up

    I was thinking of onslaught I guess and just ignore me I haven't eaten yet today.
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Weaver wrote: »
    Is Tony originally hiring Fury to take over SHIELD something that was kept after Heroes Reborn?

    Tony became SHIELD's director a few years ago in 616.
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    Weaver wrote: »
    Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong title. Whatever reset the continuity after Disassembled, into it's modern form.

    uh I don't think there was any continuity reset after Disassembled

  • Devlin_DragonusDevlin_Dragonus Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    FAQ wrote: »
    ben kingsley looks real silly in that promo

    That is the first time i have seen his character in the movie and i am hoping the tattoos or whatever they are explained.

    FYI Kingsley is playing Mazer Rackham
    Devlin_Dragonus on
  • CenoCeno Chumble spuzz. Registered User regular
    Watching Cap again. There are few sequences in the MCU better than that Star Spangled Man USO montage.

    Also the blonde who smooches on Steve before Carter walks in plays Margaery Tyrell in Game of Thrones.
    GFWL: Genesius Prime / PSN: Genesius_Prime / Origin: genesiusprime / 3DS: 4871-3718-5715
  • BigBearBigBear If your life had a face, I would punch it. Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Something I kind of realized about the villian:
    In the comics, Mandarin's Ten Rings are pretty much magic, right?

    I'm just speculating here, but I think that could be, in addition to all the racist stuff, one of the reasons we didn't get a Mandarin close to the comics.

    I don't think magic has been officially confirmed as being a thing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    I mean, yeah, you have Thor and Asgard and all that, but it's been left intentionally ambiguous whether or not the beings that inhabit Asgard are magical, powerful gods, or super-intelligent aliens with really advanced technology.

    Also, a big theme in the Iron Man movies is both science and the development of technology, and it being used for good and/or evil. While I don't think that having Tony fight a magic-based villian would bother people all that much, perhaps it was thought that having one would not be thematically appropriate for this particular franchise.

    I wonder if magic will actually be confirmed to exist in the MCU at any point. At least then I'd know if we ever get a Dr. Strange movie or not. :P

    Edit: OK, never mind all this. I should have fact-checked this before I posted it.
    BigBear on
    "Want me to dimpa-size your meal for 25 cents?"
    "Want me to punch-a-size your face, for free?"
    My movie blog: cinematicsupersonic.blogspot.com
  • AtomicTofuAtomicTofu Registered User regular
    FAQ wrote: »
    ben kingsley looks real silly in that promo

    That is the first time i have seen his character in the movie and i am hoping the tattoos or whatever they are explained.

    FYI Kingsley is playing Mazer Rackham

    Apparently, the book describes him as a half-Maori New Zealander. So...that's why.
  • FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    fair enough
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    in the comics they're alien technology
    Langly on
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