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[Iron Man 3] is out now! Man of Steel coming soon.



  • GoatmonGoatmon RAWR RAWR RAWRRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Sheri wrote: »
    Goatmon wrote: »
    Sheri wrote: »
    Langly wrote: »
    Sheri wrote: »
    Stilts wrote: »
    Sheri wrote: »
    Jimothy reminded me

    One thing that really bugged me about IM3 was the ending
    They totally glossed over how Tony 'fixed' Pepper, how it worked, etc etc. I dunno, I just thought it was a little "okay let's wrap this sucker up"

    I also prefer Pepper in the suit than Pepper all fire-y and throwing beams at dudes. The latter seemed a little gratuitous, but Pepper in the suit was downright AWESOME (also sexy)?

    I feel I may have posted some of this before.
    They glossed over how Tony fixed Pepper, because it was previously established that he figured out how to fix the glitch in Extremis while he was drunk. Since it was pretty much trivial for him to figure it out, they didn't bother devoting any more time than it would take to say, "Yeah, she's fine now."

    Yeah, but I didn't really like that.

    Here's this HUGE TRAUMATIC THING we did to Pepper and Tony was all "OH GOD NOOOOOO" and it's the end of the world

    Oh but we fixed her it's okay now the end
    it is traumatic because the process leads to death half the time. He can't fix her if she explodes. That was the scary part. She could blow up at any time

    I dunno
    I'd still be pretty traumatized if someone fucked with my genetics, even if I survived

    I just didn't like how it was done

    Other people didn't seem to mind it, that's okay, but it's a big thing I didn't like about the movie

    I'm with Sheri, here.
    I never like it when a good female character gets turned into a damsel.

    I mean, I get that she didn't have any superpowers or real combat training, so I get that she's an easy target.

    But showing her basically being tortured was really unnecessary.

    That's totally not what I said but I don't disagree with it

    Sorry, that was more "that reminds me of a thing related to that" than actually expanding on what you were saying.

    I could have phrased that a little more clearly.

    at first I thought they were going to fridge Pepper, but that ended up turning around in a really great way, so that was okay.

    And while I can dig how the whole thing could have been handled as a more serious traumatic thing than they did, I also like the idea that maybe she's just a strong enough person to shake it off and walk away without showing any immediate emotional scars from it.

    I mean, Tony pretty much did that in the first movie and nobody says anything. But a woman doing that is out of order? I don't know that I complete agree.
    Goatmon on
  • TerrendosTerrendos Decorative Monocle Registered User regular
    Just got back from Iron Man 3. I liked it, although it doesn't have the same "I can just throw this dvd in the machine and watch whenever" quality that the first one (and the second one to a lesser extent) had. Which isn't to say it's not a movie I'd watch on dvd, it's just one that I'd have to sort of psych myself up to watch. Dark Knight Rises and Lord of the Rings movies are also in this realm, as examples.

    I did have one problem though, with the climax:
    I get the whole excitement factor behind all the Iron Man suits coming in for backup at the end, but I think the ending would have been better if it had just been Tony in the busted Mk42 or whichever it was rather than "here comes the Iron Man Family."
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Joolander wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Also kiiinda not true

    Batman and Superman, sure.

    Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and (I think) Martian Manhunter have all been willing to use lethal force if the situation requires it

    GL and Flash? since when? can you give examples?
    In the 1980s, Flash's life begins to collapse. Iris is murdered by Professor Zoom (a supervillain from the 25th century who had long loved her and been jealous of Allen), and when Allen prepares to marry another woman, Zoom tries the same trick again. Allen stops him, killing Zoom in the process by breaking his neck. Unfortunately, due to Barry being unable to make an appearance at his own wedding, his fiancée eventually descends into madness.

    good grief that sounds terrible. did Geoff Johns write that?
  • BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    I am pretty sure Geoff Johns was not writing Flash when he was 15, Centi
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    I have had some fun conversations due to wearing superhero shirts.

    Once I was pretty high and we stopped at a gas station to get snacks. I was wearing a Flash t shirt. So I am filling up my cup at the fountain when I notice A) there is a cop and B)he is staring at me oh no.

    I try to be as nonchalant as possible but probably looked dumb as hell. He walks over to me.


    OH NO

    I look up at him.

    "Shazam, right?" As he points at me.

    I was very confused until I look down and remember what I am wearing. Told him it was actually The Flash.

    He just laughs. "Aw, Shazam was my favorite as a kid." I told him I thought Shazam was pretty rad too. He gives me a friendly nod and then gave a little fist pump and went "Shazam!"

    That cop was the best

    "Hey Mitchell, I totally just messed with this stoner's head in in the store.. He was wearing a Flash shirt and I told him I liked his "Shazam" shirt. Completely threw him off!"

    "That's hilarious Carl"
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Balefuego wrote: »
    I am pretty sure Geoff Johns was not writing Flash when he was 15, Centi

    well I didn't know what year that was written!
    Centipede Damascus on
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    That cop is also a large reason of why I am cool with the Shazam name change

    Obviously it is anecdotal but if some dude who loved the character as a kid thought his name was Shazam I don't see there being much brand confusion.
  • BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    it says right there in the quote that it was "in the 1980s"

    Also the fact that it was Barry and not Wally should be a pretty big hint.
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    it still sounds terrible though and exactly the kind of thing he writes
    Centipede Damascus on
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Hey, has there every been an official attempt at making a combination Marvel/DC universe? I know there's been a few multiverse conflicts, several on-off crossoers, and the Amalgam universe where characters got combined, but has there ever been an attempt to make a universe where Superman and Iron Man and Batman and Spider-Man all exist alongside each other and have always existed like that?
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    Also while I haven't read it, I remember it being considered one of the more classic pre-Wally Flash stories? I also think it was Barry's last solo thing before CoIE
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Balefuego wrote: »
    I am pretty sure Geoff Johns was not writing Flash when he was 15, Centi

    He did retcon Barry's mother being murdered by Thawn, though.
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    -Tal wrote: »
    oh man I remember green goblin's bombs which turned dudes into skeletons for a second before vaporizing the bones too

    I loved this

    I loved the first Spider-Man so much

    I even liked the Green Goblin costume, provided he didn't have the mask on

    But the final scenes, just Willem Dafoe decked out in green battle armor? I can dig it

    Of course you can dig it.

    Because this is the face of an insane super-villain.


    I wonder if they doctored the size of his pupils in post, because holy shit.
  • SirEtchwartsSirEtchwarts Edward Kenway's yer man. Arg, Swashbuckle, Avast, etc.Registered User regular
    Joolander wrote: »
    I feel like I should wear an iron man shirt to man of steel

    and a superman shirt to wolverine

    and a wolverine shirt to thor

    semi related

    are there any cool Iron Man shirts? I have never seen one

    The only Iron Man related shirt I've ever owned was a picture of the Arc Reactor where it would be on your chest. I liked it a lot, but ymmv.
  • GoatmonGoatmon RAWR RAWR RAWRRegistered User regular
    Terrendos wrote: »
    Just got back from Iron Man 3. I liked it, although it doesn't have the same "I can just throw this dvd in the machine and watch whenever" quality that the first one (and the second one to a lesser extent) had. Which isn't to say it's not a movie I'd watch on dvd, it's just one that I'd have to sort of psych myself up to watch. Dark Knight Rises and Lord of the Rings movies are also in this realm, as examples.

    I did have one problem though, with the climax:
    I get the whole excitement factor behind all the Iron Man suits coming in for backup at the end, but I think the ending would have been better if it had just been Tony in the busted Mk42 or whichever it was rather than "here comes the Iron Man Family."

    To be honest, I liked that
    Tony was straight-up was no match for Killian, and had to be a cheap asshole to win.
  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    Joolander wrote: »
    I feel like I should wear an iron man shirt to man of steel

    and a superman shirt to wolverine

    and a wolverine shirt to thor

    semi related

    are there any cool Iron Man shirts? I have never seen one

    The only Iron Man related shirt I've ever owned was a picture of the Arc Reactor where it would be on your chest. I liked it a lot, but ymmv.

    Threadless has quite a few Iron Man shirts.

  • Kevin CristKevin Crist Look at the faces. Listen to the bells. It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.Registered User regular
    There have been a few crossover comics that take place where DC/Marvel heroes exist on the same earth. But no real ongoing line of comics.
    Steam: cristke
  • chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Registered User regular
    Hey, has there every been an official attempt at making a combination Marvel/DC universe? I know there's been a few multiverse conflicts, several on-off crossoers, and the Amalgam universe where characters got combined, but has there ever been an attempt to make a universe where Superman and Iron Man and Batman and Spider-Man all exist alongside each other and have always existed like that?

    Several, both as one off things, and for a while in the... 80s I think, DC almost sold all their comic properties to Marvel.

    Worth looking up.
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular

    Yes yes yes yes this is exactly what I want
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Blankzilla wrote: »

    Yes yes yes yes this is exactly what I want

    In the Marvel universe, I would totally visit pages like that constantly. Just eat up every bit of superhero news and rumors I could.

    Unlike in the real world, when I eat up every bit of superhero news and rumors that I can...

    ..Wait a minute.
    Undead Scottsman on
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    edited May 2013
    yes please post videos from my youtube my klout score will continue to rise 8-)
    The Geebs That Is A Pony on
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I have to believe someone made that video tongue firmly planted in cheek

    EDIT: FUCK The Avengers even makes In the End AMVs entertaining
    UnbreakableVow on
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    For real though, I'm pretty sure I saw one of the first Linkin Park "In the End" dubs. I had a computer art class in 2001 and by the end of the 01-02 school year, a dude in my class submitted a video set to "In the End" for some art show. The subject matter? 9/11
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular

    I am curious as to what you thought of the scene where
    Tony saves all those people that were blown out of Air Force One.
    I think that after this movie, that is the heroic Iron Man that we get after all the dark that was in thins movie

    I honestly think that story wise, Iron Man 3 was necessary in Tony Starks character progression after the Avengers.
    the scene's ending was a relief but lots more people died in that scene than i would have liked. there were still people on the plane when it blew up.
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »


    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »



    there is a world of this, unbreakable vow

    an entire world
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    also re iron men movies + cap
    yeah tony killed lots of dudes, and i didnt like that, but it felt like there were more discretion shots

    it felt like there were more explicit deaths on screen and tgat the death scenes lasted longer than in other marvel movies where people died

    the vaporizing in cap did make me feel sonewhat uncomfortable but it was also a war movie

    i can deal with certain levels of violence if im prepared for them, i didnt anticipate how much there was going to be in IM3
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    How did you simultaneously fear this would be like The Dark Knight Rises and not anticipate it being a bit more grim than your standard Iron Man
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    i figured itd be a bit darker but a little piece of me feared maybe its be way too dark but after all the positive buzz i figured i was being silly

    i also used that comparison because i am one of the few people who extremely dislikes DKR
    Antimatter on
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    My favourite video game shirt is my Fallout 3 one with a Pip Boy at a lectern with "Prepare For The Future" on it.
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    i didnt think iron man 3 was remotely close to funny

    it also lacked bad dudes that i thought were memorable
    killian was no justin hammer, or even obidiah or vanko
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    But then again Kiss Kiss Bang Bang dealt with hella murders and it was goddamn hilarious so I guess that's just how Shane Black rolls
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