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[Iron Man 3] is out now! Man of Steel coming soon.



  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    how about su- *mic scratch* was horrible
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    what is gained from that mic scratch
  • NogsNogs Crap, crap, mega crap. Registered User regular
    On our world it's an F, how about Fi- *static crackle*

    Man I just thought

    Remember how in The Dark Knight Rises, they never use the name "Catwoman," people just know

    What if

    What if they never actually call him Superman in Man of Steel

    Or save it till the very end

  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    god even if they just cut the trailer to the title screen there it would be better

    having superman sneeze at the mention of his name is what why
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    what is gained from that mic scratch

    The same thing that's gained from "Does it come in black?" and "Would you prefer yellow spandex?"

    It's just a cute little dig at an established aspect of the character
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    god even if they just cut the trailer to the title screen there it would be better

    having superman sneeze at the mention of his name is what why

    Sneeze? What?
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    what's there to dig about his name

    it gives the impression that they are embarrassed of it

    though I will accept if Man of Steel is not just his epithet but his actual superhero name

    it's a bird it's a plane it's Man of Steel
  • CenoCeno Chumble spuzz. Registered User regular
    Nogs wrote: »
    Ceno wrote: »
    The most disappointing thing about IM3 to me was simultaneously the coolest thing.
    The plane rescue. Such a great sequence with genuine tension and a cool resolution, and then oh hey he wasn't even in the suit, no risk on Tony's part to save those people. Way to undercut the moment.
    there wouldn't be any risk on tony's part anyways even if he was in the suit.

    he's the one that can fly, not them. the risk whether he was in the suit or not was entirely on the people he saved and rising up to the challenge of saving them.
    It's more than the physical risk, it's the emotional one.

    If they had died, he was still distanced enough from the act that some of the blame could be shrugged off as sayi g the suit wasn't fast enough or whatever. He wouldn't have physically dropped anyone or failed to catch someone with his own arms or whatever.

    That's just as much being a hero (to me anyway). I know, Tony's cleverness blah blah. I still felt the moment was deflated by it.
    GFWL: Genesius Prime / PSN: Genesius_Prime / Origin: genesiusprime / 3DS: 4871-3718-5715
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    what's there to dig about his name

    "What kind of name is Wolverine?"

    "What kind of name is Rogue?"

    Ain't the first time this has been done

    Not a big deal
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • Binary SquidBinary Squid One step away from squid row. Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Youre not making a point though youre just saying the name is silly repeatedly like that really matters

    That would be for me? Names do matter though: product names especially. And Fin Fang Foom is essentially a product that they are trying to sell.

    They have sold it though. For decades. Hes been used in several iron man shows as a headlining villian.

    Children will most definitely buy a cool looking dragon and Adult movie goers will only apply scrutiny to something like that name if theyre not invested in the story .

    Or if they're mislead by a trailer

    Maybe, but I don't know. The Iron Man shows weren't exactly hitting the full Iron Man movie audience or the full Avengers movie audience.

    Even with kids: when my cousin hit Fin Fang Foom on the helicarrier in Ultimate Alliance, he asked me "who's that?" I answered it's Fin Fang Foom like they mentioned in the game and he gave me an eyeroll with the remark that he thought it was dumb. He loves dragons, and he even loved fighting that one, but a 12 year old kid did think the name was bad.

    You have to admit, there is the possibility people who don't know comics could think it's a silly name. Maybe Marvel can prevent that by doing their usual magic, but I wouldn't be surprised if the name was kind of quickly rushed past the audience or used in an altered form.

    Edit: Anyway, I think we've pretty much said what there is to say on the matter. I don't want this thread to start draggin' just because of one topic.
    Binary Squid on
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    god even if they just cut the trailer to the title screen there it would be better

    having superman sneeze at the mention of his name is what why

    Sneeze? What?

    he sneezed or coughed or something to cause the mic scratch, right? that's why he said excuse me
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    what is gained from that mic scratch

    The same thing that's gained from "Does it come in black?" and "Would you prefer yellow spandex?"

    It's just a cute little dig at an established aspect of the character
    Cute .

    That Yellow spandex line caused horrible" realistic " costumes to be prevalent in x men comics for like seven years

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    -Tal wrote: »
    god even if they just cut the trailer to the title screen there it would be better

    having superman sneeze at the mention of his name is what why

    Sneeze? What?

    he sneezed or coughed or something to cause the mic scratch, right? that's why he said excuse me



    Not sure where you got that impression
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    well then why does he say excuse me

    I mean I know you don't hear a sneeze or cough but I just assumed he's using his powers to do it in a way that's inaudible but still scratches the mic
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Guys I am 100% sure the mic scratch is wacky trailer editing and in the actual movie that gag will not be present
    You just wait and see

    What if it isn't?

    what if it isn't, GG?
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    what is gained from that mic scratch

    The same thing that's gained from "Does it come in black?" and "Would you prefer yellow spandex?"

    It's just a cute little dig at an established aspect of the character
    Cute .

    That Yellow spandex line caused horrible" realistic " costumes to be prevalent in x men comics for like seven years

    Were they similar in appearance to the film's?

    I really liked the film's way of handling it, they are basically an established team, makes sense they'd wear the same type of costume

    Hugh Jackman in the traditional yellow/blue Wolverine costume is not something I'd like to see
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • GoatmonGoatmon RAWR RAWR RAWRRegistered User regular
    Seeing Tony pull that off, and then get smashed by a vehicle was the best laugh in the entire movie.

    In fact, I'm betting that they decided to have him get hit by that truck so that, by the time you realize he wasn't in the suit, his moment of awesome had already ended and now you've had a good laugh at it.

    It was as pretty brilliant touch, to be honest.
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    well then why does he say excuse me

    I mean I know you don't hear a sneeze or cough but I just assumed he's using his powers to do it in a way that's inaudible but still scratches the mic

    Guess we'll see in the final release. Personally I think they're just intercutting the "excuse me" in the trailer with the fact that right after he's punching dudes out of the sky, like "excuse me gotta go punch some dudes 'cause I'm Superman"

    Thinking that he uses his powers to conceal a sneeze or cough really sounds like you're stretching it
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    what is gained from that mic scratch

    The same thing that's gained from "Does it come in black?" and "Would you prefer yellow spandex?"

    It's just a cute little dig at an established aspect of the character
    Cute .

    That Yellow spandex line caused horrible" realistic " costumes to be prevalent in x men comics for like seven years

    Were they similar in appearance to the film's?

    I really liked the film's way of handling it, they are basically an established team, makes sense they'd wear the same type of costume

    Hugh Jackman in the traditional yellow/blue Wolverine costume is not something I'd like to see

    Nigh identical.

    Just made for some boring art.

  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    then what causes the mic scratch at such a convenient moment?!?!?!!? this mic scratch is dumb!!!!!
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    Yeah, I guess I can see that

    For the films though I really dug the look

    Also it was the first big superhero film that really tried to take itself seriously, I can see why they wouldn't want to take risks on bright colorful costumes
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    Holy shit

    I just realized X2 is now a decade old

    That was a high school date movie for me

    I need to go lie down
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • JoeUserJoeUser Registered User regular
    This has probably been posted, but in case not

    PSN: JoeUser80 Steam
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    Upon making Agent Coulson the true hero of the Avenger's movie (an act which I think made my mom cry and which made Coulson an extremely popular character among fans), Marvel realized what it's next step ought to be: make an Avenger's TV show all about him BEFORE he died! First Marvel get fans all upset that they'll never see their beloved martyr again and then, instead of letting fans wallow in their grief every time they watch the movie, Marvel makes a TV show about him so that they can make a little extra scratch. Sure, it'll take away from the magic of the film and turn it into nothing more than a meaningless mass of explosions for any fan over the age of 10 but at least Marvel will rake in another couple million. Hey Marvel, I have another idea. Buy the rights to The Lord of the Rings and allow Samwise to forget all the horrible shit he had to do. That way he can live a normal life and not have the memory of holding the ring or of watching his best friend turn into a selfish monster for the sake of humanity constantly eating away at his soul. Film it and call it: "Everything was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt". Assholes.
  • NogsNogs Crap, crap, mega crap. Registered User regular
    mic scratch could easily be '*scratch* sorry to interrupt but there is some shit happening out there right now'

    'excuse me'

    *goes to knock some bad guys around*

    or it could be


    'excuse me, i just disabled all the recording devices with my X-Ray/Whatever vision. I want you to get the exclusive lois, because you are lois and i have the hots for you. Now, go on.'
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    That guy's mad now

    He's gonna be really mad when he finds out it's post-Avengers
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    you know what they say

    every superhero need his theme music
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    I was watching The West Wing with HB tonight, Clark Gregg was in a season 2 ep as FBI Agent Mike Casper

    It was weird seeing Coulson be stern and aggressively mean.
  • SnicketysnickSnicketysnick Registered User regular
    Gatsby wrote: »
    I was watching The West Wing with HB tonight, Clark Gregg was in a season 2 ep as FBI Agent Mike Casper

    It was weird seeing Coulson be stern and aggressively mean.

    I like to pretend he's still Coulson, just undercover for reasons.
    onionsig.jpgD3 Steam #TeamTangent
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    man, I am still excited about agents of shield

    but...that trailer is not too great. I'm worried that Coulson leading a project is going to be too much spotlight on the character, and that his shtick isn't going to work as a lead character on a tv show.
    Langly on
  • Binary SquidBinary Squid One step away from squid row. Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    Upon making Agent Coulson the true hero of the Avenger's movie (an act which I think made my mom cry and which made Coulson an extremely popular character among fans), Marvel realized what it's next step ought to be: make an Avenger's TV show all about him BEFORE he died! First Marvel get fans all upset that they'll never see their beloved martyr again and then, instead of letting fans wallow in their grief every time they watch the movie, Marvel makes a TV show about him so that they can make a little extra scratch. Sure, it'll take away from the magic of the film and turn it into nothing more than a meaningless mass of explosions for any fan over the age of 10 but at least Marvel will rake in another couple million. Hey Marvel, I have another idea. Buy the rights to The Lord of the Rings and allow Samwise to forget all the horrible shit he had to do. That way he can live a normal life and not have the memory of holding the ring or of watching his best friend turn into a selfish monster for the sake of humanity constantly eating away at his soul. Film it and call it: "Everything was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt". Assholes.

    Dang. What's the context here? I can't say I agree with anything this person wrote, but if they were such a big fan, wouldn't they have known that Coulson's 'death' was because he was liked by fans and not the cause of them liking him. It's not like Coulson dropped out of nowhere in the movie universe.

    Also, I always knew Coulson didn't die and the only thing Agents of SHIELD did was make me nod because he was alive all along. The thing I like least about this whole block of writing is that the author has no faith in Coulson.
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    the context is a guy on my facebook made an angry post about agents of shield
  • Binary SquidBinary Squid One step away from squid row. Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    the context is a guy on my facebook made an angry post about agents of shield

    Ah, well he's wrong. So very wrong.
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    I assumed the static crackle was somebody behind the glass butting in because Lois was getting off-topic, but we won't know until the film is out.
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    it wasn't a mic scratch

    it was a noise that interrupted them

    and I bet lots of cash monies the scene is different in the movie
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    Iron Man 3 query:
    how many people besides @The Lovely Bastard and I recognized the Man-Thing nod without assistance

    quibbles my brother had re: Iron Man 3
    he wasn't a fan of AIM just being evil, he was hoping for an amoral and curious science group like in Hickman's run, and he was also hoping for the beekeeper suits

    why did Extremis give fire powers when it was just supposed to heal in the movie

    why wasn't the super soldier serum referenced at all, even in passing, as a point of comparison to Extremis

    something that disappointed me in IM3
    I was hoping for more variety in powers from the bad guys, when I heard Coldblood had been cast I was hoping for a cyborg dude
    and I think I realized why I didnt think IM3 was that funny
    the plot happened because Tony was a dick, and the movie was all about bad things happening to Tony

    so when the jokes are Tony being a dick and bad things happening to Tony, like his armor falling apart when it was hit by the train or Mark 42 falling to pieces, it just made me wince

    the only thing from the former that made me amused was the scene with the kid and the car
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