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[Iron Man 3] is out now! Man of Steel coming soon.



  • GustavGustav Registered User regular
    Radius wrote: »
    The stinger after Avengers 2 is literally just the Godzilla cry sound clip.

    Now that this is in my mind, any alternative is just a huge disappointment.
    *Backwood Folk *Eve of the Ozarks *Tumblr
  • JayKaosJayKaos Registered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    Radius wrote: »
    The stinger after Avengers 2 is literally just the Godzilla cry sound clip.

    Now that this is in my mind, any alternative is just a huge disappointment.

    Now I'll be sad if Disney doesn't buy Legendary Pictures so they can get the film rights to make a Marvel Godzilla movie.
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaykaos This is my steam profile.
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    JayKaos wrote: »
    Gustav wrote: »
    Radius wrote: »
    The stinger after Avengers 2 is literally just the Godzilla cry sound clip.

    Now that this is in my mind, any alternative is just a huge disappointment.

    Now I'll be sad if Disney doesn't buy Legendary Pictures so they can get the film rights to make a Marvel Godzilla movie.

    who's godzilla? are you talking about That big green, fire snortin' lizard?
  • Kevin CristKevin Crist Look at the faces. Listen to the bells. It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.Registered User regular
    Steam: cristke
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    quibbles my brother had re: Iron Man 3
    he wasn't a fan of AIM just being evil, he was hoping for an amoral and curious science group like in Hickman's run, and he was also hoping for the beekeeper suits

    why did Extremis give fire powers when it was just supposed to heal in the movie

    why wasn't the super soldier serum referenced at all, even in passing, as a point of comparison to Extremis
    because healing, generating new tissue, requires massive amounts of energy, and massive amounts of energy create heat. think about why you get a fever when you get sick, it's because your body is working overtime to generate new white blood cells to fight a virus. Extremis puts the body on overdrive to create new cells. the overdrive is so severe that it generates massive amounts of heat.

    probably because the super soldier serum is, I think, still mostly classified unless you're in the military.
  • JoeUserJoeUser Registered User regular
    One time Happy Hogan chased a tiny Godzilla
    PSN: JoeUser80 Steam
  • GustavGustav Registered User regular
    I've said it before, but all I want is Fin Fang Foom versus Godzilla.

    One of these days when I have free time I might just draw it myself
    *Backwood Folk *Eve of the Ozarks *Tumblr
  • GustavGustav Registered User regular
    And I totally own that comic.
    *Backwood Folk *Eve of the Ozarks *Tumblr
  • AtomicTofuAtomicTofu Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Antimatter wrote: »
    quibbles my brother had re: Iron Man 3
    he wasn't a fan of AIM just being evil, he was hoping for an amoral and curious science group like in Hickman's run, and he was also hoping for the beekeeper suits

    why did Extremis give fire powers when it was just supposed to heal in the movie

    why wasn't the super soldier serum referenced at all, even in passing, as a point of comparison to Extremis
    because healing, generating new tissue, requires massive amounts of energy, and massive amounts of energy create heat. think about why you get a fever when you get sick, it's because your body is working overtime to generate new white blood cells to fight a virus. Extremis puts the body on overdrive to create new cells. the overdrive is so severe that it generates massive amounts of heat.

    probably because the super soldier serum is, I think, still mostly classified unless you're in the military.

    I don't think anybody said Extremis would only heal. Killian says that it was meant to upgrade DNA - I just accepted that in Killian's mind, "upgrade" = "breathe fire". Alternative answer is devotion to the comics:
    AtomicTofu on
  • I Win SwordfightsI Win Swordfights fuck tough be coolRegistered User regular
    Not that he went from Gandhi to a serial killer or something.

  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    And I totally own that comic.

    Yes. Comic . . .
  • WeaverWeaver Cap'n NEW CRUNCH CITYRegistered User regular
    A research team is recovering fossils in China. Dusting off old bones in the pit. There's an intern.

    "So what does this fossil appear to be?"

    "Looks like, maybe...a fin?"

    "Correct! And here you see..?"

    "A fang?"

    *ground shakes, and a deep booming reverberation appears* FOOOOOOOM
  • GustavGustav Registered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    And I totally own that comic.

    Yes. Comic . . .

    *Backwood Folk *Eve of the Ozarks *Tumblr
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    Upon making Agent Coulson the true hero of the Avenger's movie (an act which I think made my mom cry and which made Coulson an extremely popular character among fans), Marvel realized what it's next step ought to be: make an Avenger's TV show all about him BEFORE he died! First Marvel get fans all upset that they'll never see their beloved martyr again and then, instead of letting fans wallow in their grief every time they watch the movie, Marvel makes a TV show about him so that they can make a little extra scratch. Sure, it'll take away from the magic of the film and turn it into nothing more than a meaningless mass of explosions for any fan over the age of 10 but at least Marvel will rake in another couple million. Hey Marvel, I have another idea. Buy the rights to The Lord of the Rings and allow Samwise to forget all the horrible shit he had to do. That way he can live a normal life and not have the memory of holding the ring or of watching his best friend turn into a selfish monster for the sake of humanity constantly eating away at his soul. Film it and call it: "Everything was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt". Assholes.

    "Nothing can ever be fun because comic books are serious business and everything in the entire universe is ruined."

    Fuck that kid.
  • Ad astraAd astra Registered User regular
    Regarding Extremis.
    I guess I'm an outlier, but I thought Extremis was incredibly dumb. Super-strength and a healing factor I would've been able to swallow, but the volcanic melting powers were something an Asgardian should have, not a human.

  • LTMLTM Registered User regular
    There was a lot in this movie to not like. I think I actually liked 2 better.
  • Ad astraAd astra Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Solar wrote: »
    yeah man I mean
    super strength and total body regeneration that's fine and makes total sense

    but getting really hot? That just stretches my disbelief you know?

    Suspension of disbelief works differently for different people. A serum created by a human, giving humans the ability to melt steel like it's butter pushed mine just a little bit too far.

    Ad astra on
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    Solar wrote: »
    yeah man I mean
    super strength and total body regeneration that's fine and makes total sense

    but getting really hot? That just stretches my disbelief you know?
    and I mean, the real, actual thing that isn't held up by to internal consistency is where all the energy is coming from. I'm no scientist, but I would assume that the energy required to regenerate cells that quickly and to create that much force really would generate enormous heat.

    They just never say where that energy comes from.
  • Ad astraAd astra Registered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    Solar wrote: »
    yeah man I mean
    super strength and total body regeneration that's fine and makes total sense

    but getting really hot? That just stretches my disbelief you know?
    and I mean, the real, actual thing that isn't held up by to internal consistency is where all the energy is coming from. I'm no scientist, but I would assume that the energy required to regenerate cells that quickly and to create that much force really would generate enormous heat.

    They just never say where that energy comes from.

    Yeah, if they'd explained how Extremis was powered I would've like it better, but as it is, it's basically magic.

  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    Solar wrote: »
    yeah man I mean
    super strength and total body regeneration that's fine and makes total sense

    but getting really hot? That just stretches my disbelief you know?
    and I mean, the real, actual thing that isn't held up by to internal consistency is where all the energy is coming from. I'm no scientist, but I would assume that the energy required to regenerate cells that quickly and to create that much force really would generate enormous heat.

    They just never say where that energy comes from.
    was there a thing about them needing to eat more or take in more calories that i missed

    that would've been a helpful detail to have in the movie

    personally i was fine with the heat, i just thought it was a bit boring to watch tons of people do the same thing
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Langly wrote: »
    Solar wrote: »
    yeah man I mean
    super strength and total body regeneration that's fine and makes total sense

    but getting really hot? That just stretches my disbelief you know?
    and I mean, the real, actual thing that isn't held up by to internal consistency is where all the energy is coming from. I'm no scientist, but I would assume that the energy required to regenerate cells that quickly and to create that much force really would generate enormous heat.

    They just never say where that energy comes from.

    Yeah well
    Iron Man's suit is made out of a gold titanium alloy about a half inch thick yet can withstand tank cannon rounds with just a few scorches and scratches which engineer friends of mind have assured me is flat-out impossible, but who cares? It's not real. Extremis makes you super strong and able to generate loads of heat and melt shit because that's awesome.
    Solar on
  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    I didn't catch the Man-Thing reference. Would you mind pointing it out for me?
  • masterofmetroidmasterofmetroid Have you ever looked at a world and seen it as a kind of challenge?Registered User regular
    Ad astra wrote: »
    Langly wrote: »
    Solar wrote: »
    yeah man I mean
    super strength and total body regeneration that's fine and makes total sense

    but getting really hot? That just stretches my disbelief you know?
    and I mean, the real, actual thing that isn't held up by to internal consistency is where all the energy is coming from. I'm no scientist, but I would assume that the energy required to regenerate cells that quickly and to create that much force really would generate enormous heat.

    They just never say where that energy comes from.

    Yeah, if they'd explained how Extremis was powered I would've like it better, but as it is, it's basically magic.
    It's comic book science.

    It has never stopped being basically magic.
  • 101101 Registered User regular
    Solar wrote: »
    Langly wrote: »
    Solar wrote: »
    yeah man I mean
    super strength and total body regeneration that's fine and makes total sense

    but getting really hot? That just stretches my disbelief you know?
    and I mean, the real, actual thing that isn't held up by to internal consistency is where all the energy is coming from. I'm no scientist, but I would assume that the energy required to regenerate cells that quickly and to create that much force really would generate enormous heat.

    They just never say where that energy comes from.

    Yeah well
    Iron Man's suit is made out of a gold titanium alloy about a half inch thick yet can withstand tank cannon rounds with just a few scorches and scratches which engineer friends of mind have assured me is flat-out impossible, but who cares? It's not real. Extremis makes you super strong and able to generate loads of heat and melt shit because that's awesome.
    This. Extremis is no more psuedo-scientific bullshit then the Iron Man suit is
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    Stilts wrote: »
    I didn't catch the Man-Thing reference. Would you mind pointing it out for me?
    The lady who worked for AIM with a burned face was Ted Sallis's wife. In the comics, she was an AIM spy who was going to steal his version of the super soldier serum with the help of AIM thugs, he injected himself with the serum, fought off the goons, drove away but crashed into the swamps of the Florida everglades, turned into the man-thing thanks to the serum interacting with the exposure to the swamp water, fought the AIM goons as man-thing and killed them, burned his wife's face.
  • WheatBun01WheatBun01 Registered User regular
    I've always just imagined Iron Man as Batman if Bats had a little humor and a little more ambition with his robots.
  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    Stilts wrote: »
    I didn't catch the Man-Thing reference. Would you mind pointing it out for me?
    The lady who worked for AIM with a burned face was Ted Sallis's wife. In the comics, she was an AIM spy who was going to steal his version of the super soldier serum with the help of AIM thugs, he injected himself with the serum, fought off the goons, drove away but crashed into the swamps of the Florida everglades, turned into the man-thing thanks to the serum interacting with the exposure to the swamp water, fought the AIM goons as man-thing and killed them, burned his wife's face.


    Yeah, that's pretty subtle.
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    Iron Man 3 easter egg discussion
    her name was given in both the credits and the film during the Extremis trials, but yeah, pretty subtle
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    I wasn't arguing for the thing making more sense, I was saying that it wasn't even the right thing that was non-sensical! I don't care about science magic in a movie.
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    Langly wrote: »
    Solar wrote: »
    yeah man I mean
    super strength and total body regeneration that's fine and makes total sense

    but getting really hot? That just stretches my disbelief you know?
    and I mean, the real, actual thing that isn't held up by to internal consistency is where all the energy is coming from. I'm no scientist, but I would assume that the energy required to regenerate cells that quickly and to create that much force really would generate enormous heat.

    They just never say where that energy comes from.
    was there a thing about them needing to eat more or take in more calories that i missed

    that would've been a helpful detail to have in the movie

    personally i was fine with the heat, i just thought it was a bit boring to watch tons of people do the same thing
    yeah from a logistics perspective, it basically just made them all identical robots and meant that all of the effects were the same and so were easier to reproduce en masse.
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    LTM wrote: »
    There was a lot in this movie to not like. I think I actually liked 2 better.

    Tut, tut.
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »

    Well, well.
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    Infinity is gonna be so good you guys
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    quibbles my brother had re: Iron Man 3
    he wasn't a fan of AIM just being evil, he was hoping for an amoral and curious science group like in Hickman's run, and he was also hoping for the beekeeper suits

    why did Extremis give fire powers when it was just supposed to heal in the movie

    why wasn't the super soldier serum referenced at all, even in passing, as a point of comparison to Extremis
    because healing, generating new tissue, requires massive amounts of energy, and massive amounts of energy create heat. think about why you get a fever when you get sick, it's because your body is working overtime to generate new white blood cells to fight a virus. Extremis puts the body on overdrive to create new cells. the overdrive is so severe that it generates massive amounts of heat.

    probably because the super soldier serum is, I think, still mostly classified unless you're in the military.
    fyi you don't know how bodies work

    the heat when you get a fever is the reaction of your body's homeostasis to the infection, trying to kill the offending organism by cooking it to death

    dunno where you got that "heating up because more white blood cells" rot
  • StraightziStraightzi Registered User regular
    I think for me, with IM3, there were definitely more things to have problems with than the first one, but there was also a good deal of stuff I liked more than anything in one or two.

    So I prefer three. I will almost always go with the option where the highs are higher and the lows are lower than the happy medium.
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    I learned some new things today!

  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    With so many medicines and treatments available for all of our pains, illnesses, and discomforts, it's easy to forget that our own bodies have remarkable built-in defenses against disease.

    Fever appears to be one of those defenses, although its purpose still isn't fully understood. One benefit of raising your body temperature is that it seems to boost the activity of your immune system. Raising your temperature by a few degrees may also kill some bacteria or viruses that are sensitive to slight temperature changes.

    When your body raises its temperature set point, it's really prompting you to do things that raise your body temperature, like wear warm clothes, climb under the blankets, or drink hot liquids. In other words, it's raising your temperature (at least partly) in a roundabout way. By making 98.6 (inside you) feel chilly instead of comfortable, it's pushing you to behave in ways that raise your temperature up a little higher.

    Of course, the problem with fever is that it doesn't take much to overheat the human body. That's why many doctors still recommend lowering fever. Drugs like aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen do this by blocking the production of fever-inducing chemicals called prostaglandins in the brain. They won't help you beat the bug that's making you sick, but they will prevent you from running a dangerously high temperature.

    but anyway, your body also heightens the temperature through muscle friction, which is why you shake when you have a fever, and a couple other things that help raise it. It's not, like, caloric expenditure in the way you think
    Langly on
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