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  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    Um excuse me

    I think we can all agree that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is just some cheap knock-off of DC megahits Smallville and Arrow

    I think I heard this exact sentence in the comic shop yesterday.

    It was all I could do to keep from vomiting everywhere.
    3DS: 3351-5352-0314
  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    Renzo wrote: »
    Turambar wrote: »
    Because they're terrible

    Seriously. It's an obvious idea. All of the (most of the) coolness of Batman and his villains, from an interesting perspective, with a fraction of the budget.
    How many episodes did Birds of Prey last?
  • RenzoRenzo Registered User regular
    Joolander wrote: »
    Renzo wrote: »
    Turambar wrote: »
    Because they're terrible

    Seriously. It's an obvious idea. All of the (most of the) coolness of Batman and his villains, from an interesting perspective, with a fraction of the budget.
    How many episodes did Birds of Prey last?

    Hoo boy. That was a thing, wasn't it?

    I'll just uh...I'll take be going now.
    3DS: 3351-5352-0314
  • MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    positrons are for robot brains, sheesh

    Clearly you need to watch more ghostbusters.
  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    Actually, everyone needs to watch more ghostbusters.

    Everyone go watch ghostbusters right now.

    you know what the one thing wrong with the Ghostbusters universe is?
    they don't have an awesome Ghostbusters movie there
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    you know what would be great is a scene in Cap 2 where he's just absolutely delighted to learn that America has a black President
  • MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Joolander wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Actually, everyone needs to watch more ghostbusters.

    Everyone go watch ghostbusters right now.

    you know what the one thing wrong with the Ghostbusters universe is?
    they don't have an awesome Ghostbusters movie there

    that's a good point.
  • SirEtchwartsSirEtchwarts Edward Kenway's yer man. Arg, Swashbuckle, Avast, etc.Registered User regular
    you know what would be great is a scene in Cap 2 where he's just absolutely delighted to learn that America has a black President

    Well they don't in the MCU
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    Come on Centi

    Who did you think that white guy in Iron Man 3 was
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • SirEtchwartsSirEtchwarts Edward Kenway's yer man. Arg, Swashbuckle, Avast, etc.Registered User regular
    Come on Centi

    Who did you think that white guy in Iron Man 3 was

    Which one hooooooooooooo
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Turambar wrote: »
    Because they're terrible


    I'd say the only smart thing about DC's approach is that they haven't adopted a hasty "anything you can do I can do better" approach. That wouldn't have gone anywhere good.

    It's might be a better tactic than "oh shit, Marvel did it first, now we can't do it!"
  • StraightziStraightzi Registered User regular
    Yeah, I'd really like that, but we kind of recently saw the United States President in MCU
  • MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    they're PROTON packs in Ghostbusters how could you mix up something THAT SIMPLE GOD

    the proton pack powers a positronic collider.

    Or more accurately, lights up and then post adds in sweet beam effects.
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Joolander wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Actually, everyone needs to watch more ghostbusters.

    Everyone go watch ghostbusters right now.

    you know what the one thing wrong with the Ghostbusters universe is?
    they don't have an awesome Ghostbusters movie there

    The animated Ghostbusters universe does.

    It's literally the same movie as the real world's version.
  • TurambarTurambar Registered User regular
    Steve buys the election issue of Spider-Man

    "Barack Obama huh? Heh, only in comic books..."
    Origin: Turamb | Steam: Turambar | last.fm
  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    Joolander wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Actually, everyone needs to watch more ghostbusters.

    Everyone go watch ghostbusters right now.

    you know what the one thing wrong with the Ghostbusters universe is?
    they don't have an awesome Ghostbusters movie there

    The animated Ghostbusters universe does.

    It's literally the same movie as the real world's version.

    ok, that is awesome
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Avengers had that deleted scene where Steve is hanging out at that little outdoor cafe and the waitress tells him they have free wireless and he's like "...radio?"

    And then Stan Lee goes "Ask for her number, idiot!"
  • GoatmonGoatmon RAWR RAWR RAWRRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Joolander wrote: »
    Renzo wrote: »
    Turambar wrote: »
    Because they're terrible

    Seriously. It's an obvious idea. All of the (most of the) coolness of Batman and his villains, from an interesting perspective, with a fraction of the budget.
    How many episodes did Birds of Prey last?

    13. It started off with huge ratings, which plummeted once people realized how boring it was.
    Goatmon on
  • nightmarennynightmarenny Registered User regular
    Turambar wrote: »
    Because they're terrible


    I'd say the only smart thing about DC's approach is that they haven't adopted a hasty "anything you can do I can do better" approach. That wouldn't have gone anywhere good.

    It's might be a better tactic than "oh shit, Marvel did it first, now we can't do it!"

    It doesn't really seem like they are doing that.
    My Band "The Wicked Girls"
  • TrueHereticXTrueHereticX Registered User regular
  • TurambarTurambar Registered User regular
    "'Cause he's special. Just like you."

    Origin: Turamb | Steam: Turambar | last.fm
  • chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Registered User regular
    Oh, man.

    It's the cop show we have been promised forever.

    "He's a loose cannon human detective. His partner's a robot. Can they work together, WITH THE FATE OF THE CITY AT STAKE?"

    All my experience with sci-fi in sitcoms has promised me that this show will be one of the most popular programs in THE FUTURE.

    And we are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future.
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    That actually looks pretty good. And it's on Fox, so I'm guessing it'll be canceled after 13 episodes.
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    That actually looks pretty good. And it's on Fox, so I'm guessing it'll be canceled after 13 episodes.
    Fringe lasted 100 episodes, dogg.
  • JayKaosJayKaos Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    So are those guys in masks gonna turn out to be rogue mx's or rogue dorian's?

    Also the main character's initial reasons for robot distrust are pretty much Will Smith from I, Robot.
    JayKaos on
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaykaos This is my steam profile.
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    but fox canceled firefly and futurama! they never give sci fi shows a chance!!!!
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    Say what you will about Arrested Development (even though most people like it)

    But my favorite episode of that show, S.O.B., is pretty great in that, even before the show's (then-imminent) cancellation, they use Michael's character to say "Fox took a chance on us, they gave us plenty of time to find an audience, but we never caught on. It's not their fault. They did their part."

    Of course, a lot of people somehow missed the point of that episode and still complain about Fox canceling it anyways
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Fox also gave Dollhouse an extra season when they were basically insane to greenlight it in the first place
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    The only time I can really think of Fox screwing over a sci-fi show was Firefly, and that is more due to them airing episodes out of order and constantly switching the timeslot around.

    They have been pretty damn good about trying out weird shows.
  • chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Firefly got a bum deal, and some other shows bit the dust a little sooner than felt fair, but yeah.

    Fox gets a lot of undeserved shit on that front. They take risks, and gave Arrested Development every chance they could.
    chiasaur11 on
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    That actually looks pretty good. And it's on Fox, so I'm guessing it'll be canceled after 13 episodes.
    Fringe lasted 100 episodes, dogg.

    but fox canceled firefly and futurama! they never give sci fi shows a chance!!!!

    Fox has cancelled plenty of sci-fi shows.
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    How is that barely

    it got 5 goddamn seasons

    an hour long sci-fi drama about alternate realities and time travel and insane bullshit getting 5 seasons is a pretty cool thing and Fox should be given credit where it is due
  • SeriouslySeriously Maarebas Registered User regular
    it didn't have any more episodes than it had

    it almost didn't have that many
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