Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

North Country [chat]land



  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Cinders wrote: »
    emnmnme wrote: »
    We have an over-representative sample of Canadians than we should based on their pitiful population count.

    You ever notice we never get any South Americans in [chat]? No French, no Germans, and no Italians, either.

    Just a sea of Canadians and Swedes ...

    Haphazard is German.

    We're mostly Americans, Canadians, and Brits I think, with a handful of Australians and New Zealanders. Basically all the peeps that come pre-installed with English.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Mortious wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    my wife apparently has never ordered anything off Amazon...
    like ever...

    Did you ask her for her Amazon account, and she said that she didn't have one?

    No she asked to use the primeness, and I was all "let me add you what is the email address you have linked to amazon"...

    How do you marry someone and not know whether or not they have Amazon?

    shaking my head, deebs

    shaking my head

    I bet he didnt even check her credit report

    This post brought to you by freecreditreport.com
    Sir Landshark on
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    Go already has a time dimension to it!
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Guys I'm not excited about any new video games.

    My "video game excitement list" has completely dried up.

    Need to get hype. Where to get hype?
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular

    What do you suck at? :o
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Mortious wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    my wife apparently has never ordered anything off Amazon...
    like ever...

    Did you ask her for her Amazon account, and she said that she didn't have one?

    No she asked to use the primeness, and I was all "let me add you what is the email address you have linked to amazon"...

    How do you marry someone and not know whether or not they have Amazon?

    shaking my head, deebs

    shaking my head

    I bet he didnt even check her credit report

    This post brought to you buy freecreditreport.com

    I was ready to hit the quote button and make a free credit report . com joke before I finished the post.
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    Cinders wrote: »
    emnmnme wrote: »
    We have an over-representative sample of Canadians than we should based on their pitiful population count.

    You ever notice we never get any South Americans in [chat]? No French, no Germans, and no Italians, either.

    Just a sea of Canadians and Swedes ...

    Haphazard is German.

    We're mostly Americans, Canadians, and Brits I think, with a handful of Australians and New Zealanders. Basically all the peeps that come pre-installed with English.

    I'd like to be lumped with the South Africans please.

    There was at least one other SA actually. He had a police car avatar?
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Guys I'm not excited about any new video games.

    My "video game excitement list" has completely dried up.

    Need to get hype. Where to get hype?

    I am not huge for any new game either so it is coo.
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o

    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    That is going to end in a brain freeze.
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Guys I'm not excited about any new video games.

    My "video game excitement list" has completely dried up.

    Need to get hype. Where to get hype?

    I am not huge for any new game either so it is coo.

    I've been kind of replacing my video game hype with Pacific Rim hype

    But it's not the same :(

    Movies are over in like 2 hours!
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Henroid wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Dragonflies are pretty.

    Though they are ancient.

    You can tell because their wings don't fold back.

    That is all.

    Wait what?

    If I recall correctly, of course... insects evolved wings, then later evolved the ability to fold them back. So the older clades, that split off waaaay back then, can be identified by their fixed wings.

    I have a book on this somewhere! It's the hardcoriest book. @Arch recommended it and I love him for it.

    Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllly late but yes, sort of

    Palaeoptera is monophyletic*, but it is unknown whether or not the "lack of wing folding" is a synapomorphy for the clade or not



  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    Yes Geth, Humans have nerves and can suffer. You dick.
  • knitdanknitdan Registered User regular
    No that's just if you chew it up in like 5 seconds. Sucking on it should be fine.
  • emnmnmeemnmnme Heard about this on conservative radio:Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Guys I'm not excited about any new video games.

    My "video game excitement list" has completely dried up.

    Need to get hype. Where to get hype?

  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o

  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o


    Sorta speaking of, did your banana-ice creation succeed this time?
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o

    Challenge her to an ice cream purchasing competition
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o


    No, I could probably only beat her at sucking at relationships. Which doesn't sound like a fun competition at all!
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o


    Sorta speaking of, did your banana-ice creation succeed this time?

    Don't know yet! They are freezing overnight, I will make it tomorrow. Henceforth I've been mashing/blending the bananas and then freezing them, which isn't creating the ice creamy texture I want. So we shall see if this works.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o


    Ice cold
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o

    Challenge her to an ice cream purchasing competition

    ... What are the terms of victory?
  • emnmnmeemnmnme Heard about this on conservative radio:Registered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    I'd like to be lumped with the South Africans please.

    Everything I know about South Africa, I learned from Lethal Weapon 2.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Besides, Raven has made it very clear she wants froyo, not ice cream.
  • visiblehowlvisiblehowl Registered User regular
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Just finished rewatching X-Men: First Class. Still a good movie. Michael Fassbender is still hot. Jennifer Laurence was really kind of awkwardly sexy, it was great.

    More seriously, I thought they did an excellent job of portraying how tragic the split between Charles and Erik was. It really sets the stage well for the friends-but-enemies dynamic they have later.

    I don't see how Professor X can still have faith in humanity by the end of the movie. Absolutely nothing in the movie reaffirms his outlook.

    "Humanity" didn't have much to do with what happened at the end of that movie. Shooting at the mutants was a decision made by a very small group of people.

    I can totally understand why he still believes in humanity. If anything he should have abandoned them by the time the first X-Men movie rolls around, but then I've never been a huge fan of how much they overplay the mutant prejudice in X-Men.
    "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it."

    "Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Mortious wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    my wife apparently has never ordered anything off Amazon...
    like ever...

    Did you ask her for her Amazon account, and she said that she didn't have one?

    No she asked to use the primeness, and I was all "let me add you what is the email address you have linked to amazon"...

    How do you marry someone and not know whether or not they have Amazon?

    shaking my head, deebs

    shaking my head

    I bet he didnt even check her credit report

    This post brought to you by freecreditreport.com

    I just walked in on her in the bed room. She was really two kids in an over coat this whole time!
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o

    Challenge her to an ice cream purchasing competition

    ... What are the terms of victory?

    First person to successfully buy a pint of ice cream wins! Proof of purchase required.
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    I need you guys to tell me what is up with water fluoridation

    people keep bringing it up and I want to tell them it is something not to worry about. but then they give arguments and statements that end up with


    and i can't say anything other than because that's the way we've always done it.

    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    Besides, Raven has made it very clear she wants froyo, not ice cream.

    Well then she would lose the ice cream purchasing competition.
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Mortious wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    my wife apparently has never ordered anything off Amazon...
    like ever...

    Did you ask her for her Amazon account, and she said that she didn't have one?

    No she asked to use the primeness, and I was all "let me add you what is the email address you have linked to amazon"...

    How do you marry someone and not know whether or not they have Amazon?

    shaking my head, deebs

    shaking my head

    I bet he didnt even check her credit report

    This post brought to you by freecreditreport.com

    I just walked in on her in the bed room. She was really two kids in an over coat this whole time!

    Now before you do anything rash...put them in the basement and get some leashes.
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o

    Challenge her to an ice cream purchasing competition

    ... What are the terms of victory?

    First person to successfully buy a pint of ice cream wins! Proof of purchase required.

    There aren't any stores open near me! Curse you tiny town!
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    emnmnme wrote: »
    Mortious wrote: »
    I'd like to be lumped with the South Africans please.

    Everything I know about South Africa, I learned from Lethal Weapon 2.

    For the record, I'd like to point out that nobody in that movie actually spoke Afrikaans.

    Not sure what they spoke, but it was something else.

    Also, the vehicle in that money crate should have been a Hilux.
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    I need you guys to tell me what is up with water fluoridation

    people keep bringing it up and I want to tell them it is something not to worry about. but then they give arguments and statements that end up with


    and i can't say anything other than because that's the way we've always done it.


    There have been no studies showing statistically significant levels of harm from it. And it does help reduce dental issues.
  • visiblehowlvisiblehowl Registered User regular
    Like, I have a really hard time believing (X-Men First Class spoilers)
    ...the Russians and the US are suddenly buddy-buddy hey lets kill this group of like 10 people on this island by launching ALL OF OUR EVERYTHING AT THEM. That seemed really bizarre to me.
    "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it."

    "Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
  • wanderingwandering Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Guys I'm not excited about any new video games.

    My "video game excitement list" has completely dried up.

    Need to get hype. Where to get hype?

  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    Love it size, sweet cream, every mix in at the Cold Stone Creamery
    Here is the perfect contest for you two.
  • emnmnmeemnmnme Heard about this on conservative radio:Registered User regular
    I need you guys to tell me what is up with water fluoridation

    people keep bringing it up and I want to tell them it is something not to worry about. but then they give arguments and statements that end up with


    and i can't say anything other than because that's the way we've always done it.


    Everything I know about water fluoridation, I learned from Dr. Strangelove.
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    I need you guys to tell me what is up with water fluoridation

    people keep bringing it up and I want to tell them it is something not to worry about. but then they give arguments and statements that end up with


    and i can't say anything other than because that's the way we've always done it.


    EPA has drinking water standards that regulate the flouride content to safe levels. Im sure those levels are backed up by research.
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »

    What do you suck at? :o


    Sorta speaking of, did your banana-ice creation succeed this time?

    Don't know yet! They are freezing overnight, I will make it tomorrow. Henceforth I've been mashing/blending the bananas and then freezing them, which isn't creating the ice creamy texture I want. So we shall see if this works.

    The way my brain works this out

    This method should definitely work better

    I am applying the full force of my cooking knowledge

    To frozen banana sludge :D
  • visiblehowlvisiblehowl Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Mortious wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    my wife apparently has never ordered anything off Amazon...
    like ever...

    Did you ask her for her Amazon account, and she said that she didn't have one?

    No she asked to use the primeness, and I was all "let me add you what is the email address you have linked to amazon"...

    How do you marry someone and not know whether or not they have Amazon?

    shaking my head, deebs

    shaking my head

    I bet he didnt even check her credit report

    This post brought to you by freecreditreport.com

    I just walked in on her in the bed room. She was really two kids in an over coat this whole time!

    Frankly I'd have been more surprised if there was a woman under there...
    "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it."

    "Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
This discussion has been closed.