Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
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North Country [chat]land



  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Planet side 2 has the worst free to play model

    You literally buy power

    Actually, if your NC, you buy slow blue nailguns, if your TR, you buy red SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM BULLETS YES, and if your Vanu, you buy more scopes to add to your already BS aim.

    Not actual power, because you still need to be able to shoot, but not exactly Counter Strike.

    The seeker anti-vehicle rocket launcher is fun, but not really a killdozer. The basic one does more damage, and because there's no lock on warning tanks and vehicles just meander on about going "hurr hurr hurr" until they did.

    That said it's fun when they're driving through a pass with no cover whatsoever, you get a lock and watch them flail around helplessly trying to avoid it.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Elendil wrote: »
    what on earth could possibly be more important than sex

    Love. It's stronger then gravity, hurts like a bitch and you will die for it and die a slow death without it.

    It's taken me a while to realize my sex drive just isn't that high, and that this is an ok thing!

    mine has changed significantly over time

    when I was 20 I wanted to fuck again a few hours after sex

    now, a couple times a week is plenty
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Leveling just sucks. It is an old mechanic that needs to be removed and replaced with something new and not shit.
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    or shit in borderlands 2

    you don't get your class defining power until level 5

    gee thanks for the extended tutorial

    I would literally spend money on a DLC pack that is just a way to shoot Claptrap in the face at the start of the game. Would make everything a lot more tolerable.
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    or shit in borderlands 2

    you don't get your class defining power until level 5

    gee thanks for the extended tutorial

    i believe it was level 10 in the first game


    they got less dumb?
    no it is the same amount of dumb
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Kana wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Kana wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Kana wrote: »
    Just finished reading a manga called Sekitou Elegy. It's a really nice antidote to all the bullshit that usually drives me crazy about romance stories.

    - they're not teenagers! Or even students! They meet working as flaggers at a construction site
    - the girl isn't some delicate flower with no personal history or desires. She works part time at a small fabrication shop, and she's trying to get a license as a commercial truck driver.
    - Neither the guy nor the girl are the prettiest people in the story. They're both just kind of above average-ish.
    - They have realistic problems: his widowed mom's not really that nice a person, the girlfriend totally has anger issues, they're both unskilled labor in a shit economy.
    - Dude is a bit of a recovering neckbeard, so he's got to resist being overly clingy or an annoying sexmonkey.
    - Neither the first kiss or the first time they have sex is a "Congratulations you win at romance!" end point. They have to keep working on the relationship, and that's really what the story's about.

    The sex equals victory thing is a huge pet peeve of mine.

    It's really bizarre and it bugs me too. Both Japan and the west are equally bad about it, too. Like, hooray, you've tamed the wild pussy, now the girl is yours, nothing else to see here, story over?

    It's not like it isn't a step in the relationship, or that sex isn't an important part of the relationship, but it's just a part, it's not the culmination

    Yeah. And for me, a big part of it is that it plays into the idea that relationships are only for sex, and serve no other purpose. It's an idea I hate, so of course it bugs me when stuff plays into it.

    Incidentally, I wonder if this idea is part of what plays into all the dumb myths about polyamory.

    One reason I really loved Nodame Cantabile (besides all the classical music) was sex was almost completely removed from their growing relationship/romance.

    Which granted the two characters in that series are both very odd and even the other characters in the story are all sorts of confused about exactly what's going on between them. But I like stories about relationships between people that aren't cookie-cutter standard romantic leads, otherwise there's not really much point in reading it!

    Eventually they start having sex, and the reader only finds out about it long after the fact, and it's pretty much a non-factor in their actual romantic partnership.
    Kana wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Kana wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Kana wrote: »
    Just finished reading a manga called Sekitou Elegy. It's a really nice antidote to all the bullshit that usually drives me crazy about romance stories.

    - they're not teenagers! Or even students! They meet working as flaggers at a construction site
    - the girl isn't some delicate flower with no personal history or desires. She works part time at a small fabrication shop, and she's trying to get a license as a commercial truck driver.
    - Neither the guy nor the girl are the prettiest people in the story. They're both just kind of above average-ish.
    - They have realistic problems: his widowed mom's not really that nice a person, the girlfriend totally has anger issues, they're both unskilled labor in a shit economy.
    - Dude is a bit of a recovering neckbeard, so he's got to resist being overly clingy or an annoying sexmonkey.
    - Neither the first kiss or the first time they have sex is a "Congratulations you win at romance!" end point. They have to keep working on the relationship, and that's really what the story's about.

    The sex equals victory thing is a huge pet peeve of mine.

    It's really bizarre and it bugs me too. Both Japan and the west are equally bad about it, too. Like, hooray, you've tamed the wild pussy, now the girl is yours, nothing else to see here, story over?

    It's not like it isn't a step in the relationship, or that sex isn't an important part of the relationship, but it's just a part, it's not the culmination

    Yeah. And for me, a big part of it is that it plays into the idea that relationships are only for sex, and serve no other purpose. It's an idea I hate, so of course it bugs me when stuff plays into it.

    Incidentally, I wonder if this idea is part of what plays into all the dumb myths about polyamory.

    One reason I really loved Nodame Cantabile (besides all the classical music) was sex was almost completely removed from their growing relationship/romance.

    Which granted the two characters in that series are both very odd and even the other characters in the story are all sorts of confused about exactly what's going on between them. But I like stories about relationships between people that aren't cookie-cutter standard romantic leads, otherwise there's not really much point in reading it!

    Eventually they start having sex, and the reader only finds out about it long after the fact, and it's pretty much a non-factor in their actual romantic partnership.

    Hmm. Subscribing to this newsletter.
  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Elendil wrote: »
    what on earth could possibly be more important than sex

    Love. It's stronger then gravity, hurts like a bitch and you will die for it and die a slow death without it.

    It's taken me a while to realize my sex drive just isn't that high, and that this is an ok thing!

    mine has changed significantly over time

    when I was 20 I wanted to fuck again a few hours after sex

    now, a couple times a week is plenty

    See I am more like, once a week is enough.

    It's only really unbearable when I know I can't. As opposed to, could but don't want to.
  • syndalissyndalis Aballah Can Tah Advancing the Human ConditionRegistered User regular
    Okay, totally messed up my calories today.

    I am at 625 calories total consumed at 7pm, and I exercised.

    Fffffuuu- The 300 calorie dinner I had planned is way too little.
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Planet side 2 has the worst free to play model

    You literally buy power

    This is the opposite of true.

    All of the guns are side-grades (at least overtly, some of them are side-grades you'd seldom ever be in a situation where you'd want the alternative, but thems the breaks), and there is absolutely nothing you can't get with certs that you can only get with SC that isn't straight cosmetic.

    So I can start the game and compete in dogfights with pilots who have bought all the things on their jetplanecopter?

    I will admit that jetplanecopters are bad for this. In that, their default weapons are atrocious for anything you'd actually want to use a jetplanecopter for.
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    Like I started with some station cash I guess because I own ps1 and bought an anti aircraft gun for the small tank that got me about a billion kills per second

    Completely soured me on the game
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    I hate games where you have to run.

    Running is stupid.
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    Once a week is minimum for me.

    Once a day is ideal.

    Maybe once every two days if my partner likes particularly drawn-out or complicated stuff.
    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Planet side 2 has the worst free to play model

    You literally buy power

    This is the opposite of true.

    All of the guns are side-grades (at least overtly, some of them are side-grades you'd seldom ever be in a situation where you'd want the alternative, but thems the breaks), and there is absolutely nothing you can't get with certs that you can only get with SC that isn't straight cosmetic.

    i am very suspicious of the concept of "side-grades"

    very suspicious indeed

    It's kind of what the plan was I feel, but it turns out some things are more useful than others, which means some guns end up more useful than others.

    Other guns are better than others 5% of the time, so while "better" it's not actually a better gun.

    But it doesn't matter in terms of Pay-2-Win, since it works like BF3 in that you can just play to earn it.
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    I hate leveling up

    hate it so much

    I believe that the pleasure of meter filling is false and hollow and to indulge it is to deny oneself true pleasure or entertainment, and anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves

    I will defend this position with an infuriating mixture of tenacity and implied self-deprecating irony
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Elendil wrote: »
    what on earth could possibly be more important than sex

    Love. It's stronger then gravity, hurts like a bitch and you will die for it and die a slow death without it.

    It's taken me a while to realize my sex drive just isn't that high, and that this is an ok thing!

    mine has changed significantly over time

    when I was 20 I wanted to fuck again a few hours after sex

    now, a couple times a week is plenty

    You know, I want this. I am so tired of wanting sex all the time and not really wanting to half of the times it comes up and not having anyone to do it with anyways. I want a break from it until I actually have a partner again. And only for intimacy and fun.

    Stupid Genetic Imperative.
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Feral wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Planet side 2 has the worst free to play model

    You literally buy power

    This is the opposite of true.

    All of the guns are side-grades (at least overtly, some of them are side-grades you'd seldom ever be in a situation where you'd want the alternative, but thems the breaks), and there is absolutely nothing you can't get with certs that you can only get with SC that isn't straight cosmetic.

    i am very suspicious of the concept of "side-grades"

    very suspicious indeed

    I can tell you that it's absolutely the truth when it comes to the infantry guns.

    With the vehicle guns it's not quite as true. In the sense that, the default vehicle guns all blow, but all the ones you can buy are completely equivalent in power.

    I don't believe that side-grades exist.

    Even if the different guns are equivalent in power, having multiple options at your disposal is itself an advantage, as well as being able to use slightly rarer options that people are less practiced against.

    Similar to how I feel about TF2

    Although at least with TF2 there's also tons of items you can get through achievements, and random drops happen pretty frequently
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    as a rule i am against all f2p games

    they are universally terrible because you cannot get around the inherent problems created by microtransactions
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    Okay, totally messed up my calories today.

    I am at 625 calories total consumed at 7pm, and I exercised.

    Fffffuuu- The 300 calorie dinner I had planned is way too little.

    Use moar butter
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    Good evening, gentlements.

    (and ladiers as wells)

    Whatever shall i do tonight?

    Perhaps i should...

    work on my cardgame?

    *waggles eyebrows suggestively*
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Planteside 2 is the best f2p game.

    I am unhappy I can't buy certs with real money.

    You r pay2win babby

    Also you can buy boosts which are as good as certs really

    MEH I want to put in money and receive a scope, instead of playing the game without the proper equipment on my damn gun. Also the upgrade for the thing so people can spawn and give me XP.

    Both of these cost baby certs to get! (30 certs and 50 certs, respectively)

    But I want them immediately because the game sucks without them.

    This is, like, not even true.

    Objectively, the game sucks without a good team. Everything else isn't as important.

    If I hate shooting my gun because I have to contend with shitty iron sights then the game sucks, because it's a first person shooter, and shooting is important! And because certs are so important a noob like me needs a good way of getting XP and having people spawn in your truck is that way, but I can't do it immediately. So the beginning of the game is about terrible shooting and slower than needed leveling.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    adele seems like an unpleasant person, i don't think i'd enjoy hanging out with her

    but she has an impressive voice


    i've heard people make fun of her speaking voice and weight, but this is the first i've heard that shes unpleasant
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Leveling just sucks. It is an old mechanic that needs to be removed and replaced with something new and not shit.

    Leveling builds character.
  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    after their big FTP cleanup / change to the newbie experience around Christmas I quite like MechWarrior Online.

    You spend 5-10 minutes in a match. Wait times are nonexistent. There is no boring running up from a spawn point for 10 minutes only to be sniped by someone you never saw who has more certs.
    What you think "makes sense" has nothing to do with reality. It just has to do with your life experience. And your life experience may only be a small smidgen of reality. Possibly even a distorted account of reality at that. So what this means is that, beginning in the 20th century as our means of decoding nature became more and more powerful, we started realizing our common sense is no longer a tool to pass judgment on whether or not a scientific theory is correct. - Neil Degrasse Tyson
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Like I started with some station cash I guess because I own ps1 and bought an anti aircraft gun for the small tank that got me about a billion kills per second

    Completely soured me on the game

    The larger point is that you can buy all of these things with certs if you wanted to.
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    if i go 30 minutes without fucking, i will literally die
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    as a rule i am against all f2p games

    they are universally terrible because you cannot get around the inherent problems created by microtransactions

    Also the communities of f2p games are YouTube comments level
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Feral wrote: »
    Once a week is minimum for me.

    Once a day is ideal.

    Maybe once every two days if my partner likes particularly drawn-out or complicated stuff.

    When I have a partner again, me being ever the optimist, I would like that to be my sex schedule of sorts.
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    adele seems like an unpleasant person, i don't think i'd enjoy hanging out with her

    but she has an impressive voice


    i've heard people make fun of her speaking voice and weight, but this is the first i've heard that shes unpleasant

    I just don't like people who are cheerful and congenial and irreverent.

    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular

    Jack rocking the finest baptismal fashion 1920 has to offer!


    Ay up, by guv, 'twere 'ard growin' up ten weeks ago!


    Smilin' Jack is best Jack!


    Being this cute is tiring work.
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Like I started with some station cash I guess because I own ps1 and bought an anti aircraft gun for the small tank that got me about a billion kills per second

    Completely soured me on the game

    The larger point is that you can buy all of these things with certs if you wanted to.

    Yes and be grinded by the people that have them all the while
  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    Like, I can deal with once every two weeks.

    Any more time than that and I start getting kind of weird.
    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    i like levelling up

    that satisfying ding and flash animation and oh look i can do new things now yay

    how can someone not like levelling up
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Good evening, gentlements.

    (and ladiers as wells)

    Whatever shall i do tonight?

    Perhaps i should...

    work on my cardgame?

    *waggles eyebrows suggestively*

    You stole Narwhal's fickle internet affections from me with your French Canadian charms and for that you must pay.

    In blood.

    Or bitcoins. Your choice.
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    after their big FTP cleanup / change to the newbie experience around Christmas I quite like MechWarrior Online.

    You spend 5-10 minutes in a match. Wait times are nonexistent. There is no boring running up from a spawn point for 10 minutes only to be sniped by someone you never saw who has more certs.

    I thought it was fine. The trial mechs are fun to use and I got pretty close to buying a real mech, and this was before the overhaul, after not too long playing.
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    Mortious wrote: »
    Finished reading that Gamasutra article.

    It's interesting, but he went completely off the rails by the time he reached War Inc.

    Also, anecdotally at least, his comments about premium ammo in WoT doesn't match up to what I hear from the people I know that play competitively.

    we are talking about the one about Supremacy Goods right?

    I think he is a little kinder to WoT than that game deserves but is basically right. They have some problems with matchmaking and the prevalence of premium ammo but they are doing better than most FTP games.

    And I'm not sure what you mean by him going "off the rails". He was looking at the claims the makers of War Inc and comparing them to the actual amount of money the game was making. And showed some problems with their UI that might be a factor.

    I think his argument that the way the game presents its O4P model does indeed contribute to the perception that it is a "pay to win" style game is correct.

    Mostly that his observations about the gun packs aren't substantiated by his article (I haven't played the game, so it might be true) because most games that I'm aware off, those guns tend to be different, not straight-up more powerful.

    He even mentioned having something like that earlier in the article as a good thing.

    Then there's this part:
    Right now War Inc., if played for a full month, is bringing in about $12 per user. That's not an increase; it's a decrease of 80 percent vs. a flat $60 fee. If microtransactions perform better than retail purchases with subscriptions (the popular consensus), then this should not be happening.

    Is only true if people play less than 5 months assuming everything else stays the same, which it probably won't but he didn't provide numbers, so I don't understand his conclusion.

    Note the bolded.

    He is showing a disparity between the popular wisdom (that F2P brings in more money per user than a subscription) and the numbers this company is posting.

    But the important part about War Inc in on the next page. They are implementing their F2P model badly and, more importantly, their UI is difficult to use and gives a bad impression about the game. With UI improvements and some tweaks to their model they could make more money.

    But he compared it to COD, which unless I'm completely out of the loop does not have a $60 a month subscription fee.

    Does it even have a subscription fee? I know there's something called Elite, but I jumped ship to the BF series before that so no idea how that works.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    I like EvE's f2p but not really thing.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Elendil wrote: »
    what on earth could possibly be more important than sex

    Love. It's stronger then gravity, hurts like a bitch and you will die for it and die a slow death without it.

    It's taken me a while to realize my sex drive just isn't that high, and that this is an ok thing!

    mine has changed significantly over time

    when I was 20 I wanted to fuck again a few hours after sex

    now, a couple times a week is plenty

    See I am more like, once a week is enough.

    It's only really unbearable when I know I can't. As opposed to, could but don't want to.

    I think it is good for men to say these kinds of things because the narrative is always man wants sex constantly always ready

    fff patriarchy
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    OMG RMS that second pic is Irish as fuck.
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    i like levelling up

    that satisfying ding and flash animation and oh look i can do new things now yay

    how can someone not like levelling up

    Because it's fake and makes you a mouse that's being conditioned by a neckbeard scientist.
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Planteside 2 is the best f2p game.

    I am unhappy I can't buy certs with real money.

    You r pay2win babby

    Also you can buy boosts which are as good as certs really

    MEH I want to put in money and receive a scope, instead of playing the game without the proper equipment on my damn gun. Also the upgrade for the thing so people can spawn and give me XP.

    Both of these cost baby certs to get! (30 certs and 50 certs, respectively)

    But I want them immediately because the game sucks without them.

    This is, like, not even true.

    Objectively, the game sucks without a good team. Everything else isn't as important.

    If I hate shooting my gun because I have to contend with shitty iron sights then the game sucks, because it's a first person shooter, and shooting is important! And because certs are so important a noob like me needs a good way of getting XP and having people spawn in your truck is that way, but I can't do it immediately. So the beginning of the game is about terrible shooting and slower than needed leveling.

    I seriously don't know what you're on about the scopes.

    Like, I never had this problem you seem to have with the ironsights.
This discussion has been closed.