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The Brad Muir Thread: Also Starring Giant Bomb



  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    It was just about a year ago. I felt a bit unsettled after reading a Kotaku article by Patricia Hernandez, an article that asked the question "is it wrong to say 'I raped you' in a multiplayer game?" I felt a bit unsettled because the article came across as manipulative. Why was Kotaku spending their time on such a topic? "Oh," I thought to myself, brushing off my doubts "It's written by a woman who was actually raped in her past, so I suppose they think it adds credibility".

    manipulative, y'all
  • The BetmanThe Betman Are you afraid of God, Booker? No. But I am afraid of you.Registered User regular
    Fuck you fire emblem I won!!!!


    What do you mean that was only the fifth fucking mission

    Speed Racer i love your continuing Fire Emblem progress

    D3: TheBetman#1189 Steam XBox Live: The Betman PSN: The Betman 3DS: 1521-2933-5072
  • Death of RatsDeath of Rats Registered User regular
    No worries YaYa, it's human nature to assume that people aren't absolute scum. It's unfortunate that we keep getting proved wrong on that over and over again.
  • XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    I'm down with anyone who brings up people saying rape like they're taking it back

    how is this a problem
  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    It was just about a year ago. I felt a bit unsettled after reading a Kotaku article by Patricia Hernandez, an article that asked the question "is it wrong to say 'I raped you' in a multiplayer game?" I felt a bit unsettled because the article came across as manipulative. Why was Kotaku spending their time on such a topic? "Oh," I thought to myself, brushing off my doubts "It's written by a woman who was actually raped in her past, so I suppose they think it adds credibility".

    manipulative, y'all

    Yes kotaku, why are you covering that? Please go back to covering which cosplayer has the biggest tits and which train in Japan is best for groping schoolgirls or whatever the fuck it is you do.
    360: Sir Stiggleton PSN: Stiggy_PA GFWL: RacerStig Steam: TheStig
  • Death of RatsDeath of Rats Registered User regular
    That article does make me wonder however, is there any organized movement on the sexism in gaming front? It has really picked up steam lately, but so far I haven't seen much in the way of organizations, just journalists actually reporting on it for once.
  • THESPOOKYTHESPOOKY What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age.Registered User regular
    Patrick Klepek ‏@patrickklepek 30m

    I'm actually deeply saddened by how many people took my last tweet to be a tacit endorsement of the conten within.
    FREEZE. Cool your jets. Ice to meet you. Take a chill pill. Stay frosty.
  • YaYaYaYa ... ...wanna fight?Registered User regular


    I just really reread the article

    that's what I get for skimming

    I'm sorry guys, I feel horrid that I defended the guy at all
    I made a web series! watch it here: http://bloodsuckingbooks.com
  • MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    We all make mistakes.
  • GundiGundi Respected Naturalist of Internet Fauna Registered User regular
    Monaco's multiplayer is seriously great guys. That moment when someone trips an alarm and everyone else realizes they're completely screwed? Priceless.
  • captainkcaptaink TexasRegistered User regular
    It was just about a year ago. I felt a bit unsettled after reading a Kotaku article by Patricia Hernandez, an article that asked the question "is it wrong to say 'I raped you' in a multiplayer game?" I felt a bit unsettled because the article came across as manipulative. Why was Kotaku spending their time on such a topic? "Oh," I thought to myself, brushing off my doubts "It's written by a woman who was actually raped in her past, so I suppose they think it adds credibility".

    manipulative, y'all

    Honestly thought it was satire at this point.
    sig.gifSteam | D3: captaink#1674 | 3DS: 2466-1914-7679
  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    YaYa wrote: »
    Opty wrote: »
    YaYa wrote: »

    I can't tell how you guys are reacting to this article

    do you agree and think they're making salient points about Kotaku, or are you calling it awful and anti-feminist?

    I think it's an awful anti-feminist making salient points about Kotaku by accident. By this I mean they're seeing shit they don't like and investigated because "they wouldn't put up these articles I don't like if it wasn't for a nefarious reason!" The problem is this applies to every fucking article on Kotaku and not just the anti-sexism ones. Every single article is put up, headlined the way they are, written the way they are, and crosspromoted the way they are specifically to make Gawker money. Anyone with two braincells could have seen that years ago. This douche is only seeing it now because he was previously pandered to and now that he isn't, he's finally at a vantage point to realize how shitty Kotaku really is.

    ah, okay! carry on



    I'll be honest, and possibly open myself up to some harsh words but I didn't find anything terribly anti-feminist in my first read of the article

    upon reflection it is suspect that the guy doesn't reference the rest of Kotaku's horrible journalistic practices and frames it all through the equality lens, but I didn't take that to mean the guy wasn't having issues with the site before Kotaku's clumsy and, yes, I'll agree, manipulative treatment of gender inequality issues propped up

    he does admit it's a real issue and one the industry should be and is tackling, but I don't think his point is 'these feminists are making kotaku crazy-bucks', his point is 'Kotaku never gave a shit about these issues before they realized they could drive more pageviews than ever before from both sides', which is fucking despicable

    but then he does defend Vanillaware so maybe I'm the dumbass

    The first two paragraphs of that article in TLDR form would be:

    Kotaku is making me uncomfortable by looking at equality issues in games and I don't like it.

    The writer is being very dismissive of the issues, acting as if they're being thrust upon us to drive up ads. Acting like they are engineered issues.

    Basically he's got a dog whistle, and he's blowing it as hard as he can.

    If there was still any confusion, here's the first sentence from his blog post immediately preceding that one
    I remember a time when it was okay for a videogame character to have big boobs.
    Maddoc on
    icon-18x18_zps3f731cae.pngBasilius | Monster Hunter Tri: Red - TBUGW8 | TF2 Backpack | Hero Academy - Laitarne
  • DuxDux A host to DarknessRegistered User regular
  • HyperAquaBlastHyperAquaBlast Registered User regular
    That's YaYa
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    That's YaYa

    He apologised and you decided to kick him when he's down. That is pretty scummy.
  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    I'm playing through the first case in Apollo Justice, and I'm remembering why I love this game so much.

    Phoenix Wright is the slickest dude in the world in this game.
  • HyperAquaBlastHyperAquaBlast Registered User regular
    That's YaYa

    He apologised and you decided to kick him when he's down. That is pretty scummy.

    How do you even get that out of that? Why are you kicking me when I'am postin?
  • ZayZay FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan Please, just call me York.Registered User regular
    I just beat Spec Ops

    ending spoilers, obviously
    so.. I shot the civilians on accident after they killed Lugo

    I was trying to shoot the ground to scare them off but I guess the hit box for this dude was bigger than the guy himself


    the ending was cool though
  • THESPOOKYTHESPOOKY What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age.Registered User regular
    Zay wrote: »
    I just beat Spec Ops

    ending spoilers, obviously
    so.. I shot the civilians on accident after they killed Lugo

    I was trying to shoot the ground to scare them off but I guess the hit box for this dude was bigger than the guy himself


    the ending was cool though

    you're a monster
    FREEZE. Cool your jets. Ice to meet you. Take a chill pill. Stay frosty.
  • YaYaYaYa ... ...wanna fight?Registered User regular
    That's YaYa

    I am trying to think of the most dismissive, angry thing I can say to you without being infracted

    for now I will go with

    I made a web series! watch it here: http://bloodsuckingbooks.com
  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    "That's YAYA." Sounds like it could be Kanye's new catch phrase.

    Not sure what it stands for though.
    360: Sir Stiggleton PSN: Stiggy_PA GFWL: RacerStig Steam: TheStig
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    Stilts wrote: »
    I'm playing through the first case in Apollo Justice, and I'm remembering why I love this game so much.

    Phoenix Wright is the slickest dude in the world in this game.

    Yeah, as ludicrous as some of the stuff is in that game, there's a reason I still like it.
  • ZayZay FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan Please, just call me York.Registered User regular
    oh man this epilogue loading screen tip
    If you were a better person, you wouldn't be here.
  • JintorJintor Registered User regular
    That game has some SWEET loading tips

    Feeny in Apollo Justice gains like a bajillion smart points. I can only assume that being controlled by the player makes you stupid
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    oh spec ops the line

    why are you such a piece of shit

    you are trying so hard and yet manage to be incredibly lazy at the same time
  • Helpless RockHelpless Rock Registered User regular
    I cut Spec Ops a lot of slack for it's dictionary definition of mediocre gameplay for everything that it did with a military FPS story as well as the fact that they managed to get it made and shipped in the first place.

    And even if the game play was mediocre, I actually still enjoyed most it.
    Steam: Car1gt // Gamertag: Car1gt // Facebook // Twitter
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    why is it impressive that they managed to get a generic military shooter made and shipped
  • Helpless RockHelpless Rock Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    why is it impressive that they managed to get a generic military shooter made and shipped

    I don't think it is a generic military shooter.
    I think the gameplay aspects of it weren't great, but I don't think any part of the the story, whether you actually liked it or not, really qualifies as generic in the video game medium of military shooters.

    It is a military shooter that doesn't focus on "fuck ya! War is awesome!", or just a setting to shoot that guy, and decides to actually depict it as a harrowing ordeal and as a video game that is rare and important.

    By all accounts I have read they had to shoestring on multiplayer for 2K to fully support shipping it.
    Steam: Car1gt // Gamertag: Car1gt // Facebook // Twitter
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    Fire Emblem: Fuck you, villagers, how about you run towards my forces and not the enemy?
  • JintorJintor Registered User regular
    don't worry about them, they don't drop anything good. Maybe a physic staff.
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    They ran deeper into the forest too, if they had of retreated the Risen would have been slowed down and I could have caught up.
  • Muddy WaterMuddy Water Quiet Batperson Registered User regular
    I'm going through Bioshock Infinite on 1999 Mode and I've realized that I don't really care much for the gameplay, and since I already know what happens in the story, I feel no motivation to keep playing. So fuck achievements, I'mma shelf this 'till DLC comes out.

    Think I'll start Journey now.
  • Renegade WolfRenegade Wolf Registered User regular
    Zay wrote: »
    I just beat Spec Ops

    ending spoilers, obviously
    so.. I shot the civilians on accident after they killed Lugo

    I was trying to shoot the ground to scare them off but I guess the hit box for this dude was bigger than the guy himself


    the ending was cool though

    I shoot them all
    entirely on purpose

    I figured all the water was gone and things were shit anyway so all I was doing was killing them a few days before they would have died anyway

    and then at the end I shot all the soldiers that came to rescue me
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    august wrote: »
    Bucketman wrote: »
    Antimatter wrote: »
    Blade Analyzer Pro is the latest consumer software product from Zilla Enterprises' weapons division and is designed to identify and catalog all manner of swords, knives, and other blades of historical significance. Originally developed for private use by Zilla Enterprises founder and renown sword collector Orochi Zilla, Blade Analyzer Pro uses your PC's camera to scan any sword or knife in your collection and cross-reference it with a robust database of blades to analyze and identify any item in your collection. Users can then organize their collection by sword type, period of use, price, and rarity to create a customized online catalog to share with other sword collectors around the world.

    Buying this

    The question this raises is if developers should be allowed to promote non-existent software on Greenlight as part of an ARG (or whatever) for their actual game.

    I think it's pretty clever and Valve can simply look at when it reaches peak popularity and go "Oh hey, yeah, no...but yeah".

    ...unless Gabe sees it. Don't tell that fucker you have blade software and then not actually have software for cataloging knives.
    Been waiting for someone to make this joke.

    So wait..this isn't real? Fuck
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    I adore the pair up system in Fire Emblem. Not just for the gameplay bonuses but seeing a unit rally and defend their partner is very cool.
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular

    OBVIOUSLY I need to ship Donny x Maribelle so that his simple country ways manage to charm her in spite of her prissy court lifestyle

    But they don't complement one another statwise at all

    Also who has advice for the second paralogue

    I can't get anyone over to Anna fast enough to save her. Sumias the only one that seems like she could possibly make it but she's fragile and there's a ton of archers
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    Have you considered pairing Sumias with Kellam? Use her movement advantage and then switch to Kellam to go on the defensive? I just made my way there with Frederick/Lissa and Sully/Virion, but Anna survived long enough so I don't know whether the dice rolls were more in my favour.
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