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The Brad Muir Thread: Also Starring Giant Bomb



  • DouglasDangerDouglasDanger Registered User regular
    OK, I didn't play Hulk UD or Prototype 1. I had a good time with Prototype 2.

    I'm sure you guys talked about SR4 while I was at work. I hope no one minds if I opine
    IdolNinja wrote: »

    This looks like a ton of goofy fun-- I think the mech and the super powers look fun. The dubstep good and head inflater gun look like they would get old in a hurry. The color palette is ugly. It seems to have turned up the weird red and purple hues of SR3. I don't really understand how videogames work-- there seems to be a good looking game under there, just like SR3, but the palette or something is really ugly. I don't know if it is a stylistic choice or a technical necessity, but it is off-putting.

    Fallout 3 had this weird yellow-green tint to it on ps3, and I saw some people removed that somehow with mods on the PC version...
    Play Hulk Ultimate Destruction
    The demo is pre-alpha, but yes at this current stage the look of the world isn't appealing.
    Ultimate Destruction allows you to turn a bus into a surfboard and then leap into the air, throw it like a boomerang and continue surfing. Also you can put civilians down gently and pat them on the head.

    Hulk does sound like a fun game, but I still need to finish Dark Souls and Sleeping Dogs and Dragon's Dogma and Just Cause 2 and and and
    I play games on ps3. My PSN is DouglasDanger.
  • T4CTT4CT i'm pretty specific hi i am mikeRegistered User regular
    Adus wrote: »
    mike figured out the trick to beating psycho mantis in about 30 seconds with only a bare minimum of prompting

    he is a metal gear savant

    that's been around so long though

    maybe he heard about it before and just kinda forgot but it remained in his subconscious.

    I promise I have never heard that

    I literally know nothing of metal gear because until about a month ago I had glossed over literally everything ever posted about it without reading
  • T4CTT4CT i'm pretty specific hi i am mikeRegistered User regular
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    are you guys actually going to go for non lethal european extreme
    -Tal on
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular

    That Saints Row 4 demo

    That looks amazing
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • PwnanObrienPwnanObrien Registered User regular
    So, Sleeping Dogs.

    I stopped to help a gang member who was being ripped off. I chased the guy up a flight of stairs, over a pedestrian walkway and into a street before stopping him from getting into a car to get away...

    ...while on a motorcycle.
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    I think my favourite Sleeping Dogs side missions are the cons. That's thinking outside the box.
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    Adus wrote: »
    mike figured out the trick to beating psycho mantis in about 30 seconds with only a bare minimum of prompting

    he is a metal gear savant

    that's been around so long though

    maybe he heard about it before and just kinda forgot but it remained in his subconscious.

    that's what i thought but he insists it is not the case
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    are you guys actually going to go for non lethal european extreme

    in mgs3 yes

    2 i'm only gonna do normal extreme so that i can show how the alert system evolved between games
  • JintorJintor Registered User regular
    I really enjoyed the sector sweeping and increased security stuff they pulled in in 2

    i mean it still had terminally idiotic guards but I think you have to have some level of that just to make a stealth game playable
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    The guards miss things that a real person wouldn't but that's because realistically it would be next to impossible to sneak past a highly trained and coordinated team of soldiers undetected, especially when you take into account that a video game character inherently cannot do all of the things that a real spy could
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    Mgs1 is barely a stealth game
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    Playing through the tail end of Luigi's Mansion 2 at night in the dark is a great/terrible idea. I'm not gonna make it out to be Amnesia, but it has some scary moments.

    Third level of the fifth mansion
    You start by examining a security screenshot as you've done several times before, it's a fun little activity. When you look at King Boo he turns around inside the screenshot and shrieks at you, the computer screen cuts to static.
  • agoajagoaj Registered User regular
    Did Brad Muir have a Class of GDC picture?
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
  • Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    The driving stuff in Watch Dogs reminds me of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, which is a very good thing
  • BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    We are fast approaching the point where I'm afraid Watch Dogs is going to be the Assassin's Creed 1 of this cycle
  • DouglasDangerDouglasDanger Registered User regular
    Balefuego wrote: »
    We are fast approaching the point where I'm afraid Watch Dogs is going to be the Assassin's Creed 1 of this cycle

    Could you please elaborate? I don't know what you are suggesting.
    I play games on ps3. My PSN is DouglasDanger.
  • jclastjclast Registered User regular
    That it's going to be hyped to hell and then disappointing.
  • DouglasDangerDouglasDanger Registered User regular
    I didn't buy a ps3 at launch, so I missed the AC1 hype and disappoint, but I did full enjoy the awesomness of AC2 and the amazingness "yes, yes, this is what I want" of Brotherhood.

    I think the protagonist in Watch Dogs look like a dork.
    I play games on ps3. My PSN is DouglasDanger.
  • JayKaosJayKaos Registered User regular
    Mirror's Edge and the terrible marketing and the fact that they still haven't made any more makes me so angry and oh goddamnit I never actually bought it I borrowed it from a friend I am part of the problem augh
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaykaos This is my steam profile.
  • Medium DaveMedium Dave Registered User regular
    The iconography, the straight diagonal lines, that mini map, there's a serious assassin's creed feel to it, which I suspect is intentional, so as to lead AssCreed fans into a "new" franchise.

    I say "new" because, as I'm sure we all know, it takes place in the Animus.
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    how long until ubisoft actually renames themselves abstergo
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    well see if you take "ubisoft" and move the s and t right next to each other and put the o at the end and take out some letters and add some more in

    that's right

    they're already abstergo
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Dichotomy wrote: »
    well see if you take "ubisoft" and move the s and t right next to each other and put the o at the end and take out some letters and add some more in

    that's right

    they're already abstergo

    Hello it almost looks like an arrow!
  • SimBenSimBen Registered User regular
    Assassin's Creed 1 had to share its development time and budget with a brand-new engine featuring gameplay nobody had ever done before.

    That is not the case with Watch_Dogs.
    sig.gif Aneurythmia, Javen and thatdude_frombaywatch really smell pretty good and this pie is for them: pie
  • Vargas PrimeVargas Prime King of Nothing Just a ShowRegistered User regular
    Holy shit that Cry of Fear QL

    So great.
  • Vargas PrimeVargas Prime King of Nothing Just a ShowRegistered User regular
    SimBen wrote: »
    Assassin's Creed 1 had to share its development time and budget with a brand-new engine featuring gameplay nobody had ever done before.

    That is not the case with Watch_Dogs.

    While your point is valid, this does not automatically make Watch_Dogs immune to the hype train building people up to expect something it's not.

    It is entirely possible for Watch_Dogs to be an acceptably good game, yet still disappoint many people based on the game that their own brains have concocted.
  • SimBenSimBen Registered User regular
    No I know. I'm just saying that worrying that it'll be a similar situation to AC1 is kind of irrelevant considering its development has absolutely nothing in common with AC1's.
    sig.gif Aneurythmia, Javen and thatdude_frombaywatch really smell pretty good and this pie is for them: pie
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    is watch dogs going to primarily be a next gen game or is it just being scaled up?
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    well if it's coming out on both generations it'd have to be scaled up, wouldn't it
  • timspork's ghosttimspork's ghost Registered User regular
    Couldn't it be scaled down?
    3DS Friend Code: 5472-6198-4568
  • agoajagoaj Registered User regular
    Watch Dogs is reality scaled up
  • Vargas PrimeVargas Prime King of Nothing Just a ShowRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Whatever the case, given that it's coming out for both console generations, its "next-gen-ness" is probably going to be somewhat limited.

    I'll be getting it on PC, anyway.
    Vargas Prime on
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