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[chat] going one way, people another



  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    I understand PantsB's immediate reaction to Jolie's surgery, however. The headline I read about it this morning went something like 'Jolie undergoes double mastectomy after learning of cancer risk,' which made it sound like all those pink ribbons finally penetrated her consciousness, and she discovered that breast cancer was a thing.

    I actually didn't read any further because my reaction to that thought was, "well, whatever, it's her body, not mine," and I flipped to find a news article that actually affected my own life. But I gather now that this was actually something Jolie became very informed about -- enough so that she apparently had a doctor look into her own genetic profile? The emotional aspects of everything aside, if she went to that much effort, the amount of information she gathered leads me to imagine that she probably spent a lot more time thinking about this than I did when having a knee jerk reaction over a cup of coffee and a bagel with schmear.
  • PantsBPantsB Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Shivahn wrote: »
    PantsB wrote: »
    By the way, on average you have a ~40% of getting cancer on average and between 1/8 and 1/4 chance of dying of cancer. Until we get robot bodies, that's how it is. You can't just chop shit off that might get a tumor.

    That's true, but that's also across all body systems. If a single body part, that is removable with few physical consequences, is more than doubling the risk of the entire body, it is far from crazy to remove it.

    If there weren't very good, non-invasive, widely available screening methods that could allow for less invasive, less impactful, less traumatic and less expensive treatment (a lumpectomy or single mastectomy without chemo is common for small tumors) I'd agree.

    Honestly, I'm terrified of death. But I also realize that if you live your life focused on avoiding the unavoidable, you're either irrationally going to be focusing on certain outcomes more than others or you aren't going to be able to function.

    @SammyF yeah its entirely possible that Jolie got a lot of information and made a completely rational and informed decision. But given the information she has put out - along with her history of grandiose and at times erratic behavior - to me it seemed ill-advised but within her rights.
    PantsB on
    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    PantsB wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    PantsB wrote: »
    By the way, on average you have a ~40% of getting cancer on average and between 1/8 and 1/4 chance of dying of cancer. Until we get robot bodies, that's how it is. You can't just chop shit off that might get a tumor.

    That's true, but that's also across all body systems. If a single body part, that is removable with few physical consequences, is more than doubling the risk of the entire body, it is far from crazy to remove it.

    If there weren't very good, non-invasive, widely available screening methods that could allow for less invasive, less impactful, less traumatic and less expensive treatment (a lumpectomy or single mastectomy without chemo is common for small tumors) I'd agree.

    Honestly, I'm terrified of death. But I also realize that if you live your life focused on avoiding the unavoidable, you're either irrationally going to be focusing on certain outcomes more than others or you aren't going to be able to function.

    I thin ms. Jolie is going to be okay. Call me crazy.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    woo finally got this shit running.

    Now to figure out why it freaks out when I set up email in Redmine
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    SammyF wrote: »
    I understand PantsB's immediate reaction to Jolie's surgery, however. The headline I read about it this morning went something like 'Jolie undergoes double mastectomy after learning of cancer risk,' which made it sound like all those pink ribbons finally penetrated her consciousness, and she discovered that breast cancer was a thing.

    I actually didn't read any further because my reaction to that thought was, "well, whatever, it's her body, not mine," and I flipped to find a news article that actually affected my own life. But I gather now that this was actually something Jolie became very informed about -- enough so that she apparently had a doctor look into her own genetic profile? The emotional aspects of everything aside, if she went to that much effort, the amount of information she gathered leads me to imagine that she probably spent a lot more time thinking about this than I did when having a knee jerk reaction over a cup of coffee and a bagel with schmear.

    She has a gene that gives her an 87% chance of developing it. Reading the article, she seems like she knew what was going on and was forced to make a shitty choice. So yeah, not a knee jerk thing.
  • kaleeditykaleedity bad biscuits make the baker broke bro Registered User regular
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Mim wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Mim wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    running through FF VIII again i'm amazed at how much easier i'm finding it, bosses i remember repeatedly kicking my ass are giving me no trouble at all now

    as much as i would like to think it;s just because i am now x10 more leet at gaming than my 12 year old self it probably has a lot more to do with the fact 12 year old me found the junction tutorials absolutly incomprehensible

    if you understand how they work though it makes the game a little take-the-piss-easy

    like, "all my chars have HP in excess of 2000 and the boss can only deal damage of 160 at a time assuming i don't use protect spells" easy

    i think the difficulty curve will catch up to me eventually though and i'm looking forward to it, it's another FF i never completed because of a near end game boss i couldnt get past because i never learned how any of the junction stuff worked...

    I feel like I should retry FFX because 15-year-old me didn't understand the whole ...sphere system thing (I forgot what it's called), so maybe I'll get it now.

    I'm betting I won't but it's worth a shot.

    the sphere grid ain't hard

    it gives you the illusion of a lot of choice and complexity but in reality unless you find craploads of key spheres lying around (i never do) you aren't going to have that many paths to choose from

    it's mostly a linear progession for each char with a handfull of forks in the road

    Well, it seemed difficult at the time. I asked my then-boyfriend to help me figure it out and he was all "What are you, stupid?" Which

    1. He was my first boyfriend so it was extra ouch-y

    2. Damn son, I asked you for help not to belittle me.

    But whatever, I hope his boyfriend cheats on him.

    oh don't get me wrong i'm not judging you at all

    the first few times i played FFX i was utterly confused by it and sort of just winged it and guessed my way through, then i noticed that there wasn't actually a lot of choices for me to make in there and the charicters always ended up more or less the same

    like i said it's a system that gives the illusion of complexity but actually isn't mostly FFX is just a grind to get as many sphere levels as you can to get decently far along the path

    Bolded: Wut?

    My first boyfriend dated me knowing he was in love with some other dude. We broke up and now he and said dude are still together. Just waiting for the day for karma to get back at him.
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    hmm so ppups and dk and whoever else knows about computer shit

    my interweb cuts out intermittently and I can fix it by restarting the modem and router

    what is the likely source of this problem and would a new router fix it

    I am thinking of getting a new router anyway because this one has shit coverage in my house

    first most likely cause is the wire. do you have DSL or cable?

    um, time warner cable

    when your internet freaks, is it only the wireless devices, or is it wired machines too?
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • zagdrobzagdrob Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    PantsB wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    PantsB wrote: »
    By the way, on average you have a ~40% of getting cancer on average and between 1/8 and 1/4 chance of dying of cancer. Until we get robot bodies, that's how it is. You can't just chop shit off that might get a tumor.

    That's true, but that's also across all body systems. If a single body part, that is removable with few physical consequences, is more than doubling the risk of the entire body, it is far from crazy to remove it.

    If there weren't very good, non-invasive, widely available screening methods that could allow for less invasive, less impactful, less traumatic and less expensive treatment (a lumpectomy or single mastectomy without chemo is common for small tumors) I'd agree.

    Honestly, I'm terrified of death. But I also realize that if you live your life focused on avoiding the unavoidable, you're either irrationally going to be focusing on certain outcomes more than others or you aren't going to be able to function.

    This is a decent point.

    Hell, Jolie has the money that she could have a live-in doctor perform a daily screening to feel for lumps / growths. If she really wanted to, she could afford to buy an in-house MRI machine if she really wanted to and get checked out that way every day.

    But at the same time, it's always going to be there - some risk that one day she'll find out that she has cancer, or that it's spreading too fast, or whatever. Even if she survives the treatment, it's likely to take years off her life (both time lost being treated, and side effects from the treatment).

    I just respect her decision and - in her place I would probably do the same thing. I don't think this is irrational since she has significant and specific risk factors.
    zagdrob on
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    that awesome from Geth is ominous.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Also screw you @Sammyf for making me want a bagel. There's nowhere around here that sells 'em!
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • kaleeditykaleedity bad biscuits make the baker broke bro Registered User regular
    I should say by significantly better

    I mean it looks less shitty. My router performs extremely well for how much I've paid for it compared to other routers (do not buy the RT-N15 even if you find it at a dirt price)
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    hmm so ppups and dk and whoever else knows about computer shit

    my interweb cuts out intermittently and I can fix it by restarting the modem and router

    what is the likely source of this problem and would a new router fix it

    I am thinking of getting a new router anyway because this one has shit coverage in my house

    first most likely cause is the wire. do you have DSL or cable?

    um, time warner cable

    when your internet freaks, is it only the wireless devices, or is it wired machines too?

    no they all go down

    like I used to have my imac wired and then everything else wireless and we'll just have occasional times when it all dies

    the lights on both of the boxes still flash

    I never tried just cycling one -- if I cycle both, internet comes back
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    hmm so ppups and dk and whoever else knows about computer shit

    my interweb cuts out intermittently and I can fix it by restarting the modem and router

    what is the likely source of this problem and would a new router fix it

    I am thinking of getting a new router anyway because this one has shit coverage in my house

    first most likely cause is the wire. do you have DSL or cable?

    um, time warner cable

    when your internet freaks, is it only the wireless devices, or is it wired machines too?

    no they all go down

    like I used to have my imac wired and then everything else wireless and we'll just have occasional times when it all dies

    the lights on both of the boxes still flash

    I never tried just cycling one -- if I cycle both, internet comes back

    I would start out by just replacing the cable between the modem and the wall. That might solve it for you right there. It's probably the shittiest cable the installer could have provided you.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    I think i have overestimated my abilities... again.

    i don't know where to start off with my RPG system idea...

    Also, i'd need a name for it... :|
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    So a 15 year old boy with homosexual feelings tried to play into heteronormative society while denying his true feelings, something all too uncommon and unfortunate, and he was also a typical asshole 15 year old geek who was snotty about video games


    you still want him to be cheated on by the love of his life.

    What was that about being 15 years old again
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    I have Internet!!!
    It does kind of suck though.
    Still, first time I was in this town the rooms didn't have TVs. There was a TV room with a satellite hookup.

    Behold the future
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    Also, i'd need a name for it... :|
  • kaleeditykaleedity bad biscuits make the baker broke bro Registered User regular
    even after what I've been saying I'd probably go with that air router over asus stuff for what you're going to use it for
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    Also, i'd need a name for it... :|


    I should check the general roleplaying thread in CF for that, but i'm afraid they'll dismiss me as a wide-eyed idealistic idea man...
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    Damn ludious

    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Here's to you, jolie's boobs!

    You were pretty awesome, shame to see you go. But atleast you won't be killing the rest of her this way.

    bottoms up!
    Abdhyius on
  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Registered User regular
    North Carolina could ban Tesla from selling its cars if a bill designed to eliminate "unfair competition" becomes law.

    'lectric cars are witchcraft.
    "All models are wrong; some models are useful."
  • kaleeditykaleedity bad biscuits make the baker broke bro Registered User regular
    North Carolina could ban Tesla from selling its cars if a bill designed to eliminate "unfair competition" becomes law.

    'lectric cars are witchcraft.

    I'd be surprised if only NC did this
  • cptruggedcptrugged Buster Machine 3Registered User regular
    kaleedity wrote: »
    North Carolina could ban Tesla from selling its cars if a bill designed to eliminate "unfair competition" becomes law.

    'lectric cars are witchcraft.

    I'd be surprised if only NC did this

    Actually saw a Tesla on the road yesterday. I'd never seen one before. Seemed pretty nice.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    I would start out by just replacing the cable between the modem and the wall. That might solve it for you right there. It's probably the shittiest cable the installer could have provided you.


    but presumably the cable running through the walls and to the whatever outside are all the same shitty quality?
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    ugh my boss is ragin' and it's making me uncomfortable

    not uncomfortable enough that he's like, in the wrong, this is my damage that i gotta deal with

    but ugh
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    Hmm, self-doubt is eating at me.

    I have not played a lot of tabletop RPGs... how am i to expect to make one from scratch if I don't have any experiences to draw from.

  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    Also, i'd need a name for it... :|


    I should check the general roleplaying thread in CF for that, but i'm afraid they'll dismiss me as a wide-eyed idealistic idea man...

    well if they do, tell them to fuck off. Don't think they will, though.
  • PantsBPantsB Registered User regular
    North Carolina could ban Tesla from selling its cars if a bill designed to eliminate "unfair competition" becomes law.

    'lectric cars are witchcraft.

    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    This cup of Broccoli Cheddar Soup from the Publix deli is pretty delish.
  • SammyFSammyF Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Shivahn wrote: »
    SammyF wrote: »
    I understand PantsB's immediate reaction to Jolie's surgery, however. The headline I read about it this morning went something like 'Jolie undergoes double mastectomy after learning of cancer risk,' which made it sound like all those pink ribbons finally penetrated her consciousness, and she discovered that breast cancer was a thing.

    I actually didn't read any further because my reaction to that thought was, "well, whatever, it's her body, not mine," and I flipped to find a news article that actually affected my own life. But I gather now that this was actually something Jolie became very informed about -- enough so that she apparently had a doctor look into her own genetic profile? The emotional aspects of everything aside, if she went to that much effort, the amount of information she gathered leads me to imagine that she probably spent a lot more time thinking about this than I did when having a knee jerk reaction over a cup of coffee and a bagel with schmear.

    She has a gene that gives her an 87% chance of developing it. Reading the article, she seems like she knew what was going on and was forced to make a shitty choice. So yeah, not a knee jerk thing.

    Wait 87% Really? It was as high as 87%?

    I'm surprised I didn't just read that 40 times. :p

    The actual percentage doesn't matter to me very much. There's not some magical threshold where I'm going to say, "you lopped off your titties for a mere 72%?! You dumb crazy bitch." Rather, it's the fact that she actually found out what genes she was carrying. Generally speaking, family history is the limit most people go to when determining risk factors from an oncology standpoint. You have a grandparent who died of breast cancer? Okay, well, in that case there might be a genetic risk, so we'll make sure we schedule you for more regular mammograms. Going through the time and expense to actually look into her own genetic profile so she knew exactly what she was dealing with leads me to believe that whatever her percentages were, she made an informed decision based on the most complete set of facts available to her at the time. I don't feel much point in second guessing anyone who will do that.
    SammyF on
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    oh nooo i reached the bottom of the cup
  • kaleeditykaleedity bad biscuits make the baker broke bro Registered User regular
    I've had issues with bad cat5 cables, but issues with connection quality are rare. The only issue I've been able to fix by replacing cat5 cables is total non-functionality.
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    SammyF wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    SammyF wrote: »
    I understand PantsB's immediate reaction to Jolie's surgery, however. The headline I read about it this morning went something like 'Jolie undergoes double mastectomy after learning of cancer risk,' which made it sound like all those pink ribbons finally penetrated her consciousness, and she discovered that breast cancer was a thing.

    I actually didn't read any further because my reaction to that thought was, "well, whatever, it's her body, not mine," and I flipped to find a news article that actually affected my own life. But I gather now that this was actually something Jolie became very informed about -- enough so that she apparently had a doctor look into her own genetic profile? The emotional aspects of everything aside, if she went to that much effort, the amount of information she gathered leads me to imagine that she probably spent a lot more time thinking about this than I did when having a knee jerk reaction over a cup of coffee and a bagel with schmear.

    She has a gene that gives her an 87% chance of developing it. Reading the article, she seems like she knew what was going on and was forced to make a shitty choice. So yeah, not a knee jerk thing.

    Wait 87% Really? It was as high as 87%?

    I'm surprised I didn't just read that 40 times. :p

    The actual percentage doesn't matter to me very much. There's not some magical threshold where I'm going to say, "you lopped off your titties for a mere 72%?! You dumb crazy bitch." Rather, it's the fact that she actually found out what genes she was carrying. Generally speaking, family history is the limit most people go to when determining risk factors from an oncology standpoint. You have a grandparent who died of breast cancer? Okay, well, in that case their might be a genetic risk, so we'll make sure we schedule you for more regular mammograms. Going through the time and expense to actually look into her own genetic profile so she knew exactly what she was dealing with leads me to belief that whatever her percentages were, she made an informed decision based on the most complete set of facts available to her at the time. I don't feel much point in second guessing anyone who will do that.

    Oh for sure, her body, her choices, etc.

    But yes it was 87% chance.

    I am fond of my Russian roulette metaphor: eight chambered cylinder, only one has nothing in it, go.

    Like Jesus that is one of the biggest percentages I've seen in medicine, that sucks.
This discussion has been closed.